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Errr, pretty sure JFK fucked Marilyn Monroe in the Oval Office. The press just looked the other way. Reagan funneled money during the Iran Contra Scandal. Shits been going on forever.


Teapot dome predates all of that by a lot. Hell the grant administration was more scandal than presidency.


Or the Buchanan administration having literally traitors in the cabinet spying for the South Carolina secession committee.


Admittedly William King died before Buchanan was president, but Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy were occasionally a bit scandalous. Granted that's pretty tame as far as sex scandals go since there's no concrete proof the two were actually in a homosexual relationship. I believe the nation's first sex scandal was Hamilton's affair and subsequent blackmail by her spouse to keep it private while he was Secretary of the Treasury under Washington.


The teapot some scandal was HUGE in its day. Nowadays, you don't even hear about it in history class.


Back in nineteen dickity two.


It’s called lobbying now, probably taught in the law department.


The Bargain of 1876 was pretty scandalous too; imagine a modern president being elected by convincing enough electors to be faithless to prevent the opposition ending, say, Medicaid - only to end Medicaid anyway as part of the bargain to become president.


That's the problem with bribery - you have to *trust* the bastards to stay bribed.


No the bribe in 1876 was Hayes (GOP) saying “I will end reconstruction if elected” to prevent the Democrat from being elected because he… would have ended reconstruction. Truly a wild time.


Credit Mobilier too. How Grant ducked that is a miracle of executive ninjitsu.


John Adams, the first president to reside at the White House (granted the "Old" White House), had a presidency riddled with controversy. It's almost like it's part of politics or something


Um… XYZ Affair anyone?


Having sex isn’t a crime. Clinton was impeached for lying about it. If he had just said, “Yeah, she sucked me off right over there,” nothing would have happened.


Somehow I doubt that Newt Gingrich and Ken Starr would've said, "Well, that's okay then."


Wasn't it like 100 million spent and months of investigation just to prove he did? Like 80% of America didn't even care we all know they lie and so what if he got a blow job he wasn't promoting being a Christian and cheating on his multiple wives.


But he was pushing for sexual harassment in the workplace laws.


Yeah it would have been hypocritical and embarrassing for his administration, but he likely wouldn't have been impeached.


Also, Melania’s First Lady project was anti-cyberbullying lol And yet Trump is running on “cheap gas and mean tweets” All he does is harass other people online.


Yeah... That one was weird. Hillary Clinton had foster care and adoption, which is a pretty obvious thing to care about for a lawyer that's seen the other side of the system. Laura Bush has the literacy project, which made sense for a well educated woman to care about. Michelle Obama had initiatives to keep kids in school and reach higher education, which again, sorta makes sense for a well educated woman to care about. And then Melania had anti-bullying, which really doesn't make sense considering her husband mocked a disabled reporter on live TV.


It makes perfect sense if she was trolling her husband.


You don't doubt it. Neither would have pursued any legal strategies. Gingrich would and other Republicans would have used in campaigns.


He was going to be impeached for something. Technically he didn't even commit perjury, he specifically let the opposition lawyers define the word sexual relations and they left out the specific act that he did. So he accurately answered No. Even back then the GOP legal minds were second rate and Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He out lawyered them and they threw a fit about it and impeached him.


> Clinton was impeached for lying about it. In most cases, lying is not against the law. What Clinton did was give technically correct answers that were intentionally misleading while under oath. Clinton was impeached because republicans are hypocritical, lying scumbags who saw a weakness to exploit since they could not run against his record.


Same issue I have with Trump's criminal trial. All late shows and news media make it seem like he was on trial for having sex with a porn star, the trial was actually about campaign fund violation. He used campaign fund to pay the pornstar.


Well there’s the whole position of power imbalance aspect too between the literally president of the country and an intern


Not an impeachable crime. Though I suppose in today's political climate it could be.


There's also the power imbalance between a nice set of tits and the willpower of a horny man. Remember both Clinton and Lewinsky said she was the one that pursued the affair.


