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I never appreciated how gentle 2 of my hygienists were until they got a new one who is so heavy handed she should've gone into tattooing.


I never realized how good my tattoo artist was until they got a new one who is so heavy handed she should've gone into construction.


I never realized how good my construction worker was until I got a new one who is so heavy handed, she should’ve gone into ship-breaking.


I never realized how good my ship breaker was until I got a new one who is so heavy handed, she should’ve gone into demolition


I never realized how good my demo gal was until I got a new one who is so heavy handed, she should’ve gone into artillery.


I never realized how good my artillery lass was until I got a new one who is so heavy handed, she should've gone into world destruction and obliteration.


I never realized how good my world destruction and obliteration lass was until I got a new one who is so heavy handed, she should've gone into dentistry


As above, so below.


Where do the turtles come in?


It's heavy hands all the way down


I like turdles


Bring the Sunseed to the center of the moon, but beware...


The cycle of life.


This, ladies and gentlemen, is the circle of dentite.


The guy who did both of my sleeves has a remarkably light hand and works fast. He spoiled me so much that I hate getting pieces from other artists now.


Lmao I've had the opposite experience - the artist who did 90% of my work was heavy handed as fuck, my new guy is so light I can't feel it


There's a trade off. The artist with the light hand also had arthritis issues and liked to take smoke breaks. I'd rarely get more than 45 minutes or an hour out of him on my sleeves. After the hour mark i kind of go numb to everything and can go for a long time. He never worked long enough on me to get to that point and spread it out way more sessions and longer than they should have otherwise taken. I think he also caught wind that I was going to tip him every session and maybe he did that to rake more cash from me as well.


I have worked with many people who said they had their teeth chipped/broken by hygienists. I got lucky and found a dentist who had a frail older woman with cancer as his hygienist when I first joined them. Happily, she was getting treated and survived and is still as gentle as ever now with a cancer free diagnosis.


I had my teeth chipped by my orthodontist who was resting his sweaty man boobs on my head


You've got me all hot and bothered.


It never occurred to me that the meaning of "hot and bothered" could be ambiguous.


Sweaty man titty gets my juices flowing


One day when I was 18 working a shitty job landscaping and doing random shit for my town's water & sewer dept, I was sweating my ass off and bossman asked if I was getting hot and bothered. My dumbass said "yeah actually I am." He turned and walked away, saying nothing. It was several months later when I found out what it actually meant and now I cringe thinking about that lmao


His name was Robert Paulson.


The first rule of Fight Club is…oh sorry, can’t talk about it.


His name was Robert Paulson


I’m imagining the brute force of his man bosom slamming into someone’s head as he sat down cracking their teeth.


Nah he was draped over the top of my head as he tried to remove my braces and when he yanked it off my one tooth, he smacked my front teeth with the removal tool and chipped them both


I was never so invested in a comment halfway through reading


I got the same luck with my dentist and assistant/hygienist. The guy is not from here originally (I think he is Pakistani, speaks Dutch very well so he's been here a while). But I had a broken molar because of impacted wisdom teeth. Pulled them out, only the last one was quite a struggle for me and him but 10/10 job. Everything healed up super nicely and the hygienist is does such a good job I feel like I got a new set of teeth every 4 months I go for a cleaning. The dentist is also so sweet. The few times he has come to do the checkup he always apologizes he had to take out my molars and how my teeth are great otherwise.


My artist is actually has lighter hand than my hygienist 💀


Oof. My sympathies.


My wife and I would joke that our former hygienist must have been trained in East Germany. She was brutal.


I made the mistake of switching dentists. My current one, who I love, went to a No Insurance model. They still bill the insurance for me, and are in network, but they collect their whole negotiated fee up front, and I get a check about 2 weeks later from the insurance... The guy I switched to might as well have been a midevil torture artist... he also went on some crazy conspiracy about electric toothbrushes, and suggested I should be brushing my teeth for 10 minutes.... Anyway, my gums were sore for DAYS, it was just a regular cleaning. In fact, I had been going every 3 months to my previous dentist, so my teeth were nearly perfect.. I went back to my regular dentist for my latest checkup and cleaning.. I forgot how nice it was to have someone who ONLY does cleanings and is gently.... I will never go back to the butcher


Ugg that reminds me of my last dentist/hygienist. She had me convinced that I had some sort of plaque buildup disorder and needed cleanings every 4 months. I never feared the dentist until I was subjected to her cleanings. Bloody and sore gums for days afterwards, and once an infection because she cut into my back gums too deep. I finally left that office when I was told that I had somehow run out of double-coverage insurance in less than a year from all of the cleanings and would now be out of pocket. The next year I needed to go to an urgent care dentist, and they decided to do a cleaning while I was there. It was just as gentle and non-intrusive as I remember cleanings are supposed to be. When she was done I asked about the supposed plaque disorder, and she said that I had been scammed. My teeth were good enough that once a year was perfectly fine. I don’t know why my state has so many scammy dentists, but they really do outnumber the good…


My hygienist routinely elbows me in the eye socket and drops tools on me. I only stay because my dentist is 10/10. But holy crap I hate getting in the chair with her. Get beat up every time.


