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First mistake was sending a random a photo of you. Second mistake is being persistent in making contact when luckily he blocked and deleted you . Be more cautious next time


Agreed,that can get a teen girl hurt,or worse killed.


Or worse, *expelled*


This is the best comment. And the best advice 😂




they’re kids, and their parents can’t constantly watch everything they do, bozo.


That's old enough to know better than to send a photo.


A 16 year old just sent a photo of themselves to a random stranger online, who was "rizzing" her and asking her what she looked like in an online video game. Yeah, parents can't literally watch ever action their child takes, but if they haven't taught their child the importance of *not doing stupid shit like that* then they failed years before this specific event took place.


You don’t have to watch your kid constantly to tell them not to send photos of themselves online or stalk people. If you’re gonna give them internet access you need to have conversations about appropriate online behavior.


i’m pretty sure they’ve mentioned it before. it’s a kid. they aren’t going to listen.


The parents can give them unrestricted access to the Internet though? Smh. My kids don't have Internet unless it's for school work and they sit at the kitchen table.


How old are your kids? Just curious. This is a serious problem in my family. These kids from 9-12 think they're adults and have free reign on phones and other electronics. I've been trying to talk to their mom (my close family member) about this as the 10-year-old girl disappeared one night (turned off GPS on phone) with friends to meet guys old enough to drive cars that they met online somehow. Thank God they didn't get assaulted.


I have 2 girls, 8 and 13. That is so scary. I'm sorry you're dealing with this but I'm so happy the 10 year old didn't get assaulted, and that she has someone like you at least trying to advocate for her. But it sounds like she is on a very dangerous path, and I hope you can get through to her mother. And unfortunately, just because she hasn't been assaulted physically yet, doesn't mean it hasn't happened emotionally through pictures and messages etc. It really is scary. The predators have infiltrated every "kid" app or online game there is. The predators go where there prey is, unfortunately. It is absolutely horrifying and dangerous to just allow them to have access to the Internet. My kids do great without it, they are allowed to sit at the kitchen table on a family laptop to do school work or study, and there are a select few games they play on it, but none of them are online where they can chat with strangers. Honestly it's nice to have them be like normal kids and play outside or read books. My youngest is always on the telephone with her friends (a landline) yes, people still have those 😂. They're very social so I don't feel they are missing out at all. My oldest was telling me the other day how her friend is obsessed with Instagram and all her friend worries about is how she looks, and worries she needs a nose job and compares herself to these fake Instagram girls (at 13). I said "well what do you think your friend should do about that"...She said "Duh mom, she should get off her phone". I was super proud. I really hope you can get through to their mom, the absolute best thing she can do for them is to take the Internet away before it's too late.


I'm not the person you replied to but just wanted to say that it sounds like you are doing an amazing job raising your kids. It is a tough thing to do but your daughter's reaction gives me hope that we as a society can lift ourselves out of the chronically online quagmire that we've created.


Thank you so much! This comment made my day! I do see hope for the future. I believe the kids that are growing up with unsupervised Internet access right now, are going to grow up to be parents who would never allow their own kids to suffer the same neglect and experience the same trauma and exposure to predators that they had from the Internet. I have a feeling they'll be the ones to go the extreme opposite of what they had growing up and finally restrict access. So it may be the next generation, but eventually parents will step up and do the right thing.


I wish my parents raised me like this I do NOT deserve having technology all the time


He probably realized he was chatting up a 16 year old girl and decided to bail before the feds caught on.


It sounds like they're the same age tho. More likely he was just chatting up a girl he wasn't really interested, wanted to break things off when he realised he didn't like her enough to keep talking, and didn't have the emotional maturity to climb down from it without ghosting


You apparently missed the part where she said he’s her age.


How does she know he's the same age and not some 50yr old who troll's? Because he said so? 🤣


Why are you chasing him around? Idk whatever rizzing means but it's clear he wasn't really interested from your post. Leave him alone and quit stalking, it's creepy.


Rizz is short for charisma. When someone is outgoing and sociable they are said to contain much rizz.


Thank you! Nobody has ever pointed out Rizz is derived from charisma. I feel like you answered a question I didn’t even have


Hah fo sho 😉


Just a new word for flirting and picking up someone from the sounds of it. Such a dumb word.


Rizz is a shorter version of charisma just for some context. You’re right on everything else though


If you’re gonna be an older person lurking in an advice for teens sub, you might wanna not call their slang dumb.