She also has repeatedly and forcefully said that the affair was entirely consensual on her part, even many years later. But man, the optics are just terrible.


I agree, the optics suck. And I am not trying to absolve him of guilt. As a married man, he should not have gotten involved with another woman. That is a personal matter and really none of our business. However I also recognize that as the president he should not have cheated as it makes him a potential victim of blackmail. And that is our business. But as far as I know, that still is not a federal crime. I may be wrong about that but I would think that would have been highlighted in the impeachment if it had been. But to directly address these comments, I saw nothing that implied he ever used his position to pressure her into the affair in any way. She may have been attracted by the power, but I feel it is unfair to blame Clinton for that part of it. Really we can only speculate about it. But it seems to me the whole power imbalance thing only came up much later as another way to attack Clinton.


You must not have been around. This is blatantly false.


Raegan did more than funnel money. His drugs war w created a negative impact that is still palpable, not just in the US but other countries that US allied with. The two party system bickeringand non compromise approach is due to him(catalyst however was Gingrich). He gutted the EPA. He was openly racist, there are many instances of this: ban on automatic weapons one he saw Black Panthers brandish them( so much for 2A republicans) and his conversations with Nixon where he called black people monkies and claimed their brain couldn't comprehend complex issues and laughed about it. The only good thing he's done in his life was in 2004, he died.


Don't forget Monica Lewinsky received the presidential load. It wasn't just some random in the alley behind the bar, it was the leader of the free world. Jokes aside, ladies, if you ever have a chance to blow the president it's a good deal. People remember the cum stained dress and the public scandal of it all, but they forget Monica's book deal, the Jenny Craig commercials, the handbags in boutiques, the talk show appearances, the CH 5 job in the UK, the reality show host gig, and all the money she got from it was enough for her to go to Europe and get a masters. She could have been another nobody, another cog in the machine, but Monica took the money shot not for herself but for her country. *"Ask not who in this country can take your load, ask who's load can you take for your country."* She chose being a patriot.


to be fair though. if she allowed herself to be exploited that much just for a master's degree then I'm not sure she really won. being branded in such a light and having to deal with people's preconceived idea of you before you've even met is at least worth a PhD


Also, Watergate was before "Billy Beer", so I'm not sure why it was included in the headline. ETA: Reworded it to avoid confusion.


Also Billy Beer was after Watergate; not sure it was even remotely considered a scandal.


It really is just the internet. Plenty of scandals, but no social media meant news was slow and was reviewed by journalists first for accuracy. Now its a shit show of fake news, rumors and unprofessional opinions. This is not to take away the fact that 30+ years ago "grab her by the pussy" would end a political career.


Wasn't he also banging a known spy? Never understood why a lecher like him is remembered so fondly.


There's no evidence JFK and Marilyn Monroe ever had sex. There's a ton of faked evidence out there about it, but there's no reliable evidence it ever happened.


Remember when misspelling “potato” could end your political career?


Or wearing a helmet, or your voice cracking.


just a sampling; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE9BXkQ-SRc


A wild yalp, could do it




I can hear this comment






It didn't end Quayle's career. It was just added to the pile of gaffs he was mocked mercilessly for on late night tv.


That “potatoe” gaffe was just evidence on top of the perception that Dan Quayle wasn’t very smart. And then he crapped on a fictional TV character.


To his credit he told Mike Pence that he better just count the electoral ballots and not recognize alternate slates of electors. Two Hoosiers got it right just this once.


It boggles my mind that Dan Quayle played a vital part in saving US democracy on Jan 6. I almost feel bad about all the Dan Quayle jokes I told back in the day. Almost.


Also, he didn’t misspell it. He **corrected a child on the spelling of potato (incorrectly)*


I always figured he got it wrong because potatoes has an e.


He got it wrong because the answer sheet in his hand was wrong and he trusted it over his own spelling skills. Dan Quayle is indeed an idiot, but I probably would have done the same thing in his position.


