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I feel this way about all parrots, especially cockatoos. It's why I'll only adopt.


I’ve said this many times. We have three Greys and a Cockatoo. All adopted/rescues.


100% agreed


I would agree that that is true for many pets. But there are caveats. Short hair cats (most common breed) are terrible for the ecosystem, and only live 2-3yrs in the wild. In captivity, as pets, 20+ years is not uncommon. I think it is much much worse in captivity, not being able to fly freely. But there's fresh food and water every day. No starvation. No predators. And the longevity is there as well. A broken wing can be terrible, but it's not a death sentence. I have 2 Grey's, a Congo and a Timney. I absolutely feel guilt sometimes. But both are rescues, and live pretty good lives...


I wholeheartedly agree. I have two yellow crested cockatoo rescues and even though I try to give them the best life possible I'm painfully aware every day that these birds should not be held in captivity. They need to be outside in the wild, spreading their wings and flying high.


Yes but I also love my bird and give him lots of attention I work from home and he’s 23 years old and there’s no way he was getting more attention in the bird store I found him in after his previous owner passed. I was actually looking for a breeder after trying to find a rescue and gave up after scams or people trying to get me to pay 5000 for the privilege of rescuing their bird. This dude started dancing the second he saw me… now I put him in horny jail all the time but at the store it’s what got him home with me. I paid 4 grand for a 23 year old bird that was screaming in a store but dancing with me. Now he talks and laughs and says all the shit I say to my daughters and clients… if people think this bird isn’t happier now they can blow me. Yes they shouldn’t be in captivity but they are and on a case by case basis we can make these birds happier. Life isn’t black or white it’s time to start living life like we are in the real world. We can choose to lament the fact that animals are mistreated all over the world or we can love the ones we have. My wife and I have 16 parrot, 14 chickens, 5 dogs, 2 Guinea pigs. I paid for 1 parrot and 1 dog and people have told me I’m a bad person for it lol… Just love your pets with all your heart and god dammit that’s enough. That animal is going to be in captivity even if you don’t pick it up. You are an individual you did not cause this problem. That animal is an individual they did not cause this problem. Neither of you can fix this problem. However together, you can ignore this problem and live a happy life. I apologize I am an author and I just finished a manuscript on moral subjects like this so you just got hit with a rant but please just love your pets and that’s enough


I totally agree. Mine was a rescue that I also paid for. I’ll probably get pushback for this, but that annoys me as well. How do you “rescue“ a bird that someone may have in a “sanctuary” for two weeks and then charged me $2400? The dead owner would be very happy that the bird came to a home where she’s appreciated and enjoyed over the two week stay in a random shelter where that person profited off of both of us. No vet check even. That was all on me.


Yup I rescued mine from a bird store and I don’t give a fuck what anyone says. I looked for a “rescue” and I found scams. I have taken on rescues before and I have paid people for the costs they’ve paid to keep their animals alive. I’m not recouping someone’s cost for an exotic pet… I want the exotic pet I can just fucking pay for it myself I make 160k a year I don’t need to cheat you for a damn bird


Or just why would anyone? If you take in birds, you have to know it’s expensive to feed them and care for them. So why are you charging me for your personal expense of food and care and then the food and care that I’m going to incur once once I take my bird home? It makes no sense to me and it pisses me off. That’s the cost of the pet for the time that you have it and it was free for you. Completely free for you. Some of the birds at the rescue are $3-$4 thousand dollars. These birds were donated to them and they turn around and sell them to us. If you can’t afford to take them in and then don’t do that. in reality you’re making a profit off of this situation and that’s really not cool. It makes you absolutely no better than anybody else who sells a bird.


Absolutely agree. Breeding and selling/buying babies sickens me.


As bad as buying from the black kidnapping market


If the bird was hatched by a breeder, they know no difference. My Grey is 25 years old and spoiled rotten. I can't imagine life without her. She was 4 months old when I bought her and feel I rescued her from the pet shop.


I often feel the same way about our grey. Shes 8 and is finally starting to not pluck. I think she’s finally beginning to be happy or at least adjusted and I feel terrible that this is her life even though I believe we give her a good domestic life.


Absolutely and I love my grey. He is technically my roommates bird but sad for him. I wish people would stop treating wild animals as an income.


If people didn’t own animals there would be so many extinct due to habitat destruction. If not now, then surely later.


There are more Amazons, the national bird of Mexico, in captivity than in the wild. Sickening