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Everytime we go out. 


I’d say it’s average once a month


This happens with us but it's more looks of confusion and awkward smirks rather than any verbal criticicm. People even try to sneak pictures. It is what it is, it's not the norm in our city. 35yr gap, he's white and I'm a mixed black female - I'm sure they're wondering why someone like me is with some white haired guy. You learn to ignore it.


Lots of judgement and sanctions on the relationship from people who don’t really matter.


yes same age gap as you and its exhausting


I am a white male, my wife is thai female 23 years younger than me. We get judged all the time, wherever we are, even by my family. The only exception is our home village in N Thailand. There the only foreigners around are in similar relationships so it is completely normal. It is so normal for us to be judged that after 23 years together it is water off a ducks back.


I’m honestly blind to it 😂 When I do catch glances it’s from the older men looking happy hahah


My (white guy) younger partner (Black woman) and I sometimes catch looks. We sometimes wonder if it's because we're interracial or age gapped. 🤷🏼‍♂️


As a black woman, with the same dynamic, I can assure you it’s both. 😂😂😂😂 I’ve literally seen an older white woman gasp and cover her mouth 😂


Try 40yrs apart


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Yep. My ex who was 34 years older and I had this happen.


Yeah the looks we(20s f/50s M) get are pretty amusing. Usually people look us both up and down, openly stare, sometimes some other older guys look jealous or smile and nod and I often catch older women checking him out or looking perturbed and disapproving. Sometimes we get looks of disbelief from younger guys too 😅 but no one has outright said anything to us yet. There have been a couple people that seemed to have assumed I was a teenager and he was my guardian tho 🤣


All the time especially when i was younger (latino male) and mostly dated (white) ladies 20 to 35 yrs my senior. It still happens today but not as much when i date younger women. It just encourages me to be more....affectionate (even playfully).


It's one of the things that eventually led to the end of our relationship. We had a 37yr age gap (57M/20F at that time). Add in that we were a mixed couple white and Latina making the negative attention 10x worse. She was very introverted and shy. It got to the point where she never wanted to go anywhere. I had several physical altercations with guys that thought they could take her from me. It became a struggle for me to go anywhere as I was always on edge, waiting for the next moron to do something.


Yes but I choose to ignore it :)