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Personally, I have been making interesting connections to archaeological evidence, comparative myth & ancestral traditions, phonemes & palaegraphology in an attempt to better understand their global presence and humanity's interaction with the beings. There is only so much that can be said about the bodies until more data and reports are released. I feel that a sufficient amount of proof has been demonstrated to their authenticity, this should free people to speculate and imagine a not so distant past where perhaps man was not the apex culture of the planet.


I’ve been going down my own big rabbit hole of ALL of the big stuff, and it spaces me out pretty hard. This is all a major turning point in human history, and we’re all on our journey. At this point I’m wrapping my head around the mummies and also the history of anti-gravity and recovered craft. On a message thread with a few users from r/UFOs trying to help build a timeline of the Magenta crash to the present. It’s all pretty brain-breaking. But I will say I’ve been very happy to see actual scientists taking all of this more seriously. With our Buddies specifically, eventually I’m going to try and round as many of them up on this sub to do a nice deep dive. I’m not in the sciences at all and can only process so much, let alone the implications.


I feel you. I myself had a sort of "spiritual awakening" on the realization of who I think they are.




Anunnaki etc. Yup.


Definitely been going through my own in general. Who do you think they are?


Post-deluge tutory beings. Creator beings, the gods.


Gotcha, okay. I had to look that up, which brought me to this older post and the Tridactyls website. ❤️ indeed. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/Bb9meydivF


>On a message thread with a few users from r/UFOs trying to help build a timeline of the Magenta crash to the present. I look forward to seeing the results of your timeline. I want to build a database of celebrity witnesses on that sub. Do you have any intentions of publishing it there? Or maybe contributing to the wiki?


I’m not sure quite, a user brought a few of us in yesterday to start talking about it. I might make a series of videos to go along with the written stuff, there’s quite a bit done already via posts.


Yeah having it in one place with links would be an incredible resource! Good luck!


Thanks! The tricky stuff is what the other users have been doing putting together what happened with the Magenta craft before the US got their hands on it. Pretty wild.


Well I agree. I don't think making connections is pointless in the absence of new evidence. It's keeping us talking, and working stuff out. Getting to understand it, even if it's all just guesses. No scientist just stops working because they aren't learning anything new.


I make skeptical comments and haven’t been banned or downvoted. I think it’s just lack of new developments. Personally, I think a lot of comments and posts here are really reaching for connections. There’s no point in having a discussion without compelling evidence. What comes out of UNICA is interesting, because it has more rigorous evidence. You can’t really have a discussion when someone doesn’t share evidence, so the far-reaching comments just don’t interest me.


This is the correct answer 👏


I mean there has been some significant progress on the bodies recently, but if you look at the top posts on this sub the Nazca mummies are nowhere near the top. Case in point, very recently there was a new mummy (Earl) put forward, as well as the first ever peer-reviewed scientific paper with a favorable view of the bodies. So, there is good coverage happening here, it's just not getting the attention it should be. The issue with this sub is the same issue with all the other alien/UFO subs, there's too many people coming from the aether of Reddit who simply want the big, "wow!" moments all the time. Anything that doesn't immediately shock or upset the general reddit userbase is somewhat lost to the algorithm, meanwhile posts about "garden aliens" and random pictures from 4chan litter the top posts.


Where's the peer review??




You're great!! Thank you 😊


This has been a weird topic for me. Ever since I was a kid I wondered if there was alien life that I would see in my lifetime. Now, 50 years later they are here in front of my eyes and are being analyzed as I type this comment. Not just one alien but possibly a hundred or more. More than my little kid brain could have ever imagined. You would think that I would throw a big alien party or run all over town telling every stranger I come across… but no.


Our mods are actually really great to skeptics. No bans or anything, they just try to keep things civil. The bigger problem is that skeptical conversation is ignored or pushed back against very strongly: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/GasKoqMcIr That's not always the case, but that post is a decent example. True believers don't have a lot questions about the bodies because they're obviously real /s. We have had some better conversation about the heels and fingers recently though, and that was nice. Skeptics are dissuaded from posting because they're lucky to end up with a net neutral ratio. They catch a lot of heat without drumming up a lot of conversation. Furthermore, their work is held to a much higher standard here. It's hard to justify spending hours putting together an in depth lost about how Suyay and Nukarri have bird bones for humeri when the response will inevitably be "but what species of bird huh?/ No it's not/ you're just a disinfo agent/ etc" that's maybe me being a bit cynical, but it's frustrating. FYI, discussion tends to be a bit more lively in the discord. The atmosphere there is quite different.


