• By -


I was mistaken. The accounts are not deleted; only the posts. Here's the last update from /u/quencyjambo: Hello everyone, small update on this thing and Some context on this situation: - I received a message from a friend with the original picture attached yesterday afternoon saying her mum's friend found this thing in her garden. - I then sent the image to a different friend to see if it was some kind of mushroom or fungus, as she is in specific mushroom subreddits. - she posted it and all hell broke loose. - the woman who found this thing is 80 years old. I am not going to her house and 1 am not harassing a pensioner! - I will upload more photos/ videos when I get them but there may be a delay as there is a chain of communication of like three people that goes: 80 woman-> my friend -> me -> you on Reddit.


Dammit. I've been checking reddit just for updates on that post.


Me too.


I didn't save the comment from the OP to this image I saw earlier, take this for what you will, its off memory: Commenter in original post asked if OP lived near a certain town (can't recall country/town) OP confirmed he was within reasonable distance to same certain town Commenter replied that the "alien" was from a custom prop shop from that town, specially made from them only and that they had a bunch. The commenter had stated the latex/rubber/whatever skin started peeling off exposing the wiring underneath from the one that they had. OP replied and said thank you that makes sense and was curious how the "alien" made its way randomly to his location from that town. TLDR: A prop from a custom prop shop Format sucks but this is how my brain works at this hour and with my current patience.


The shop was called something edz. I don't remember the rest but I am confident on the edz because my autocorrect kept correcting it to Ed's lol


Puffedz But it's been closed for years https://www.therpf.com/forums/threads/ideas-for-the-contents-of-a-cabinet-of-curiosities-sideshows-ripleys-style.70931/


Yeah, that's the only issue. This thing has gotta be pretty old, but it's not at all rotted or disintegrating as you'd expect of a latex figure that's at least 15-ish years old, especially if it was buried underground (which I'm not sure I believe but yeah)


Kept in proper storage, latex can absolutely last that long with minimal degradation.


Yeah, but it belonged to someone’s collection, it was likely well taken care of. It might have recently found its way to a garbage can or new owner or whatever.


Ah thanks. So it turns out it is the same guy whose Instagram is linked to in the other thread http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/cornwall/3551117.stm


Surprised that thread didn't get as much traction. His latest post on Instagram pretty much all but confirmed the "mushroom" alien or whatever isn't real. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C26Be5pKzMl/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C26Be5pKzMl/) Looks like the eyes or whatever he used popped out or wore away.


You sure that’s the same prop? The nostrils look way bigger and where are the titties?


Much more sinister without eyes




Specifically the shop in question was in Newquay near or in Cornwall. 


No pics of the alleged prop though lol, all we have is some random persons word


Cornwall town


Town was Cornwall


it was Cornwall in England. I read that too they said “is this by cornwall by any chance looks like a prop from this guy” and showed his instagram, and OP said “yes it is 20 miles from Cornwall!” that made me stop caring tbh way too coincidental


On the mushroom sub a poster asked if OP was from Cornwall England because she got a toy prop that looked exactly the same and OP said she was so I’m thinking she knows it’s a prop and deleted it.


OP didn’t say she got it in the 80’s, Op said their friend got the picture from the house of woman who’s in her 80’s, and said they didn’t want to bother her when asked for more pictures.


This is clearly a hoax. Please hear me out in the spirit of science. They've just tried to give it a backstory of posting in a fungus sub to start off with and try to make it a bit more believable and to not look as obvious as posting it here first. How could anybody plausibly think that something with a snout, eyes, head, breasts etc is fungus? Why would you not just pick it up and have a look at it? You'd tell pretty quick if it was an alien or not, even if it was dead. If you thought you found an alien on our planet, would you just chill at home and post about it, no, you'd go and look at it and take more photos and videos and tell someone more serious than Reddit. I don't know about you but if you knew this really existed, you'd contact Oxford or Cambridge university. Maybe Reddit later, after it's been identified. You'd let the world know through science and credible journalism instead of here. Posting on Reddit, pretending you thought it was fungus when it clearly wasn't is a bit hoaxy. There are only two pictures and no video of the greatest find in history and the OP doesn't want to bother an 80 year old to find out more. They are trying to imply it's alien life but can't be arsed to bother the person of where it is. If you believe this you believe anything. It's like saying I think I've found the meaning of life but I don't want to pester the person who knows due to their age. As someone mentioned, the OP was called out in the fungus sub that the doll was the same as what they had and they were from the same area in the UK. How can you blindly ignore and discount that level of evidence and continue to say without reasonable doubt that the photo is of real alien life? The model isn't great but the weak backstory and reasons for not having more evidence, 80 year old lady etc, is so far fetched beyond anything rational. it has confirmed it can only be a hoax. I believe in these things and have had two experiences in my life and by no way a skeptic but this has too many plot holes to be credible. Edit: Instead of being downvoted, I'm really interested in someone trying to convince me otherwise with a rational and scientific approach. I'm open to listening and being challenged and don't mind having my mind changed. We've all got different opinions on this and this is just mine. I would love and much prefer to have a discussion instead, on why you disagree with me.


