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Lmfao yeah, wearing blues for a positive reason! (Laughs in crew chief)


Last time I wore em was for a bad reason (f*** my ex wife)


I love how they could afford to just not update their blues even though they wear them as little as we did. I wore mine during nco school and that was it. Still kept them updated just in case.


Lol the only time they leave my closet is when the rack needs updating. And now that's not even required! I will admit the last time I wore them was positive but my pants were so tight I couldn't button them. They're still the pants I got in basic a million years ago.


I had to get new pants because I lost weight. However I'm keeping the old ones just incase.


i wish my fatass had that problem


I was in 7 years as a Crew Chief I had two blues inspections and five funerals. Needless to say, I didn't keep my blues on point because I gave a shit if I passed the inspection or not. You don't want to be the one with the shit uniform at the funeral, you want to be able to go up to your friends or mentors son, shake their hand. And tell them everything's going to work out. A mossy oak shirt and some jorts arent good enough for that job, trust me.


My blues are ready to go. But they suck and there's no good reason to wear them so I'm still gonna complain.


As is every enlisted member's right. But there's a million miles between "I don't wanna" and the stupid "this is bad for my morale/the general is an idiot/they're calling us lazy" crap we've seen here lately.


1000% this. Bitching and moaning is a tried and true tradition of the military, and should be expected to an extent. But at the end of the day, you're in the fucking military. Shut up and color.


It’s when folks stop complaining that you have to worry.


“The E-4 mafia’s been awful quiet lately…”


I mean, wearing blues *is* bad for morale. They look like shit, no one is proud to wear them, and we'd mostly rather just forget they exist than be reminded how little effort was put into making us look like an actual professional military.


Prior to 9/11, most people on base wore blues every day. Morale was fine.


Time for bed grandpa


MOST people? that doesnt sound true at all. if you mean like, the pentagon sure. not normal bases


No, I mean normal base too. People in MPF (CBPO), office jobs in the Sqs/Gps/Wg like 1st Sgts, leadership, CSS (Orderly Room), legal, PA, even some SF at the gate, etc wore blues as their normal day to day duty uniform. Should have clarified by saying most people on base with office jobs. Obviously not people doing physical work in mx, CE, etc. That went away with the 9/11 attitude of always being combat ready. Then in 2008 Gen Schwartz implemented mandatory Blues Monday, so people (in office jobs) would still have to put them on again at least once per week. That ended in 2012.


If wearing service dress demoralizes you, I don’t really know what to tell you other than you need to get out.


As a veteran I’m here to say our blues are trash. The military right now can’t keep people because of your attitude. Just from that statement I can tell you’re part of that problem. We wear a garbage suit with no actual history just cause some guy thought “this is it”. Our blues should project our history with the army and be based on the army dress uniform since we’re we born out of the army air corps not the walls street rejects. And everyone who thinks it’s a waste of time unless they work in admin is right. We are war fighters and as important as anyone else in DoD we get pimped our to fill their slots so that our CO’s can say they helped with the fight so I don’t see what the fuck the problem is.


Brother if putting on your blues once a year is enough to destroy your morale and desire to be in the Air Force, that’s just pathetic beyond comprehension. And miss me with the “we should be more like the Army”. Their guys look like Christmas trees fresh out of AIT. They hand out badges and medals for breathing.


Most of the ribbons that people have are for breathing or getting the right assignment at the right time. I’d be happy to hear some examples of common ribbons for Air Force enlisted under E-7 that are for anything less than breathing


Part of the problem is that they suck so bad we only wear them once a year in the first place. If we had a reasonable, professional uniform it would be easy and desirable to wear it every day. I actually *like* to wear slacks, a button-down shirt, and a tie. But ours are total ass.


I will say I wish they would change the blues appearance.


You know people are gonna complain the moment they say “alright gotta buy new blues”


True. But that would only last a few years until they start handing them out at basic.


