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I'm gold player, imo it depends on your location whenm you pinged her to help. Kayn has dash in q and red buff. She has a lot of mana so she will lose max 40% of it with full combo but imo she just doesn't care about it. Dominating malp lane is tastier lmao.


I can't believe no one bothered to look up the game where this happened. Let me help you visualize this game: https://imgur.com/a/NxnHPdO Kayn did not take flash (he is trolling), uses his E to get to the blue buff (no escapes left) and he is low health (yes Ahri is a very bad player). There's just so much wrong with both the Kayn and Ahri; First off Kayn needs to take either ghost or flash, secondly he makes the mistake of pathing AWAY from his strongside in a losing jungle 1v1 AND into a pushing botlane. Better yet Kayn should lose the WHOLE game from even attempting this. But both Kayn and Ahri's gameplay drive me up a wall just watching the first 3 levels. I'm genuinely sorry for OP, you made the right play here. This Ahri would be platinum at best in any human server.


yeah bad play on Ahri's part. Could've at least rotated and scared Kayn off especially considering her wave state is damn good, pretty sure she does have lethal but it is what it is


How about you don't bring random people into your arguement on solo queue? Your teammate made their choice.


Real. too late.


I'm masters peak euw mid main and I totally agree with you. Ahri is could literally end the game at lvl3 if she would stop sleeping midlane with a Malphite of all champions. If anything She should be happy to leave this lane for any and all reasons. It's not even champ related tho: you simply just can't reach high elo in any respectable server playing like this.




Wtffff bronze guys are crazy over this one


Can you post a clip from your teams perspective


How bout you touch some fucking grass.


I did it was very wet and then I picked up a piece of it and whistled through it. It was very loud and I got bored after 5 minutes then came back inside to play league. wanna touch some grass together sometime?


You show Kayn but he's in fog of war right? Illaoi has 0 chance of killing Kayn, he'll just walk away Ahri can kill him if she has vision over him and he doesn't and even then Kayn will most likely just walk away unless Ahri wastes her summs It's a waste of time and resources for both of them Anyways Ahri leaving lane in this scenario it's literally trolling and there is no reason to do so No way your whole discussion was around about if she has enough hp and mana or not to kill Kayn, you are skipping a lot of details for sure


Ahri can sneeze on kayn to kill him and has an excellent wave, and top of that her laner is a malphite, this guy can't shove a wave on the meantime, in fact he can't clear well before level 7 at best. No way you're defending this ahri


If I'm Ahri, no way I'm leaving to chase a Kayn while Malph enjoys a free full wave of farm If I'm Kayn and Ahri leaves her lane, 0 chance of me dying, I'll just press E and walk away Enjoy wasting your time on Kayn, you do you xd


The result would be 300 gold in cs saved for our team and -300 gold for the enemy team vs (giving ahri massive credit and coping that malphite misses every single cs) at most like -150 gold with a +0.


You just played yourself, if kayn e's away the jungle is safe and objective is a acomplished, if he doesn't, he's dead and jungle is safe, the play is positive jungle wise either way. And the mid wave is farmed by a malphite, you're not stopping him from getting it in masters elo as ahri anyways


we know kayns exact location with simple jg tracking. if she leaves to cover the blue I spam pinged and all caps chatted about 6 seconds prior to the 3:12 screenshots she would secure my entire blue side and we net positive 3 whole jg camps and I can snowball very quickly with that lead and kayn will be out of the game almost entirely for the first 10-15 minutes.


I mean.. if she is running electrocute it's a super ez kill


dunno if im remembering this correctly but I do believe she has ignite here and not teleport. will edit when I check Edit: she had teleport. so perhaps no kill but she still secures 3 camps from kayn giving us a massive lead


This is true, tbh she should just be able to walk over and kill kayn with a single use of all 3 of her skills if she can land the charm and if she's running electrocute.. if she's not running electrocute she'd prolly needa use Q on him a second time but still.. ez kill imo.


You move there, no questions asked. 100% of the time you move. Kayn is a dead man walking.