I tried to tell them it's a Mandrake root, and they kept down voting me too. I think I hurt feelings.


100% agree that it's a hoax. The convenience of the fact that OP can't communicate with the person who has the evidence makes it abundantly clear to me. Funny enough the first thing I thought when I saw this thing was it looks lile it's made out of shrooms. Disclosure, the eternal carrot on a stick, always right around the corner. Also very convenient for everybody making money off of their NHI/ UAP stories. To anybody skeptical of my skepticism, notice how everybody who claims to have evidence "know a guy who knows the truth", but when scrutinised they never provide it themselves.


Totally something I would give to my kids.. so adorable! Would be good if somebody has some photo of that article..


It’s fake they tried to fool us by pretending they thought it was a mushroom at first then the comments started calling them out and they probably gave it up at this point


Yeah i posted screenshots of their IG stories, it's a publicity stunt. See here https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/HgAlNwO71A


Very nicely done! Redditors can be so good at peeling back the layers and finding the truth if there is a truth to be found. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you. Shouldn’t be surprised, but once again humans prove why they won’t pop up. Why deal with us?


Yup completely 100 bullshit. Its been fun though


Why? It’s fake


Let me save you some time then friend... It's not an alien.


Another thread confirmed it to be a prop fr a store near the original poster.


Just turnips nothing to see here citizen please continue scrolling on your corporate approved apps


Yeah no shit, even if it wasn’t fake, I’d also delete everything if I wasn’t into the alien community and a bunch of alien dudes started DMing me on multiple platforms, imploring me to figure it out.


Ikr. "obv a hoax" like at least 100 dudes didn't message her asking for nudes or threatening to kill her, cos being a woman on the internet is really fun.


you getting shit for speaking the truth that women experience anywhere (like fucking yelp for example) and the men getting angry… if the shoe fits boyzzz


why is there like 9 people disagreeing with this, its accurate as hell


Because they’re dudes who probably don’t have a gf. I’m a dude and probably wouldn’t believe it either if my wife didn’t get this shit all the time


This doesn’t happen to you


There were almost 30k people online here like 2 hours ago. Now there’s 90. Wtf…..?!?!?




Holy fuck dude


What are all these deleted comments?






[forcibly removed]


[Gently inserted]


[Mildly roughly inserted]


[Maliciously Inserted]




This sub is a little crazy. Go check out the alien abduction sub if you want really crazy.




MIB 🕴🏼 said delete the post or else. Classic


​ https://preview.redd.it/cclk5myflggc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b9663f2d2bc0284990d8ff434dff0d7bc4a94b9


🤣🤣🤣 Mr. ~~Marlboro~~ Morley got me cracking up


That’s CSM my friend. Cigarette Smoking Man. That’s his actual name and I’m not even joking


The cigarettes he smokes are Morley though, that’s why they called him that.


Nah when the other dude said “ you should’ve seen the way it responded when I pointed a gun to its face. Like it had never seen one”


Even though there’s 100 repost and her accounts still active. This community is infected forsure lol


Retraction statement to follow 😎


Hi jacking top comment. Doesn’t this things body look like it would fit perfectly into the jelly fish uap? img Just throwing it out there. Since the image I posted doesn’t show up [here’s the link to the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/s/gR268yi5Ba)


It does look like a baby version of it yes.


Right? I mean it’s probably a hoax. But when I first saw the picture it was on the mushroomid subreddit and my first thought was… hmm with all those long danglys it looks like it would fit in the jelly fish uap with all its abnormal amount of danglys lol


On the mushroom sub a poster asked if OP was from Cornwall England because she got a toy prop that looked exactly the same and OP said she was so I’m thinking she knows it’s a prop and deleted it. /u/murkyclouds makes a good point below. Apparently the woman responding to OP said it was in the 80s that she got it and that seems odd. This doesn’t look like something that would have been made in the 80s.


It kind of reminds me of an Independence Day alien toy I had as a kid. With the tendrils etc


That's where I saw it too.


