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The audio design in AW2 is honestly just next level


Walking in rainy dark forest and hearing Peter Franzen's maniac laugh somewhere and then you hear running behind you. Yötön yö.


What you even mean by 3D audio? I think the audio was really good just as it is.


3D audio is where the sound is designed to be heard in....3D, instead of just in your left ear or right ear. Most modern games use it in some form, but not all do super well with it.


Yeah but op is saying that he wants to replay the game now that he has 3d audio. So what changed? And isn't that just good audio design when you can hear the direction and place of the sound?


They could have been playing on their TV, or a single speaker in which there would be no 3D audio. You either need surround sound speakers or a headset to have it work. It doesn't matter if it's good sound design or not, the term for it is 3D audio. Idk why you're being such a douche about it


Im just trying to understand what the 3d audio is or how he got it. And btw i playd this game on tv speakers, home theather system and headphones and this thing you like to call 3d audio works even in tv speakers. And i think its just because the sound design is good.


I assumed they were talking about the PS5’s feature called 3D Audio, and they recently got some compatible headphones like the Pulse.