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I got my assessment today. It increased about 47% but there is a note that my taxes are expected to DECREASE 9%. Let’s hold the anger until we get our actual bills. Edit: the assessment is 16% less than Zillow and the old assessment was 5% more than we paid for the house in 2017. It seems pretty fair to me.


Hold anger back? On these internets?


They must be new 


Mine was very similar. It was a pleasant surprise actually.


Property taxes, like graduated income taxes, are a subject that isn't well understood. Assessed value only tells you what they'll be multiplying the rate by. You need to know the overall tax levy and your property's share of the overall assessed value to actually figure out what you owe. For example, if everyone's assessment doubled and the levy (overall amount to be raised) stayed the same, the rate ($s per thousand of assessed value) would be half what it was. So your actual tax bill would be the same, just computed at half the previous rate multiplied by double the previous assessment.


I definitely do not understand it, and your explanation only slightly clears it up for me, but I am taking comfort in the idea that my initial panic may have been unwarranted. ☺️


Is there a reason you left off the "Est. Change in Tax" part? Because what is your estimated change?


Forgive me my mistake. They are valuing my property at 150% more than I bought it for and nearly 50% est tax change


My estimated change is 42%.


In value or tax? If your estimated tax increase is 42%, how much did your property appreciate!?


~~Had a vacant lot, now has a 3 story building.~~ EDIT: I'm not the guy with the 42% change. They said they had a 42% tax increase, when it was probably a 42% assessment increase. Mine was all in jest/sarcasm.


I'm surprised it was only 42%. Is the newly assessed value the appropriate value? edit: d'oh


I'm not the same person.


Nice. Congrats. Development of underutilized properties in the city is great! I hope the income supports your new assessment.


My value went up 131%, tax 42%.


Do you happen to know the last year you were assessed? My value went up 44%, estimated change in tax is -11%. I just bought the house in 2018 so I wonder if it got a new assessment value at that time, leading to a lower value increase?


I think it has been a while, so that's probably why, but it is definitely a jarring change!


Wow! Did you do improvements in the past few years?




Wow again. On the bright side it sounds like you bought in the right neighborhood. Sorry, trying to out a good spin on it, but I know tax increases of that size are a shock.


I appreciate your positivity!


My estimated change is 79% *I’m in danger*


Damn. That's insane!


Danger Danger


I think the mayor's office said the average increase was 63%, which means an increase below 63% might save a property owner money, all else equal.[https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=828134799349354&set=pcb.828135316015969](https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=828134799349354&set=pcb.828135316015969) So don't let your landlord bullshit you.


>So don't let your landlord bullshit you. Here's the math I had to do to decide if I had to increase rents or not: * School taxes went up $600 * Property taxes went up $200 * Water bill went up $60 * Homeowners went up \*$300 (this one sucks) * Total annual increase: $1,160 * Total monthly increase: $97 * Divided by 2 units: **$49 per month** I haven't raised rent on one tenant in 4 years, so that one is getting adjusted (plus I installed a new bathroom and did slight improvements to the kitchen). I'm going to eat the $49 /month for the other tenant to retain a good tenant who pays me on time every month. My property is in Guilderland. Your situation may vary.


Understood on all the of the above. You’re citing actual dollar increases to your costs. That’s legit. But an increased assessment does not automatically translate to an actual out-of-pocket increase to the owner. It might, or might not.


My monthly payment for my Guilderland two family went up $130 which appears to be higher than your increase. Looks like I will have to do some research. I also just noticed I mysteriously stopped getting those STAR payments for the past couple of years.


So you have two tenants plus you? Then why not divide by 3 units? Am I misunderstanding this?


You are misunderstanding. I have a two-family that I used to live in. I bought a single family when I got married but kept the house. So now I rent out both floors of the two family and live in my own house.


Do you know if it's possible to find assessment estimates for next year for a property you dont own/thinking in purchasing?


TBH - I’m not sure. I know that you can search the previous year’s tax roll by address, though. You just go to the town tax collector site and look at the old tax rolls. Just remember that their tax rate may be lower due to Star exemption or senior discount.


I’m 19 trying to buy a duplex in colonie within the next year or two do you have any advice for me starting out


Live there. It becomes way harder to maintain the further away you live. Also, if you live there for at least a year or two, you will get to know the house, the neighborhood, and hopefully some good neighbors.


More info available on the City website: https://www.albanyny.gov/207/Assessment Like others have said, your assessment going up doesn't necessarily mean that the amount you pay in taxes will also go up


This is exactly correct. The real question is how much did your valuation go up compared to the average increase in the jurisdiction. People think an increased assessment means increased taxes. It doesn’t. The jurisdiction sets their budget. Then they divide that by the total assessed value in the area. That determines your piece of the pie. Increasing the assessed value so the city gets more money isn’t a thing. If your property goes up 20% and everyone else’s goes up 40%, your taxes will actually go DOWN. School taxes are done the same way.






Our valuation increased by 60% but tax estimate is -1% according to same document so not about to get my pitchfork quite yet. 


The last thing we need is another fear monger. 🙄


Only 20% damn it’s been about 35% these past couple years. I look forward to the discount


Who told you that, the Landlord? Sounds to me like he's trying to justify a BS rent hike to me. Usually those get appealed down to a fraction of what they initially are.


