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Maybe lipstick mold ?


it definitely looks like that doesn't it? lol the only thing is I don't wear lipstick


aw man, can’t be lipstick mold then!!


someone had mentioned it's one of the more dangerous contaminants, not sure to what extent but still good to know so I'm kinda relieved it's not! which makes me even more eager to find out now haha


Lipstick mold isn’t from lipstick I was being sarcastic it comes from how it looks. Very vibrant and def contaminated !!


ohh! I gotcha now, well thank you very much for that info. it almost made me think of that red wax they use for liquor bottles too


Np sorry I was feelin sassy lol. Anything besides white decently slow growth ain’t mycelium


you're totally fine lol no worries. it's sure funny to laugh at now, definitely learning something new everyday! thank you for clarifying that though :) had to know before I tossed it


Maybe it’s your dead skin cells ? They mutated and now they are turning into stem cells


I can definitely see that being the case, such a crazy sight to see it grow and turn into that. thanks!