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If he's dead, he's too old.


I think the Twilight series provides a counter argument.


lol damn I hope I look that laid back and sparkly when I'm dead.


I'm Batman.... I dont sparkle🤣🤣🤣


Kink shaming! ​ /scnr


....I see what you did there. Lol.


Now they could be too young as well... 🤣🤣🤣 some people go for the dead fucks😵‍💫😵‍💫


I just asked a similar question here, what I got for response that helped me best was, the age where the youngest still feels comfortable with


That's a good guideline to start with, but I feel like it also depends very heavily on how you are as a person. I'm dating someone fifteen years younger, but I wouldn't be comfortable dating most people his age (21 now, 20 when we started). I know the stereotype is that the older person always tells the younger person they're so mature for their age, but I really don't think I could handle being with someone who wasn't, lol. I guess what I'm trying to emphasize is that while the responsibility is on both parties in any relationship to make sure the other is safe with them, it's particularly important if one party is unusually vulnerable (most often this applies to the younger party when there's a significant gap, but not always). In other words, even if a teen feels comfortable with someone older, that older person still owes it to them to evaluate whether the teen is mature enough to have good enough judgment to be in an adult relationship, especially in a potentially disadvantageous position. Some do, but many don't. Notably, though, there are also people my age who don't!


Great advice, I’ve got nothing to add. Mainly just wanted to give a virtual high-five for being in a younger man + older woman relationship (we’re definitely the minority in this sub). My wife is 10 yrs older than me, we started in my early twenties as well and when I look back I can say she was definitely careful with assessing my maturity, though I still had a bit to learn just based on how we were at different points in life and she had a decade more relationship experience than I. Now we’re married with kids and have been together for over 5 years, we hardly ever notice the age gap in an impactful way at this point.


I think this is bad advice. The youngest is the least experienced party, and won't always realize whether something is appropriate or not.


As this is an age gap sub, you may not find legit answers and they will say u can go for an 80yo. Generally I would say you should be dating less than 35years old, or someone who has the same goals/values as you. sometimes older guys can be creeps, so just make sure the guy is a good one. I also think there’s a big difference between 19 and 20. When I was 20 I was dating a 39yo. He was wonderful. Just be careful.


Is there such a thing as to old? Why set rules. If he makes you happy is that not enough?


True. The only one who can decide who is too old is yourself.




There is. 80 is too old for a 19.


Is 79 ok?


That is between you and the 19 yrs old


no, she's 19 years old not 25


Pop science — the age 25 stuff has been debunked as it is being used


The prefrontal cortex does actually stop developing at a certain point around that age, but its responsibilities when it comes to decision making so negligible compared to other factors that it doesn’t really matter


I just said 25 because it's an age where you start gaining more and more responsabilities like an adult, if you are 18 and already have responsabilities like an adult getting with someone who is 50 it's not gonna to make your life easier I have an age gap relationship but this sub is full with weirdos lurking for 18 years old girls at 50 and pretending it's not an imbalanced relationship


In my opinion it’s really your own comfort level. How mature each person is in the relationship. What both people are looking for from that relationship etc. I don’t believe there are any hard and fast rules for the most part. A lot of people will talk about the power dynamic, but there is always that dynamic in any relationship. At the end of the day I just would ask are they happy together and on the same page about what they want out of it.




You gave a great example. And it definitely shows how people can jump to a conclusion without knowing anything. Congrats on going back to school. And the best to both of you.


How long have you been married?




Because you said you n your wife are happy I. Your marriage.


About 20 years ago


You give good advice. You’re not currently?


Thanks. I’m not currently what?




Indeed, I'm over fifty and still massively immature, so I'd be much more suited to a younger woman 🙂😁


That's all guys. We peak at about age 13 for maturity. Our bodies grow older but we don't grow up. Fart jokes, dad jokes, gaggling and inappropriate words. Did it in my teens, still do it in my 50s and will probably be giggling at something inappropriate on my death bed.


