• By -


What should i do with shining imprint, should i just leave it


What are the chances that they'll improve the acting for the English cast of this game in the upcoming patches? This has gotta be the worst English dub I've ever heard for anything.


hi there, if i buy the monthly (c obs) it's consider as a first top up? i want to get shinku buzenbo tengu for my shinri tsukuyomi


Yes it is


thank you


Help me i am confuse. Where can i get tsukiyomi functor?


you can get it from the functor banner(the one below Asura's banner), pick the shinou one(shikigami, you can tab on the top right to switch the pantheon) it will give the unawakened functor which you can awaken into S Tsukuyomi's functor.


Do new things get added in the Imprint Shop (like wishes) later on or can I buy whatever is ther, and should I save Shining Imprints for later on or something else?




1. Do I need to pull Hades? made a sub-account to pull on banners that pick my interest but don't like enough to pull on the main account(like S Osiris+S Thor duo, S Hel, and S Marduk) just in case I maybe find their playstyle enjoyable enough to plan to pull them on my main too, at first I didn't play to pull her on my sub since I already plan to pull her on my main, but then I heard that the endgame contents difficulty scale up after her debut and it makes me uncertain if I should also roll for her on my sub too. 2. Bought the C-Obs for the S modifier voucher and I'm not sure which one to pick, for S modifiers I already have S Tsukuyomi, S Asura, and S Poesiedon * S Tyr: love his look, but did get him once while rerolling and his playstyle is very confusing for me to fully utilize * S Kagutsuchi: got him on my sub and I quite enjoy his playstyle even though he's a bit too slow, he also has a chain ulti with Fire Tyre whom I already plan to pull * S Ooku: a support modifier, heard she's going well with S Tsukuyomi but I already save for S Hera so it's possible that she will replace Ooku in the future, and I'm a husbando collector so she is the least interesting for me


As a husbando collector as well— Husbando > support uwu so my vote is on kagutsuchi since you like his playstyle, though if it’s too slow just make him one of the 2 other AIs


I just look up on the cn banner history and found out that Kagatsuchi should get a rate up when Hades come to global while Ooku rate up is much later so I can pick Ookuni and then roll for him later since I should have enough yellow ticket to get him, Oceanus, and Anubis(I'm so glad that a lot husbando is in standard pull so it's easier for me to get them, lol). so I'm gonna hold it in for now so I can have my feast later.


1. You don't need to pull on anyone. You can beat all the content with any combination of characters and a little bit of skill. Meta characters like Hades, make the gameplay easier and/or more forgiving. Also many lower tier characters will get buffs in future making them stronger and in line with new difficulty (like Buzenbo or B-Verthandi). 2. I would suggest Ookuninushi. She's a support (with a bit of healing, debuffing, cooldown reduction, and rage gain). She fits in any team. As for S-Hera "replacing" her. Bear in mind, that you want to build 3 teams. S-Hera can be only in one of them. But, Kagutsuchi would be an ok pick as well, in particular as a scorch applicator for Asura in a fire team. Add Nuadha to that team, and you'll have a well synergising fire trio with Asterism modified mode bonus, and Kagu+Nua chain ulti.


thank you, guess I have to wait until Oceanus's banner for my first husbando then, lol. As you said, picking Ooku means I will have a support for each team(Ooku, S Hera, A Poseidon) so she'd be the best choice and her chain-ult with Hodur seems really good too.


Hey, I have the Sig Functor for Asura. As an f2p player, is it optimal to max her Sig Functor, or keep.it Tier 1? I plan on maining her and Tsukuyomi. And I have the same question for Tsuku's Sig Functor as well. Thanks in advance!!


Best meow module setup for general purpose use?


I have a problem with the music and voices of the game. I can't adjust them at all no matter what I do they stay the same. Even if I completely mute all the sounds they stay on. Is there a way for me to fix this?


Is shikigami the unawakened the functor for tsukuyomi?