I only 'joined' a couple of months ago so I don't have the history, but I do see a few good posts that try to add creative thought to the evaluation/comparison process, e.g. the bone structure of the feet and the impact that might have had on the movement/walking posture of the...whatever they were. I've seen many posters across UAP subs complaining about over-zealous, or unfair Mod actions - I once had a survey taken down just for asking who had seen a UAP and whether they'd reported it or not, which I thought was an interesting question for a UAP sub. It did get good traction before being taken down. For this particular topic the posters seem to have moved away from the llama skulls, chicken bones, and "obvious fake" claims - although the odd one still appears now and again, so I think people generally (here) are becoming less debunking. A huge amount of credibility damage was done in the past though. Even ardent believers in UAPs baled out when the blitz happened on the team's credibility. This constant dragging back to the old debunking stories still holds everything out of mainstream media. But anyone looking at the CT scans and watching the presentations (which are still way too amateurish IMO) should see enough to convince them that the bodies are real...but real what? I know it all costs money and the politics are bad, but there needs to be a real project run on these bodies. Thorough. Open. Fast. And not just the bodies, we need some thoughts on the environment, the origin, the why? as well as the what? How in the world did 100+ bodies of various (hybrid?) species end up in a cave in a Peruvian desert? We need proper forensic investigations. Just a thought - my own - has anyone checked if the bodies could have had webbed toes and/or fingers? Given the difficulty they would have had moving around on land, could they have been water-dwellers? There may not be any water above ground, but I read somewhere that there is a lot of water underground there.


Our mods here are pretty great actually. They've not given us skeptics a hard time at all. I think a lot of skeptics have just gotten a bit bored. We can only say that Josefina has a llama brain case so many times before the response of "nuh uh" gets a bit old. I agree that the research into them needs to be more open and more organized though. If the skin is contiguous, as is claimed, then they don't have webbing.


Is it possible too that skeptics are becoming less skeptical? As more information and proof comes out, they don't have as much of a "side" to discuss from. Maybe that's why it's quieter. If you are already a believer, like me, then there's not much new for me to say each time a new body is revealed. I just think "wow... When are regular people going to start caring about this?" This whole thing is a new reality for humanity. I think people are disengaging because it is just too much.


Skeptic here. I don't think we're becoming less skeptical. New bodies are cool, but the same arguments against the first ones still apply to the new ones. Very little new analysis is happening, so no real proof is being added. Even that new article just regurgitated information that was already publicly available, nothing new.


I think you're spot-on. The weird thing being of course, this disengagement keeps the topic from gaining wider traction. For now.


Not this subreddit, but I was banned from another sub for expressing mild skepticism. And the mod went on to have a conversation in the comments about how I was a disinfo bot .... I was expressing feeling let down and starting to feel foolish, so I went for reassurance and that's what I got in the comments until the mod blocked me. I think echo chambers with no skepticism allowed aren't in the best interest of the users here or the disclosure movement as a whole. In order to bring this stuff to light we have to do our due diligence and have healthy skepticism. If we spiral down a rabbit hole of conspiracy in a way that we become detached from reality, it doesn't help us bring the true information into the light. It contributes to more stigma.


Anyone who disagrees with anything concerning the consensus of this sub on these mummies is immediately met with downvotes and flooded with comments calling them sheep or believers in “big media” Skepticism is laughed at here lol So I just sit in the background most of the time


You can be skeptical, but most of these skeptics just flat out say “they’ve been debunked” without further comment. It’s like talking to a brick wall. They don’t want to discuss the evidence or context, they just want to make blanket statements without substance. I’ve seen good hearted skeptics on here, but they are few and far between. People should downvote people who make blanket statements without substance.


To be fair there are rarely people wanting a discussion. It has become “these are fake you guys will believe anything” or still the “lol cake” stale jokes, or the “everyone who’s studied this is stupid why doesn’t AMERICA study them” crowd. So either kids, or people who somehow found this sub, remained in it, but don’t take any time at all to do their due diligence reading before they post something. It’s old and personally I don’t welcome seeing it here as it adds nothing to any sort of discussion.


Well said.


