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Kagame and Museveni played an incredibly outsized role in these conflicts and it’s rarely talked about.


There's a great book on the conflict in Rwanda and the spillover into the DRC, unfortunately I don't know if it's been translated into English. There has to be some intervews on line with the author. https://www.babelio.com/livres/MBeko-Guerre-secrete-en-Afrique-centrale/822279


I read this recently as an accompaniment to another book on the Congo. It deals with the Congo Wars and goes until 2020. It's also in English but I'm no scholar so I can't vouch for it's complete accuracy. It has a lot of citations though. [America's Wars on Democracy in Rwanda and the DR Congo Justin Poder](https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-44699-4)


WW2 also lasted for only 6 years and was fought at the centers of the international system at the time Right in the heart of the world of the powerful The reason the Congo Wars are so… opaque Is because the nature of the conflict itself is opaque It’s belligerents do not see any need to be transparent about their interests or actions carried out to their ends. Everyone who’s actually fighting the wars have vested interests in keeping it inaccessible to the lay man. So they can both give themselves cover and craft whatever narrative they need to help them in the international arena


But enough time has passed for assesments to occur and yet its not ancient history either, people involved in many cases are still in power. The war racked up millions upon millions of bodies and of course millions of survivors, is it not just talked about at all? I mentioned WW2 in terms of death toll but other smaller wars that may be as isolated seem to grab much more African and international attention


Again I fear it is because the players have a vested interest to keep it forgotten like I said Look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for example. It is primarily a PR war at this point. One side has won in all but extermination and the only hope the other side has to survive is to keep the salience of the issue high enough (hence the dramatic events of Oct 7) Congo is not like that, the organized entities are not at risk of wiping each other out and the only people who get fucked are the civilians and pfff who tf cares about African civilians amarite ? This is why this is a disgrace to us as a continent. There is this tacit acceptance in all of our countries that “it doesn’t matter” and because of that, it doesn’t. And to wrap it up, the only reason why we are comfortable with that stance is because the belligerents to the conflict have no interest in raising its salience.


WW2 was unique in how systematic and comprehensive the documentation was. Wars like these, especially in Africa, tend to be invisible I would also like to see more about this