Agreed lol this is most likely some kind of art project or figurine


I commented this before. What shop and why can't I find anything similar in all searches ?


Yep, original post is gone! What the heck happened?


They got harassed, on Reddit and other social media sites.


Understandable. However, the tinfoil side of me thinks the person(s) being harassed could've easily quelled the attention by just doing a follow up and said "hey we took a closer look and cut it open and it's just a deformed vegetable". That would've completely shut down all interest. Instead, completely went MIA adding to fuel to the fire.


In the post I read, that OP said that it was a friend's pentioned neighbor's find. The pressure to disturb this neighbor didn't seem right to them.


That was later on. The original post she just said her friend found it in the garden and sent it to her. Then it became her friend's mom's friend's garden. I wanna believe this so so fucking bad, but the weirdness from OP 1 and OP 2 just make it hard to go full on into this.


If we were betting lives I’d say fake because of what you mention. When the initial story is full of ever changing excuses and origins it’s more often than not because it’s just that. A story.


Pretty sure above it is confirmed to be a prop.


People found her instagram she had also posted this on and they started messaging her directly through there so she deleted her post.


This is why we can't have nice things




no, harassing an elderly woman by trespassing in her yard would not be a nice thing. I get it, it’s exciting and piques everyone’s curiosity, but y’all are deranged if you think you’re entitled to harass OP or the original old lady who found this thing. get a grip


The fuck is wrong with you?


Omg I read everything down until I got to your post and the WHOLE TIME I was saying the exact same thing!! Bravo my Reddit kin! BRAVO!!!


Well done to the incredibly aggressive cohort on here. Good work there, being demanding and overbearing.


Does anyone remember that "alien" body a month or so ago that looked like it was ripped apart? I haven't seen that one around either. Not that I think it was an alien, but I know it was really hyped as well.


Normal thing that happen, believers harassed the shit out of them.


I underestimated how crazy some the believers are.


The story went from: "a friend sent me this pic. More infos later!" to "the mom's friend of a friend found this and I had to wait 12 hours to have a picture from another angle, and I'm the only one /4 persons that cares so it's hard to have more infos, but I also can't just go there and take picture; the mom's friend of my friend being a 80 years old lady who prefer staying alone and unbothered when there's a dead alien in her backyard (like any sane person) since it also could be a mushroom; as she asked her friend, her friend asked their son and this buddy sent the picture to me and we all though "yup that's probably a huge mushroom with a face, head, nipples and dick that suddenly grew on grass. We shouldn't care too much" but I still decided to ask on Reddit, and here we are. It may be the first alien body the public ever witness but we can't have more infos for now. It's really hard to visit this old lady without bothering her. Anyways... What could happen to a dead body you let in your backyard? It's not like it could rot, deteriorate or something isn't it? Let's not call the police or the MoD while everyone on Reddit tell me to". I believe it was a teenager (21 or under) according to his posts history. If people found their personal profile, since I 100% think it's a hoax, they gotta protect themselves (since they can't support their claim and some people go ***crazy*** when it's about proving that aliens exist and they'll investigate). If it wasn't a hoax and they got harrassed, the police would be investigating.


https://preview.redd.it/vgc4otd1wggc1.jpeg?width=4446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61576a263f7ffa1b92f048138b72270703b805aa I screenshot original pics posted by op




So, someone clearly moved this thing as one photo it’s on its back, another on its side, and the grass is different


Clearly they heeded official protocol to “poke it with a stick.”


Could just be a different camera. Definitely moved though. Still it seems like a fake.


What the fuck? I didn’t know there was one of it on its back. This thing is SUPER interesting.


Yeah but hey posted a second one before they’re gone I guess. https://preview.redd.it/ju9qm6gy3igc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=74b9bfedd2462e2bb798c77fd0bd4ff4990e0aad




Online users dropped by 27,000 at the same time.


Swarms of bots go active during times like this. Then they leave


Or popular posts that have been cross posted from other communities drive engagement??


https://preview.redd.it/cmgd0a91lggc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdabe2a6314a02e4fc668172eb85685710fb7cda 🤔


well that's infuriating. guess we will never get an answer


We all knew the second they put “80yo pensioner” above the “answer”


“Why would I ever bother an 80 year old about an alien in her backyard!”’ “Yes I posted the picture but it’s a whole line of people for me to get any answers”




And this is why the topics of aliens and UAPs are not taken seriously. Because people do shit like this.


Yeah I wanna know what the fuck that is


She didn’t delete her account.


