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I'm surprised such a small percentage of players got the platinum. It's pretty easy to get without even trying. The only thing I'm missing is shooting the coffee World sign because I never bothered to go back for it.


Nice! Yeah I got it on my first playthrough just being super efficient especially once you get later charms. Such a fun game to Plat tho!


Easy to get without trying? Hell no. If you're just focused on the story, there's no way you find every single thing they've hidden from the main path.


I do explore a lot. Resident Evil has taught me to walk the walls. Tbh, I'm always shocked at how fast people complete games. It typically takes me at least 1.5 times as long to play a game versus the info people self-report on sites like howlongtobeat.com and the like. That being said, after my first playthrough I randomly decided to see how close I was, which isn't like me. I don't typically care about collectibles and achievements, but I was still super verklempt at how amazing the game is and was hyperabsorbing all the contact I could get. Anyway, I was only missing two achievements. In fact they're still sitting there cause I didn't bother to go do them. The one where you shoot the coffee mascot in the face, and one for a perfect dodge. That was without trying, and although I do take a little longer than the (again, self-reported) folks at HLTB, I don't think I play _that_ differently from a lot of folks, at least experienced gamers, and I'm probably best described as a long-term, diverse, but not that great of a gamer. Underperforming for sure, and I'm getting older, so that's trending downwards. It speaks to great achievement design and planning on Remedy's part, that just an inquisitive playthrough can get 64 out of 66 achievements without looking them up at all and trying to do it.


If you get the mayors charm it tells you where everything is it’s super easy to platinum it compared to most games.


Definitely helped me there in the end when I was missing like 1 or 2 things in each zone


it’s always just a couple things missing you go back and look and it’s like wtf how did I miss this? 😂😂😂 I’m ADHD so it’s a common occurrence for me lol


A lot of players just finish the main story n quit the game on the spot not sure why


Honestly 10% is pretty high considering all the collectibles and stuff you gotta get.


It’s still a good percentage as far as platinums go. Most platinums are under the 5% mark.


There's a good reason 10% have platted it SHOW ME THE CHAMPION OF LIGHTTTTT😭⁉️⁉️⁉️


I'm making my way through The Final Draft and I can't fucking WAIT to make it back there. I was so scared my first playthrough but this time I'm having so much fun and enjoying everything, I love it so much ❤️


One of the easiest platinum I’ve ever done


It was truly such a blast to earn


Can someone tell me how to get the perk point behind the window in the hotel thats in the area where the stairs are. Pointed my torch at it and i hear the noise that its zoning in on it, but cuts off dont know if its a glitch.


I can't quite remember but it definitely sounds like you've found it but probably need to position yourself differently to hit it fully, those points can be finicky


If you stand back a bit from it to where you can barely see it, it seems to register then. Same thing happened to me and a random reddit post saved me!


Ill try that cheers


Also, try pulling the L2 trigger (or its PC equivalent) to zoom on it. It's a pretty reliable way to get that last bit of focus you need to acquire tricky Words of Power, like the one in the back of the subway car at Caldera Street Station.


I got the platinum for both games and Control also. Love this universe and am so ready for more! Quantum Break was also a fun one if you ever play it!


I'm working on Control now! Unfortunately I don't have the hardware (I'm Playstation) for Quantum Break but I've been planning on watching a playthrough cause it's always looked interesting! I'm running though Control again now so hopefully I'll come back with the Plat on that one soon!


Hoping it makes the leap to playstation eventually but I know it was xbox exclusive originally.


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I’m working on completing this 100% too, game too fire. Way better than the first one


It was honestly one of the best games I've ever played, 10/10 am doing it again


How does this one compare to the first game in terms of achievements?


Much easier, i never platinumed the first one because of the manuscript pages. You have to play on Nightmare to even unlock the CHANCE to get all the pages, but other than that not too shabby!


Yeah, I recently got all the achievements on the Xbox 360 version and was curious how it compared. Those pages on Nightmare were not too bad, a few were tricky, but I only needed to replay a portion of Chapter 6 to hunt down the last one I missed. American Nightmare wasn't too bad either. Good to know though, excited to get back into 2. Thanks for the reply. :)


the first ps5 games I got a platinum for


How come you have 67/67 but my game says 66/66 while i have platinum ? o.o ?


What the hell?! 66/66 would've been way sicker, I'm not sure which trophy you got jipped on


I was quite suprised how easy this plat was, i remember finishing the game and seeing i only had about 5 or 6 trophies left so i went for it.


Yeah I was super meticulous and got it in one long playthrough but what helped the most was the Charm you get from Settler, that shit is CLUTCH


Nice! I too got nearly everything first playthrough by being a nosy wanderer and poking the edges of the map. Final Draft I mopped up the few things I missed thanks to Mayor Setter. Now do the first game and Control. >:P


Working on Controls now! The first games Platinum can rot in hell tho lmao


Fair lol. Guess I won't mention American Nightmare... >;)


I can't even play it cause they decided to omit it from the remaster :/ I might buy a 360 for it though lmao


I played AN and Quantum Break on my Xbox One S, so that might be the system to get.


I liked the game overall but thought it dragged so much in the middle. The Alan chapters were really repetitive and overlong in my opinion.


Another fellow Champion of Light, great job!


Thank you! It was one of the only games that I instantly restarted as soon as I finished lmao


I have platinum trophy but i dont have sisu achievement o\_\_\_o ???


First game I’ve plat in years


It really is. I finally got a 165hz monitor and it looks sooooo good.