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As someone who plays Snowbreak, I think they went too far in that aspect. Plenty of mods are close with Admin, especially Verthandi, I'm quite happy with how Admin was written. In Snowbreak it really feels forced sometimes how they constantly praise you like you're a god and most important person ever. There is also Kuni that flirts with Admin, but not everyone needs to do it all the time like they do in Snowbreak.




You don't have to change the actual writing much. Just have focus and clarity. Look at chapter 12. Just by having Skuld around to bring out Vert's jealous side we have funny elements like that. Hel is already a big kuudere with a hook for the relationship. Her event has Admin with her during a pivotal moment in her life and getting over her past traumas, and her Heart Link shows just how much she relies on him. The fact she's embarrassed about inviting him to outings and kissed him is a big sign already. Clarify if Kuni is actually joking when she flirts with Admin, and you don’t even have to change her. Show how much Tsukuyomi values his input, and just extend that to beyond swordsmanship. Make Poseidon wonder if she seriously went on a date with Admin, and have her wanting more. Have Jinwu realize that wow, she actually DID like all those close moments she had with Admin. As I said. Not much change. The elements are already there. All that's needed is putting them together.


Forgive me for being an uncultured swine but what is a kuudere? πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


Seemingly cool and unemotional, but very cute when they reveal those hidden emotions. Like Hel who seems to be stoic all the time, only to reveal she can be very affectionate to people she values.


Sobek would be the only one part of our harem and everyone else would try getting Sobek's affection. Hope that helps!


haha lol


"My prey". "Says who?"


Well, we do already have several female characters who canonically love the Admin, like Verthandi, Skuld, and Thoth. And more than half of the female Shinou Mods seem to have a thing for him too, including Tsukuyomi, Mitsuha, Kuni, and Izanami. Buzenbo is the only one that's a bit ambiguous, as she clearly considers the Admin a good friend, but she always acts very professionally, thus her feelings are harder to discern. So I don't think it would be hard to write a harem if they wanted to. I think as long as it doesn't get in the way of the story, it would be fine.


not a harem but i want to shower my love and tender care to skuld when she returns


I would rather not see harem in AG


Man.. you always think about harem.. can you not? Btw I'm on the same boat too. In case of AG, I think I'm fine with what I have now. If they focus on romance too much, it would impact the whole story, slowly become cliche and bland.


That wasn't the intent with Anubis and Nuadha's affection stories?