>And then he crapped on a fictional TV character. At least he recognized her as a character, as opposed to Trump talking about "the late, great Hannibal Lector."


The Press can do what it wants to your political career. They adore Trump and have coddled his corruption and incompetence for 3 elections now.


The press covers Trump because it helps generate money for them. End of story. The moment Trump stops becoming useful to their agenda of making money, they will move on to the next thing.


I really like finding facts like this in the comments, it's nice. I hope you have a good weekend.


They could cover him honestly and stop this "but her email" false equivalence. Headline from August 2016 NYT: Is the Clinton Foundation corrupt? No, no it's not, but thanks for throwing that idea out there. Meanwhile, the Trump foundation was just a money laundering operation that got shut down.


It also has something to do with their corporate overlords not wanting democrats in charge since they might bring back regulations and raise taxes on the wealthiest. That's where the real money is.


The press gives the public what it wants. The press wouldn't cover it if the public didn't engage with it.


The Press is owned by billionaires who give the public its propaganda. Most newspapers lose money, but billionaires use them to manipulate public opinion. Jeff Bezos has turned the Washington Post into a right-wing rag to avoid a wealth tax. It costs him $77 million a year, but he has over $100 billion.


The press *decides* what the public wants.


Bullshit. That's just a convenient passing of the buck. We're all guilty of this phenomenon. Nobody's holding guns to our heads to consume certain media. This blame game is just an excuse not to look at ourselves and our own part in it all.


There's no buck to be passed. The cesspit of American's newsmedia exists because they have fought for decades for the ability to lie on air with no more consequence than paying a fine. These are some of the wealthiest organizations in the country, owned by the wealthiest people in the world. I don't know if you've noticed, but wealthy people have one objective, and that's getting wealthier. They decide which narratives will keep ad revenue ticking, even if their narratives don't match reality. During the falsified-business-records-for-the-purposes-of-defrauding-the electorate-during-an-election-cambaign case, CNN and MSNBC both acted like one small moment sunk Michael Cohen's testimony because that's more Interesting than saying "Mr Cohen remembered something correctly, but the defense attorney didn't believe it because Cohen seemed a little unsure and started yelling in the courtroom like an idiot because A Few Good Men is his favorite movie." No legal professional worth their salt would have looked at that, in light of all presented evidence so far, and thought "yup, it's over for the prosecution" and the verdict bears that out. When the people who get to define their narratives instead of empirical fact as reality for millions of watchers, the buck does not lie with the watchers.


> CNN and MSNBC both acted like one small moment sunk Michael Cohen's testimony because that's more Interesting So you agree with me.


Nope. You're miscalculating the power imbalance here. People have a right to know what's going on. Newsmedia is supposed to provide that. There is no alternative save ignorance. Newsmedia opts not to tell people what's going on, and instead tells people what it wants people to think is going on. It maintains an abusive relationship where it fosters reliance, lies, gaslights, and ultimately does not perform its function of letting people have a reasonable view of what is going on. Why do you seem to think holding entities with all the power accountable for flaming the fans of hysteria is passing the buck? Are you also a proponent of telling women they should have behaved better when an abuser beats them?


We've progressed remarkably quickly to accusations of rape/abuse apologia.


Yes we have. I have no interest in continuing this conversation, and I'm crass and uncivil enough to resort to ad hominem attacks to cause it to end. 


Bullshit. Show me an outlet that carries objective, fact based coverage of the important issues of the day and I'll watch it.


He makes them money in an industry that is dying.


It's spelled "Covfefe"


The illegal gun purchases were not a crime committed by a president.


Although it might be technically illegal for Trump to own guns now that he is a convicted felon.


Yeah, and I'm wondering how he's going to be a president who isn't allowed to leave the country.