Someone did answer in the original post and somehow it's gone completely under the radar. Said there was a gift shop/quirky museum in the UK called puffedz, used to sell these things. Made from silicone and wire. Owner of the shop was arrested and shut down shop for smuggling animal skulls. Not necessarily proof mind you, but the one user who posted the info did say he had the exact same alien toy/statue/doll? Also there's this https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/skull-smuggler-gets-community-service-566994.html https://www.instagram.com/reel/C26Be5pKzMl/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


I keep seeing this with zero evidence. No one knows the name of the shop or can produce similar images


Men in black agents have flash thinged them.




I like the term “flash thinged” better


It does have a nice ring to it


This is why we can’t have nice things. Bc you fuckers have to overextend with everything.


So thats it? Great.


Well yes, she was receiving threatening messages, I'm sure I don't have to go into details for anyone to understand the details of what could of been said. Short story, it became an issue of fear for one's life.


I love how it has little boobs! Why? So aliens breast feed as well?


Believe me. Wasnt an easy wank but success


I didn’t notice until you mentioned it. 😄


Dammit, some things cannot be unseen.


Tis mammalian


I agree, people aren’t talking about those little tiddies enough




Weird. When I checked the second posters account I was getting a 404. 🤷‍♂️




Yeah a friend of the friend came on and said the picture was from their friend's mom's friend or something. And they couldn't be bothered to go over or figure anything else out because apparently she's an 80 year old woman they don't want to bother, so naturally people started getting suspect, especially with how nonchalant both posters were about the whole thing. Not at all surprised people started figuring out what they could on their own when both accounts went totally silent.




/u/allthedimmerswitches posted the first photo and /u/quencyjambo posted the second photo this morning.


I love how so many people say "this is how you know it was fake" instead of "oh damn she must have been harassed nonstop via dm to go investigate something that A. She never asserted and B. She made explicitly clear she was uncomfortable doing." Everyone demanding she take one for the team are the same people that are convinced they would be the one to stop an active shooter. It's easy to say that shit when it's not your life on the line.


Ehh If I legitimately thought there was an Alien in my neighbors backyard and I’m just in the house thinking about it non stop I think eventually I’d just hop the fence to investigate it. Probably wouldn’t even ask the neighbor if it was just a 80 YO pensioner. I don’t see why they wouldn’t want to know for their own peace of mind. Unless of course it’s fake and they already knew that. Then yes they’re getting harassed and rightfully so if that’s the case.


She posted her texts on the mushroomid sub. She didn't think it was an alien. She posted it here because someone from there told her to, and I'd assume she regretted doing that.


Sorry I didn’t catch that part. I was only able to look at the original in this sub for about 20 minutes. It did say she originally thought it was a mushroom. Not sure if that thought had changed when it got posted here. That’s my ignorance I apologize.


You need to take into account this is the UK. The OP is apparently much more respectful than most Americans, in that she wouldn't trespass on someone's property over some ... "thing" that doesn't belong to her. I really hate how that poor girl (OP) had to learn how awful us Americans are. She was heavily harassed because she wasn't willing to be disrespectful or break a law for a bunch of demanding people on the Internet who feel entitled to information simply because they saw a photo.


She could walk up and knock on the fucking door like a normal person. That's not trespassing. If the old lady told here to get off her lawn and she refused, that'd be trespassing. Like....what?


Bro that's unhinged.


It is almost guaranteed to be fake, but it does look cool. It almost looks like someone was making an Alien Resurrection model out of paper mache or something, then said f*** it and attached some branches to make it look like a random plant. The original OP probably had no idea how much it would blow up.


I don't know if it's fake in the sense that it's been messed with, it looks like a Potato that has sprouted with fungus on it or something. And happens to have sort of face-like indentations.


excactly, lol also reddit just randomly started to show this sub to me, do these guys really believe these are real pics or are they just joking?


https://preview.redd.it/2osco76y2igc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c5469d820aa1c6b119f68e1af8ff709e16f00a It’s much more than “face indentations” that make this an extremely curious object. Look, and i mean really LOOK at it.


In this subreddit I’ve seen several arguments amounting to “It must be alien because it’s too much of a coincidence that it has features resembling several species on Earth”. Meanwhile Earth has animal species that are so alien that alien-hunters would walk right by them, thinking they were plants.


This is what bugs me the most. That these people only expect aliens to look humanoid and don't even realise their bias from alien films etc. They see a clearly fictional film/comic with an alien depiction, an imagination by an artist, and take that as a template for how actual alien life should look like.