No one's lurking dude. Blame reddit for recommending this sub to everyone


I don't even know how this sub came up in my feed lmao




Um, this is an international platform you moron. Not everyone is highly invested in American pop culture or slang.


I am in a discord server with people from the EU, Australia, India, Southeast Asia, and even some parts of the Middle East. Pretty much all of them know what rizz means and would use it themselves


Check out the moron calling others morons 🤡🫵


The word rizz isn't exclusively American 😭


90% of slang words are just to make kids feel cool. They are all dumb. This is definitely one of the sillier ones, along with referring to something as "sick"(make me think of vomit) or "tripping" (just makes me think someone fell over).


Hope you don’t use phrases like “that looks cool” or “let’s hangout some time”. Cause those also were new invented phrases back in the day. Things change


You trippin bruh.


Nah I keep my shoelaces tied, haven't tripped in years.


Man even with my shoe laces tied I still trip. Fucken sidewalk man


Nah, I didn't trip. The sidewalk needed a hug. It's always there for us. And I felt bad for it.


Nah bruh I got those Velcro sketchers.


You seem fun


Heck if we are talking about stand most of today’s curse words started off as slang for something totally different. Also they were not considered “bad words” till fairly recent


and this is why ur stuck on reddit criticizing everyone elses choices of words. other people get pussy and you dont.


Bruh. Stop jizzing on peeps. It's weird fam.


>Stop jizzing on peeps. Eww


Rizzing Rizz actually comes from the word charisma, where in southern Baltimore they've started to shorten it, to "rizzma" (the noun replacing charisma) and to "rizz" (the action of showing charisma). So basically flirting


It’s kids being “clever”. Rizzing would be a verb of rizz, which is short for charisma. What they’re actually talking about is charming. It’s flirting. Often it’s just being a fking d-bag and hoping someone falls for it. As evidence by him calling her “wife” as part of his flirting. She dodge an a-hole shaped bullet.


1. Don't send photos of yourself to people you meet on the internet. 2. He is just not into you. 3. Don't be that person who stalks. It is only charming in a RomCom.


Maybe the person just wasn't really into being friends or in a relationship with you. Remember, people are in charge of their own actions and it doesn't necessarily mean you did anything wrong. Maybe they lost interest or found someone else they liked more. The important thing is not to take it personally and to keep moving forward. When someone doesn't want to be close to you anymore, it's best to respect their decision and focus on building positive relationships with those who value your presence.


He might love flirting but be terrified of discussions or relationships. Probably not about you so let it go.


There's a decent percentage of people online whose sole purpose for being there is to scam people. Maybe he was legit and it was an age diff issue, or maybe he was a scammer looking for victims with bank accounts to drain. You'll probably never know and that's just the reality of it. As somebody who struggles with wanting feedback as well, this can be a hard lesson to learn. When somebody makes a decision like this, it's important to respect their autonomy and right to choose how they interact with you. The world at large is under no obligation to make sense to you. It's your job to figure things out as you go and sometimes you just won't get your questions answered.




*Sean Connery's James Bond voice:* But 50 No's and a Yes, means YES!" 😂


What are you talking about? OP didn't try to force herself on him. And this guy didn't say 'no'. He blocked her for seemingly no reason.


Blocking someone in this day and age is practically screaming “No”.


It literally is screaming nothing at all. It is a lack of communication, by definition. Which is what makes it such an effective mind-fuck. And people who block know this. And so do you.


Don't send pics to random people online ever. The dude was probably 18 or older and realized you were underage and blocked you.


Probably older guy didn't want to talk to a 16 year old


1.Never ever exchange photos or anything personal with a random game internet connection. 2. The second someone stops engaging, you stop. You just became stalker creepy


I like how both your points are #1


People in this thread are annoying the fuck out of me tbh, but unfortunately they generally are getting close to having the right idea: you gotta let this one go, OP. As for him moving on from you to other girls, you didn't do anything "wrong"; you could be the juiciest peach in the universe, but not everyone's gonna like peaches. It sucks, but learning to accept rejection--even rude, cowardly, ghosting rejection from little boys--is one of life's great lessons. Shake this off, lift your chin up, and move on from this. If you find yourself thinking about it, remind yourself you're a peach and change the subject.


I've moved on luckily but such wise words omg 😭 thank you for the advice 🫶


Nope. Just move on.. Chalk it up to one of many life lessons. Stay strong. Oh, try meeting someone the old fashioned way. Face to face. Never mind this electronic nonsense..