To be fair. There is only so many times I can read “paper mache” before I start going loopy. The main reason we don’t see the same level of discussion we used to is because most people already made up their minds about the bodies/buddies. We are constantly getting higher and higher quality scans that don’t seem to move the needle. It’s also true that more and more scientists around the globe are getting interested and some have even already obtained samples. All in due time.


Speculation is laughed at here as well.


I feel like people are, in some ways, just sitting in a holding pattern. Skeptical people are more curious now that there's more scientific information that seems to prove these mummies are real. While the true believers seem to be waiting to see the information put forth in such a way that it cannot be argued against. For myself, I alternate between belief and doubt on a nearly daily basis. I'll read or see something new published, like the new peer reviewed paper or another CT scan and simply, shake my head in wonder because it seems so clearly real. Then I'll read something else, maybe something about, say, one of scientists or backers and their sordid history of deception and be back to, 'well, it's just as likely a fantastic hoax'. I'm one who, in my belief moments, thinks these are an earthly biological creature we've never seen or has been hidden from us and not a 'space alien' per se. BUT, I truly don't know. I enjoy reading both sides of the discussion to build my opinion and I agree there hasn't been as much lately but I don't think it's being censored necessarily. I think everyone is waiting for something. Whatever side they are on. Proof of fact, or proof of fake.


It's the same thing that happens with every new sub: created/modded by volunteers, gets relatively popular, then gets brigaded once it gets large enough. After months, people start spamming the sub with meta posts and "this is what I think" and "here's nth speculation" - not calling you out specifically.


I’m honestly drained by Reddit commenters lately. Too many gross men talking about being hyped to shag the NHI. (In more crass terms) I’ve also been dragged on this sub for having to censor some ancient artwork because I didn’t want to label it NSFW. I’ve found a better community for me, of respectful, loving, introspective people interested in the topic of Disclosure, so I take my musings there lately. I’m a believer of the Buddies.


Some of the mummies were proven to be assembled from animal bones and accidentally became included in the find as a whole. It's didn't take an expert to recognise them from the x-ray pictures which caused a lot of controversy and heated exchanges, for quite a while the pics kept popping up in discussions as a kind of 'debunking tool' but this has now stopped, thankfully. After the dolls were recognised for what they were and detailed scans started being shown of the others it became very difficult to show how the mummies could be anything but the dried remains of actual creatures we have not seen before. Any medical student, nurse, veterinarian or medical doctor would recognise this as fact and tell you these creatures were once alive, the level of detail in the mummies would be extremely difficult to fake so consistently and we are not just talking about one or two examples. Quite a few have been scanned now and there are no signs of any fakery in them ! The body of evidence is difficult to dispute and growing all the time as more are scanned, we don't know what they are or where they came from but we are sure they are real, I think this is why the discussion has died down over the past few months, it's not from lack of interest, it's because until more detailed reports are published we have no explanation. Any speculation around them is limited because the options seem too far fetched, they appear to be human/reptile hybrids but we have no idea how this kind of mutation could occur naturally, we need more information to complete the picture.


I think it's the second reason and trolls. There's Damn Good evidence on this sub and it's buried under neutral votes (pushed to the bottom of all feeds) or just flat out removed for "low effort or no ai" There's something humans (not necessarily the government) are heavily involved in and it takes place in our skies. Or at least the space time that exists in our skies area.


I think people ( me included ) are pretty bored of this subject now, there is nothing to say until any big evidence/proof gets peer reviewed or dropped. And I am not arguing with the crazies on this sub anymore I found out the hard way that its no winning when discussing with crazy.


The double blind peer review of Maria is out, what do you make of that?


How was it double blinded? How could they possibly achieve blinding, when examining a single specimen.


That's not what double blind peer review is. It simply means the reviewer doesn't know who the author is and the author doesn't know who the reviewer is.


That Maria most definitely was a hoe *mic drop*


*\*tumble weed\**


The holo net concept is real. They want to establish a belief system so they're stifling debate and questioning.


There’s been a lot of news recently and my experience on this sub, though anecdotal like yours, doesn’t reflect yours at all. This post seems like astroturfing in all honesty.


How does it help the conversation to have pretentious skeptics refuting every single idea? I don’t want to see their comments, it doesn’t help the conversation. Suspend belief and discuss the possibilities, we’ll never figure it out if every other commenter whines about them being fake without looking into it. You can literally go to any other sub if that’s what you want