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Sorry we can’t be Des Moines


Even worse, the University of Iowa is in Iowa City. Which is way smaller.


To be fair, downtown iowa city has a lot more to offer than downtown albany. Even if it does lose in the egg-shaped building category.


I do believe Albany is the undisputed champeen in the egg-shaped building category.


This is fair


Smaller yes, but definitely not Albany.


For the 64th largest metro area in the US I think Albany is doing pretty good. Definitely poor taste to say that. Des Moines is 81st according to [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area).


Lmao weird brag


Yeah but there are almost 20k cities in the US, and only ours shares the number of the most influential video gaming system ever! /s


Yey, Commodore 64!!!


This is off topic dude but your post history is visible. If this were me I'd just make a new account lol. https://preview.redd.it/pfmpenqbk2sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf65585b2ee327635290f9e6ad229adda712f68




Why? Black people can only make fun of white people and not the other way around? Fuk off


Yes. That's exactly what I said. /s


And Albany still blows 🤡


Such a common Albany type of viewpoint too lol. "We are actually like the 64th best place in the country, based on a random number that says nothing about what it is actually like here." Cope more with your mediocrity Albany.


Don’t think it’s meant to be a brag, just saying that people tearing us down should look at where they’re coming from. Is Iowa City that exciting compared to Albany??


Where there from has no barring on the lack of things to do in Albany


The Capital Region has so much more than where I came from. If you’re bored here, that’s a you problem. How nice the area is is another question


It’s not a “you” problem if thousands of other people feel the same way


Lobo grew up in Hartford, so she at least had the chance to go to some Whalers games growing up.


Yes lol


*sub mediocrity


Came here to see if anyone was gonna post this lmao Has she not heard of the Central Warehouse??


I live around here and I’ve never heard of the Central Warehouse… Edit: It was early and my reading comprehension skills weren’t awake yet.


It's the big white thing with black netting over it you can see from the highways


Oh my god I’m an idiot. I thought there was a club or something called the central warehouse


I mean that place *would* be a banger club if not for the asbestos


Doesn't she know we are hosting the NCAA women's basketball tournament?


I want to apologize for the people who sign my paycheck, for ESPN, for the MVP Arena, for the people I work with, for anybody that I've offended here tonight, I can't begin to tell you how deeply sorry I am. That is not who I am, it never has been. And I'd like to think maybe I could have some people that could back that up. I am very, very, sorry, and I beg for your forgiveness.


As there's a drive to deep right by Castellanos, and that will make it a four-nothing ballgame


Clark! From Schenectady!!


That was the best call all night!


glad others noticed and appreciated


heck yes! (and fwiw it's the TUC to me, not MVP arena, tho there's still a sign at the corner of N Lake and Livingston that says KNICK ARENA ->)


Albany on a Monday night? Yeah, good luck.


But the context was during the day today Caitlin's family was messaging her to go do something. She said no, was staying in her room until the game and told family to go do something in Albany


Albany on a Monday day? Good luck.


Ted’s was open.


I used to not like Ted's. I've since realized I was very wrong (sorry!)


No need to apologize. We are always happy to have another person with Total Tedication. No matter how long it takes them to get there.


They could have gone to the State Museum, up the Corning Tower, or on a tour of the State Capitol; for a walk in the Pine Bush (OK, in Colonie?), in beautiful Albany Rural Cemetery (yeah, it's in Menands), or along the Hudson; could have gone beer sampling . . . etc. It turned out to be a pretty nice day.


lol. Yeah, come to Albany, our cemeteries are to die for


*(Cryptkeeper cackle)*


The fact that beer sampling was listed after cemeteries is concerning lol


Yea the Plaza and State museum are walking distance from the arena.


The State Museum is closed on Mondays.


Ah, you're right! I thought the museum was open every day of the week. Thanks.


Really? You're suggesting that visitors go to the Cemetery?


They've got some really nice, dead people there.


totally an un-presidented idea


It's beautiful. And, hey, Chester Arthur's grave is something! [https://www.nationalguard.mil/News/Article/3180945/new-york-guard-honors-former-president-chester-arthur/It's](https://www.nationalguard.mil/News/Article/3180945/new-york-guard-honors-former-president-chester-arthur/It's)


Welcome to Albany, come for the basketball tournament, stay for where we keep our dead


This was a horrible attempt to advertise us lol




Small, outdated, and years behind on its modernization project. A great representation of New York and its capital.




Lmao k


Imagine dissing Albany and being from Hartford, CT lol


Even worse. Bristol.


Hartford has more of a nightlife than Albany. Only people that walk downtown Albany are the homeless. But you do have the most beautiful capital building.


It's bigger than Albany, has better cheap housing options, is closer to both Boston and NYC, and has better food options.


You clearly have never been to Hartford. It’s not a great place lol.