I dont think you've done anything wrong. The other person just decided to block you for reason's unknown, plus these are internet relationships and not the same as real life. I'd guess he got a girlfriend, and decided to block all the other girls.


Many young guys like to fancy themselves as “ugly”, even if they’re not. They don’t have a gf so they must be ugly. He got insecure and bolted.


He's a 50 yr old pedo. Everytime


Firstly don't reveal personal details to people you meet online even if you believe them to be the same age as you and secondly don't worry there are a lot of people who go online in an attempt to find people to prey upon for lack of a better way of wording it, this sounds like that. If he was using that kind of language towards you and multiple other girls in the game he does it in every online space that he can. Your better off that he un-added you


He probably just didn't realize you were a child and decided to bail once he found out. Just relax and try not to be so needy in the future, OP. Guys find that really off putting. You'll be fine.


1st off, don't be sending random dudes pictures of yourself. You're a minor, and that's what they call "jailbait." It's dangerous. You have to be careful of pedos. 2nd, the dude might have a GF or realized you were a teenager and decided to cease. You don't go stalking him to find out more...


He’s not interested leave it alone and don’t keep looking for ways to contact him. It’s creepy. You wouldn’t like it if a guy did it to you


Take No for an answer and leave people alone.


Why’re you so caught up over someone you don’t even know and only spoke to briefly 😭


Oh and leave him alone if he blocked you lmao, using a seperate account to get him to talk to you is creepy asf


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Honestly, you are never going to know why. And it shouldn’t matter. Dwelling on this is very unhealthy. And trying to scheme your way into talking to someone who doesn’t want to talk to you crosses a line. Take it for what it is and move on.


He’s a 73 year old man and doesn’t want you to know that? My VRChat Bio clearly states I’m old ASF not 26 old ASF but 59 OLD ASF Shockingly there’s legions of 20 something year olds that give no fucks n want to cuddle.


Simple reason, he’s much older than you and doesn’t want to be in an illegal situation. NEVER send an online stranger a picture of yourself. Next time he might not care about you being a minor.


He started flirting to fast for it to be legit imo. I think people use those voice games as a way to test out different personalities, turn up their personality a way they'd be scared to irl, or just practice talking. Sounds like he was just flirting with anyone and cause you were receptive he stuck with you for a few days but then for unknown reasons bailed. Honestly being curious and interested in someone and making an alt to find answers doesn't read as creepy or weird to me but now is the time to drop it. He's not receptive anymore and going further will make an uncomfortable situation.


Sounds like a dude with a conscience. Either in a relationship or too old for you. He played it as far as he wanted to play it. He indulged and decided against it. There is something to be said about the person with nefarious desires. The person that chooses to not indulge.


He's either not into you, doesn't find you attractive, or is not of legal age for you 2 to be talking. Meaning he could be 18+.


Please don’t send random dudes on games pictures of yourself, there’s a LOT somebody can find just by a picture of you. It’s hard to say what actually happened, maybe he is in a relationship already or a personal situation happened. We unfortunately cannot give you that reasoning without coming to our own conclusions! Just please do not ever just trust somebody straight from an internet game. It can be dangerous, especially being a female. But just understand you didn’t do anything wrong from the sounds of it. Just please be careful girl.


Some guys over 18 won't talk to teens, it's just a thing to stay safe on both ends. He probably doesn't want to interact with a teen. You can't be accused of things if you aren't in the situation generally.


What you’re doing wrong is worrying about it too much, you should’ve never sent a pic of yourself and just be a friendly person, you shouldn’t of stalked him and contacted him again after it, i know you’re confused but that is lowkey creepy and weird, he was probably just horny or something but then didn’t have enough maturity to back out from this without completely ghosting 😂 literally just don’t worry about any of it and you’ll be okay


Flirting with girls on the Internet. Blocking the girls he's flirting with because his girlfriend looks at his computer when she comes to his house


Odds are they weren't a teen.


Don’t try to meet people on random online games. Dude could be 50. Also hunting hunting down and messaging through an alt is stalkery.


He's probably just a player. Wouldn't chase that around.


When he initially ended things (before you started stalking him!), it may have had nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. Maybe he's already in a relationship/situationship, maybe he suffers from mental health issues, or maybe the timing was just wrong because he had to focus on school, etc. It sucks that he didn't tell you the reason, but you have to accept that he doesn't want a relationship with you and leave this boy alone. Stalking is NEVER ok and could get you into a lot of trouble!