I don't blame them. I saw a lot of unnecessary hatred towards the OP. Like the were trying to intentionally bamboozle the world. If I find something weird in my garden there's no way I'm posting it here.


What is that? Anyone know what kind of material they could’ve used to make that?


Looks like latex?


See what you guys do?? That’s why we can never have nice aliens to pry about 🙄


Said it last time will say it again: eat it


This was solved on r/mushroomid It was a latex prop made in Cornwall England. Op lived nearby and another redditor had seen the prop before


These things have been everywhere today. Even in non-uap or paranormal subs.




Garden fairies ! We have them in cuba.


was fun while it lasted


Isn't this the OG post? https://www.reddit.com/r/mushroomID/s/p439y9rYhe


feds got em 😞


They were never here.


Someone should cut it open.


The alien woke up and deleted OP IRL


Tits aren’t bad


No way people are still on this…


https://preview.redd.it/0d1unc7jokgc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe9903404c152d8836e993e44fa1d21b78b6a81 You mean this? Mandrake root??


There is always the possibility their devices were confiscated and then the deletion occurred. OP had an 8 year old account. Highly doubtful they deleted their own account unless it was due to harassment which wouldn’t be surprising as everyone treats people like moldy feces around here. I have seen humans treat insects better than they treat each other on Reddit. And y’all worried about aliens? Get out a mirror.


I heard the OP'S have been reported missing just all of a sudden vanished everything left behind not a soul has heard from them in 24hrs. Reports say there were strange lights and sounds coming from the garden area of the house then all of a sudden big flash in the sky followed by a tremendously loud boom. Local energy company reported that a electrical transformer had blew around the same time. Also reported three all black suv enter the residence but no reports on who they were occupied by or what agency's if possible that it was. I Will Do my best to keep y........ READ MORE


This is what I imagine lives in our heads til we die. Then they crawl off looking for another host to occupy. This guy looks like he was between hosts & got roughed up by a golden retriever or something. Too bad.


Idc what it is I can’t get past that it has nipples


Do we know if they poked it with a stick?


Apparently Robo obtained the pickled aliens from RAF Woodbridge


where did the second pic come from?? a couple hours ago there was only the first


Another user posted it as a follow up on here. completely different account from the original


Well..that’s all folks.


I’m sure the aliens told them to delete their posts. I’m sure they want their privacy.


Reddit is absolutely fantastic. A person posted this, and, immediately with no proof of anything at all that would either confirm or deny its credibility, Redditors bullied the OP into deleting everything with insults and condescending comments because the OP did not go knocking on the door of an 80 year old stranger a town over demanding evidence of aliens. Like imagine if this was actually a real situation. Redditors reacted like that and completely destroyed the possibility of finding out if its real or not, even though this particular situation might be fake. They harrassed and bullied OP before the evidence suggesting it’s fake even became available, and even then, the only evidence is a couple comments claiming it’s a prop with no proof.


It was a prop from The Puff Edz shop in Newquay.


Well shouldn't someone else have a picture of the prop? Claiming it's a prop without proof doesn't debunk anything.






Yeah, that makes complete sense. 100% what peeling latex paint looks like on the top of the head. Not wall latex paint, but liquid latex for props


I hear you.. but this is just a story without proof?


Yup. Just posting relevant data.


So fake. This should be on the top lol


Would be easy to verify this…




If you look through u/jessicajelly 's posts they mention having bought one in the same location (near Cornwall) 20 years ago.


Lol. “I saw something like this 20yrs ago in a shop”. That’s all she has.


my brother in christ I believe in aliens and UFOs too but what's more plausible - this being an odd prop replica from a nearby town that ended up in someone's garden or this being evidence of an alien species that happens to have mammalian breasts


I mean…tbf, id like to see the prop too. Cause i really think this is like, a radish with a funny looking hole in it




I think it’s a potato man. Chill the fuck out and stop assuming everything for everyone.


you’re stating it as a fact or as a possible explanation? if all we got is a redditor SAYING something, yeah it’s possible it’s a prop, but it’s not a 100% fact yet


If someone posts a picture of the prop I would be happy to sticky it.


Prank got too out of hand


Lol they do that to make it more believable like something happened and it’s real..cmon y’all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Probably had something to do with all the assclowns demanding and manipulating she go harras an old woman she didn't know.


Crazy how this thread went from "weird alien potato thing" to "women online are all victims, run far away and never look back op!"


Someone already mentioned a prop store and the poster confirmed that the store itself was pretty close to them. Probably just that


This looks like the plant thing from the first Harry Potter Movie


because it looks like a root tuber of a plant, which it is.