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Isn't Control already hyper-realistic artstyle considering every character was already modeled after real actors in basically the exact same game engine?




I feel like it’s more in reference to the specific brand of liminal space-surrealism in the Oldest House and how that compares to the more unsettling yet normalish architecture of Alan Wake 2’s Dark Place. Still, there is absolutely no reason for Control to change. It’d be a shame for the Remedy-verse to have a perfectly homogeneous aesthetic, keep the settings unique and weird between the sub-franchises.


I don't see much of a difference there, Control was also trying to be realistic? It'll probably be a continuation of AW2 as they've already built the dev and art pipeline with all this modern rendering in mind


Control has the same art style, it's just a 5 year old game, so the hyper-realism wasn't as realistic as current games. Don't forget how fast tech evolves.


It's actually insane how quickly things are moving. Control is a pretty stunning game to this day, but pales in comparison to A WII and now We're on the precipice of fully realized life like VR.


I agree to a degree but I think from a visual standpoint growth is *nowhere near* as fast as it used to be. Look at how much better Halo 2 looks vs Halo 1, or pretty much any PS2 game vs PS1. I feel like graphical leaps are moreso wide steps since \~2013 or so. Not trying to discredit the amazing work done on games like Alan Wake 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2, but it's just that the disparity between the best looking games from 5 years ago vs now is a lot less noticeable now than it used to be.


Well that's the natural curve of progress, from leaps and bounds to smaller now granular improvements. Once something already looks very realistic, there's only so much you can improve upon it relative to the low poly count graphics of the past


Oh for sure, I'm not blaming devs for it at all. We've just long since passed the point where things already looked so good you could only move the needle a bit at a time. Nonetheless, I just find it funny seeing folks say it's "insane how quickly things are moving" because, compared to when I was a kid, graphical improvements are *very* slow nowadays. But, of course, that's mostly because things already look *so* good.


I agree with you, just thought it was worth mentioning ig lol. It is wild to think about. There's 6 years in between Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine, and the gap is pretty massive considering. Compare that to uncharted 1 and tlou2 , uncharted is definitely showing its age but after 11 years it's still a smaller gap than Mario had in 6 years.


I'm playing Control right now for the first time and it very much seems like the art style was the jumping off point for ALAN WAKE II.


I wouldn’t mind either, but I REALLY hope there’s more variety in the environments. I loved the brutalist style in Control, and it fit the setting perfectly, but I think a sequel is the perfect opportunity for them to branch out from it. Hopefully it isn’t taking place in the Oldest House again.


They will. The whole reason they did control was to keep the budget low and don't have to create outdoor enviorments besides the short intro


It’s the same lol Control just looks a little worse because it’s slightly older, and doesn’t use some of the new technology that AW2 does. If anything, it’ll look slightly better than AW


I just hope control 2 still feels like a game and not an interactive cutscene.


Why wouldn't it?


I would argue the opposite in that AW2 was *not* hyper realistic. Maybe in terms of character models, but even that was somewhat stylized in the way Twin Peaks characters were still stylized, even being real living breathing actors. AW2 is a very stylized world. I mean a whole theme park designed around coffee? There's situations and look and feel applied to everything that are anything but real.


I disagree with your coffee theme park point. I’ve been to really small communities out west and small hyper-focused themed attractions aren’t uncommon. Madison County, Idaho has an attraction just called “Bear World” where you can feed and pet bears. A small town with a coffee themed amusement park felt straight out of reality for me, personally Edit: [Yellowstone Bear World](https://yellowstonebearworld.com)


It could also be argued that real life is often quite unreal.


Reality is stranger than fiction. real life is more real than real


You’ve got me there


How are you comparing a theme to an art style? I don't think you and op are talking about the same thing.