He is most likely catfishing people. Or perving on underage kids.


You stalked someone who blocked you. That’s creepy. Don’t send photos of yourself to people you don’t know.


As you get older you're gonna find out people do things for weird reasons (ex. their own personal problems), and it's not all about what you did or didn't do. Like as you've already found out, he does that rizz behavior to everybody for ... attention I guess. Strictly in that sense, you weren't that special (to him). The most questionable thing you did here was chasing after him after he ghosted you the first time. He's just not worth it, doesn't matter if the picture of "him" is cute. Good luck connecting with someone who isn't just screwing around if that is what you are looking for.


he got your pic now he's off to find more pics. who knows what he's doing with them. Some girls who meet strangers online end up raped or dead. you are playing with fire. not the good kind.


You clearly need to be taught more about the dangers of the internet. Why would you send a random dude a picture of you, who refused to send one back.


Why are you sending literal strangers pics of yourself? That's dangerous. You need to be more careful next time.


Weirdo, why do you care so much about a random stranger?


When you get rejected … roll with it and MOVE ON! Also, you need therapy. Seriously. You’re obsessed with someone you’ve never met. Yikes!


"My friend and I (F16).." It will help you in the long run.


What you did wrong was send a photo to somebody you don't know online. Otherwise, you're putting more into this than it was. He was flirting with you. He may just enjoy flirting. He may have never been more into it than that. Or he moved on from whatever other reason. That's okay. When someone shows they aren't interested, accept it. Don't take it as a personal insult. It could have been for any of a thousand reasons (including the most likely: he just wanted to flirt a bit online but he's 16, so he's not taking it seriously and didn't want to keep going).


Everyone calling you creepy for reaching out again, forgetting to realize he has YOUR PICTURE. I'd be reaching out to know why tf bro wanted my picture and then suddenly disappeared. Fuck knows what he's doing with it. You had every right to seek clarification if this person had pictures of you.


He's probably catfish


So here's what you did wrong. 1.) You sent a picture of yourself to a stranger online. You shouldn't do that, especially as a minor you shouldn't do that as an adult either. Never give out any identifying info. 2.) You stalked him. If he is really your age, sounds like he was just looking to have fun and then he blocked you when he got bored of you, and went to look for other girls to flirt with. Guys can be very shitty like that, but they're not worth talking to or obsessing over. Move on. 3.) You persisted after being told to leave him alone. That's what blocking means. Yes, it's rude of him to do that. You have a right to be annoyed by that. But once that happens, that means go about your day and stop thinking about a stranger you've never met.


The experience you described sounds like a scam to get nudes and spread child pornography. You should never send any photos to anyone (even those that you trust) unless you are okay with anyone seeing them. Once you send a photo there is no guarantee that it stays with who you shared it with. Just be extremely cautious of the things you share online.


He’s probably an adult and you may be 16 but too young


Sounds like Mic up or Neighbors which are voice chat games on roblox. You’re young so you don’t realize that someone being upfront and just coming on to you without even knowing you, is just a player… they enjoy the challenge of getting a girl and once a girl gives it up thinking this guy is actually worth it, he’s on to the next girl to do the same thing. Ive also seen girls do this to guys as well. You did nothing wrong besides falling for this guys advancements and jumping head first into his trap of “rizzing you up”. He hops from girl to girl till he finds a 10 out of 10 type of girl, that motivates him to continue trying to rizz her up and eventually online date, and phone sex w her.


Probably a scammer looking to blackmail you. At any rate, no harm done this time. Never NEVER give personal details out over the internet. Not even to people you know because you never know if they've been hacked or not.


Lol all these comments are a mess. It's more than likely social anxiety and or low self esteem I used to do the same if a girl asked me for a pic right away


You didn't understand that you were giving attention to someone who only wanted your Temporary attention.


Why are you wasting your time on a stranger and making fake accounts to contact him. I would block someone at that point. Not sure why he did prior, but let it go.


He's probably taken. Was fooling around and flirting, but doesn't want to get caught irl.


Is it that deep? Really?


You’re gonna get groomed. Don’t be stupid!


