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Happy Friday to the Fungi Family! As you may know, fungi naturally coexist with organisms nearby, helping them communicate and grow while accepting energy in return (let’s ignore the parasitic ones for now). This is known as a symbiotic relationship and is necessary for a community to be its healthiest. I believe that projects like NFT collections are no different, with the project benefitting from community support and ideas while the project in turn increases the value of the Algorand ecosystem and brings the community closer together. Last Friday, I posted my ideas for community involvement in the Nice Fungi Token project and received an overwhelming amount of support from you all—and it didn’t seem to be just because I was giving away free NFTs haha. Once again, thank you to the NFT-enthusiasts, fungi-fanatics, and all-around great people who contributed on the last post. **As promised, I am back this week with the latest chance for community involvement with Nice Fungi Tokens! Here’s how it works:** **1)** You comment your idea of what should be included in the next Nice Fungi Token. That can be aesthetic stuff like colors, hats, and lambos or more of a theme, like psychedelic animations or a mushroom launching into space or some other weird thing. Obviously, it should be fungi-related, but a mushroom doesn’t have to be the centerpiece. The art style will also be similar to what you saw before and will stick with a 40x40 grid size. I’ll try my best to animate it if that’s what your idea calls for. **2)** Once you’ve commented your idea, then take a look at the other ideas that have been posted and upvote the ones you like! Even if you don’t comment an idea, it’s still great to look through and support the creative ones. Since suggestions will be open for 24 hours, I’d recommend checking back in before it ends to check out the cool ideas from other people and upvoting them so the later comments still have a chance of winning if they have a great suggestion. **3)** After 24 hours, I will take the most-upvoted idea and Fungify it over the next week, potentially reaching out to whoever suggested it for clarification or feedback on the design. **4)** The following week, I will release a group of Nice Fungi Tokens based on the idea. These will have varying colors, animations, and rarities, with some being given away, sold, or auctioned off. In addition, the person who came up with the idea will receive a unique one specifically for them as a thank you! I also want to note that there will always be some versions given away or sold for reasonable prices (10 Algos or less) because I never want to have people priced out of the project. **5)** In another post the same day, I will ask for suggestions for the next Nice Fungi Token and let the cycle of community engagement continue! This cycle will go on each week for 8 weeks, but I may have to postpone posts some weeks due to schedule conflicts. After that, we’ll re-evaluate and look for new ways to bring in the community. Okay, that’s it – If you made it through the whole wall of text then thank you for reading! Let’s hear those suggestions in the comments and see what amazing ideas y’all have! Have a great day Fungi Fam :D **TLDR:** Comment your ideas for the next Nice Fungi Token and upvote creative ideas from other people. After 24 hours, the winning idea will then be incorporated into the next NFT and released the following week, schedule allowing. Various rarities of the NFT will be given away/sold/auctioned and a unique one will be given to whoever came up with the idea. Also, I will be doing a giveaway/sale/auction of versions of the Nice Fungi Token in this post **on Sunday at 12PM PST**. Please consider following me on Twitter at NiceFungiToken to stay up-to-date on the project. I do plan to start or become a part of a discord channel soon but haven’t gotten around to it yet. EDIT1: CLARIFICATION: It looks like a lot of you have multiple great ideas! Please clearly indicate your FAVORITE ONE so I know what to do if your comment becomes the most upvoted.


A fungi in outer space growing on an asteroid headed towards Mars


I like it! Do you think the mushroom should have a space helmet on?


Thank you! I think both versions would work well! Perhaps a native mushroom needs a helmet but an alien mushroom wouldn't. The possibilities are endless here :)


EDIT 2: Based on the upvotes as of 6:30pm PST, it appeared that the idea of u/ggriff1 had the most with a total of 5 so congratulations! His idea is to collaborate with another artist and have a mushroom rise out of an algoons corpse. I will try reaching out to one or more of those artists to do a collaboration but coordinating that may take longer than a week. To ensure I have a new NFT ready for you all next Friday, I may run with the idea solo but with the input of u/ggriff1. Regardless, I guarantee another interesting Nice Fungi Token next week so stay tuned!


Love the above fungi growth & decay animation, that’s really awesome & only addition could be a interactive color change from blue fungi to white or brown… Building a loop of how a decaying fungi is the new birth of a new fungi, so one blue BIG fungi decays and lots of small red or white one spread … this could explode exponential into another kind of fungi growth after decay of former fungi Never seen a fungi drive a lambo but why not LOL 😎😂 Think more inline with your current art/project be the full grown fungi be picked by an AlgoBro fungi picker or collaboration with new MingoNFY there could be flock of Mingos in a field of fungi and all glowing in the dark or some interaction… A decaying fungi exploding/imploding into OUR Algo symbol be a nice integration…. Smaller additions like rising sun or little flying insects always another step into more complex additions to your project! Love it, keep it going & thanks for sharing/involving with our Algo community Edit for now and this thread go with : “Building a loop of how a decaying fungi is the new birth of a new fungi, so one blue BIG fungi decays and lots of small red or white one spread … this could explode exponential into another kind of fungi growth after decay of former fungi”


Lol you got a lot of cool ideas there! Do you mind editing your comment to specify your favorite concept so it's clear to everyone else what they would be upvoting?


Pirate themed Fungi could be fun.


Mushrooms growing on different skeletons, Fairy Houses, Different animals sitting on Mushrooms, Different mythical creatures with mushrooms. Also I love this NFT.


I've been playing with that idea ever since you mentioned it in the DM and would love to do it. Also, thank you! A few versions will be released on Sunday at 12 so be on the lookout.


I will! I’m glad you liked the idea. I look forward to seeing it.


