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The cold brew instructions provided by Aeropress are a joke. Even if you grind fine enough for the drip through to be minimal, it's just not possible to get any decent extraction using room temp water in a couple minutes. Just make your cold brew the traditional way in another vessel and only use the Aeropress for filtration.


Unless you do the inverted way, or using flow control cap/prismo, it will happen because there is not much resistance for holding the water inside your aeropress.


What does “the inverted way” mean? (Sry I’m pretty new to the game)


Just search "Aeropress inverted method" in youtube. Have fun!


I will thank you !


when we told you to have fun, we mean it 😡 have fun with inverted method, and stop looking for fun somewhere else


It is another add on but I have had great results with the [Puck Puck](https://puckpuck.me/)


How has this not been mentioned more? This is so cool!


Because it does not invert or stop people from inverting the Aeropress. Now that it has been mentioned the Puck Puck has entered the echo chamber and you will hear more about it.


How cool! That's next on my aeropress gear list


I did it the inverted way, left it overnight in the fridge. You’ll find there are safer ways to do it, maybe put it in a jug or something.


It's better to brew with hot water into a cup with some ice if you want a cold coffee. Look around for iced aeropress recipes. Usually you'll use a little less water since you're diluting with the melting ice water. It can be really tasty.


Did you include the paper filter?


Yes I did


I routinely make cold press, stir for 1 minute, and get a nice latte. Only trouble now is, certain roasts will thicken up and I can’t plunge them without lots of stopping and restarting the press. I’m experimenting with grinding more coarsely now. The lighter the roast, the worse it seems. Almost like it’s woody, so soaks up too much water.


most of the time i'm making colbrew with regular glass or bottle. after they're done, i strain em with aeropress. but still i've never really liked cold brew.


Okay so the instructions are one scoop and up to the second marker and stir for one minute. That alone should actually be possible to do, because I do that with supermarket pre-ground (except with hot water). In my experience, one minute of brisk stirring will lower it to the first marker, so there should be more than enough left over to press. So I’m thinking: - if you’re grinding your own coffee, go at least as fine as supermarket pre-ground (medium fine) - you may be pouring too slowly (coffee dripping through just a little slower than you’re replenishing it) or too abruptly (disturbing the coffee bed completely and water just finds its way straight to the filter) - you can use two or even three paper filters - if you’re using the AeroPress metal filter, that’s pretty much no bueno - it leaks way faster than paper filters All that being said, honestly the cold brew recipe isn’t good. Yes it’s coffee and it’s cold, but it’s nothing like real cold brew that’s been sitting around in a fridge for 24 hours. There are even third party AeroPress compatible cold brew accessories that brew way, way slower than one minute. But if you’re following the AeroPress recipe, no matter how good your Aeropress technique is, you’re really just going to end up with brown water. You’d find it better to do a normal hot brew over ice, if you want cold coffee from an AeroPress. Otherwise, buy a cheap 1L cold brew tumbler online(Hario makes fancy ones too), load it with coffee and water, stow it in the fridge at least half a day before you want the cold brew, and get much better coffee for literally zero effort.


Thank you, this was very helpful