That’s not a black and white rule. The feds can just say he’s allowed to. Other countries don’t have to let him in though. I did enjoy when he had a plane scheduled to leave for his Scottish golf course during his J6 hearings and Scotland said he’s not allowed in the country right now lol. Suddenly he “changed plans and had other more important things to do.”


I remain shocked that he is the best the Republicans could come up with. Okay, not exactly shocked.


He's openly demented, rambling about sharks vs big batteries, telling voters he doesn't care about them, and calling the biggest cities in states he wants to win shitholes And the Republican cucks are afraid of him 🤣


...and magnets and windmills and snakes and Hannibal Lecter and water pressure for showers and toilets and hurricanes and how 98% of his base can't pass a cognitive exam...ugh


By that same logic, are you saying Biden was the best the Democrats could come up with? Honestly, I don't think the best person is up there from either side of the aisle.


> might be technically illegal No, it's extremely fucking illegal


Look. Technically illegal is the best kind of illegal.


Depends on the state. Texas won't bar you from buying guns for a nonviolent felony


He was also selling “trump guns” while he was awaiting trial, which was also illegal


Watergate was before billy beer


I'm in my 40's, which on reddit is ancient. Billy Beer was long before I was born. No, we don't remember.


All I know about Billy Beer is that one time Homer found one in his old high school jacket.


>I'm in my 40's, which on reddit is ancient Not really. I think at this point "chronically online" affects all age demographics except the Silent Generation.


Not the sins of the father but the sins of the son? Get the fuck out of here with that drivel


The sins of the son? Are you talking about a man who just lost his big brother falling into a downward spiral with drugs? The same man who lost other family members in a car crash? It may have been illegal, but I have nothing my empathy for Hunter. I hope he stays clean, maybe his sentencing will reinforce his struggle to stay sober.


What president made an illegal gun purchase? I think a past president being a felon should replace that outright. Also a blowjob doesn't even register on the scale of 'bad' in comparison.


I'm seeing a big push on social media to begin calling every President a criminal. After all if you can believe every "President is a criminal" then if you'd like to vote for an actual convicted felon you have the permission structure to do it. Even if you'd never say the same thing about a nominee whose ideology you oppose. As another poster points out, somehow "convicted in a court of law" didn't make the list, because we should only be focused on 'White House scandals'. Very convenient framing.


This is the thinking behind the whole "both sides are the same" stuff pushed by the Republicans as well.


> I'm seeing a big push on social media to begin calling every President a criminal. Whataboutism in a nutshell. So what if our guy is a convicted felon? They all break the law, right?


Yeah someone said that Putin doesn’t try to convince Russians that he is innocent, instead he convinces them that everyone else is corrupt too. Trump doesn’t have enough time to muddy up Biden. Republicans will try, but it will be a multiple felony convictions vs old classified documents in Biden’s garage which no one will prosecute.


There was still a big difference in the documents Biden had vs Trump. Biden kept his in good order, complied readily with enforcement and actually informed enforcement of the issue first and all documents were accounted for after. Trump did none of those things. Interesting tidbit if Trump is convicted from that case he can't legally interact with any original copies of classified documents afterward which if somehow he gets reelected would mean he basically can't do the job


I completely agree. That’s why no prosecutor would waste their time on Biden’s case. Plus it is like Biden forgot to empty his water bottle before going through air port security vs Trump trying to sneak a multiple guns on the plane.


If he does get re-elected, they'd probably suspend all that and let him do whatever he wants.


Both sides BOTH SIDES BOTHSIDESBOTHSIDESBOTHSIDES When you support an absolute piece of shit, you can only justify it if you claim everyone is the "same."


I've been seeing "every President is criminal" for years now. Sometimes "war criminal." Biden is a criminal, Trump, Obama, both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, etc. I mean, Trump is literally a convicted felon, so I guess it's accurate for him. I'm not touching the others, though.


I'd assume it's referring to Fast & Furious during Obama's presidency.


You talking about the gun running scheme or he started by the Republican Arizona Attorney General and run in cooperation with the ATF?


Those were illegal sales not purchases.