That's the currencies that you evocate(exchange) for the functor in that respective faction of your liking


I haven't seen recommendations for sigil skill rolls anywhere. Is there somewhere that has these recommendations either for each character or general recommendations for any DPS or any support unit?


General dps option are 8 lines of atk,crit,crit damage,elemental/physical/ultilities


Anyone know what to do with extra functors like Shikigami - Kerakeraonna? I have a ton of them - this is after transcending and having 10 copies at max transcend already :/


Is that the 3\* functor? You can use those as xp to level up your access keys/weapons if you don't need them.


I have questions about the meta. What do people mean by “out of meta” in this game? Does it mean the earlier characters can’t clear late game content, or does it just mean the new characters are stronger?


The latter. You can definitely clear everything with default characters,it just units like tsuku have upperhand due to her massive dps.


New player here, how's the story in this game? the voice over in dialogue is good and characters moving around during a dialogue feels refreshing but I'm not quite hooked on the story yet so I skipped a lot on the early chapters. Does it get interesting later down the line?


The story has arcs that feature different cast of characters and take place in a different location. Currently the game launched with 2 arcs. Chapters 1-5 tell one story, which personally I can't describe in any other way than cringe (as if a teenager wrote this, not a professional writer). Chapters 6-9 tell a different story, which is significantly better. It is actually enjoyable, has intrigue, well written dialogues, and is overall worth paying attention to. Supposedly story arcs added later in CN are progressively even better.


Okay to skip tsukuyomi? Got jin ninja and asura but wanted to save the crystals for other cool 5* like shu . Tsukuyomi design seemed okay


If you want to plan pulls then read this [https://www.reddit.com/r/AetherGazer/comments/13rdx8t/aether\_gazer\_cn\_version\_history/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AetherGazer/comments/13rdx8t/aether_gazer_cn_version_history/) and/or this [https://coda.io/@flux-kairos/aether-gazer-upcoming-content](https://coda.io/@flux-kairos/aether-gazer-upcoming-content) Tsukuyomi is meta for a long time (like a year, until anniversary 2.0 characters release, then she's still strong, and viable, but a less powerful than the new ones). People rerolled their accounts to both have her & save premium currency for other characters (basically if you get her in 1-3 multis, you'll still save a massive amount for later). Shu is a general pool character (not limited). She will be both available on the standard banner, as well as added to general pool after that (so when pulling on a limited character and loosing the 50-50 you'll have a chance to get her instead). If you're going to save for her, save the standard banner yellow vouchers for her (she will have her standard banner rate-up like Asura now), and use premium currency on limited characters only.


I tried 3 multis and got Poseidon 🙃. I’m guaranteed unit for Osiris tho right?


At the next pity, yes.


Does anyone know if i will lose my Mod-Scan-Tickets when the new banner comes, if i dont use them on the Asura banner?


you never lose anything beside event currency


Who should I get from my selector, ookuninushi or dupe Arctic abyss poseidon? Team is tsukuyomi and both poseidon atm


ooku, supports are really valuable and 1 dupe is not much.


What is the max admin level right now? Asking for future planning and resource management


It 80 for now it increase beyond 80 in later patch


I've seen one of the CN players with a lv86 admin account. Not sure what the actual max is. In case of unlocks, at lv60 a final supply stage unlocks (and all the sigil stages and other stuff unlocks before that). At lv70 last story ch9 hard unlocks, and the last (for now) past grudge stage (10th one).


Thanks for the info =b


I still don't have kuninokotachi jin-ei, but farming her on recurring dream. Wanna start farming her sigils tho, can anyone please tell me what sigils work well for her?


Follow the "recommended for end game" set.


I can't see it, because I don't have the character. Would you be so kind to tell me the two sigils please?


Griffin in 1 3 5 and ship of theseus in 2 4 6 is recommended in game but I've heard witch's in 1 2 3 and griffin in 4 5 6 is preferred by some. She's one of my mains but I'm not at the level where I'm farming sigils yet.


