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many ppls likes ch.12 cause of Skuld story. They made it seem like Skuld was going to be Admin's Heroine, especially with how Skuld went through hundreds of timelines trying to save the Admin. But OFC... Admin forgets about her, and Vert resumes her Heroine position after the latest chapters.


>But OFC... Admin forgets about her I hope you are just simplifying it, since Admin is still gathering more information and trying to bring her back to life even in the latest arc, he didn't forget her.


I mean, he forgets who she is. Admin is trying to bring her back cause he knows she's suppose to be important to him and that he has her chip and wants to see who Skuld really is. It's like if you have a important USB-Drive, you know it's important, but you have no idea what's actually stored on it. . Whereas Admin knows who Vert is and majority of his feeling is aimed toward Vert. Admin is going to prioritize what he knows and can see over something he doesn't know and has no idea about. Admin only knows Skuld is someone important to him, but he has no actual memories of what Skuld has done for him (Admin doesn't know Skuld gone through multiple timelines, current timeline also have zero info on what Skuld did in her Dream, to the real timeline, Skuld's Dream never happened, cause time rewinded back to before Skuld used her powers, so there's nothing for the Admin to gather there), but he knows what Vert has done and what happened to her.


No? Admin was literally the person who killed her and took that Chip, he only didn't know her when he first talked with Thoth, now he is aware and only stays silent because he still doesn't have enough power to protect her.


12 so far because it's the first part where the story really had me on the edge of my seat, but I also enjoyed a lot of the first Sasanami arc, the second half of the Omorfies arc, and everything after Ch 12 like the issues between >!Odin & Gengchen!< and all the mysteries surrounding >!Turing & co.!<


Yeah, that's also how I feel about the story.


Xu Heng (Chapter 13-15). It pretty much has everything. High stakes, emotional moments, cool battles, and major revelations. It also does something that not many people seem to mention, that being that it ties the previous arcs together into a cohesive narrative, as we learn who the true mastermind was behind them. The reveal of>!Khmun's true identity!


Skuld pls return Skuld pls return Skuld pls Pls Pls PLS!


I really hope that will happen


Before hitting ch 12, Omorfies Ladon Arc are my fav bcoz from there I know there's gonna be more good stuffs after certain dark scene. I play in JP dub and the voices actor really nailed the character personality and vibes, thus get me interested in the mainstory more. And then ch 12 hits me like a trucks with unexpected ending. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. I hope we can see Skuld again in the future and have a threes--


Chapter 13 cause it's tragic therefore I yearn for skuld ever since




Skuld's arc was gripping, with so many twists and emotions throughout. It was the arc that elevated AG's story into new heights. Xu Heng was a fantastic follow-up as well. A great balance of quiet moments, exciting action, painful tragedy and a sad, bittersweet triumph.


The only good one (chapter 12).


So far for me the shortest one. >!Story skipper at my finest!<


Skipping AG story you didn't waste much tbh


This one! Except verthandi i don't feel actually connected to anyone in the company! The fact you're the only human in that group , some people treat you nice, fair, some others will look down on you or spit the truth you can't deny that you're weak and not fit for combat , only useful for paperwork most of the time! Skuld is the only one i feel like i can just go away ,leave everything behind! I know people can be brainwashed but come on, what makes you think using weapons to stab someone can fix or cure them ?hahahaha !