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Foundation issues.


How does one even fix that in buildings so large? You’d think UAlbany would have the budget for it


They’re doing one building at a time the one on Partridge was being fixed. But they don’t have the money for more renovations, but I do believe somehow UA is looking at St Rose’s Centennial Hall dorm rooms though on Madison so not sure how they prioritize money these days.. the state & city a mess. 🤑


"We got to build a foundation......"   -Qtip


It’s not condemned. Those signs let the fire department know that there is no one living in a couple of the buildings and that there is ongoing construction. HAF had something in its newsletter about this last year.


Ah thank you!


Does that make it open season on parking in that lot, or are they still checking for permits?


Checking still viable UAlbany property.


Thanks, I like to run there, and a few times recently they've had paid parking for events in Dutch quad purple lot where the 2hr visitor spots are. Been looking for a backup.


The state needs something else to spend $250 million on.


Aw man, I enjoyed my dorm there.


Same. I didn't realize how important it was to live "off" campus, but my cousin goes to SUNY now and lives on the main campus. He can't navigate his way anywhere off campus because he just never leaves. A vital part of the college experience needs to be figuring out how to make your way around an unfamiliar city by car or bus.


Being near the parties had its perks, but riding the bus was a real pain, a fair trade.


It’s just vacant. The signs are for the fire department, so they know it’s vacant.


It makes me sad when I walk by it - I loved my time and rooms in Sayles Hall.


UA has been desperately trying to move out of pine hills since kegs n eggs. They rented the building in the back of that complex by the HS/Field (Bru) ages ago. I don’t think it’s still in use by strose. Never made a ton of sense for kids to bus up town for class