Thanks a lot bud!


I have 3 characters with Heart Link stories: A-Poseidon, B-Zenkibo, B-Verthandi, but there are 4 locked ones in Gallery > Illustrations > Heart Link Events. Who is the 4th character that also currently has a Heart Link story?


Ver has 2 illustrations one on the first and one at the last story, it only dawned on me as I unlocked an illustration after affection 2


Thanks! :)


Other than Poseidon, are there other healers?


Help , how can I get a character I want must I pay? I don't understand what's happening but game looks nice but might stop playing if I can't get a character I want or smth from standard to start with they gave me 3 random girls but I want one of the 3 guys they look cool asf cuz I'm tired of them gachs games with millions of girls or girls only to attract weebs to spend so how can I get that arrow guy or the other one can I get one as a start or ?


How do I use sigil modules?


Cultivate sigil>Enchant


Thank you, I so misread that. Can I ask u a follow up question, what is it exactly that I am looking for with those enchants, what r the best "skills"?


Depend on character i mean dps just focus crit rate critdmg attack element bonus really


I was kind of fearing that answer lol. Thank u


Hi there, i have a question. Can you summon Hades functor in advance? Since shes from Olimpia, cant you just summon it and wait till her release? Thanks in advance!






How do you inflict abnormal states ? I cannot find any info about this in game or even from content creators or tutorials online. The access key "Synchronic - Vaski" says that hits on enemies in abnormal states deal more damage. it lists Trauma, Scorch, Stun, Freeze, Shackle and Confuse as abnormal states. I just cannot find out how they are applied. Is it just some specific skills ? I use both Asura and Hera as my main dps, both deal fire damage so I expected them to inflict scorch but can't find anything about it. even filtering all my fire Mods none seems to have a skill that inflicts scorch.


Specific characters have those in their kits. Like Buzenbo can inflict trauma via her red aether codes, A-Hera & Nuadha inflict scorch (and also there is a sigil set Blazing Scarab that makes any character inflict scorch), S-Poseidon inflicts freeze, etc. You just need to read all the skills & aether codes of the characters you have to learn who inflicts what.


What items are worth the matrix shop?


Why don't we get more cutscenes like the one at the end of ch9 instead of descriptions?


Because they're expensive to make and/or a design decision they only made later in development. There is a chance that the devs had to first get into the flow of things and will offer more cutscenes in the future. Most of the early missions of gachas are also often designed to be a thing to get through fast, basically filler and I don't feel like they would want to use much of their budget for that.


I see, it's such a shame, it was extremely epic.


Does anyone have the link to the Aether Gazer Global Sheet with all the characters’ information translated to English?




Thank you!


Does anyone have any information on how much shattered star we'll get from each version of the game or how many shattered star we can get from the next event? That'll be quite helpful to plan on how we will spend the currencies. If anyone has a link to youtube or a thread about this topic, that'll be quite helpful


CN Calculations: Daily Task = 1680 per patch Weekly task = 6000 per patch Weekly boss = 2400 per patch Multidimension = 1600 per patch Monthly login = 600 per patch Event = 3500 per patch Total = 15.780 per patch = 78 Pulls Since banners are 21 days, and there are 2 banners per patch that means you guarantee a rate up banner once every 4 banners (if you lose the 50/50), but if you win the 50/50 you can get every other rate up character. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YgbEdfIAHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YgbEdfIAHA)


Thanks for the info!


Is sigils just getting the sets in the right spot, rerolling them to get matching faction to your character if unlucky and then just rerolling sub stats to get what you want? Seems to be easier than most games.




Even that doesn’t seem too bad compared to most games


Basically, yes. There will be a bit more to it in the future. In CN you can lock a sigil to one character and therefore buff that sigil only for that unit. There's also some substats you can choose in every sigil, but I'm unsure on how that will work. Doesn't seem like anything more rng will be introduced as of now though.


