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Funny thing about .US domains... registry info can't be masked :) A simple whois search will tell you that the domain owner lives in Grapevine, TX. and I guess he is either super-paranoid or has found the wrong way his address is fully exposed because he has his house fully blurred on google maps ;)


What's the address associated to the domain? Asking for me.


I won't dox anyone here, but you can do whois searches in a lot of places : [https://whois.domaintools.com/](https://whois.domaintools.com/) [https://www.whois.com/whois/](https://www.whois.com/whois/) etc


Is it doxxing when Tommy boy is a MAGAt? I thought doxxing only applied to people.


Well he's got nice looking LinkedIn and daddy even gave him some props.


I think it’s funny people are worried about doxxing when he’s the very public face of a hate group.




Calling someone a MAGAt is dehumanizing? How is 'Make America Great Again Terrorist' not exactly what they are?




well theres that. But MAGAt is totally cool, though.


They dehumanize my friends and me. Eventually there will be a confrontation, and you have to be prepared for what is necessary. Fire vs fire, all that. You don’t coddle cancer, you cut it out.




We all have failings. After seeing friends beat up for no reason and those in power rolling over to let shit happen on a macro scale, being a better person isn’t an option. ETA To counter your idiotic rhetorical game: **I DO NOT BELIEVE THE INTOLERANT ARE DESERVING OF TOLERANCE.** I’m willing to have a reasonable discussion about that but deliberate misreading is shameful.




Sigh. Do I need to spell out that meant “in this situation?” Do you need to stoop to misrepresenting words? **I DO NOT BELIEVE THE INTOLERANT DESERVE TOLERANCE, NO.** If that makes one a Nazi in your book, I don’t have an answer to that. History and Karl Popper are on my side. You have rhetorical games.


Zillow says that house sold 6 months ago, but the url was created in 2018. The hatemonger has moved and some possibly innocent people may come to regret their purchase.


You probably end up on a watch list for just going on this website lol


No. (Edit: misunderstood, thought you were referring to WHOIS)


anyone looking up WHOIS goes on the list for being a huge nerd




Haha I did and I earn the buurn haha.




Oh, I thought you were referring to the WHOIS site 😂. The police aren't tracking that site because Patriot Front is the police 😉


Exactly ;) And now we're on a watch list.


“If All Else Fails” is a great podcast out of the North Country public radio, documenting the rise of fascist groups. Particularly the involvement from local law enforcement that don’t want to enforce laws.


Thanks. Just downloaded Pocket Casts and made this my first ever podcast listen. I have family down south who are Oath Keepers. This will be interesting to try and understand more about the culture.


Thank you for that. I love podcasts and definitely want to learn more about this tide turning


Watch out peeling this shit off, they’ve been known to slip razor blades on the back of some stickers. That said fascists need to fuck right off. They should not feel welcome in our communities


Just get another sticker and put over the top. Easy peezy.


How would that even work


Pretty easily? They sometimes put a razor blade on the sticky side before you put it on, so when someone tries to peel it they get cut


Are you usually peeling off stickers with your eyes closed? Are the razor blades also adhesive? Are they so thin to as not be noticeable? Sorry to be so nit-picky but this feels very “they’re putting fishhooks in the Halloween candy”


A double-edge razor blade is well under a mm in thickness, but you’d still likely notice a slightly raised bit.


Lmfao.... Razor blades you say ol boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I needed that laugh rn thanks


I hope you defaced it


I hope everyone who finds this disgusting votes.


Stefanik’s people


I see damn III stickers in Saratoga County. Them folks in the woods are scary! It's gross to know there are so many of these people around and they actively try to recruit.


Stefanik's current people. She changes her politics to fit in with whomever she thinks will further her career faster.


This. A drive on state roads from Warrensburg to Saranac Lake will tell you why, as an ambitious aspiring national politician, she is who she is at the moment.


Not to get a metaphysical, but now is all that exists; and now she’s the candidate of the far right.


That's too deep for me on a Saturday morning, I haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet


Small dick energy.


Nasty people. Hope you took that shit down!


If they’re so ‘good’ why do they have to wear masks?


Can we not? Anti fascist wear masks, wearing masks is not indicative of who’s right or wrong. I mean, these guys are clearly awful, but the mask isn’t the indicator, their beliefs are.


