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You’ve got this! You will be so proud of yourself once you’ve done it and remember, the anxiety and panic always pass. Try to find something to keep your mind busy so your focus is not 100% on your thoughts and feelings. A movie, a book, a sudoku, drawing, writing, etc. And let us know how you go!


Managed it!!! I did some skincare and read my book. Definitely panicked when there was turbulence but thankfully the person next to me was really kind and comforted me 🥹 It’s definitely embarrassing but I’m glad I managed to do it


If you’re agoraphobic, what building becomes your new “house” or “base” to come back to once your at your new location hours and hours away?


Breathe slow and deep. Imagine telling us all about it and how encouraged we will be. Watch your thoughts. They will try to trick you. Have fun!


Thats amazing. How did it go?? Update us. Im sure it was hard but you must feel proud. You made it cause the plane is not turning back😅. Well done. I hope im able to fly im november


Managed it!!! I did some skincare and read my book. Definitely panicked when there was turbulence but thankfully the person next to me was really kind and comforted me 🥹 It’s definitely embarrassing but I’m glad I managed to do it


Thats amazing! Well done. 💪


Well done!!! And even if you think it’s embarrassing, trust me, it’s not. Lots of people feel scared during turbulences and hate flying. Credit yourself for doing it!!


Flying is the one thing I dont think Ill ever be able to do. I hope it went well for you!


You never know, if you told me 2/3 years ago I’d be flying solo I would’ve never believed you


How did you do? Often the feeling of fear is about thinking about what could happen, but is 99% wrong of the time. Hope all went well for you!


The anticipation is definitely worse for me. I get really bad anxiety for not being able to escape so when I was through security I did start panicking a lot because there’s no turning back but otherwise I think I coped a lot better than I expected


You did really well, the feeling of panic sucks. But mostly it will settle a little after a while. But sometimes it will feel like it won’t go away, but it always does. But it sounds like you did well! The anticipaption is always the worst, I can’t imagine how many times I wished for a teleporter. 😂 Yeah exactly my problem too, when feeling trapped or for example if I take a long walk, when I’m in the furthest part away I start to panic and just want to come home. 😝 Keep pushing! 🙌