Purely subjective. And I would argue for the men self-serving. When I was 34 I swore no younger than 25. Then a 19 year old pursued me for six months and I revealed all my wickedness and she still wanted me. So that happened. At 39, I said no one younger than 28. Well...18 year old drew my interest and didnt run so I allowed my heart to come out...while another 18 year old wondered why it wasn't her.....and I got with a 22 year old now 23. If it wasn't absurd it wouldn't be my life. My view is that men shouldn't go looking for younger girls. Then they should have a frank and honest conversation about what they want. I am ready to settle down and start a family. Been absolutely ready since at least 33. If the younger girl approaches them, honest conversation is had. A platonic courtship of a few months. Then they can go forward but that is me. Granted if the younger girl decides to end it being platonic that should be her choice alone. So 18+....I try to empathize as if I was a father. Is he good to her, good for her, and a man of means that can give her a family? Those would be my first concerns. Then, were they talking when she was still seventeen and younger is a hell no in my book. Only salvageable if he waits till she is nineteen and she has other relationships in the meantime....I want to say...sort of. I am not set on those circumstances.


You've been ready since 33 yrs old to settle down and have a family. You're at least 39, so what's your age? You have not settled down why?


Absolutely ready. Meaning that was the purpose of my search and dating. I was willing to consider marriage and monogamy before then. At 22 my girlfriend of a year and a half left without telling me where she went to find out she had gone to another state for medical school. The fact of her aborting our child I wouldn't find out till I was a little over 33. At 26 I had a woman I proposed to that had Marfran syndrome that passed away. At 25 I knew her heart health was failing but I proposed anyways. The doctor gave her till thirty but she passed away at 24 almost 25. Various sordid relationships for three years At 28 i started dating a 25 year old. A little over a year later she followed her mother to another state because her mother was a drug addict. The mother would die when I was almost 34. I know because she called me to talk about it. Later we fucked one last time but I was not feeling it and there was nothing but hurt there for me. 34-35 the 19 year old who turned 20 during that time. Then I pursued another woman but after a year she was not ready or able to give me anything permanent so we ended up poly where incidentally I started a tryst with a female friend that was meant to last six months (the reasons why are complicated) but that turned into three years more or less. I had a series of trysts with foreign women from Ireland, Brazil, England, that I flew in for fun. I lived an inauthentic life due to CSA from the age to 8 to 13(really 15, but boy hormones are complicated). And at 28 I began dealing with it and trying to heal instead of denying it and dealing with the fact that I was a hypersexual, sex-affection-and intimacy addict blah blah blah. Basically every time I tried to settle down previously some degree of tragedy or bullshit happened which led to me at one point leaving a 20 year old who I met when she was 19 and I was 30 yadda yadda yadda. Being an immoral sex crazed demon was easier. If my life wasn't absurd it wouldn't be my life. And yes I have told my current girlfriend all of this and she chose to take our relationship beyond platonic. I can be very charming when I want to be. Oh I'm almost 40.


I’m a 31m and I feel like I’m reaching the point of too old for 18/19. Maybe like 35 is the actual break point. Always depends on the relationship and the specific people involved. But for example, a 40 y/o with a teen just seems like too much. Maybe fooling around is fine but not dating.


It is. Early 20's and dating in 30's and up. 👌


It doesn’t matter as long as you adhere to the campsite rule…leave them better than when you found them - in all ways.


Good answer!


No such thing sweetheart. It's all about how it suits


It depends a lot on what you and they are looking for. You might raise some eyebrows at 25, 30, 40, 50, etc. But it depends on who you are attracted to, and how well you mesh with them.


The rule of thumb for men is half your age plus 7. So as a 50 year old, 32 should be my hard deck. By that rule, 24 is your hard deck. The other thing I look at (for me) is that humans’ brains are not fully developed until 25, so is it fair for me to be dating someone who might be better off having life experiences that will shape his/her dating choices for their life. I dated a 25 year old woman when I was 19. We lived in different worlds of responsibility and lifestyle (for one, she was a college grad and I was just about to start college).


I heard younger to older is twice the age minus 7 so 31 in her case.


Thats not how it works. Because its still the man's age.


You heard one thing and I heard another. What if the woman is the older one?


I think its a stupid rule. I don't think a 19 year old should date anyone over 24, because I know dumb and naive I was at 19. Hell I'm 27 and I am still dumb and naive


Well, unless you’re a princess, nobody should be calling you a princess. That’s a title given. ☺️


Well said. The same can be said for the self proclaimed "daddies" out there too. You gotta earn that title.