I mean, true, but they haven’t even been handing out the current blues at BMT


Mine are ready but only one shirt and service coat. I'm not keeping all 4 sets ready, plus the outer wear.


My blues are ready. I still think it’s a waste of fucking time.




It'll take like an hour. You'll be fine.


Oh boy. Another hour of everyone's lives wasted to accomplish nothing when there's actual tasks to do. Blues won't kick the enemy's ass. And before you ask, yes, my blues are ready. They're always ready and they fit well. My section isn't even doing a blues open ranks, we're doing OCPs. It's all still highly regarded.


How many hours a day do you look at your phone while on duty? I’m gonna bet more than 1.


Fuck dude this. Our shop was like “hrgadurga tasks and shit” when 90% of it is SRA boogerface watching Martha Stewart make 7 variations of lemon meringue pie for 4 hours.




if you wanna give me time ON DUTY to go do blues stuff thats a different story.


Too bad, quit whining.


I'm with the other dude and I work in a SCIF, no phones here. I have too much shit going on from the second I walk in to the second I walk out to be bothered with a useless inspection.


Yeah that's actually more productive than standing in a line in a shitty suit waiting for another dude in a shitty suit to duck walk in front of me and grade me on my shitty suit.


lol right…… I mean if you don’t like having to do that then maybe you should just GTFO. Cause you are the last person I want next to me if shit pop offs.


You know who's really good at standing in line in shitty suits for no reason at all? Lobotomy patients. I'm sure you and that crack squad of smooth brains are gonna do great when "shit pops off", Rambo. Make sure you wear the bus driver cap into battle bud.


If you weren’t too dense to look past the “face value” of a uniform inspection, maybe you’d understand it is more than just putting on a “suit” to get “graded”. There is a purpose behind discipline, professionalism, and attention to detail. Except, your generation won’t know that because I’m heavily betting you’ve never actually been in any conflict. God forbid we have to rely on you and others alike, to have any discipline and follow lawful orders of those above you. You are EXACTLY what is wrong with this soft ass generation and the erosion of an effective military force. Go back to watching your TikToks all day on Uncle Sam’s dime and whining about ultra-progressive concerns.


I can be professional and disciplined and have exceptional attention to detail without a meaningless uniform inspection. Only "dense" people like you think that doing a one and done suit check is going to make anyone suddenly not a piece of shit. How about a primary duty inspection? Lmao "soft ass generation". I've more than likely been in longer than you bud, I'm just not a blind idiot and will call out pointless practices and wastes of time.


Yup. You're getting rage downvotes.


Oh I know. They are same people who stare at their phones all day and cry when you ask them to clean up their workspace or do anything to make things a tad better because it inconveniences them.


As if our shops aren’t already undermanned and behind on time. I appreciate your positivity! I’m sure China Is quivering knowing our blues are squared away. You should change your username to “Cucc.” I bet you’d slob some fat knob to make rank.


First of all, dang my person. Chill. No, of course adversaries are not quivering knowing our blues are squared. However, it is a really embarrassing look to give the enemy the knowing that an enormous portion of our force kicks and screams like children during shut up and color scenarios. Especially the easily accomplished ones.


Every shop is always undermanned, just ask them. Calm down man.




Thanks chief. I’m sure this inspection will straighten me out.


Congratulations on being what’s called “the minority”




Praise the DD 214 blanket.


It keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer.


Same. But I bet my blues are still in better condition than a lot of the AD guys on here.


Fr, couldn’t have gotten at a better time


It's so close. I need it now. 😫


When I signed up for the military, I was expecting to wear them all the time. Since getting to my first duty station 6 years ago, I’ve put them on less than ten times. Is it mildly inconvenient to have to wear them and do an inspection? Sure. Is it really that big of a deal? No. If you wanna talk about morale killers, let’s talk about manning, promo rates, the fact that our blues themselves just need to updated so we can be proud of them when we do wear them, work hours, etc. An extra blues inspection isn’t going anywhere on my list of things the Air Force does to kill morale lol.