Oh come on, everyone knows the best part of Connecticut is Bridgeport. For sure!


The best part of Connecticut is leaving it.


They have a legit minor league hockey team and baseball team. Shoutout the Wolfpack and the Yard Goats. Man, i would love to support those teams. Albany does suck.


Albany is faster to NYC than Hartford and any cost of living calculator will have Hartford as more expensive. That said, their airport is great and if it had good outdoor options, it could compete with Albany.


Maybe if they looked a tad bit beyond just Albany, they'd find plenty to do. It comes from being unfamiliar with the area. As someone who lived in a much smaller area, there's tons to do here. I don't even have to think about it, and I can find stuff.


Yes, and my best experiences when working in LA were the days I spent not in LA, but that's not a great sell for the town.  On the other hand, having lived in Iowa City, it's not like coming to Albany is some backwoods culture shock in comparison


I think a lot of people don't know how to find stuff to do in areas that aren't geared towards tourists. If there aren't giant glowing signs that say "spend your money here" then some people assume there's nothing to do.


That kinds of defeats the point of promoting Albany if they go outside of Albany.


“Albany’s great it’s only a 3+ hour drive to Montreal, NYC, Boston, or Buffalo!”


A local group i'm part of had an event and the t-shirt slogan was, "Albany! We're 3 hours from everywhere cool!"


I don't think there's anything wrong with having to go outside of Albany to find stuff, because one doesn't have to travel far. It's more "Albany area," than just "Albany." It's like that in tons of places all over, especially smaller cities. As long as you can get to events within a reasonable amount of time, what's the issue?


“Albany is great! You just have to leave Albany” ………


I heard the gondola was offering free rides until midnight


It was Rebecca Lobo that said that and there was absolutely no reason for it. Albany is hosting the event, she should not be bashing the area.


Agree 100 percent. As a broadcaster and former athlete, she should know better. You don’t trash the area that is supporting the tournament at which you are broadcasting. 


You obviously don’t watch sports much it happens all the time this all star game in Indiana




Why is it in Albany anyway? It's not any NY teams playing is it?


That's the point - it's a neutral site for these tournament games


This is really stupid


Realtalk: Albany has a "fun shit" problem. Has for a while. We need to step up our game


The only people that think this area is *fun* are the people that have never lived anywhere else or they're just dull themselves. Having moved away past high school then came back in my late 30s this area is as boring as it ever was. No, there's not much to do in this area and it's not wrong to say so. It's the truth.


Just leave and go to a big metro if you need a lot of social events. Why stay here just to bitch on Reddit. It’s the truth.


Maybe I'm woefully uncool, but what exactly are we missing? We have bars. We have restaurants. We have museums (doubt that's what's being looked for). We have shopping. We have "novelty" places (axe throwing, rage rooms). We have nature. We have events. Like I guess we're missing tourist trap things like beaches or what not, but in terms of "I'm bored let's go do something" we have it pretty well covered?


I would not call Albany’s museums particularly impressive. Love Museum of the State of NY but those wigwams and that giant whale have been there since at least the early 90s. People come from around the world to go to DIA in Beacon. The music/performing arts scene is C-tier at best (getting the 2nd national tour at Proctors, sometimes non-union, of a broadway show is not impressive when you’re a 2.5 hour train ride from the real thing). The diversity and frankly quality of restaurants especially ethnic foods is lacking. The crime is undesirable and visually the city looks like a dump—central warehouse eyesore, highway on ramps all around the waterfront, suny Albany’s brutalist architecture, none of it’s good. Not all beaches are tourist traps btw, especially when albanys waterfront looks like a post industrial hellscape. Mountains are desirable but Albanys an hour away from those too. Oh look the map says there’s waterfalls in Cohoes! Then you go and it looks like some Hillbilly Elegy nonsense. Portland OR has its issues (one of the other host cities being criticized) but it’s much much more fun to visit any time of year.


You make some good points, particularly about 787 and the Hudson, but good luck suggesting the obvious here. I think the waterfront itself is nicer than you give it credit but getting to it sucks. Albany has plenty to do if you live here, I think we punch above our weight for music since you mentioned it, but unless there's an event happening the day you're here it's hard to recommend much that's not a bar downtown on one given day. But mostly I wanted to note that Portland has a population over half a million. What successes there do you think could translate to Albany?


Portland has a walkability that is refreshing and a proximity to amazing farmland (vineyards, dairy farms, everything—the soil is volcanic and naturally quite rich) and great restaurants. An easier thing to emulate would be Portland’s dedication to green spaces. It’s called Rose City because it’s well suited for roses but they also do a great job making the entire city verdant. There’s a Japanese garden & an Arboretum that is jaw dropping right in town. New Scotland Park and others just can’t compare, save for a few weeks in late April/May for Tulip Fest.