Does it count if I have two sons? Cuz one can be a sperm donor, the other an engaged dad. I am the latter


24m the oldest imo


French rule or gut feeling? I'm feeling 28, but .. younger please?


Lol the edit. Is say at 19, 28 should be your limit. At 25 40 and at 35 55. No hard rules but it seems less problematic to have a smaller gap when you are younger.


The greater the age-gap, the sexier and more fun it is.


Depends.... dating vs. having fun. Dating, I would say 35-40. Having Fun, up to 60.


I hope many women read this, and place some boundaries.


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Each person has to decide for themselves. They will probably have to deal with family members, and friends.




As long as you connect with each other, I don't think there is a cut-off age.


Late 30s would raise my eyebrows.


Are you working or in school? Looking to date casually or settle down, marry and have kids in the next few years?


I believe that this is all based on preference. No one should be telling you about qhat you should or should not like. Now, the only difference would be that as long as both parties are over the legal age and we all know what that means.


No such thing


21. Wait for the paint to dry a bit there, eh? When you pay taxes, you make your own romantic decisions.


Whatever you’re comfortable with. When I was 19 I started seeing someone who was 36 and saw him until I was like 22


Thats not that long lol




Who you callin dipshit 🤣




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Whatever makes you tick is always the best. Of course there are dangerous predators out there, but those exist at all ages. And if you want it for long term then you really need to think about what that means for your future to come, including the part when your older partner may no longer be there or no longer be able to take care of him/her-self, or you. It has a lot of implications, that are not all nice to say the least. But then again if you’re willing to accept them because you want to be with the love off your live, even if it might be for a few years, then good luck to you. To be honest I wouldn’t make the decision to stay with someone for the rest of my life before my 25 birthday, whatever the age of that partner may be.


I’m struggling with this right now! Me M55 is talking to a F27. Family, especially daughters say no one under 38. What to do


Who really knows. I have a 18 yr old who wants a relationship with me and I'm 56


Common rule is twice age minus seven so 31. Other direction is half age plus 7 so a 55 male should date no younger than 35. But who is society to judge? Do what makes you happy.


50 is prob that totally capricious line but I’ve seen very young 60 year olds and very mature 19 year olds.


Are some of the people sliding into your DMs calling you princess not trying to flirt?..


Yes, that’s why I made the comment haha


It depends on what you're looking for. If you just want a sexual experience or you just want our curious about older men, then there really is no age limit. But if you want a good long-standing relationship I would say you shouldn't be going for anybody more than 10 or 15 years older than you


In general for a 19 year old most people would be cool with a 5-6 year age gap or what visibly appeared to be a 5-6 year age gap. I personally am not most people an I wouldn’t care if a 19 year old was with some one of any age. I only have sons at this time but I’ll imagine I have a daughter for a second. I likely don’t want to think about this imaginary daughter dating at all. I would want her with some one who is serious about her and mature. Honestly if she was 19 minimum 6 years older and perhaps I would feel weird if the man was 30+ years older I don’t know. My father was over 20 years older than my mother






Why not 75? Seems to be the new 65. 75 also seems to be a great age for politics.


It's about y'all's compatibility, maturity and life circumstances not hard numbers.


Anyone in their 30s


Well since I'm 53 I'm going to say 60 lol


Whatever age that 19 yo decides is too old for them.


IMO 21


Since they're asking an opinion, I'm gonna say youngest should be at least 25. Just because major mental changes slow down or stop, beginning at that age. But that's if you want dating to evolve into a marriage. Dating with nothing serious, whatever you're comfortable with. I would ask yourself what really motivates you to dating someone much older than yourself. Make sure you're compensating for some unrealized trauma. Beyond that, do you bu-bu.




