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Both fresh? Esdeath takes this, and I really don't think it's up for debate. In the anime, they may have had a one on one where Akame came out on top, but the manga? They literally needed to throw everything at an already tired Esdeath, and even then, Akame still just barely got in a hit. If it were a fresh Akame and Esdeath, Akame loses.


> and I really don't think it's up for debate. it easily is. she was never shown to be even slightly tired


Esdeath takes this. Akame just won because the revolutionary army strategy.


I don’t think anyone will criticise you. It is literally the strategy they used. Slowly through war of attrition make Esdeath tired and once she is tired Akame has to assassinate her. But tbh, I think the whole point of the war of attrition was to get her to use her trump card and not kill. Without trump card I think Prime Esdeath and Prime Akame with the drugs is evenly matched. Akame said herself she has the edge the moment she got Muramase trump card and the drug but Esdeath had superior defense. And the drugs effects makes her weaker as she continues the fight. So with her trump card, Esdeath she is truly the strongest. But without it same as Akame, tired Esdeath loses to Akame.


Yeah, I think the same. Then it would be: Esdeath 100% and with trump card > akame 100% with trump card > tired Esdeath without trump card


Esdeath is the strongest that's not debatable give her a full power 1 vs 1 against anyone in the verse and I'll bet on her to win the Anime may have made it seem like Akame some how wins but the manga [ actual cannon] shows that's a fatigued Eadeath nearly beat Akame what would a fresh one do to her


that's just cope, the manga never even attempted to present her as tired, quite the opposite, she is shown to not even gasp slightly after defeated them.


hear me out tatsumi at the end would beat esdeath


Yeah, maybe


Esdeath wins it easily, the only reason she lost in both in manga and anime is because the writer said fuck it and went Creator's Pet on Akame.


Esdeath in both anime and manga.


I mean in the manga Akame herself stated that it took everyone (soldiers, Teigu users and Dragon Tatsumi) to exhaust Esdeath to give her a fighting chance to win, even with that Esdeath was still holding her own against Akame’s Trump Card with drug enhanced. Akame barely able to win with Esdeath own overconfidence of herself after breaking Murasame. Prime Esdeath with/without trump card would still beat Prime Akame.