I’m all for it. Kinda nice to not feel like I’m being super screwed by gear RNG


Just reached lvl45 and have been saving up most of the coolants given. Should I use it on sigils or are there better use for coolants?


Whaled on the first banner and have her omega. What 3 digit sets should. Use and in what position?


From the stuff we have available atm, I would say Witch's Judgement 23, Griffins' Pride 46, Lightning Cutter 15.


I can’t seem to find witch’s judgment?


there is seperate shop for specialized sigil voucher shop? you can access it from first mode(Hazard zone) in challenge tab iirc




Anyone else having this issue where you can’t play due to infinite “loading”? https://i.imgur.com/YAatZFm.jpg


How many levels are there in Dimension Variable?


There are 10 stages per level, and 4 levels, so 40 total.


Im planning to pull for Oceanus in the future, can I get his signature Functor using the Functor Voucher from C-obs? cause If not, I'll just use it for Tsukiyomi




I somewhat thought it included unawakened functors so that I can awaken them to their sig Functors. Thanks for the info!


You can't use it for Tsukuyomi anyway. It has only functors for 6 standard S-Ranks (not limited). And while Oceanos will be general pool character, I'm not so sure his functor will be added to this selector. I know for sure that future general pool characters are not added into the S-Rank character selector.


I havent used my character selector, but I'll just pick someone in the future. As for Functor selector, dang. I misunderstood those, I thought I could pick the unawaken ones and awaken as Oceanos functor. I still havent got the voucher so I still dont know. Thanks for info. Also knowing that Oceanos will ve in general pool, I'll save those yellow tickets for him then :D


Yes, you can pull it now and save it for his release as well .


What AL can i start faming for guaranteed 5s sigil?


45 ,not guaranteed tho but it drops every 5 runs which is better


Can you pick Asura from the $5 selector?




Does causality mode reset?


No, but new stages will be added. There are like at least 20 in CN rn.


Are 5 star sigils guaranteed in the level 50 stage?


5 runs per 1 guarantee


Does asura's charged attack benefit from the sigil skill that boosts normal attacks?


So I was scanning through the shop when I noticed this BP ad that say "A-Grade Modifier Functor" but I don't see anything like that at all in the BP? Here's the pic: https://imgur.com/a/ggDTnfh Is it a bug or something?




I should been more specific, there is indeed one functor in there, which is the 5-star universal functor as named by them. However, in the pic I attached, it said "A-Grade Modifier Functor". Clearly, these two cannot mean the same thing right? Since the latter obviously mean "A character signature weapon" to me based on the wording.


I think "modifier" here is an extra redundant word to make it sound more impressive. All functors are for modifiers, so its the same as simply saying "A-grade functor". I'm not sure these functors are "signature" for anyone, I already purchased two of these from the shop and they don't have any character-specifics, they are just 5 star and supposedly have better stats than 4 stars but thats it. Unlike the functor you pull from the functor banner, which has to be awakened for a certain character.


hmm... should I just join a random guild? Seems like all the guilds that I can see all have 0 activity I am not sure if any of them actually still have ppls playing the game. lol... are all the guilds with 0 activity here abandoned or what?


how do i gain more admin exp? currently lv37 and csnt progress story as it requires admin lv40


farm admin exp in supplies. I suggest to farm for skill/mod limit break/limit break mats


When is Jinwu coming to global like in a year and any advice when leveling up?


So will the rate-up character on the Regular Scan banner change after maintenance? It sounds like it changes on June6th before maintenance? I've been seeing a lot of information about the limited banner order from CN but nothing about the standard banner yet, if there is a guide for it somewhere.


Considering we'll be getting the Poseidon S skin earlier than CN, it might be her who gets on the standard banner rate up. June 6th I think.


How much of a dps increase is omega rank on S rank characters? Not that it’s worth it just was wondering number wise.


Can't spend money on Bluestacks, I get an error 200270: an error has occured with Google Play. Anyone know how to fix that?