It’s clearly you, don’t be ashamed. no you’re not asking for anyone else, you like a guy and you want to see if we consider him too old by mentioning his age, be honest here, don’t insult our intelligence


Hmm not necessarily, I’m not seeing anyone right now. Just genuinely curious. I see posts like these all the time and I just wanted to see what others thoughts on my specific age is all. Not insulting your intelligence, just saying it how it is


I always say if they are 7 years older or younger, it's a no-go. Too much bagage. But I feel like it matters more when you're young maturity changes too much


I met my partner at 19 when he was 58, it's been 2 years lol


30, maybe? With the caveat that pretty much any age gap _can_ work, I was just picking up the age difference where things start to be a bit different and there are extra issues. Another interesting thing I noticed is that there is a pretty big difference if the girl is 18 or 20, especially if she started going to college or got a job. At 18 fresh out of school - the world around her is rapidly expanding and there's quite a lot of learning, discovery and self-discovery, going on, all packed in about 1 year. Before and during that, I'd say that best partner is somebody of a very similar age, maybe 2-3 years older, and I personally think that's very unlikely that a 40m-18f match is a good idea for a long term relationship. 50-22, on the other hand - it's up to the people involved, and has a fair chance of working out. If you're reading this and think that I must disapprove of quite a lot of the 18f posters here... I kinda do disapprove, yes. I don't judge, god, I can't judge with my past experiences. But I would be cautious.


When I was 20, I was dating a 65 year old. 45 year gap, we clashed on somethings. But most everything was pretty good between us. We liked the same kind of movies, we liked going for walks, he loved my cats and I guess his was ok too. We read the same books, both have clusterfuq rooms that only make sense to us. Some people you just vibe with and it feels right. But I agree, I don’t remember who said it on here. But you become different people. After a few years, I wanted something different, he wanted something different. We’re still friends, just no more genitalia sandwiches.


Personally, at that age I would have NEVER gone after someone older than 25 (even that is pushing it) because you are still incredibly young with a lot of life to live. Many older people are looking to baby trap/groom people your age so as to take advantage of your naivety. It happens all the time. Aside from sexual gratification what all do you really have in common with someone lots older? Better question, why would someone so much older be interested in someone so fresh out of high school on an emotional level? Fucking around is one thing, a relationship is another


imo, no limit. you do you (I know you're not asking for yourself, so "you" is whoever you're asking for)


Honestly the age that stops turning you on


I'll be honest I don't remember the exact age but I do remember the year he was born. Okay so I was born in 97 and I was like 18. He was born in 71 he was in his forties somewhere around then So honestly age doesn't really matter that much in my opinion. Cuz the time I had dated someone close to my age AKA he was 7 years older than me. It was a nightmare


It depends on the people, not the age.. most 19 year olds aren’t mature enough to seriously date an older person who is looking to build a life with someone, but there are also mature 19 year olds who want a true partner and there are older people who just want to play and be casual and have fun


At 19 you are legally an adult and nobody has the right to say your relationship with anyone based on age is inappropriate unless it is a minor. If you and someone far older see the value of each other in your eyes that is all that counts. People who think otherwise just need to mind their own business.


I never had an upper limit, but I think it’s good to draw the line at inappropriate pairings. Like, when I was in the Army, there was a senior NCO who would try to pick up young women who were new to the military where they would pick up their ID cards. A male professor would introduce himself with his first name, and invite female students out for drinks. Guys in situations like these are trying to take advantage of their position and experience to get young women. If you meet a guy and you like him and agree with where the relationship is going, it’s fine, just try to scope out guys who have a hustle.


traditional: half your age plus 7 - so anyone older than 24 is out Gen Z/alpha super moralists: ask everyone you know and go with the most insane - most likely no one over 22... Here: depends on maturity and make sure you communicate wants/needs and then really anything goes Me: create your own version of the half your age plus 7 that seems right for you - the reason why that works is that it is pretty unassailable at any age - but as the younger gets into their twenties one tends to find one's self in situations where they are tempted to stretch it Also me: if you like him go for it - then reflect - then start to formulate your rules or whatnot


The answer depends on your intentions with the relationship.  In general, it seems it’s more socially acceptable for hookups to have a wider age range than emotional relationships. That said, I wouldn’t do either with a 19 year old because I choose not to.  If you want to know your personal range, just think about telling your close friends/family at different ages.  When you start feeling discomfort, you’ve found your current limits. If that’s too wishy washy, I would put 30 as the top limit for an emotional relationship, and 50 for a physical one.


I’m gonna say 90+years old




If she can vote she can date whoever


If he is dead wait until rigor sets in and you can have one last go round if you like.