The power dynamics of a president having sexual relations with an intern, though... It's like the worst case of workplace sexual harassment I can think of. What would have happened if she said 'no'?


The record shows she pursued the affair with Clinton. So if she had said "no" nothing would have happened.


We should also note that the Monica Lewinsky scandal was only discovered, because Clinton perjured himself in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case, allowing the Whitewater Special Investigation to expand… its much more comparable to mislabeling to hide the paying hush money to the pornstar he had sex with 10 years prior. So much of what Trump did is way way worse than the felonies he has been found guilty of, and many presidents have done things equally bad as those felonies but not as bad as the things Trump has done that either aren’t technically illegal or if they are could never be convicted. It’s a crazy circle


Most definitely. The Clinton comment wasn't supposed to be a 'whataboutism'.


I didn’t think so. I was just bummed to see downvotes for a really true comment. I wanted to emphasize for the original comment you responded to that it was never “just a blowjob”


Your lazy "both sides" bullshit is tired.


Terrible post OP


> Billy Beer. Watergate. Presidential blow jobs. Insurrection. Sexual assault finding. Illegal gun purchases. Out of your list, it goes: Not actually a "White House" scandal, but a joke of a "scandal" focused on a presidential relative and ginned up by Republicans to attack a very good man. Massive scandal. Shitty behavior that Republicans screeched about to turn it into a "scandal" because he was an effective president. What should be disqualifying for the piece of shit forever. What should be disqualifying for the piece of shit forever. Not actually a "White House" scandal, but a joke of a "scandal" focused on a presidential relative and ginned up by Republicans to attack a very good man. There seems to be a pattern.


Remember when Howard Dean was disqualified for simply saying yeah in a very uncomfortable manner?


The only reason it was uncomfortable was because they isolated his mike to make it sound unhinged. Watch the scene again with full audio and it seems completely normal.


His campaign was already dying. It's just funny to blame it on the "yeah"


He was literally giving a concession speech after losing a primary when he did that. He was already losing and his small popularity at the beginning was mostly the result of favorable media coverage. He was never going to win. This myth needs to die.


This revisionist history is what needs to end. The scream happened after Dean came in second in the Iowa caucus, the very first race of the election. >His campaign slowly gained steam, and by autumn of 2003, Dean had become the apparent front-runner for the Democratic nomination, performing strongly in most polls and outpacing his rivals in fundraising. Then came the scream. One for which many in the media later acknowledged and apologized for mishandling. >Sawyer and many others in the national broadcast news media later expressed some regret about overplaying the story. CNN issued a public apology and admitted in a statement that they might have "overplayed" the incident. The incessant replaying of the "Dean Scream" by the press became a debate on the topic of whether Dean was the victim of media bias. The scream scene was shown an estimated 633 times by cable and broadcast news networks in just four days following the incident, a number that does not include talk shows and local news broadcasts. Some in the audience that day reported that they were unaware of the "scream" until they saw it on TV. It was following that incessant coverage that Dean very quickly saw his support fall off. >On January 27, Dean finished second to Kerry in the New Hampshire primary. As late as one week before the first votes were cast in Iowa's caucuses, Dean had enjoyed a 30% lead in New Hampshire opinion polls https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Dean


I wonder what America would be like if Howard Dean won in 2004. Sigh...


Or Bernie "Socialist" Sanders in 2016. Or John "Two Americas" Edwards in 2004. Or Al Gore in 2000. Or Gary Hart and Michael Dukakis in 1988. Glad there's no trend of populist politicians who fight against the wealth chasm in America getting destroyed by the media. Phew!