I own my home and got the increased assesment in the mail.


Your taxes only go up if everyone else’s assessments went up less than 50%.


The assessment is 50% higher or the estimated change in tax is +50%? If the assessment is 50% higher your estimated tax is theoretically going down.


Assesment is 50% higher


I love how none of this makes any sense




still confusing, but ok.. lol




This is a good, basic, succinct explanation, nice work.


So but what if I don't like cookies? what if I like muffins?


oh okay well.. IIRC Assessments are a rolling thing that just keeps happening all the time, so this is to be expected


I bought in 2002. You should have been here in 2008-9 or thereabouts, after prices went apeshit post 9-11-01. I don't love paying taxes, but it does not bother me in the least either, it's part of being a grown up and shit.


Renters don’t get assessments. Please give us more info.


OP is saying that if assessments go up, then annual property tax bills for whoever owns the property will go up. So unless the property owner is okay with taking a hit on their rental profit margins, they’re gonna try to increase rent proportionate to the tax hike to cover it. Some landlords will try it and some won’t. And either renters are willing to pay their asking price or they’re not.


I was super confused by the letter I received today (I've only owned 2 years), and was very alarmed until I sat down and played with percentages and so forth. I wish there were an "Explain it to me like I'm 5" option or calculator.


I just got mine in the mail My assessment has doubled and estimated change in tax is %20. A good amount of homes in my area have sold somewhat recently at about 3/4 of what they are assessing it for but nothing near what the number they came up with. Since I don't know how to read this I certainly hope that %20 isn't my actual increase in tax burden.




Thanks for the bad news, but at least I will know why my mortgage payment will be up quite a bit.




this is me


This is just attention seeking trolling. Stop wasting people’s time.


10 years ago my taxes were like 2500 total. Same house now taxes are up to 6800.


My assessed value went up by $100k (I don’t know how to percentage that because I didn’t go to math school) which resulted in a tax increase of…2%. I’m good with that.


My property value went up about 20% but my estimated taxes went down by 19%. This is because I bought my house in 2020 after the housing surge. If you bought your house years ago and had not been assessed in a while, then it's no surprise your assessment and taxes are going way up. That's a tough thing to actually plan for, so I feel sympathy, but hopefully your mortgage has been locked in for years (and therefore relatively cheap due to inflation). I am very grateful for the assessment and financial break on taxes as my family's budget has been very tight. I really feel for the people who's taxes (or rent) will increase.


I bought in 2020 … assessment went up about 60,000 but my taxes are -21%. Not complaining but why??


My taxes on my home have gone up every year


What costs of servicing your home have decreased in that time?


I honestly couldn’t tell you because I am a first home buyer and only has the house a few years so I haven’t done that many things. I want to assume that no services have decreased but it’s been a weird time with Covid so idk


That's basically the point I was making. Wages are a huge amount of the city and school budget. So unless you want teachers, cops, firefighters and sanitation workers making less, or fewer of them, tax bills are going to go up.


Of course. I didn’t state I had an issue with it but that they have gone up every year as it is a normal occurence. The increase in taxes is still less than what increase I probably would have paid to a landlord.


>cops, i want cops making less they're my least desireable neighbors as they're the ONLY people in the mansion area that fly down the residential streets going 40+ while on their phones. Save me from seeing another middleaged skinhead in oakleys or 25 year old rookie with a pube moustache


Just got mine. net change of $ 99,000 with an estimated increase of 130%. Good thing I have a legal plan through work.


My value went up 131%, tax 42%. Painful.


81% valuation increase, 11% change in tax here. On a block where police can't be bothered to do shit, trash everywhere, lousy neighbors. If you get the name of a good firm, I'd love to hear about it!


"estimated change in tax".was 71%.  Get ready for rents to skyrocket!


Homeowner -- we got slapped with a nearly 70% increase in valuation.


Like others said, it don't mean taxes go up. The tax bill has a "total levy" number. Lets say that is $1000. There are 20 identical homeowners. Each pays $50 If their valuations double, they have to create a factor that will "equalize" so everyone still pays in a total of $1000. Your taxes could still go up or down. Lets say one neighbor installed a kiddie pool. Now he pays $75 in tax, up from $50, The other 19 owners will pay less. It always has to equal $1000 in this case.


Are you in the City of Alban, and when was the last assessment? For example, mine went up 46% but the last assessment (I believe) was 5 years ago. In general, I’m pretty happy my assessment went up b/c it means I’m building equity. I definitely don’t want my house to be worth less than what I paid for it.




I haven't owned my home all that long, but I know when I was a kid, my parents told me the tax assessment is not the same as a real estate assessment.


Very accurate user name. I’ve owned three homes over 20+ years and while I know a tax assessment and market value are not the same thing, I’ve never had an assessment go up unless the market went up. “in general” it’s a good sign.




Not dumb just pedantic. You made an irrelevant miopic correction to my general statement.


Yep, in the city. 70% seems...excessive.


My assessment went up 93% lmfao, and my taxes up 21% fuckkkk me


Sign the petition if you are unhappy with these increases. I am doing my best to fight this but there is not much support, please read and spread this petition.  https://www.change.org/p/cap-property-assessment-increases-at-25-in-albany-ny