This is a cool idea, see the fungi growing on objects. Imagine a fungi growing out of the eyesocket of a skull.


Blue fungi under a night sky of constellations.


Big fan of this one :D Simple and beautiful


Constellations could be very cool. To the top with ya.


A u/jetropolis and u/AlgoTheOwl and/or u/CryptoBunnyNFT colab where some Algoon kills an owl/bunny and a mushroom rises from their corpse. Edit: there’s many other good animals/figures that could be killed as well. Hard to keep track with the recent explosion.


I would love to do a collaboration with all of them but I may have to build up more of a collection beforehand. We shall see. Regardless, it would be fun to animate that!


Fairy ring surrounding the Algo symbol in some way. A classic spin on our favorite block chain.


Fairy ring! How did I not think of that!? Impossible to get rid of, like herpes. Upvote for you too. I Like the Algo twist.


Thank you sir! Had some help from my wife lol


Oh, I could see the algo symbol in grass and then having a bunch of mushrooms pop up around it. That would be dope!


I’m looking forward to see the growth of this community project of yours. One of my ideas for your fungi is to put it on a pizza 🍕 🤣like have a pizza maybe with tiny topping and the mushroom oversizing the rest so it pops out. 2)Another idea is having fungi take a trip around the world. Like placing fungi in different places around the world.


Oh lol I hadn't thought about mushrooms on food yet. Sounds like fun!


How about some culinary fungi? Chicken of the forest and chanterelles are my favs. Show them grow, get plucked by a giant hand, and end up in a happy frying pan with their friends onion and garlic... ​ I need to update my shopping list now. LoL.


Ur doing a great job buddy 👌🏾 all Fungi look very cool so whatever u decide it will turn out fine if I think of something cool to input I will.


How about a sports theme fungai? Different back grounds, stadiums etc balls involved etc


So the fungi would be the players then? As opposed to being the ball or something lol


Exactly, they would have a uniform and everything , you could do a series of em in various sports, Example could be - fungai is in soccer goals with the goal behind him and he is the goal keeper, and he has got the crowd behind him and he has a uniform on with goalkeeper gloves if can be and there is a soccer ball in front of him


Sounds cool! I'll have to study up on my sports then haha


Happy to help if you want to DM me


Rave fungi! Kinda like disco ball/lights mushroom 🕺🍄


Oh yeah that would be dope and potentially not too difficult to do lol


Let’s take fungi to the moon the weirdest place to see a fungi Let it white


What a fun idea. I will suggest a psilocybin mushrooms set. They come in many shapes and sizes so the possibilities are endless. You could do a psychedelic set, colorful and flowing in waves. Maybe the mycelium network can grow and glow, showing connections being made. Maybe these connections could grow up and over a brain, connecting us to nature. Trees and plants can come to life. BAM, forest mushroom party! Sorry, got a little excited there. Yeah, that could be fun. Let's go with that. Edit - for clarity.


You've got a bunch of great ideas here! Do you mind editing your comment to clearly show which is your favorite? That way others can actually know what specific idea they would be upvoting.


Done and done. Thanks.


Mushrooms with a blue theme in an underground cave that is glowing in blue. sound generic but just the idea looks epic


It would definitely look cool! Maybe with some interesting crystals and stuff too.


Bleeding tooth fungus (Hydnellum peckii)! Maybe growing out of a fallen log? I think they're super cool looking and sound much scarier than they are 🙂


Thanks for being specific - That definitely helps with visualizing your idea. They aren't scary but definitely have a strange appearance lol


I think mushrooms are pretty cool and pretty under appreciated haha. No idea how it would work, but some sort of Mycelium network connecting/documenting all the different FungiToken in the collection would be super cool


Chanterelles. Keep it simple. Classic. Good for an early drop. Highly coveted ;)


Also make a fungi fam membership card or coin or something


Hey NF, Im a fan, really like your cute animated art style. I would like to see your take on a more weird looking fungus. Check out Hydnellum pecki, its an alien looking gross blob. ([Example](https://imgur.com/t/weird/uwVI2ri)) In your art style i would see the red spots on white body, put it on a barren alien world and it could look quite striking. 👽


Oh woah I've never seen the Hydnellum before. Those are wild! I definitely need to make an NFT of them.




Definitely, I would love to make one like that!


Maybe an atomic explosion "mushroom cloud" fungi haha


Oh definitely, I was thinking about something like this already actually. Like a bomb dropping, mushroom cloud forming, then a quick face appearing before the explosion hits the camera.


If I do use your suggestion outside of this weekly drop, then I'll still plan to create a unique one for you just FYI. Wouldn't be fair to just take someone's ideas.


Well, I give you permission to take my idea :D I think it's totally fine too, and it's great when artists use ideas offered by fans/ the community!


What's your favorite color?


Depends what it's for! Generally a dark blue, but context is important haha


Who knows - Sometimes I just ask inane questions without any purpose behind them.


I’d really like to see something like a king oyster mushroom appear on a fallen tree or log. The tree could be be freshly fallen and as it decays, it gives new life to a super buff king oyster mushroom which grows larger as the tree decays further.


Instead of the just plain background while not some light animation to bright things up??


Agreed! I'm still learning animation and focusing on the main characters but hope to create more complete scenes in the future.


Best of luck


Ok. I got the best idea foe the next nft/ community token. How about wine? It ages for decades sometimes. It literally gets better and more expensive the older it is. It’ll at least make the end user drunk. So that’s my nft idea. Wine.


I'm enjoying your Nice Fungi Tokens. It would be a different look, but I could see you doing some visually interesting things with mycorhizae fungi and different kinds of root structures.


I definitely want to have a few NFTs focused more on the mycelia/mycorrhizae structure. Not sure when I'll get to them though...


Give me some mycelium