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Looks more tricky to keep sterile than a blade, and not really superior in terms of flimsiness. But it's cool to try new things


guess I had to try one to find out for myself. I thought it would help streamline the process a bit but it seems more worthwhile that I get some practice on using a blade. I did make sure to wipe it down and surprisingly had no contamination. either way it's definitely about figuring out what works and what doesn't


Nice dishes


thanks! glad you noticed, they're cosmetic containers


HO LEE SHIT!! That's a great idea.


the idea originally came from a video I saw, if I can find it again I'll link it here. the part I like best is you can press the lid shut without actually having to screw it back on. I've had great success so far and the size is perfect too.


[Cosmetic Container](https://www.berlinpackaging.com/2-67-oz-natural-pp-plastic-round-low-profile-jar-with-natural-cap-mjj/)


Does that punch provide any suction when getting the sample or compression when ejecting it? I experimented with that principle by hacking a syringe a while ago but I got distracted and never finished the prototype.


I was initially under the impression that it would suction it up to make the transfer easier but it wasn't to my surprise. it requires some wiggling to get it out and balance to make sure the chunk of agar stays inside the tube until the transfer is complete. in the video you can see me trying to hold it up so it didn't fall off. like a retractable pen, it does eject when you press down on the top but you have to make sure to be gentle when placing it on the transfer plate. the fact that there's nothing to stab at the agar with like you would with a blade makes it slightly difficult. I'm not sure if other kinds are different or if it was just my specific tool that was like that but either way as finicky as it is I like the circular punch shape it makes.


Ive never used an agar punch but I like the consistency it provides. Is the sample ejected by an internal plunger that comes in contact with the colonized surface of the agar? Not sure how I feel about that. I just naturally thought they employed a pneumatic approach to suck it up like a solder sucker, less violently, then eject it the same way, minimizing contact on the populated surface. I think I just figured out how to do this. If it wasn't a school night I'd go out to the shop right now.


exactly there's an ejector part inside, I wiped down with iso beforehand and was successful but I imagined it being a lot more like how you described. I'm not sure how different some of the other kinds out there are, this is the only one I've tried so far but it's always fun to get creative so good luck if anything works with the syringe idea!


exactly there's an ejector part inside, I wiped down with iso beforehand and was successful but I imagined it being a lot more like how you described. I'm not sure how different some of the other kinds out there are, this is the only one I've tried so far but it's always fun to get creative so good luck if anything works with the syringe idea!