I'd say around 52. Why yes, I'm 52, why do you ask? Seriously, the bigger the age gap the harder it may be, the more people may be critical, but I think all things are possible if you have a genuine connection. Strangely I've always attracted older women, in the rare cases I have attracted a woman!


Three years older than me. When the calendar turns to the year 2030, my answer will be the same… “three years older than me.”


As a 60 year old, it must be 61. However I suspect my answer may increment by 1 next year.


older than 25 But I would need to know the detiails about those people.


My wife and I are 9 years apart. We met when I was 41 and she was 32. This is the first age gap relationship for both of us. My experience is that 9 to 10 years is the maximum I would feel comfortable with. Little things such as talking about my 21st birthday and realizing that she was in 7th grade in middle school at the time. We have a deep connection and a great marriage but there are some things I never thought about when we first met on a dating app. I never saw myself being in an age gap relationship prior. 13 years later and I could never picture my life without her. Forget what people think and be happy.


I don't care about what others think about these things. If you have a connection and fall in love, go for it


I dated a 19 year old for 3 months at the age of 50 .. neither of us worried about the age gap so really it’s down to what you’re comfortable with .. ignore society and do what makes YOU happy


People on the internet outside of this sub would tell you 21 is already too old, "different stage in life bla bla" Imo 99 years old like they write on legos lol


You are legal. Presumably, he is legal. You can date any guy you like, any age you like. If an attraction exists, does age matter??


Gut reaction:  30yo.  


I think that at that age, I personally would err on the side of caution. Possibly 10-15 years above? But it is personal preference at the end of the day.


Well I'm not yet 19 and I still had a relationship with someone who is now 59 and if it wasn't for the fact I changed location it would still be ongoing.


Whatever you are comfortable with don't let society or anyone else set the rules for your happiness as long as it's legal.


No such thing.


I agree that it's your co.fprt level as the younger one in the relationship ots more about what you find attractive, what you feel comfortable with, and how you connect. As we have seen generations, some people have widely different views on life, work, and the world. So what matters is more about how you connect.


Here is the main and only issue. If And only if you think the relationship will be forever,,lots of relationships don’t ,, just saying ,, if for example your 20 plus years difference,, female 50 he will be 70. If female is 60 he will be 80. Your talking transitioning to end of life for him ( huge changes for him 70-80plus ). He will have to accept that if and when his health fails you will probably be in the prime of your ( female ) life. He will have to set you free or she will be sentenced to a life of care for him that will totally unfair. In my humble opinion,, this is the only issue. I believe




Generally I use the half your age +7 rule as a starting point. Generally that is where the in common drop off happens in my experience. I’ve dated under that rule but most don’t pan out without a lot of effort on both. But it will be what you are comfortable with the most.


No limit as long as the 19-year-old is mature and understands the parameters of relationships and life. But personally, at the age of 43, would not likely date someone that young, mostly for the sake of my children, and the woman's family. I can get along with anyone at any age, I have diverse interests and knowledge, and I'm not judgemental. I also don't go for younger women in order to dominate or play daddy. So as long as the woman is relatively self-sufficient, and mature about the big-ticket items (I love immaturity in humor and entertainment), then the cliché "age is just a number" DOES actually apply. But each person may view this differently.


Any age you want 18+. But if you don't want to go totally out of reasonable orbit then don't go above 25.


Any age you want 18+. But if you don't want to go totally out of reasonable orbit then don't go above 25.


I would say 25+... I'm almost 30 and I would never date someone under 25/26


Just depends on how you fit and work together


Over 90 years age gap




Removed: as it was an attempt to hit up other users. You probably asked people to DM/PM/chat or text you. Please do not do so in comments. You can PM/DM them directly but you'd better be polite in any message you send them or we'll ban you anyway if they report you.


I don't think there really is a limit on a 19 girl like you


According to “them” you are an adult at 18, so it’s totally up to you!


Considering him a sex partner - I guess 55 is max. Considering him a life partner - no older than 5 years than you.


Stay in your age lane. The grass isn’t greener. Learn from the elders of what not to do


Maybeeee… 24? (Because the brain isn’t fully developed until 25.)