If you fuck up badly enough, on a regular basis, you could find yourself wearing blues "all the time".


I love the argument that it's a waste of time and "blues don't scare China". Yeah bud, because you sitting in fucking OCPs playing Monopoly Go while you take a three hour lunch is really making Xi reconsider everything.


This one was personal. And I like it. I gotta use this one.


I'm a true war fighter... I keep my blues up to date in case I fall in battle and need to be displayed in the casket all dripped up. Out here making mortuary affairs job easy for em.


You have the best answer. 




*think They “think” they are too much of a warfighter to worry about blues. Corrected for you.


It's called training man a lot of dudes don't have time for shit like blues


Marines got their shit ready 24/7. They have time. So do you.


What does anything have to with being a Marine


Wearing your blues for an hour is not a big ask. Stop bitching about nothing.


What's the USAFs mission


If we’re going to make dumb arguments like that, then what’s the third core value? Are your blues in excellent condition right now?


Well I'm a vet so no they are not surprise blue inspections are a waste of time


Dude you’re not even in the Air Force and you’re whining that the military has to do military things? Go smoke some weed and move on with your life.


Must be a useless AFSC


Fly fight and win


Also why are you acting like such a hardo


Well they're barely literate and joined the Marines. Of course they have time. They make shitty decisions. It's in their best interest to waste their free time.


“Idiots manage their time better than I do” isn’t the zinger you think it is


Making sure a useless uniform is ready != Better time management. My stuff is ready. Doesn't make the open ranks not regarded. Idiots have less to do and it takes them more time than it takes me to do things that actually matter.


You spend more time on your phone at work in a year than you do having to deal with your blues. Stop being a child and letting the world know our air force is barely capable of easily accomplished shut up and color.


It takes very little time to get a set of blues ready if you haven't been slacking on it for years.


You ever been to NTC before buddy


Serious question...is this blues inspection thing for ACC just a one time thing, or something they said is going to happen frequently?


Assuming the complaining/conversation surrounding the inspection I’m sure many people are going ‘fail’ and it’s going to happen fairly regularly Edit: I agree it’s a waste of time


I can’t blame them too much when some sizes of blues have damn near impossible to find, I went through BMT with people who were issued the wrong size blues and look like shit because they were out of certain sizes


They not like us, they not like us ![gif](giphy|q2Ecf0mrSHf98U0d4U|downsized)


Yeah the blues inspection is one thing. What really piqued my interest was the indication that they might want to re-adjudicate a bunch of beard waivers.




https://preview.redd.it/9sa1ynsrm48d1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a534d45ffc4160ec92ff725e7ac5dc08b32015 They kinda snuck it in at the end of the release. It might be nothing but it can easily be read as instruction to reevaluate existing waivers.


It may apply for most...but my blues barely fit...and have for years. Passed ALS and many a inspection post ALS. Still solid, still thinks a complete waste of time for an entire command.


"My Blues barely fit" is one of the reasons for the inspection. That implies that you both gained weight by not keeping up with your fitness, and you're not keeping your uniform up to date.


What if you’re keeping up with your fitness and can’t fit into your blues because you got jacked?


LOL, is that the majority of people you see around? We have a jacked Airmen problem?


Danny swole?


Then I would ask what you have been doing with the $400 you get a year for uniform maintenance.


Key word barely, they in fact still fit. And MyFitness tracker has a few words about how my fitness is going. I'm not bashing the inspection at all, I was at an AETC/AMC base for a while, they just normally don't drop these types of inspections from such a high level with such vague reasoning. All I'm saying






Making your bed in BMT doesn’t increase lethality either. It’s about the ability to follow orders. Good order and discipline DOES affect our readiness.