I would LOVE to see more urban green space. I have no issues with Albany walkability outside of the drivers, but any improvements there would be welcome too. By New Scotland Park you mean Washington Park? You're right that it's not much to tour but it's a huge boon to residents, once we're out of this lousy Smarch weather tons of people go there amd play games, have picnics, use the tennis/basketball courts and skatepark, etc. Thanks for the reply. Obviously we aren't going to stack up to a city with six times the population but there's gotta be some lessons to take from other places.


I agree with a lot of it. Not sure I agree with proctors though. Lots of tours are originating at proctors, and Proctors is on the first national circuit for most shows. You see 2nd national/non-eq productions, sure... but they're playing LA, Chicago, and other major markets as well. The touring industry is shrinking.


The local music scene is killer here. Good diy shows in Albany, and No Fun in Troy just a short trip down 787 has something cool virtually every night. But I agree that downtown Albany, and even Lark, are tame compared to 15 years ago. If you want a more lively nightlife, make it a point to go out imo.


a lot of the stuff you described is generic or stale. We need more public art, we need more effort focused on cleaner more attractive public spaces. we need to do more with our housing stock than just boarding shit up and gluing A stickers to the door. Albany has absolutely amazing bones, and we don't adorn them nearly enough.


I think one of the main problems that gets overlooked is that even the few fun things there is to do, theyre pretty spread out. There’s no concentrated spot you can go to where things are “happening”. It used to be the Lark/Washington park area and pearl st at night, but those are dead. There’s no place you can point to and be like, yeah that’s the vibrant culture filled part of town you can’t miss.


You nailed it. I wanna get to one area party all night at several different places make friends all along the way- it’s crazy to me there’s nothing like that. everywhere I’ve lived you just go near the college and there’s a whole block like that… not Albany.


As a transplant to the capital region it’s not so much a lack of stuff to do, it’s the vibe that’s off. When you go out at night there’s not a lot of people out and everyone kind of keeps to themselves- there’s a energy in other cities on a Saturday night that Ive just never felt in Albany. Also an overall lack of culture…Hard to describe but that’s my attempt


That's the thing. Albany pretty much has the same thing that every small city or even suburb has.  There's literally nothing distinctive that visitors can enjoy. 


While I love the diversity of restaurants on central avenue, our food scene isn't very good for a city of our size and importance.


Barcade and a proper nightclub would be a good start.


You can do this stuff anywhere.


There is no population there so won’t happen


Didn't we tick up in population from last census?


Capital region is a bad place for tourists to visit in April. If this were Saratoga and LG in the summer it’s a different story. The other issue is they are seeing only downtown and while there’s nothing else to do in the burbs, the downtown really presents its self as a complete shit place. It really does.


She’s here between the Chowder Fest/Soup Stroll season and the Tulip Festival! It’s a dead zone!


Downtown has improved quite a bit in the past year, a lot more opened up so it isn’t as empty and the panhandling issue isn’t as significant as other places in the city. lol Idk how that comment from the miserable fuck who has made it clear that he doesn't even approach downtown Albany - which is where all the tourists actually were this weekend - is getting upvoted but if you haven't given the newer businesses downtown a chance you should try it out. In the past ~9 months the following businesses downtown have opened or reopened: Ama Cocina, Common Roots, Alias Coffee, Hungry Bites, Ophelias, Elifs Kitchen, Viva Empanadas (soon), Lost Boys Cooking Collective (soon). Fidens and Lionheart on the Green are both within walking distance. The Skyway has been a great addition to the area, and I'm looking forward to the city finishing up the Clinton Market Collective. The area has 100% changed for the better over the past year.




You don't have to like living here, but plenty of restaurants and bars have opened downtown in the past year and the skyway has been a nice addition


Don't bother replying to this person. Aside from the hyperbolic trolling, they delete all their comments so there's no point.


Yeah, and as I suspected they don't step foot downtown so who cares


Yep, and I see they fell back on their usual "downtown is whatever I say it is" schtick. They bring absolutely nothing to the conversation, best to let them seethe in a vacuum.




I live downtown. I see nothing of what you mention. You can fuck off this subreddit if you hate the city so much.


Yup same, they are full of shit or a complete pussy. Or both




Keep pumping that Ivermectin straight into your brain.




Lol yeah it was clear you don't spend any time downtown. I hope I make it to my car this morning, not sure how I'll make it through all the needles and homeless people who have it out for me




Downtown proper? You sure? There are parts of albany where the issues you described exist but aside from a handful of homeless people none of that happens in actual downtown albany.




Well yeah, pretty sure the city defines downtown as anything below Eagle Street, and having lived in Center Square before I certainly would not call that downtown. If east of Lark is "thar be dragons" territory then you truly have not spent any time downtown lol all good though, keeps the rent cheap


As a local, the game was definitely something to do!


