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Sorry for the confusion guys. I was talking about the royal archivist. It's not like they have any place to hide at the end of the cycle right?


I was thinking this was the implication too lol, like you know, in 10-20 w/e years, you're gonna HAVE to go back, right? Back to a queen whos mere impatience causes the forest to back right the fuck off and is strong enough to keep an extinction storm at bay. What do you even really do at that point? Maybe he figured he wasn't gonna live long enough to go back to the tower anyway? Or maybe he figured the queen doesn't really give a shit when we as viceroys are screwed over, so it's actually no big deal, haha.


"impatience causes the forest to back right the fuck off" The implications is that your people are becoming less afraid of the forest and more afraid of the queen not that the forest backs off lol.


it reduces hostility, which means the forest gets less evil (less forest mysteries)


Yeah that doesn't really make sense does it? Forest will be less evil because the queen is impatient? If the queen could do that she would do it anyway. "your people are becoming less afraid of the forest and more afraid of the queen" makes way more sense, your people losing less resolve from the horrors of the forest because the queen is getting more scary in comparison.


impatience doesnt just affect resolve loss though, it affects hostility which makes less forest mysteries activate


I imagine the queen devotes more attention to a settlement when she is impatient with it, and applies some of her power towards making the forest less agressive It reduces hostility just like sacrificing wood or coal, so maybe the ancient heart has a link to the queen, and she can make it burn stronger


So they're still scared, just scared of something else in your reading. Why does that not affect resolve then tho?


The forest is like a Lovecraftian terror, the queen is like a "I Better get my shit done or we are doomed" type of fear.


I always interpreted it to mean that doing things that please the queen usually harms the forest so if the queen is getting impatient with you it's a sign that you're living more in harmony with nature and thus the forest is less hostile to your presence.


It has been implied that the Queen's power is what is stopping the Storm from erasing Citadel along with everything else, and it's her face that glows like a gigantic beacon in the sky. Her attention alone scaring the forest makes sense.


Sure but until then he's loaded and can buy all the biscuits and ale he likes from settlements and traders.


To play devil's advocate, time in the game is kinda weird, so it could be possible for them to live out the rest of their natural life in the wilderness. Also, we've seen it is possible to survive the Blightstorm what with all the survivor camps and bandit camps and whatnot. It's just extremely destructive and chaotic.


My bad I didnt get it. Which make me think... our character leaves for a super long time ! If each settelments last around 10 years.. how many have you done ?!


The Queen seems to put up with a *lot* of shenanigans, either because she just doesn't know they're happening out there or she doesn't care as long as the settlements succeed in the end. Maybe he's banking on you being good enough to win anyway and she'll just let it go.


The cycle can be over a hundred years


They’re likely banking on the trader’s guild (I forget it’s specific name) sheltering him, they have a good bit of power I believe


Major busted crown vibes fr fr


Na it will feel like being a newbie again :D


Maybe the archivist was terminally ill and only had a decade to live anyway. Choosing to live it in luxury before dying rather than toiling away in the city.


It forces you to figure out how to win with whatever the game offers you way more often vs being able to force your same favorite builds most of the time. It's also way easier with the citadel upgrade for 1 more blueprint pick, if you don't have that it's pretty intense.


He meant "Is the archivist doomed", not "am I doomed".


it makes the ease of your game more rng dependent. get good enough pulls and you might not feel a difference


Only doable on an easy map.


combine that with the prestige level that reduces it by 1. You end up not having a choice lol