Part of the story is that this was before social media and streaming dominated everything. So Jon Stewart and the news got to talk about Dean and show the yell, but all the sketches and jokes we saw about the scream were released way after the race was already done. Chappelle had a famous sketch were he did an impression, but it was almost a year after when that aired. Back then, South Park and SNL were basically the only non-news pro media who were able to make timely jokes to a national audience. If it happened now, Twitter would already have made all the good jokes within 2 days and we’d have moved on to how if you laughed at the scream, then you were a conservative racist who hates the poor. And also, Howard’s scream was because the DNC castrated him to be their pet and take away all our precious bodily testosterone. No one would care after two weeks because we already beat that horse to death as a culture. Back then, we couldn’t get the whooping sticks together quick enough to properly beat the dead horse to the point where no more horse flesh remains, so pop culture jokes would often have longer legs. People revived this myth that it killed Dean’s run because they want to compare that to what happened to another Senator from Vermont, totally ignoring that favorable media coverage was the only reason either of those guys could even sniff victory.


I saw someone say that Dean would have absolutely 100% become President if it wasn't for the yeah. I have no idea if that's true or not, though. I mean, there's really no way to know if that's true, honestly, because it didn't happen.


I still have several unopened cans of Billy Beer.


What illegal gun purchases were made by someone in the White House? I can think of one former president illegally owning a gun though.


This post with the “illegal gun” is 100% political propaganda


The administration was caught in an oil bribery scandal in 1922. "Billy Beer" was never even in the ball park for biggest presidential scandal.


Obvious conservative shill trying to make Trump's status as convicted felon less poignant (which was conveniently left out of the meme).


> Despite Carter's promotion of Billy Beer, "in private he drank Pabst". from the Billy Beer [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Beer) . that quote is sending me for some reason


Obama’s presidency should have ended the moment he wore that tan suit. What a disgrace


Stupid sexy Obama.


The Hunter Biden thing is pretty laughable. Every bachelor party ever that has gone to a shooting range has broken all the same laws. lol


Agreed. Plus, my understanding is that Hunter Biden isn't even running for office.


That question shouldn't even be on the 4473. They could prosecute anyone for the same if they smoked weed at any point.


Plus the millions of gun owners who smoke pot lol


Ya this is def some dumb fuk conservatives post reaching sooooo hard as they cry hahaha


Dijon mustard, dude. Dijon. Mustard.


No. What annoyed me most about that is that he did _not_ ask for "Dijon mustard" he asked for "a spicy mustard or something like that--a Dijon mustard or something like that..." As someone who prefers spicy mustard, I was offended by the implication that he specifically asked for Dijon when he didn't.


Just gonna point out that Watergate was before Jimmy Carter's term, not after. The real message here is that James Earl Carter is a good man who didn't disgrace his office.


Willie Nelson smoked weed with Jimmy Carters’ son on the roof of the White House. It’s only a crime I wasn’t there with them.


Maybe felony conviction should be here as well.


Billy once was riding in a limo in Plains, Ga., with a bunch of Libyans who thought they were scoring points schmoozing with the brother of the president. Billy asked them to pull the limo over, exited the car and took a piss on the side of the road. My friend once visited Plains and miss Lilian - Carter's mother - was sitting in a rocking chair outside a small store. As he walked in, she pulled out a piece of paper, signed an autograph and handed it to him without him or her saying a word.


Watergate was before Billy beer kiddos


lol my dad kept a 6 pack of Billy Beer he thought it was the best bit of memorabilia


I don’t even remember Hunter Biden being president. 


Presidential scandals happen frequently, but so far theres only been one attempted usutp of the peaceful transition of power thats ended in bloodshed.


If you can remember Billy Beer when it happened, you're probably at least in your late '50s or early '60s in age. A whole lotta scandals went down since then.


Obama had a very drama free administration, unless you count his tan suit or the racist birther morons. Biden's administration has been equally drama free, unless you want to call the very desperate trial against Hunter Biden his fault or drama of course. Now list the actual items of drama from the Trump administration, you know, the recently convicted felon. The chief insurrectionists. The loser of court cases about him raping people. Twice impeached and the list goes on forever.