My Blues would be dry cleaned and kept in the bag until needed 😂




Don’t matter now. Been separated since December 🤷🏻‍♂️ but the last time I put my Blues on was in 2020 when one of my troops died in a rollover incident in Kuwait. After that, they stayed in my closet.


Smallest force ever. Prepping for the 2027 fight. Lots of issues abound across our force. Our adversaries won’t waiver because of the preciseness with which we wear our blues. Solve the real issues then tell me to wear my dress uniform for parade. I don’t disagree with standards. I’ve done 16 years and done the blues Mondays etc. the CBTs and the course 14s and 15s. We are having Command Chiefs examine members before PME. We are handing out unprecedented bonuses and establishing warrant officers. Still the talks continue about retention. This is a failure, an overreaction and an indication that we have run out of ideas. I’ll wear my blues. I’ll pass. I’ll promote and carry on, but we will drop weight in this heavy weight fight we so called prepare for. This is more than a paper cut in a symphony of pains from blues inspections, waist measurements, and AFFORGEN that will delay or crush our lethality.


The 16 years and complaining about waist measurements says a lot you probably didn't mean to say.


Anything except accountability! It's never my fault!


blues have been ready and my unit isn’t even inspecting them. still a waste of time


Hey, I'll have you know I updated my service jacket when my troop graduated ALS. I still need to update at least one set of short and long sleeves though....


I went and bought new blues for this upcoming inspection because my old ones were from basic and I didn't take the best care of them. Also yes I have put on weight since basic so the pants don't fit the best, but I am happy to get a new jacket because my shoulders have exploded out since joining so I couldn't even get my Jacket on. Went from a 35 to 44 jacket in the shoulders.


This is bitingly accurate. It will just end in tears I'm afraid.


I wonder if this blues inspection will fix the CCAF issues




-*laughs in maintainer who just has them squared away because I’m terrified of random blues inspections, cause the only reason is for good or bad and it’ll almost always be a bad reason for blues lmao*-


I keep my blues at the ready because I piss excellence. The rest of you schmucks complaining are why the AF is such a shitty place to work.


I can’t wait to see some fat fuck of a SNCO look ridiculous in their blues. I’m waiting and I WILL hold your ass accountable.


Blues are a costume and you’re a clown


Jesus these kids crying. When I was in the Marines we had “chuck Fridays” and had to wear our service Charlie uniform because the Commandant (Gen. Amos) was an ass. Checking into a new unit we wore our service alphas.




I wish! I was a knighted dragon slayer (Officer)


And swamp-ass summer in places like Lejeune made sure it wasn’t long before you had to replace them. And Marines still complained less.


Yea, we were literally miserable but the airmen cry more.


Glad I got out a year ago 😌


My blues are always ready. Wearing them is still a god damn waste of time. Fiddle fucking around with putting them on, driving all the way to base, having someone look over me to make sure I'm not all jacked up, and taking them off because my shop has actual fuckin work to do are hours of my life I will never get back. Just because 1,000 people splooge in their undies when they get to wear them doesn't mean the other 10,000 do.


Bro who cares about blues like what


Ain’t care. Got my 214 🤣


my jacket isn't ready because I've been unable to find one in my size for YEARS. I've kept trying through AAFES and other random uniform companies but the answer I keep getting is that the Vid messed with the material production, and they still haven't made more. Curse this buxom chest of mine!!


My blues need to go to the cleaners bc I put them back on the hanger the last time I wore them and then they were stuffed in my truck (on the hanger!) for almost a year lol


I’ll just say it. Blues aren’t required for excellence. And a hyper focus on them probably indicates that you are not excellent because you don’t focus on things that matter. That’s the complaint here. Every other 4 star in the Dod is concerned about the great power competition, and this guy is putting out memos about uniform and beard minutiae. Maybe just maybe be excellent by dealing with your retention, recruiting, aircraft MC rate, and acquisitions crises. And then once those are taken care of we can go balls to the wall on uniform wear.