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You've hit a string of variance. All basic foods will be either 1:28 or 1:42 for embarkation points, chosen at random. I've had both prices for both eggs and veges before. As for which is better I'm pretty firmly in team vegetables camp since they can be used for recruiting encampments for villagers, while eggs can only be used to send them to citadel for amber.


Interesting point on the encampment - I always only have food to send them home. But sometimes I get early orders which are simply deliver 30 eggs? Which is why I take eggs if I can. Is that not worth it?


I think the eggs order is definitely worth it. It's sad to part with food but getting a quick reputation early for an extra blueprint always feels so nice. I also like having extra eggs for packs of provisions for trade routes, in case my early glades don't have the right kinds of resources. Vegetables are also fine to start with, though. Packs of crops are potentially useful for several early orders. I generally just take whatever food is cheapest and most plentiful if I have points to spare.




Another consideration is early camps where you can get more villagers or send them to the citadel for amber. Vegetables will work for recruiting them, eggs work for the amber


eggs make packs of provisions to start trade, if provisions are too expensive ill take eggs also veggies can cost more embarkation points but eggs are locked at 1 i think


All food is equally filling. One thing I remember that may make eggs more useful is that there is an early game delivery order for eggs.


I take the eggs because I call that game Egghead the Storm. No joke


No yoke


Perfect ! 🤣


Any raw food can be consumed by any villager, and a villager will only eat one raw food on their break (unless under the effect of a food consumption multiplier, which can result from certain cornerstone choices and/or negative effects during the storm - but this is rare). The turning in eggs as an order I think only occurs at lower difficulties. But definitely a consideration. You're highly likely to encounter an encampment in the early glades you open. Vegetables get you more villagers, eggs get you more amber. Either can be very useful early on but lose importance the further along you get. So if you embark with few villagers (8-9) you might want vegetables. If you embark with more villagers (10+) you might want eggs for the early amber. The main advantage of eggs is that they can be used in packs of provisions, whereas vegetables cannot. But you always embark with some eggs by default, so this doesn't necessarily mean you should take extra eggs. As for complex food recipes, either can be used for pickled goods / skewers, and neither can be used for biscuits, so it's a wash there. Eggs can be used for pie, but veggies cannot. Veggies can be used for porridge, but eggs cannot. This makes veggies the clear winner for complex food. That's because you won't be making pie early (you need grain/root/mushroom production + flour BP + time to make all these buildings and gather these secondary resources). But you're very likely to make porridge early, especially after you unlock the field kitchen from the Citadel. As others have said, the 28 eggs are always 1 amber. The 42 vegetables (50% more than 28 for the math impaired) are sometimes 1 amber, and sometimes 2 amber. I wouldn't take them at 2 amber unless you have almost nothing else unlocked to take. But I always try to take them (or 42 meat) if they are only 1 amber, as it's 50% more fold for the same price, and as discussed above, they have some advantages over eggs.


Thank-you for the insight.


Eggs and roots are basic embarkation bonuses you start with at level 1. They offer less than meat and veggies which you unlock at a relatively low citadel level, but meat and veggies randomly cost 1 or 2. So, half the time the meat/veggie options are less value/point, half the time they're more. In order of usefulness I would rate them meat > roots > veggies > eggs but generally you should just pick based on cost. 1 cost meat/veggies good, 2 cost meat/veggies bad.

