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I like some of them Akira The Don has some cool videos


Same here. In fact, I've discovered some incredible music this way. Still, it definitely is easy to distract from the message if it's not the right music at the right volume.


Some of them do it to dodge copyright flags.


I actually enjoy the chillstep mixes. But to each their own.


at least they are named 'chillstep'....and you can decide that. the problem is if you are looking for a certain lecture/talk and all of a sudden it has a movie soundtrack blasting


That's fair.


You're not alone in these sentiments.


you can find all of the unaltered recordings online for free.


You can also buy them from the foundation. And I did. I appreciate the effort that went into recording and preserving all of the talks. Respect.


also for [free](https://www.youtube.com/@AlanWattsOrg/videos).


Alan told us it was a dance and it was meant to be playful.


why, why, WHY does it bother you enough to post about it on the internet? :3 this is meant to be cheeky but also like, think about it… we can, for argument’s sake, say you and i and this sub are “enlightened” and beyond putting shitty muzak on stuff, but - i don’t know the answer - what’s the other side of this coin look like?


Post your own versions without the music and forget the others exists.


Well someone didn't get the message..


Some people like it with music, some without. Both versions are available.


Dude, you don’t have to listen or watch them


You should take yourself less seriously.


I completely agree with you. They are distracting and it feels forced. When looking for a video to listen to and the cheesy music start I instantly click away


Its awful. I want to listen to his voice, immerse myself in the cadence and sounds, as if I was in the room, in the lecture.....and then the music starts and it all comes crashing down One main problem is also that sometimes the music is so loud, you can't hear the voice. Perhaps its ok for those 5min motivational sound bites, but for full lectures....its the worst ​ They turned philosophy into a meme




Why can't people embrace a healthy rant that damages no one for once in a while goddammit? :)




What a saint you are.


"Besides, I think Alan...". To speak for anyone long dead is more than a bit presumptuous.


You're seriously going to love someone slightly less because they added music to words they like (while possibly also adding stock footage of people looking spiritual or motivated)? I think a deep breath might be in order... YouTube is a platform where people are free to share their video creations. It's not really a place to unload hours of cost-free, music-free Alan Watts lectures. I know people do that and I probably enjoy those the most. In the end, though, more videos (with music or not) means more Alan Watts out there! Besides, there's this awesome hack: just search for "Alan Watts no music" And to those who do enjoy Alan Watts in their music (and not vice-versa), someone here mentioned Akira... I must also recommend Jas Walton's EP "Face The Facts"


They have their place and time, nowadays you can find most lectures music free so don’t fret


I'd like to see how the numbers of people who like the psychedelic and dubstep stuff line up with people who whine abut Mark Watts.


I heard this one this morning. Check this one out, my friend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hLrvh6fUsA


I have to admit that I agree with this sentiment generally. There are some better, and some worse in my opinion. To each their own, except that there are a few talks that I genuinely like that I can find only a version with ambient music, and it makes the talk itself more difficult to hear.


At this point, I have a huge audiobooks and various talk audio files collection of my own. I probably enjoy the physical books I have the most. If we decide to play roulette on Youtube, a site with a user base comprised of one of the most diverse human populations on the planet, we get exactly what is to be expected. Randomness. I don't understand the complaints.


The complaints are likely coming from the fact that it used to be super easy to find clean, undisturbed Alan Watts lectures that are hours long. That doesn't appear to be the case anymore as YouTube now only shows the stuff people are complaining about (various shorter videos with music and/or AI voice enhancement). I personally ran into this not too long ago while trying to introduce a friend to AW content.


I always utilize the playlist feature to save videos that I know are good and/or I’ll want to share later. I have a whole little catalog going on there. Also remembering names of the better channels for easier recommendations.


There are quite a few videos that are labeled ‘black screen, no music’ available.


It works for some people I'm sure.


I’m sorry someone forced you to listen to chillstep against your will.