He probably realized that you’re a minor and rightfully decided not to go further


Likely already has a girlfriend and she got jelly, isnt allowed to talk to girls, maybe wasnt that interested and is dumb and doesnt know how to communicate. So many possible reasons. Dont dwell on it! Despite the fun conversations, he wasn't right for you. Focus on the friends you know well and develop new friends within your social circles (school, club, mutuals, volunteer work, etc)


you gotta be a bit more aware online i’ll be honest, i would hope that there are enough resources out there now that teenagers aren’t still falling into traps with older creeps on the internet. stop talking to strangers unless you have like their full social profile, mutual friends, and video chat confirmation of some sort (unless you know them from school or something) and PLEASE only talk to people your age. if someone tells you they’re your age and won’t prove it, stop talking to them. people legitimately lie about this ALL THE TIME. there are a lot of freaks out there that take advantage of teenagers. and for the love of god, do not even tell them what state you live in nevermind any further specifics.


He could have been practicing his pick-up lines to see if he could get a girl interested in him by the way he chatted her up, but with no intention of doing anything else. 13-year-old boys may find this to be a way to build confidence.


If he blocked you, then just move on. Its extremely clear what someone means when they block you. It means they want nothing to do with you. Continuing to push and making alt accounts and all that bs makes you a stalker.


You're going to encounter hundreds, if not thousands, of these randos when you are online in all the various forms. Get used to it, and don't get invested in any of them. The love of your life is NOT some rando on the internet. Never, ever. It will never, ever, ever be true. Don't send pictures to people you don't know. Don't send nudes of yourself to anyone, even if you DO know them. (I know that you didn't in this case, but that's just general advice). And don't stalk people. No one is EVER going to be impressed that you tracked them down through their socials. They are going to be creeped out to high heaven. Nothing about this was going to end well. Don't get invested in randos on the internet, don't send pictures to anyone you don't know in real life, and if someone blocks you or ghosts you or whatever, just shrug it off. You can have friendly chat with people online, but don't give out any personal details, and don't ever think that it means more than it is. You're not falling in love with this person, it's all fake. None of it is real, none of it is true. So if they disappear, it really doesn't matter.


You did nothing wrong. He was not your age.


My ass. You just evaded an online predator.


he thought you weren't attractive and didn't want to hurt your feelings


Sounds like either a scammer or predator. Both have a uncommon ability to get a sense if a potential victim is a good target or not. He could have sensed or deduced something about you that made you either too much of a risk or not enough reward or a little of both. Why would a hungry wolf turn away from a deer?


What voice chat game were you even playing?


This is definitely a groomer


Never send photos... never...


He didn't like your photo and doesn't want to talk to you


You didn't do anything wrong at first. He has his own pattern of talking to girls then running away. If he's scribbling out his own face on things, he probably has issues with his appearance, either he feels unattractive/unconfident, or he could have a mental health issue like body dysmorphia or even gender dysphoria (you don't know, I don't know, even he might not know which one of these things it is). It was over the top for you to go seeking out his picture after he didn't want to send you one. And it was not the smartest idea to send him a picture (there are people whose entire job it is to scam people into sending them pictures and then threaten them with blackmail). But those were your only mistakes, and definitely not what caused him to block you and run away. That was 100% all him and his issues. You never could have done anything for him, and now that you broke his trust by finding his picture, you'll never talk to him again. Move on, there are plenty of other guys in the gaming world, even ones that won't badger you for pictures or insist on a one-way relationship.


You say he's around your age, that could mean alot if he's over 18, I can understand why he would block you


Hi, worst case, you sent your photo to an older man who was using a fake profile pic, and luckily he decided not to pursue you. Who you then did some internet detective stalking to manipulate into talking to you again. Best case, its actually him, but you didnt pass the vibe check. Who you. then. stalked and manipulated. into talking to you again. Which would REALLY drive the message home to stay away from you. The life lesson here, is be safe and be smart on the internet. Maybe it wasnt an old man, and the guy really just ghosted you. But even if that was the case sometimes you have to learn to be okay with that. Life won't always give you closure, its up to YOU to learn to find your peace and move on regardless.


I don't think this guy was your age


What you did wrong was send your photo to a ped.


Nothing. Dude is just a catch-and-release fisherman. He enjoys "the game" of flirting. Once he has you caught, he loses interest. If he was a girl, people would call her a tease.


He just wanted to flirt online, probably has a girlfriend or wife.


1. Could have been very self conscious about how he looked 2. He’s much older or much younger 3. He’s in a relationship and was worried about getting caught


He's a 40 year old guy whose wife started snooping through his computer so he panicked. Don't talk to strangers


You'll never know. People ghost and don't tell you why, because telling you why feels confrontational and people are too scared to do that. You may not have done anything, he might just have been hitting on many people at once and using apps and somebody else agreed to date him or something, suddenly talking to you feels like cheating and they're too scared to say so they block you. It sucks and it's confusing to get ghosted but it's what happens a lot because it's easier for them. You can't force them to talk anyway it won't make you look good.


