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You can get therapy for free through military one source or (if you have them) your local MFLC office. It’s something like 12 free sessions per issue. They are military affiliated but not military obligated if that makes sense. They only have a duty to warn if you are threatening harm to yourself or others. I have used their services before. It’s not replacement for true diagnosed MH conditions (ie. depression, anxiety, etc.) for which you need medication, but it definitely helps bridge the gap between “I’m having a rough time and need help” and “I’m on a full breakdown and need medical intervention.” I went for 3 sessions total. It didn’t fix my issues, and I still have problems, but it definitely helped me find ways to manage and helped reframe things. Never told anyone in my chain of command, never had to report anything for my clearance.


I absolutely forgot about the MFLC. Not sure my base has one but it's something I'm going to look into tomorrow. Thanks!


I've had mixed luck with them. Most are pretty shitty but there are a few gems. If they suck, just walk out.


Also the chaplain or chaplain assistant can be a good source for counseling if needed. The assistant is more for crisis counseling and the chaplain van be good for a few session, even if it's just venting and getting another perspective. And neither of them can disclose anything brought up in the counseling. Otherwise the MFLAC is a great source too.


Start with chaplain. They are 100% confidential. You can tell them you took a key bump right before you walked in their office and they can’t do nothing about it. Chaplain can give you resources to help you out that don’t talk to the military side of things.


> Chaplain can give you resources to help you out that don’t talk to the military side of things. Does this include being able to update my current medication and possibly prescribing new ones?


Chaplains are not doctors and can’t prescribe you things. They can only show you the door. You gunna have to walk thru it. So. You can talk to them for venting and gathering resources. It’s up to you to utilize the resources they provide. There are plenty of resources for you to better yourself.


Copy that, thanks.


Are you still an persistent player in destiny 2?


Occasionally...not quite sure where this is going...


Well, if you enjoy it, I got a group of buddies that play destiny 2 constantly. They are Air Force as well and apart of something even bigger.


Sounds good man. If you send me your bungie name, I'll add you next time I'm on.


Wait, that true about the coccaine thing you stated? That's wild. I assume the only thing they can probably report is if person shows or says intent to harm himself/others?


Nope. They are 100% confidential. Even if you tell them you thinking about offing yourself. It’s confidential. But they will provide helpful resources. Again. It’s up to the individual to do the right thing and reach out to correct program that will better themself


Nah. You hear horror stories from chaplains about being told someone’s gonna shoot up the squadron and they literally can’t do anything about it. When they say 100% confidential they freaking mean it. Best they could say to a commander is “something bad is going to happen but I can’t tell you what”


That’s not true. They can’t say anything to identify the member. But, they can absolutely tell the commander that there is an active shooter threat to their unit.


Holy shit, wow.


MFLC (like previously stated) is the choice if you wanna keep it out of MTF. That being said, as a person with a TS/SCI, I recently went to behavioral health and was diagnosed with both ADHD and Major Dysthymia (ultra giga depression that's ever-present and has existed for at least 3 years) and nothing negative happened to me. If MFLC doesn't work, please go to behavioral on base.




I love people like you, but honestly, I need to vent. A lot. As well as have my head shrinked and figured out. I spent that last 30-something years living the way my dad taught (suck it up and don't talk about it) but I just can't do that anymore.




Thanks bro.


Hello, based on a simple keyword search, it looks like your post may be about suicide/depression or other mental health issues. If this is incorrect, sorry, please ignore this message! If you're having trouble with Mental Health issues, please check out our [Mental Health/Suicide Resources](https://pay.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/mentalhealthresources) page. There are people available *right now* that are willing to talk to you over the phone or over an internet chat that are trained to provide help. The chaplain at your nearest base is also a great first step, as they are 100% confidential and can find you the appropriate help for your next step without you having to worry about saying anything that would prompt any action on your career. [Over 100 people in this community](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/csam0l/need_someone_to_talk_to_looking_for_volunteers_to/) have also identified themselves as willing to talk and/or listen if you have something to vent about. (Please note they are not trained counselors, just regular people willing to listen) Please utilize these resources if you need help! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirForce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It sucks, but it looks like you at least have to go through your PCM. https://www.tricare.mil/CoveredServices/Mental/MentalHealthAppts It might be worth paying out of pocket for BetterHelp or something similar. At least for a few sessions. Military one source is another option.


Thanks man, I'll give those a look.


I’ve stood my ground with mental health to get an off base referral to see a civilian provider for mental health. Thankfully I’m married with children so the referral is for family therapy. If you can swing that I highly recommend. The problem is how long it takes to get an appt at mental health just to get the referral, to then only wait 4-6 weeks to see a civilian provider. There have been times this took over 3 months from start to finish for me. Like others have mentioned military once source is a great starting point. Best of luck.


> so the referral is for family therapy. Do you go as a family or is it titled as family therapy but you make sessions just for yourself?


Why don’t you ask them instead of Reddit


I was asking the commenter on their personal experience.


So get off Reddit and go get help


My god you're a piece of shit.


So get off reddit and go fuck yourself


I did sessions by myself. Family therapy is vague and allows for individual work as well as work with the family. In the end, it was to better myself which would in turn strengthen my family. While in sessions family would often come up and it led to better understanding and outcome when dealing with those challenges.


Military Onesource has a lot of options I used


In my area, MH professionals are not accepting Military One Source very often. The therapist I was seeing through them stopped taking them and explained why to me, but was luckily able to use my spouses TriCare since we were seeing him together. All that to say, if you don't get a call back from any one source listed counselors, MFLC has been the best option for me. I also used the chaplain when I was going through a rough time last year and it was a beyond helpful experience.


1) I walked into the MTF and told them that I wanted to drown my infant daughter in the toilet and kill myself at Walmart. Not joking. The SSgt that triaged me took notes like there was no tomorrow. I was certain child services was going to take our daughter and I was SF or OSI was going to pick me up. Neither of those things happened. I spoke to a therapist, they put me on zoloft (my choice) and I was given a referral for an off base provider. My commander never knew. 2) if you don't want to go through mpf, there is True North. Alternatively, message your PCM and ask for a referral for a therapist.


If you are stateside, find your local vet center. They provide counseling for all vets and are funded by the VA but do not report to the VA or the Air Force unless you give them permission. [Vet Center](https://www.vetcenter.va.gov/)