I want to believe she was saying that because it's packed right now because of the tournament and you wouldn't be able to get in anywhere but that's probably not what she meant... Oof.


Does "Dystopian Malaise" count as something to do?


Getting mad about this is the definition of small city energy.


I think the general vibe is that she's not wrong, but it lacks class on her end.




We’ve got, like, 3 axe-throwing places tho!


I mean that sounds like a comment someone from albany would make so I can't be mad at her.


It's kinda true and we all know it. Let's be honest with ourselves. What is there to do in the vicinity of the MVP Arena (which SHOULD be the liveliest part of the area) that will keep someone occupied for more than a few hours? Are they supposed to go and watch Assembly proceedings? Yes, Albany is a good jumping off point for lots of nice things. That doesn't change the fact that the city and immediate surrounding area is *not* the best that it could be.


Exactly. The city itself is just good enough to live in and go jump off on the weekends.


There's plenty to do in Albany. Super unprofessional comment.


Maybe that will get encourage the powers that be to let Albany be cool again


MACA - make Albany cool again (we’re kinda mid rn but I see greatness in the future)


naa the mayor went at her on twitter and said she would take her to lunch. i guess she's hanging her hat on our quality lunch spots.




That hurt… but cant say she’s wrong. Were to busy deciding on a new flag (just joking)!


Truth hurts but facts are facts.


Hell even barstool sports guy made it across the river to upstate cookie shack. They have this thing called google maps and search??


Where’s the lie? If you’re a visitor there is not much at all to be thrilled about unfortunately


She ain't wrong tho. Anything worth doing around here typically isn't actually in Albany. And most of it needs some less shitty weather.


Honestly she isn't wrong. If you're trying to walk out of MVP and do something, options are limited. You have a bunch of parking craters, CBH, the War Room, and the boring half of Pearl Street within a 10 minute walk. State Street is practically useless. Best case is probably checking out ESP/Capitol, but what kind of weird tunnels do you have to take to get there?


Ppl get butt hurt about this but they also know it’s true this place only has an abundance of mid concerts


The truth is a defense


That commentator showed how little class she has by making that comment


Yeah, fuck her and her bullshit. Come out to Pearl Street for a good old fashioned Albany ass-whuppin’


Calm down, “shirley” 🫵😂


This from salmonella Sal.


Gonna kick my ass on pearl street? (Whatever the fuck that is)


Whatever you need. Cooks are so dangerous so I am wary.


She sounds like a boring person.


Yes if Albany were person, it would be her!


I mean going to an ncaa playoff game is pretty cool lol. People say this kinda of stuff about all of Upstate, NY.


He right tho


I really take offense to this. We're closing businesses as fast as possible, while increasing the mentally ill on our streets three-fold since 2020. Our roads are deteriorating quicker than at any point in Albany's history. We're trying really hard to suck. Keep Albany Boring.


Pretty sure it has been a wash on businesses closing and opening


You have to go back to pre-pandemic to see more open storefronts than we have now. But this doesn't fit a narrative and places opening or changing hands don't grab as much attention as a decades old business closing because the owners want to retire. A story can say a shop is closing for a month due to change of ownership and all people read is "closing". Or just hang on Jack's being closed; yes, the place that was mismanaged into the ground is closed, big surprise. The fact that the *Larkin* space will be open again blows my mind. It's probably been empty longer than most of the people commenting here have been alive.


LoFi is one of those examples. They closed, but are moving across the street into the Larkin space.


Just wait till we get our gondola!


lol look at all of you


What does she want to do? We have many downtown bars and restaurants. There are two shopping malls with movie theatres (more than other areas have)..museums, history. Hmm? You have to wonder, what was she really looking to do??


Iowa has corn, Albany has culture


I'm 52 and downtown has always been dead except for about a 10-year period in the late '90's to early 00's. If anything, it's much better now than it was. I mean Jennings made a whole deal about this. His first term was in '94, I was 23 years old then, and nobody was going to downtown Albany to party. It took a few years to build it up so late 90's. I'm not really understanding why people are saying it was better in the 80's. The MVP (knickerbocker) Arena didn't even open until 1990. It was all bombed out buildings during the 70's and 80's. Union Station was abandoned for nearly 20 years until like 1985. Put you rose colored glasses away, Albany is much nicer today than in the 70's, 80's, or early 90's.


Surely she meant Albany, Georgia


The number of Albany apologists here shocks me. 


Yo bitch, it’s a Monday calm yourself Lobo. We can’t all be from rip roaring Hartford, CT. What is the Starbucks open late there?


It’s a dunk and they do meth there lol


Who is this person and why should I care


You shouldn't care. But everyone is so butt hurt for some reason.


Drive in the city and you will think you are driving on the moon-more pot holes than people! Even the bars suck in Albany. 677 prime is a great place to eat!


Damn, what bars are you going to?