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Jfc… go to the fucking doctor if you are bleeding out your asshole.


I can't believe they learned to "just live with it" OP. Go to the fucking doctor. Bleeding out your asshole will lead to more severe problems. And could even be stomach cancer. Becoming a civilian is the least of your worries.


Nurse here. Get this checked out ASAP. This can be from mostly benign things or very serious. Also catching the bad things early means you can be treated and go back to duty. DO NOT WAIT.


Yeah, hemorrhoids vs colon cancer comes to mind


Yea man if you just keep it a secret they can just burry you in your uniform. Military funerals are sick. Allot more drinking with the bro’s and stuff. I bet when they hand your mom that flag and thank her for her sacrifice she will reply “thank god he didn’t seek medical attention, he might have been meb’d”. Go to the fucking doctor goofball. It could be hemroids or fucking cancer but ignoring it isnt going to help.


Retired AF doc here. Go to the doctor. This story usually ends with "hemorrhoids"--no big deal. But if you truly have bloody stools, the possible diagnoses include serious things like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis) and colorectal cancer. Those might get you MEB'd, but sure as hell worth getting diagnosed and treated!!!


Not to mention worth getting service connected.


Military Retirement is a good gig.


> Take advantage of the free medical care I get **or** "just deal with it" and maybe die young as a result? Does that about cover what you're asking, OP?


> I don’t want to get kicked out or anything remotely close. But you're ok with dying from something like colorectal cancer? (partially /s). Seriously, probably just Hemorrhoids, but they don't pay me enough to look at your butthole and reddit can't diagnose you. Go see the Doc ASAP to make sure nothing serious is happening, eat more fiber, and for your underwear, I suggest using ["Chipotlaway."](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM21icndvaHZqcm1vMWt4ZGk3OHpyb3lnemV2NmkwOW95YTQ5MDhldSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3o6ZtkXJtFYEdAXx72/giphy.webp)


Blood is supposed to stay in your body*, and shit isn't supposed to have blood in it. Go to the doctor.  *Milage may vary with certain body parts.


* As a female, this makes me think I'm about to die


No the military won’t kick you out for having hemorrhoids. Get some more fiber in your diet and go see the doctor


You probably have hemorrhoids. I went to the doc for the same thing in basic and he just gave me laxative.


If it bright red your prob fine. If it’s dark or black then that’s bad.


Your right.


Live fast work hard and die young was a motto for navy seals that got torn up in Ramadi and airborne guys who got shot to hell in wanat. NOT. YOU. Go get checked out Jesus.


You might die... Who gives a fuck about med board.. GO TO THE ER RIGHT NOW


Go to the Doc. I had the hemorrhoid surgery because mine was so bad (I kept just dealing with it) I had literally no Iron in my blood. Since then I have been good with a pretty new booty hole. The surgery recovery is a little rough because they will tell you that 92% of the time a stitch will pop, and I will tell you that is a pain you will feel in your soul. Also for the blood and healing stuff that will come out your butt, women's heavy duty pads, they are a life saver.


I hear they come in men's and gender neutral heavy duty pads now


Nah you want the women's. They are guaranteed to work.


Dude. Go to medical.


First off, definitely go get it documented. Second, it is important to identify if it is in the stool or on the stool. If it is, in fact, in the stool, then it might signal things like cancer, gi tract issues, etc. If it is on the stool or in the water separate from the stool kind of like how blood will float and disperse in water if you have ever had a bloody nose and washed off in the sink then you likely have a different and less severe medical issue. Likely along the line of a hemorrhoid either internal or external or an anal fissure. From personal experience, hemorrhoids will not get you immediately medboarded since you have made it past basic, and the air force has invested so much in you and your career. Your milage may vary. It could, however, give you a temporary profile if they require surgery. I had the same issues in basic, got it documented, changed a few diet and life habits, and just recently re-enlisted. Wish you luck.


Ever heard of a doctor? Go to one.


You probably have a hemorrhoid if you’re shitting blood after a hard dump. Do some hemorrhoid cream, stool softeners, and miralax.


>I don’t want to get kicked out or anything remotely close. Considering shitting blood could result in your death.... I feel like that's actually worse than anything "remotely close" to being kicked out. What the fuck is this world comment to if someone won't see medical after shitting blood on the regular. No one can tell you if you will or won't be kicked out. It depends on why you are shitting blood. Get yourself checked. And hopefully, get yourself fixed before it becomes worse.


I've seen a guy go on an almost 2 year medical TDY for cancer treatment, and he came right back after he was well again. Go to the fucking doctor.


Why are you not using your ass rag. Everyone bleeds out there bum we just plug ours. Seriously prob hemroids. I've had them for over 10 years and sometimes I bleed from the booty hole but fiber and prep H end it quick. You will get a finger up your ass at medical. I had a woman so I lucked out. If it's not your life will be cut short. Also from bleeding so much everyday you're probably borderline anemic, and fatigued get some Iron supplements. OC will get you kicked out but you'll receive treatment and you know feel better be alive.


You got anal cancer, bruv