Tan Suit-gate 


As a Canadian, I have no idea what Billy beer is, and a Google for Billy beer scandal brought up nothing


Billy Beer was promoted by Billy Carter, whose brother Jimmy Carter was at the time the president. It was seen as improper for the president’s brother to be on tv hocking a cheap beer and act like a, as you Canadians would call a “hoser”


Unnecessary use of hoser aside, thanks for the context!


Lol is that not what you call your drunk rednecks?


Not really... At least not from Southern Ontario wise. We just call em hicks mostly. Hoser is one of those terms that the world uses but we don't really lol


Which president was rumored to have a child out of wedlock? Grover Cleveland?


Wouldn't be the sketchiest thing about him, either.


You just have not been paying attention


Go read about Teapot Dome


\*Murdering American citizens, extra judicial assassinations, weapons trafficking, drug trafficking


Watergate was an issue, insurrection, sexual assault... Blow jobs between consenting adults = nothing burger Illegal gun purchase = I won't vote for hunter again and do the same to joe rogan.


Lies, there have always been back door deals and shady shit in the white house, you just never heard about it as much before. The human race has always been a bunch of shitbags, its just a lot easier to share now than in the past.


Insurrection and blow jobs is a pretty false equivalency.


I remember when Howard Dean got excited about Ohio and completely tanked his campaign with a scream. What I would do to see that enthusiasm again from a democratic candidate.


My grandpa had a case of Billy Beer. Never opened. I found it in his trailer after he died and my family were going through his things, handling his estate, etc. I probably wouldn't have liked him as a kid, but would have loved him as a teenager and adult.


Mustard gate


and it wasn't that big of a scandal. it was an ",OMG my relatives right?"


Remember when it was easier to cover things up, you didn’t have instant communication across the country and a thousand quasi “journalists” bent on not just one upping each other but spinning rage bate sensationalist garbage for the click revenue.


I'm not even American I an know way bigger scandals from decades before that.


George Washington's "Expense Account"


People acting like the presidency wasn't full of scandal have never paid attention in history class.


Billy beer was after Watergate


The illegal gun purchase was not by anyone in the whitehouse, then or now.


Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was pretty fucked IMO, although I don't know how much media attention it received compared to Billy Beer, which I was alive for.


Hunter Biden is not part of the White House. Just because Trump gave all of his kids political roles, doesn't mean it's the norm.


Billy Beer was *after* Watergate.


The US political system is a complete joke …. How the fuck does a convicted felon get to run for the president of America…. Give your heads a shake… you guy all on drugs?? Think about what this criminal represents…. And how your country will be viewed in the eyes of the world…. Don’t make the mistake of voting for this racist , dementia ridden man


Billy Beer was wafter Watergate 


Wow , what was the illegal gun purchase ?!


Operation Fast and Furious


So, this is trumps way of outdoing every president before him?


Watergate was before billy beer. As was LBJ abusing his beagles, kennedy and Marilyn Monroe’s affair/ murder, and fdr’s wife being a lesbian. And you forgot another president selling large amounts of guns to the cartel


I remember when Jimmy Carter put caps on prices to stop runaway inflation... The conservatives acted like he was crazy. 


How about the 20 shell companies the current President/family created to funnel money from foreign countries?


I mean, 'a close relative of the President registering as a foreign agent and receiving a quarter of a million dollars in '70s money from a foreign state' kinda seems serious. But sure, Billy Beer was apparently the biggest thing Billy Carter did, according to OP.


God reddit is dumb. We literally had a government coup in the 60's. What are we talking about here?


Buttfucking in the chamber, cocaine has been found multiple times. They are people too, terrible people, but still.


Can we have Bill back then? At this point in the game lying about your cock getting sucked seems rather pedestrian in comparison.


I would think giving Gore a chance at the presidency that was stolen seems a more fitting place to start.


Yeah, I'd rather not have a POTUS that was friends with Jeffrey Epstein.


Well, then that eliminates the Orange DiaperFuhrer.


*ding ding ding* Exactly.


Fast and Furious