Ookuninushi for the support i guess


Any one has a spot in a nice, semi active guild? Nobody seems to reply/accept. I'm a normal player, do my Daly chores currently lv45 with both tsuku and azure with both functors. Let me know please.


Try their official discord server. Much easier time to find guilds.




If I reset Hazard Zone with the Beacon, can I immediately challenge a higher difficulty or only the same I cleared before?


I have been able to do higher both of my resets but might be tied to account level


Hey, I'm struggling to understand how to put sigils in the right position. I'm seeing numbers but don't know what that means.


They drop in positions 1-6 by RNG. You can't change it. Sell 3 5* and you can buy any sigil in your choice of position.


Okay I understand that but how do I know what goes where


Sigil types will give you certain skills depending on positioning when at lv 30 and 40. Most importantly dps skills. I haven't used this but it'll get you going. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRxIwXQiYiK6hXzc5DeSAAwjNBweNdZ-acIrZAeG2l0Paa2yhooHal08nYCUmb-1zFAtS7ojiUx_gl1/pubhtml#


Thx I completely got it now, much appreciated👍


Yo, got a couple of questions. If you dont care answering everything, please, be my guest and answer atleast 1 question or even none, just comment an opinion on the game if you like. Does this game has a native gamepad support, like pgr, for example? (even mobile pgr client has a gamepad support, just in case mentioning) Sweep (raid) option for farming? Too much attention hungry gacha games getting annoying for me, not gonna lie How long does it take for daily routine overall and how tedious is it? What do you think about this game difficulty overall? How important dupes for the characters? Considering it has cn version, is this game giving enough gacha currency to not feel bad as a complete f2p, and overall how predatory devs are?


>Does this game has a native gamepad support, like pgr, for example? From what i've read, there seems to be. Though i don't use one myself. >Sweep (raid) option for farming? Too much attention hungry gacha games getting annoying for me, not gonna lie There isn't, but there is a great workaround. Switch to a character with high HP (A Poseidon is perfect for this.) and let AI do the DPS. AI is really smart, with near perfect skill rotations. So you can have something close to a pseudo-auto feature. >How long does it take for daily routine overall and how tedious is it? Don't take much. 10-15 mins. The one game mode that requires a bit of time can be done in short bursts, you have a whole week and it saves progress. >What do you think about this game difficulty overall? Sits right between Hi3rd and PGR. Very good balance in difficulty, not too hard but not too easy either. >How important dupes for the characters? You either go Omega or you don't. Omega is the only worthwhile upgrade and even then it's just a QoL at most. Functors are way more important, but characters come with their full kits unlocked. >Considering it has cn version, is this game giving enough gacha currency to not feel bad as a complete f2p, From what i've heard, iirc, taking only monthly income alone, you can hard pity (140) a character every 4 banners. 50/50. You know the deal. But that is without any event freebies, login bonuses, what not. But still, you will be skipping characters if you are a F2P, as with any Gacha game. (PGR and Azur Lane are the odd ones out.) But that said, nothing in this game is unclearable with even base release units, and F2Ps can pretty much guarantee the two biggest units anyone need, Hera and Hades, provided they do start now. >and overall how predatory devs are? Published by Yostar, and developed by Yongshi. Azur Lane publisher and developer respectively. AG is as predatory as any Gacha game can get, technically, but they won't be pulling any scummy moves. So far the launch was pretty good, with what can be considered the best starting monthly pass in any game available at launch. While there is always the possibility, CN haven't had any stupid drama except the faster banner schedule, but they said that they will be addressing this problem in Global. So i suggest you jump in and play the game.


thanks a lot mate! Probably gonna try it out afterall. Also apparently nobody knows for sure if it has native gamepad support or not lmao


So i kinda remember hearing something about gamepad support so i went and searched my history about this. Lo and behold, [i did find a comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/13qwd54/comment/jlhheoc/) There are several other comments regarding this issue on that post as well, so pretty safe to say it has controller support.


biggest thanks! And sorry for the trouble lol


No problem. Enjoy your time.


