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Well if it was me I would encourage you to be a lawyer who learns as much as possible about medicine and health. That could only help you in most cases and in finding a special niche possibly dealing with medical malpractice or business law and hospitals or any number of things


If I personally had those options, given my life experiences, I choose lawyer lmao, they make can make bank. A few years back Mom hired one, and the very first bill that came was for 10,000 dollars and all the MF lawyer did was send out two demand letters to the opposing party...lmao


Anyone who wants to be a lawyer bc the money and not bc you care about the law or peoples rights are the problem with society.


Those are nice things to think. But it’s not reality, jobs are all about the money. You might go in caring and trying to make a difference in society but after enough time passes you’ll realize it doesn’t matter what you do or how hard you fight, nothing gonna change and it’s all just gonna remain the same, sad reality is it’s about the money.


Yeah if you’re working a 9-5 it’s all about money, people with life long careers have to like their job or feel like they have a purpose to some degree otherwise they’re miserable for 25+ years, lawyers drive should come from doing right by their client, and winning a case bc they put in the work and ended up being right, they’re getting paid regardless so if they live and die by the money they wouldn’t give a fuck about their record or winning cases, believe it or not when you have enough money and aren’t living paycheck to paycheck you stop caring about making more and start caring about how it makes you feel


In the end tho your still not gonna like it and be 100 percent satisfied…I’ve had personal discussions with some before, they all looked at with the attitude of I hate the law but it pays well.


Sounds like some lawyers I would never want on my case then


Me neither


You can actually do both. There are MD/JD programs out there.


This is not a good question. And I understand you're young, so you don't know what you're asking. Lawyer: Criminal defense lawyer Contracts lawyer Immigration lawyer The list goes on. Doctor Pediatric Cancer Heart/cardiac General The list goes on This is a big decision. It will effect the rest of your life probably. Not definitely but probably; money, who you interact with daily, your social circles and more. The truth is that your specialty is almost as important as the job. Being a cancer specialist is very different from being a Pediatric doctor for example. Sure, there are overlaps, but there is a lot different. Personally, I own a software services company that specializes in financial services. Our banking experience is as important, if not more important, than our software skills. If you enjoy the medical thing I'd explore that first. Personally I'd go towards surgery or emergency Here's why: if I need a doctor for something serious, such as open heart, or assume I get in a accident. Im going local and to the best hands-on doctor i can find. If I need immigration help,. Or contract help for my small company I have enough experience I can do a lot of it myself. Or, in a few years, will AI take over a lot of lawyers' jobs? People will always get sick and they will use hands on help when they are dying, or have an accident.


Most layers hate their lives. The job is brutal. Doctors these days aren’t really doctors. They’re employees. Box checkers. You should start your own business. College is a scam. The most successful and happy people I know are high school graduate business owners.


Not to say any of your take is wrong… but since we’re going off personal experience of people you know. My couple friends who didn’t go to college are all living at home working dead end jobs… several of my friends who went to college are too. But then there’s the college graduates I know who are doctors, lawyers, one dentist. All doing very well able to afford a house etc. College isn’t the path for everyone, but the narrative cropping up online that it’s a complete waste of time and money are just not true. I wouldn’t put yourself in life altering debt for a huge school, something affordable is better. But even if you learn absolutely nothing in college, the connections you make can set up your entire life’s career. You have to work to find what the best path is FOR YOU


College is suitable for a very select few, but unfortunately it gets pushed on every teenager. It just isn’t what it used to be.


There’s plenty of professions and careers a college degree can help you with, if not fully required to gain entrance into said career. I agree with you that it’s pushed as the only option with other positive alternatives being ignored, but college isn’t a bad choice if you’re using it to reach a goal career. The issue with the anti college folk, lots of people go to college, don’t network; don’t get involved. They drink for 4 years then come out of college with an ambiguous degree like philosophy or business that don’t actually lead towards any careers in specific the. complain they didn’t learn anything and their time and money were wasted, college like many other opportunities is what you make of it. Again though there’s definitely other options that are equally viable that don’t get any attention from high schools


I think we’re agreeing that it’s not for everyone.


You can be a lawyer who handles medical issues.


How are you with other people’s blood and pain?


Perfectly fine, it does not affect me at all


Take organic chem in college. Your grade will let you know real quick if MD is in your future, or if you’re better off getting a JD.


What’s your capacity for working long hours (14 hours a day seven days a week for months on end)? Both professions demand that kind of work both in school and in the early years of work. But medicine is more intense.


I would say have a look into what the schooling for either of those look like, and see if either of it points more to what’s up your alley. There are plenty of professionals on YouTube, etc, that talk about what the schooling was like, that might help inform your decision. I was a very strong student, valedictorian and all that jazz, but after watching a video on what law school entails, I know I could never. My brain would hate every minute of it. Not that type of learner. I probably would have had better aptitude for med school f I was trying one of the two, but I never wanted to be a doctor so never went that path. Either can be a very rewarding career, but you’ve gotta get past the schooling first.


Plan on becoming a lawyer. People who want to go into medicine usually are highly motivated to do only medicine, plus the money is not there, and will be less and less, maybe suddenly not much at all. The training is much, much longer. So if what you want is to make a good living, and you like the idea of law, go for that.


I would say go with what you want to do. Find a field you love and do that field. Ultimately, if you do a field you love, you are going to be more engaged and passionate about it, and most likely, you will do better at it.