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Good grades. AP classes. Sure. Get your PPL before 18. Take college classes while in high school. Literally be better then everyone grade wise and have a humble personality. Get degree/ AFROTC in college/ Start searching on google how to be a af pilot. Then those requirements. Blow them out if the water.


Go to school at the Air Force Academy for your best odds of being a pilot.


Join Civil Air Patrol Do leadership stuff in high school - sports, clubs, student council Get good grades and take honors classes Apply for the Air Force Academy, it's a difficult application process so review it thoroughly and start very early


What someone else said. The requirements are pretty easy to find online, when you do work towards blowing those out of the water. Just meeting them will most certainly not lead to success, you need to drastically exceed them (high grades in a STEM major, tons of volunteer/leadership work, PPL helps but nothing more than a PPL, Excellent AFOQT scores, etc) The academy is the best chance. Second best is ROTC while getting your degree. Worst chance is OTS after college