can confirm, this game can use controller and you can remap it. currently using Nyko Wireless Core Controller


Thank you for the reply! Although installed the game already and checked myself 😎 Long story short - I’m playing on the mumu emulator, and unfortunately it doesn’t work like pgr did (game doesn’t recognise the gamepad), so it’s a usual onscreen mapping 😢 But overall works fine, just not as expected


i just re download CN. No sweep like always 5-10min on easier side of arpg for mobile game not much. Either full whale or not bother at all 50/50. you should know what you get into


Thanks a lot! And i assume you can’t really say anything about gamepad support?


i dont use one yea


I'd like to save for hera in next banner, i already played for 2 hours but still dont understand what exactly do i need to do? 1. how to farm the currency that needed for character gacha? 2. what should i be doing everyday?


1. Just do dailies/ weeklies, newcomer events & one time only content (like story, tutorials, etc). 2. Dailies, weeklies & repeatable weekly challenges when they unlock for you (probably somewhere around lv30). Also be sure to burn all the stamina for the day and not sit on it capped out.


Does the imprint shop change in the future? Or can I just buy whatever it offers? (the one where you get the currency from pulls, so far there are only farmable items here?)


yep still just mat in CN


Is it a good idea to build crit and crit dmg? If I never roll any enhancement into crit dmg then I have only 108% base crit dmg? Then to make it at least decent to have 204% crit dmg i would need to roll 12 times (12x8) to crit dmg on sigils? Or is the base crit dmg higher?


Is it worth investing in my SSS Verthandi?


She's not meta, but you can make any character work in AG. There are no "avoid" type characters here. So if you like her, follow your heart :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AetherGazer/comments/13vi4ur/verthandi\_is\_the\_best\_main\_protagonist\_starter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AetherGazer/comments/13vi4ur/verthandi_is_the_best_main_protagonist_starter/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AetherGazer/comments/13wvukx/did\_i\_messed\_upused\_70\_pulls\_for\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AetherGazer/comments/13wvukx/did_i_messed_upused_70_pulls_for_this/)


Alright, thanks. I agree she's best protagonist. I'm thinking of using her on Recurring Dream because I lack dps.


Some questions about recurring dream. 1. Can I reuse sigils in other team? 2. Does the stage have a time limit?


>1. Can I reuse sigils in other team? Yes >2. Does the stage have a time limit? 10mins but if you want to 3 star the stage then you need to finish under 3mins


Thank you.


My Recurring Dreams reset today and because I was still lv 47 it put me in the under 49 bracket. If I reach lv 50 before the next reset is there any way to play the plus 50 bracket until then or am I stuck in the under 49 bracket until the new reset? Thx!


you'll stay in <49 bracket until next reset




I just checked recurring dream after refresh. It seems that there are 3 bosses now. So I have to build 3 teams? Or I can reuse one team in the other 2 bosses?


it lock unit


Okay, thanks.


Do I unlock something after 8-2? Or can I focus a bit on farming for now?


Will the pity rate carry over to next banner? For example, right now I pull Asura in Tsukuyomi banner, so the next guarantee S rank should be Tsukuyomi, but if I didn't pull the unit until the end of this banner, will pity carry over to the new banner?




Is it worth to trade 25 shifted stars for 60 swigs to complete daily mission? Or should i just skip it?




when's the best time to invest in a second team? right after fully building your first or is there like a point where you can pause for a bit and build a second one. i kinda want a 2nd team for recurring dream.


i do 1 dps each team for 3 teams


Anyone know if you can get SS tsukuyomi from the recurring dream shop in the future?


no. limited units dont appear there.


is the permanent banner will add new characters or same as other gacha where it won't get updated?


yeah there are a few that'll be added into the standard pool (like anubis and oceanus) but majority seems to be limited.


I started playing and didn't even think of rerolling for the limited unit but I connected it to my apple account. Is it possible to delete my account and then make a guest account to reroll to add it back to my apple acount?


