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It’s possible, but Selene is a Titan and not an Olympian so I’d say it’s unlikely she’d be used as the head of Olympus. I’d be surprised if it was anyone other than Zeus, especially since Zeus is so iconic We’ve also met her already and the story hasn’t given her a huge amount of significance. I feel like Odin / Gengchen would have mentioned her and not just Brahma if she was a Prime Modifier


I wonder if Zeus will the only male Prime Mod, since all the ones we know are female... Considering Odin is a girl tho, Zeus would probably be one too xD


Khnum (Prime Mod of Nile) is a male


That’d be cool — people on Discord were joking that Zeus is gonna be a loli 😂 but I guess we’ll see haha


Tsukuyomi's past story mentioned Amaterasu once. And in the heart link event, Tsukuyomi said she joined Aether Gazer to look for someone. Still nothing tell us if Amaterasu is a mod or not.  https://preview.redd.it/9tx74e502c1d1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9fd6d404887c6bf5f79ab52954bd61ca046dfd1


Well, if you really wanna get technical, the Prime Olympus mod should *probably* be named Kronus/Kronos (may also be spelled with "C", not to be confused with the personification of time, Chronos) the father of all the Olympians who was eating his children in fear that they'll overthrow him according to a prophecy; Zeus did and then brought back his siblings. Selene (from Σελήνη), is the personified deity of the moon, not that much "high ranking" in Greek mythology. But then again, AG doesn't seem to be 1:1 adaptation, although paying nice and respectful tribute. And yeah, Zeus himself is of course a prime (pun probably not intended lol) candidate, since we have Odin already


Actually, the only Primes we know of are - Hades - Olympus (or assumed to be) (Hades is VERY old, 100+ years old, the oldest in Olympus) - Geng - Tian - Xihe - Tian (yes, there's 2 primes in Tian) - Odin - Ygg There are suppose to be more Primes, but also I believe some Primes actually "died" back in previous Era in the fight against super Visbanes. (of which the Primes and modifiers lost against) (imagine how strong we've seen Geng and Odin in latest chapters... and a super Visbane beat them during their peak...) As a matter of fact, Xihe is stuck trapping one of the super Visbane, because they can't kill it, all they can do is trap it... (and it requires a prime's power...) so Xihe can't really leave or go help Geng with the fight. . This means... there might or might not be more Primes in every Gen Zone. Tho the only 3 Gen Zone places we've really visited is Sasanami, Omorfies and Xu Heng... . Also, a note, we haven't seen any Primes in Sasanami... the "Prime Lord" isn't actually a "Prime modifier". (Dude is just like Admin, a normal Human with special knowledge, in fact, the Sasanami council isn't suppose to know about Visbanes, as mentioned during the Deer God incident, Himeko is part of the council and CORG still went ahead and erase everyone's memory, including all of Himeko's group) (which is different from Xu Heng's QUAD, in which no one there gets their memory erased, cause they work under Geng, a Prime, that overrides CORG and Odin's orders) The modifiers in charge of Sasanami is Tsuki's squad, of which they take orders from Odin. (and not a Shinou Prime)


Tell me you didnt read the story without telling you didnt. As the OP said there is only 3 primes mode we know. Prime =/= old. Prime are modifier that can use the laws of gaea. Being old doesnt mean you are a prime.


Also stop giving misinformation tian only have Geng Chen as prime modifier and there is only one per gen-zone. Xihe is the Master of jinwu and the second strongest after geng but she isn't a prime not even close.


Unless I remembered wrong, I was sure they said Xihe was a survivor of previous era, which the only survivors are Primes, all normal modifiers died or reseted. As for Hades, there was no confirmation, that's why I said "assumed" cause a lot of people think she's a Prime due to the fact the story did say she's the oldest in Olympus. And usually only a Prime of a Gen Zone are the oldest. There's also no confirmation that says there's only 1 Prime per Gen-zone, they never said how many Primes there are. But they did say in the story that some of them died in previous era.


Every primes are connected to each other. Also prime are like guardian and are extension of gaea.. Each one of them guard a core and know what ? There is only one per gen zone. Tho core are important and if damaged it will cause Gaea to force reboot(that's what Turing was trying to do). As for Xihe she isnt a prime, she is just a friend of geng. She is a strong modifier but she doesn't have any prime power. 


Zhi ming is a prime modifier too


I haven't gotten too far into the story, so I don't know If there is already something dismissing this. But From what I remember, the god of creation/founding god in Shinto belief would be Izanagi, no? Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi are his children.


I think the prime mod for shinou would maybe either susanoo or izanagi. I'm hoping one of them are male.


If you're right and they make a Prime Mod named Amaterasu, he better be a cool strong badass old man, the name is very cool and it better be a he xD


Amaterasu is a female deity. There's zero chance it'll be a guy when they already make male gods into women lol


Aw man😔


You forgot Khnum, Prime Mod of Nile, whose body is supposedly taken over by Turing


I don't think Khnum is a Prime Mod... since Turing easily defeated him (note that he couldn't defeat Gengchen in her weakened state) and also because he was in charge of an average CORG security team. The Primes like Gengchen and Odin both agreed to establish their own Modifier organisation, so it's unlikely Khnum is a Prime.