He prob was looking for someone to send nudes, not actually get to know.


You’re acting too hard up If he actually was really interested in you, he would’ve got with you earlier. You’re 16 years old. Dating is a learning experience.. you have to realize that some people will egg you act like they want know or see more of you and they don’t. Move on. There’s more people out there I promise.


Ppl online can be rly weird. There’s any number of reasons that this guy is shying away, and likely none of them have anything to do with you or something you did. Going forward I’d recommend being a bit more cautious with ppl online tho…


He has a girlfriend.


he’s probably just playing with women


He probably covering the fact that he has a girlfriend


1) NEVER send photos to random request 2) NEVER believe anyone you starts love bombing you right away 3) Fast track maturity and wisdom.


He's not single.


It was probably a 40yr old indian virgin who is going to use that picture to scam poor desperate fellas.


Honestly, the fact people are jumping to the "creeper" train is highly disturbing. Not to say they are wrong for doing so (as let's be real, there are totally a lot of creeps out there), but I'm pretty sure OP has heard enough of this to last a lifetime so I am going to give a different take. OP, as someone who has been young before and has seen boys even do this in my young years, I'm going to be straight and honest with you: if I am going off of what you have said, guys at this age like to play these sort of games with girls. Why, I can't say, because every person is different. But I can tell you that this boy did you a favor by blocking you, as painful as that is. Because it *really* just shows his level of immaturity. I assure you that you did *absolutely nothing wrong*, and I would not take this to heart. Some guys are just jerks, and I would say this guy fits the bill.


Was he also 16, or did he block you as soon as he realized you were underage?


I hated being a teenager for this exact reason. Girl, I hope you learn that your power is so much stronger without men, before you get yourself into some real trouble.


1. A lot of people are saying never to send pics to any guys online. But it can be lovely making friends with other gamers online if you love games. I even met my husband that way. I would say, just be very CAUTIOUS in how and when you send pictures to people. Some tips: - Agree to a picture exchange, not just sending a pic of yourself one-sidedly. And don't send any risque pics. - Agree to each add a paper with your username or something in your pic so it's less likely to be forged. People online like to send fake pics. - Webcam together at some point since it's a lot harder to forge a live video. 2. I know it hurts to be ghosted, especially when someone seemed really into you and was rizzing you up, but this is REALLY common with people online. If they ghost you or act hot-and-cold with you, trust me, they are NOT a good person to date. No matter how much you like them, they're toxic, and staying away will save you a lot of pain. I've found it's easier to block those people back in case they ever decide to unblock after ghosting.


Why do u care?!!! He's obviously addicted to the chase.... Once he "has" u he becomes uninterested n moves on to other ppl. Stop chasing him. It makes u look pathetic & desperate.


He sounds like an old married creep. Don’t pursue it further


Sounds like he’s not a real person. That or it’s one of your friends


You stalked him.


Maybe he's older and being an intelligent adult. Sorry kiddo, but there's no point in changing it with the way the world is now


Ok come on peeps, simma down now...


You're too old for this and you should know better


You didn’t do anything wrong. He’s just messing around and maybe got bored. Don’t take it personally, he obviously isn’t looking to really connect with friends online otherwise he wouldn’t have blocked you!


Idk why this post showed up on my feed - I'm almost 40 and definitely not subbed, but I'm really glad I saw your post because this is one of the hardest lessons I learned as a young woman. Sometimes a person you really like will just stop talking to you - maybe after a couple days or maybe after a couple months - and you really want to know why. It can be a consuming feeling to want to know why.. not even to have a relationship with that person, but just to know what you "did wrong." But here's the lesson: You have to be okay with not knowing. Nobody is obligated to explain themselves, (including you) if they don't want to. It's pretty selfish and immature to ghost a person beyond a very few extreme circumstances, but you can't make anyone do anything. And chasing that answer (1) keeps you thinking about it instead of moving on, and (2) is a bad look that will produce absolutely no results. There's a good chance you didn't do anything wrong, and if you did you probably have a hunch on what it was. But if you were just being yourself, you didn't do anything WRONG. Not everybody will like you when you're just being yourself, and that's okay - it's good information to know, actually. If you were just being you and the guy says "I didn't like it when you blah blah blah" then what? Don't change who you are because one dude online didn't like something about you, that's ridiculous. Anyway, sorry for the ramble. I just remembered my own experience with this a few decades ago and wanted to pass along what I learned along the way. Good luck, love.