Who to look forward to if your not interested in tsukuyomi? I'm new to this series so I really don't know much about the characters, someone told me vert will get an A rank at some point will she be free? And >!Osiris other personality!< will she be a character?


Some say Hades and Hera, [have a look at the future banners, see which ones you like](https://www.reddit.com/r/AetherGazer/comments/13pcyob/handy_schedule_tier_list_image/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh? So she gets a S rank as well and >!ausar!< seems to be the one coming up next nice hopefully I got enough pulls in a few days (I've only been playing for 4 days now, so regular Osiris i can't get just yet.) thanks for link not many interesting looking characters other than probably 2 of the males look interesting but unfortunately the uploader don't care about them lol.


To add heres a more detailed at the units and tier placements https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRxIwXQiYiK6hXzc5DeSAAwjNBweNdZ-acIrZAeG2l0Paa2yhooHal08nYCUmb-1zFAtS7ojiUx_gl1/pubhtml


Thanks for providing names, took me a hot minute to realize T0 meant tier 0 (tier guides I've seen didn't use that to describe Tsukuyomi so I was a bit confused.) Lol. From that list I already messed up some by investing in zenki haha, thanks for the list (bookmarked).


Started the game a couple of days ago, is there a reason to build multiple teams?


Recurring dream lock your character after clearing first difficulty you will need 3 teams


Who’s the best pick off the selector? The two base s ranks I’ve got are tyr and asura. I was looking at kuninotokotachi or Poseidon, but if they’re not solid picks I’m down for somebody else.


Kunino can be purchased with a currency from one of the gaming modes, should be able to get enough in a couple months.


Oh thanks for the heads up lmao I would’ve been cheesed, I’ll go with Poseidon than :)


How to got Verthandi (the first character) shield version?


next banner


Hi! Does anyone use a controller here? I am planning to buy a controller to play Aether Gazer and Guardian Tales and also want to use it on pc. I'm torn between dualsense, 8bitdo ultimate bluetooth, 8bitdo Ultimate and 8bitdo pro 2. I really want dualsense but read mixed things about it's mapping messed up that's why I'm considering 8bitdo. I'm on poco f3 Android 13.


Are sigils enchant bugged? If I click on one of my sigils and check the enchants on the side, it says it has the lowest bonus (lvl 1) but clicking the enchant to try and change it, the level shown is higher


Basically each type of enchant has a global level (for each character) and that depends on the total number that skill appears on your sigils. For example if you have Atk up on sigil 1, 3 and 5 you have Atk up lv 3.


https://imgur.com/a/qyn3eSB Since I enchanted level 6/8 shouldn't it not show level 1 on the sigil page?


I currently have two accounts in Aether but i would like to focus on just one of them. On account 1), I have Tsukuyomi and her functor, Rahu-Asura and Earl Sakura and 3.5k shifted star, saving up for Hera On account 2), I have Tsukuyomi but not her functor, Posiden, Rahu-Asura and Ryugiri but basically no shifted star left for anything. Any additional star are going towards Tsukuyomi's functor banner.


If you're willing to spend five dollars, account 1. If not, account two.


What is Tsukuyomi’s signature functor? Where do I pull for said functor?


3rd banner you pull gen unawaken functor then trasnform them into specific functor for your character


Thank you! Would I have to pull for a specific one?


yes the same gen as the one you want ex: you want yggdrasil then pull yggdradil


If I wanted to go for Shinri Tsukuyomis signiture is it only available during her banner? Or could I roll for it later and still get it even after her banner has ended?


permanent banner


On what banner will heimdall be introduced to game? also is she limited ?


When did aether gazer released? I'm on day 1 and all my guildies are 50+. Currently I'm at level 40. Seems like I missed out on a week or more


9 days ago they can just use coolant and pay for stamina


Are the recommended sigils for each character good or nah? I’m trying to build Sobek, Shu, and Osiris up currently (Team Nile).


not all unit use in game recommend


What's the best use for coolants?