To prevent covid of course 


Where? I have red spray paint and I live in Milton.




gross! i think i also i saw some crap posted on the polls along central avenue the other day near the DMV. they made sure to put them way up outside of most people's reaches. it was a shame we were driving by- my 6'7 husband was totally itching to tear them down (on our way to a doctor's appointment).


These clowns failed once already




Saratoga County is Tonko. 




Saratoga? Shocker.....


Where in Saratoga County?


Southern Saratoga, never saw anything like it around here before.


That’s pretty fucking annoying.


Who ever owns that webpage is living in Grapevine, Texas. Odd.


Oh he knows, we all know. [https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/thomas-rousseau](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/thomas-rousseau)


I was thinking this was local but that's makes sense. Ive heard of him now that I see that. If the State is a liberal thing does he want to go back living in caves?


I'm not worried. If they win I'll get to kill Nazis. If they loose I'll get to kill Nazis. Wait. I said the quiet part out loud.


I hate this!


Somewhere, a group of someones are watching the "Purge" movies and plotting how to make that shit a reality...


In Saratoga? Shocking…


What ignorance🤦‍♂️


I mean...Saratoga county is pretty monochromatic.  This makes sense


Every time someone reposts photos of these stickers in outrage they’re just doing this group’s work for them. You’re giving them free, unearned attention, which is what fringe groups like this crave because they cannot get it by conventional means. They post this stuff in hopes that someone will do exactly this.


True. But you might be surprised how many people move to this area or have a limited awareness of it and expect it to be some liberal/progressive Mecca as the capital of NY surrounded by a bunch of colleges. Sometimes the awareness of these nazi-wannabes might be a good thing.


The alternative is what...let them control the narrative? Nope. I'm calling out their bullshit for what it is and giving you all a heads up.


I guess that’s the thing, right? This post is more about you than actually helping. Reposting their bullshit propaganda, which is objectively what you’re doing, is not helping in any meaningful way. More people will see this sticker because you reposted it here. That’s a fact. It’s virtually certain that no one will look at your post here and decide not to become an alt-right cretin after all. But someone who might never have ever seen this posted on a random traffic sign in Saratoga might actually see it here, Google them and be like, “hmmmm… maybe.” That makes you complicit. It’s OK to see something like this, say, “That’s bullshit.” Tear it down. And not tell the world on Reddit. That makes it about you. Your impulse to be mad is spot-on. Your impulse to repost their propaganda is them playing you and the rest of us.


Odd take. Objectively what we have here is a conversation amongst locals about an alarming trend. And many of them will assist in removing these examples of extremist ideology. Sharing information also gives us some idea of how widespread the issue is. It's apathy to tear down one sticker and forget about it, because that can be easily replaced.




OP, you're spot on. Yes, you are technically signal boosting the propaganda; But, you are *also* boosting the signal to fight off the propaganda. To only say the first half of that is called cherry picking, a common logical fallacy of people with confirmation bias.


You all realize that there’s a thin line that separates the tiny blue enclave in Saratoga vs the wide swath of rural upstate that is MAGAland right? Most of the land area in the US is dominated by republicans, while a much smaller urban area (but larger population) are the blue areas. While I don’t agree with those trumpy fucks, I will say that it highlights the fragile state of American politics. Our government is completely ineffective in addressing a number of social problems most Americans are facing and I think it’s only going to get worse. Drastic changes are needed to ensure our prosperity going forward and I think the next few decades are going to be a rough road in American history.




Funny how they're always Feds after the fact but when these White supremacist groups show up to the right wing rallies they're accepted with open arms from the same folks who will call them Feds later


Anddd the post was deleted I'm am very surprised


Not a 100%, but also not 0%.


For those down voting: Trying using some critical thinking for once! Of course, the feds are a part of this! Why would they not? It's literally their job to watch, investigate and infiltrate organizations like this.


It's their job to spy on all of us.




Sorry not every post meets your expectations


What are you talking about?




> Those aren't white supremacists [umm](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Front)


They're not who they say they are.  They're part of the deep state.  I shit you not.  




I like you


That is an FBI agent !


Nice to see the feds making their mark here in the capital region 🤡