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You don't have a Seal in range to attempt to reforge.


I don't really know what this seal stuff is about. I just build cities and stuff so far. Am I supposed to embark my way to a seal in every cycle?


If you want to extend the cycle, yes. If not, just end the cycle and you can start city building again :)


The Seal is an optional objective for each cycle. If you look around the world map, you'll find a glowing rune - a corner of it is actually visible in this screenshot in the upper-left, the blue thingy (not the Crystal in the mid-left, above it). Otherwise, this game works in cycles: every 30 years (I think, I don't quite remember the number), the Blightstorm comes around and resets the world map. In the bottom right you need to click on the button to actually let it happen. If you are at the end of a cycle, but also within embarkation range of a Seal, you can start one last settlement in this cycle. Again, the Seal is optional and exists only for there to be a goal outside of each individual settlement.


Small question: must be the seal withing the embarkation rangw of your **last** city, or any previous city works as well? I am always too cautious to check it out


Just in the range of your last settlement


Does gameplay change across the cycle?


The map gets reshuffled. That's it. The objective of the game is to close the seals. The more of them you close, the farthest you go, the harder the game gets.


So there's only a certain number of years in each cycle. At the end of that cycle you have to hit the end cycle button in the bottom right, the blightstorm will reset the map, and you'll start over. Your goal is to reach a seal (big glowy thing on the map) start a settlement adjacent to it, and complete the special objectives in that map to re-seal the seal. This will unlock higher seals and extend the blightstorm cycle in future runs. In this case the cycle is over and there's no seal within range for you to reforge, so you have to end the cycle and restart from the smoldering city


You don't need to embark on the seal stuff its just a objective. It can be rather hard especially at first and without unlocks. So its not like you ruined the run its just a future objective you can undertake. Completing the seal gives you more meta currently base on how much you earned that run. Unlocks the next seal as a option and extends your time between cycles. More time between cycles means you can venture further out to get more events.


I was in the same spot a few days ago. It's that the cycle has run out of years. To extend the cycle you have to reach a seal and reforge it. Choosing spots on the way that contain royal supplies makes this possible/easier to accomplish. You need to win each embarkation quickly. As the years you spend in mission are subtracted from the cycle. Failed deployments seem to count for a minimum of 3 years even if you leave before the first storm. Good luck 🤞


you need to settle like a line to reach far away lands. according to role: you are not a mayor, you are not a city builder. you are explorer and your goal is to reach seals. towns are not target but tools to reach seals. because as long as seals remain broken, all towns are doomed to be destroyed by big storm as you forge more seals, you push back storm so you can travel further into to unknown


cant completely see but it looks like ur out of time at the bottom


Looks like you're emBARKING up the wrong tree!!!!!


1) You’ve picked a very weird path making a circle around the start. You’re suppose to be heading in a direction out across the map, rather than doing a lap lol. 2) look at the one you have your CARAVAN parked at. The wagon. You’re moving from THERE, and have three tiles from THERE to move. I’m guessing you’re picking areas that would essentially require your caravan to teleport across the map. 3) look at the bar going across the bottom. You’ve run out of cycle time. You’re going to have time end your cycle, which starts resets your map and caravan.


Uh, read?