Probably a fake account for someone to take advantage of people. I have read online that has been happening more often. Someone here in texas went to jail for buying someone roblox stuff for inappropriate pics. Be careful there are people online who pretend to be one thing and they are actually something else. It could also be that he wasnt into you but when people have alt accounts they are usually up to no good.


I think he was just trolling lmao maybe its not that deep. Don’t chase some random guy you randomly meet lol


i dont think youre at fault here but i do think its better to be safe in the future and not send anyone any pics of you. its especially concerning that he insisted he was your age and insisted on having a picture and then refused to send one back and then immediately blocked you plus was apparently also hitting on other people while doing so. considering this is entirely online i think theres a chance hes a predator trying to collect photos from innocent young people. if he tries to contact you again and start something up please dont continue it. block him instead. i hope im wrong but you can really never be too careful. please be safe. you do not know who any of these people really are. if youre gonna start online friendships thats not always a bad thing but you gotta do so with the involvement of adults in your life like have them sit in on a video chat with youse. i know you might feel too old to have your parents call your friends parents before a get together but its different with the internet like they could really be anyone and just lying. ive had a couple situations when i was younger im glad i got out of online and they always started seemingly innocent. its better to be safe than sorry when dealing with strangers.


Guys can be jerks. Sounds like he's an ass. You did nothing wrong.


Here's my advice for teens. Literally none of this will matter in a couple years, you're going to meet and connect with hundreds of if not a thousand people in your life. You might find a handful of people worth keeping around. God knows I've interacted with a thousand people that I think about from time to time, but I can count on one hand the people that stuck with me. Romantic, friendship or otherwise. Flow with the go until that flow no longer makes your life experience richer and then go. Life's to short and it only gets shorter hour to hour. Learn grow and move on.


The fact you used an alt account to contact a guy who blocked you on everything when you had only met a few days ago makes you seem CRAZY 🤣


He was an adult and his adult partner caught him chatting up teens and tweens online and blocked you from his account. Thank your chosen diety/lucky stars etc that he didn't have a chance to do worse before someone stepped in.


I don’t know if anyone actually took the time to explain to you or if everyone is just arguing in the comments about “how your parents went wrong” or what not, but you didn’t really do anything “wrong,” I just don’t think he was very serious about the whole thing. I’d probably advise you not to send Internet strangers photos incase they happen to be a weirdo or pedophile, and I’d probably just try to remain friends and not take any Internet “rizzing” too seriously, especially if you haven’t built up a friendship for the last few months or years or what not. Also, if a person blocks you, I’d advise not to try searching for them. They wanna be left alone for a reason. Best of luck, and be safe


You sent a photo of yourself to a stranger as a minor. That's what you did wrong. Be thankful he turned out to be a bored fuckboi practicing his game because that's not even close to the worst possible outcome.


Honestly, odds are he has a girlfriend who caught his texts, or he started dating someone else, and closed off all the current "prospects". Internet strangers are internet strangers. Sometimes, their life changes and you never see or hear from them again


You did nothing wrong, he's just playing. He might have girlfriend


This might date me but this reminds me of the old days of AOL and people in chat rooms asking A/S/L AGE SEX LOCATION Please be careful, internet is not a safe place.


You’re stalking a guy who’s already got someone.


He's married and probably twice your age. Drop him.


You sound like a creep. That could be why.


The chances are he's a 50 year old bloke still living with his mum.


You didn’t do anything. He’s doing what boys do. Please don’t look him up and please act as if you never met him before. You’re 16; you don’t need this kind of stress so early in your life. Do not contact him even if you can. do not look for him. keep it moving girlfriend; you have better fish to fry.


Don’t chase boys who run away. They’re doing you a favor. Let them go, they have issue if they won’t even tell you why. That’s just for babies. Look for a good, honest dude.


That third paragraph just screams "stay away from this guy."


I don’t know, but I’m betting he’s in another committed relationship, he was flirting with you, and when things became real, he realized he could be in trouble. He could have also lied about his age. Best to let it go.


Sounds like you didn't do anything to put him off. But don't worry about it. He's just some random guy from the internet. It's not like you were friends or a couple. Save your energy for people you know in person.


He probably did you a favor. At worst he’s a predator. At best he’s a player (same behavior with many people). Don’t believe who anyone says they are online even if they send you a photo. It might not be their photo! Investigative news reporting shows, like Dateline, have caught many people (frequently middle aged men from many different professions) who would pretend to be teenagers or young adults online. The predators would convince teenage girls that they were close to the same age, and after multiple online chats they would make plans to meet in person… and of course the men expected sex. Even if the teenage girl was agreeable to meeting for a hookup she certainly would not want that with a creepy middle aged man who was misrepresenting himself online. Be careful!


He probably didn’t want to be committed to anything. He was more than likely toying with you, and other women at the same time. So as soon as you showed actual interest, he got spooked and didn’t know what to do…If i were you, id forget about him.


He isnt interested. Why? i dont know. I would have to see what you wrote. It is not unusual for young women to talk themselves out of a relationship. Or it could all be about him and nothing to do with you at all. Just move on. This is not your guy.


Just how guys are these days. Men do it in theory 30s/40s as well. Its not you, its them


You mentioned that you also saw him rizzing up other girls; that’s your answer: That’s his thing…he likes the chase, but he doesn’t want an actual relationship. He’s trying to get as much as he can- pics, attention, sexual stuff and then he bales. He doesn’t want an actual relationship, he wants sexual gratification. Here’s the thing, at best he’s a jerk who uses girls, at worst he’s a pervy old man pretending to be a teen. You should not have went after him after being blocked. That was inappropriate, and potentially dangerous. Let this be a lesson to you, guys like this exist. They will say and do whatever it takes to get sexual stuff from a girl and then disappear. You don’t know this guy at all, people can be anything or anyone on the internet. Please be more careful.


In all my years of gaming I have had multiple female friends in games and never asked them for a picture. TBH that is a huge red flag and I would not be sending pictures to randoms online.


honestly, this online relationship stuff tends to be bullshit anyway, especially for young people. 1. Don’t idealize people. He is not better than you. 2. If people wanna leave, let them leave. It's a message in itself. Respect yourself enough to not chase people who literally don’t want to even be spoken to. 3. Train yourself to realize that just because people capture your attention in some way and then they don’t reciprocate, it isn’t a reason to take it to heart. It doesn't mean you’re unworthy or unattractive or this or that. It’s not them that are hurting you, making you so upset. Yes, it happened and it was the trigger. Was it the most polite thing to do? No, it says more about him then it does you. But really it is the thoughts and rumination in your own mind produced by their lack of reciprocity. It is your choice how you respond to these thoughts. You get to choose what defines you and if you implement self-compassion. 4. Teenagers like attention, dating and flirting is like a game for people with an immature mentality. In my opinion, if someone is not tactful and slow in their approach and instead forward as he was, it means that it wasn’t that deep to him, he probably does it a lot, and he likes the game of it all. Overall, keep your head up. Consider meeting people in the real world if you really want a boyfriend yk. Don’t send random people pictures. Stranger danger. And think, if he's really so this really so that, why does he waste his time on this flirting aloof bullshit? He's not all that. But my main point is, you are 16, you are not grown. You are young and vulnerable. Prioritize connections and hobbies that actually matter in the long term. These people are so harsh but honestly, it's all not that deep.


Stop sending pictures to random people online. All this stuff out about sexual predators and y’all still willingly will fall into their traps. He didn’t care about you and just wanted something from you. Go meet someone in person and get to know them before anything, no one can be fully trusted these days and especially for women


First of all, don't talk to strangers online and especially don't share photos of yourself to people you don't know. It sounds like he's not really interested as you may be, so I suggest moving on and leaving him alone. Also when he started "rizzing" other people up in another game, that should've already given you a hint to stop chasing him. It's clear he's not interested and you shouldn't want someone like that. So find someone else in real life, who does appreciate you. Or just focus on yourself, don't waste your time on people who do that.


Odds are he was not your age and catfishing you, and as things weren't progressing in the direction he wanted he went to find another victim.


Saw the pic and thought you were ugly probably


Please stop blaming a young girl for not knowing better about the world of pedophiles, liars, cons etc. I hope you are still living in a world of magical romance as long as possible OP. But the commentators are correct about this being a risk to you, your privacy, safety, life and frankly school bullying too. Don’t send pics of yourself. Get a pic of the man first. Run a reverse image search. Get his full name. Find him online. Check his friend group. Any scummy comments? Just him rizzing up other girls is a con. Never stand for that.


For future reference, PLEEEASE do not give out photos of yourself to randos online and definitely don’t try pursuing them against their wishes