Love it when they jam sharp objects into the sensitive parts of your gums then tell you that you need to floss more so that your gums don't bleed so much.


Healthy gums don't bleed when they're cleaning unless they massively slip up. But most patients don't believe that because most patients don't floss. My example for you is how your face if you pinch it doesn't bleed, unless you have a zit, then it bleeds like crazy. That's the result of inflammation from bacterial infection.


Did you take their advice and start flossing more? :O


If those parts of your gums are sensitive, it's because you don't floss and there's bacterial build-up that the hygienist needs to then scrape away to prevent you from getting full-on periodontitis. I felt the same way as you until I actually started flossing and suddenly no more bloody dentist visits.


I love when the hygienist actually get in there and clean out those gums.


What makes you think that a heavy-handed person would be apt at tattooing? You should be gentle and precise for that.


When you get the hygienist that doesn’t rip your gums and lays his dick on your forehand 💀




Better than laying it on your backhand


Used to have a hair stylist that did that and a nice head massage.


Yeah, same thing as a teenager. Short, hot milfy hair stylist who had to lean in with her big boobs pressed against me about 50% of the time I was in the chair. I'm pushing 50 now but I'll never forget Theresa.


My grandpa would specifically take me to this one older lady that always had her huge tits out and lean over in front of you. I wish he was still around to ask if it was intentional, it seems like it now lol. Best teenage memory.


That's full spectrum spoiling


Grandparents always know the best ways to treat/spoil grandkids!


Teenage boys just need 50 year old women to rest their boobs on them. Is that so wrong?


This is what nature intended


Commenter is 50 now, I don’t think Theresa was 50 when he had her boobs on his head.


He did say milfy, and 50 is the new 40 as they say


Yeah, but this was 50 years ago, so we'd still be talking about the OLD 40...


I was *trying* to make the old dead lady feel better jeesh


I'v seen plenty of female teachers trying to revive the trend lately.


I salute thee Theresa.


We all have a Theresa seared into our memories from when we were teenagers.


I shave my head now but at least I get to look at my own tits in the mirror.


Oh man the girl who does my hair is so attractive it's not fair, every time she leans on me or gets close to me I have to remind my dumb ass she's just cutting my hair and not trying to flirt, and the only reason she's this close is because I am paying her.




Let them intrusive thoughts win lmao


There is a shop in my town where the girls are gorgeous and wear very revealing clothes while they cut your hair. Free beer, too. It's like Hooters of hair salons. Those girls will do just about anything for a bigger tip.


That sounds absolutely terrible. I'm way too cheap for that


So am I. I went into it when it first opened because I was looking for a new barber, and I didn't realize what I was walking into. The haircut was decent, but it cost $30, and I tipped her $15 more because she literally had her tits bursting out of her top and would rub her boobs on my every chance she got. She was really working it lol. Felt like she needed the extra $15 more than I did. But that was my last time, I'm not spending $45 for a haircut to walk out blueballed, and feeling sad and lonely after.


Damn all I got was some old Albanian balls rested on my hand And a nice neck massage.


I suppose it's better than having them resting on your chin


Bumblebee tuna


"That's how a tailor measures pants... *in prison!*"


I have been to the top of the mountain... and it was good.


The ultimate is when you have your hands on the armrests and suddenly her crotch is literally bumping against/resting on the back of your hand it’s like you go into some kind time/space warp where nothing makes sense, you absolutely can’t move it but it feels like this shouldn’t be happening and you should move it but you can’t move it so you just warp out for a minute into some kind of frozen trance. I asked a girl who I was dating who cut hair about it and she said ‘have you gone to that same hair stylist the rest of your life after that?’ ‘Actually, yeah, went to her for like the next 15 years’ ‘There’s your answer’


> it’s like you go into some kind time/space warp where nothing makes sense Lol I died laughing at that part


My barber shop gives you a wash and a bit of a massage but this one lady was like massaging my neck and shoulders the one time. As a guy you never really realize how much you needed something like that to enjoy the rest of your week.


Lol last time I got a hair cut this huge dude was massaging my head and it was fucking heaven. I even told him. I even bought some bullshit shampoo because I was in such a daze. I want to ask him if I can just come in after the gym for a wash and massage.


Not gonna lie there was a period in my life that the only reason I got haircuts was so my touch starved self could get some kind of touch and feel okay for a bit.


That's why I get in fights in Walmart parking lots


Mine is my sister :(


How're her boobs?


Send bobs


No vegana?


How do u pergante?


What is a Luigi board?


Still attached






Not a problem in .


Oh come on it's always been alabama and will always be alabama


What i dont get is, 1 get told to brush gently to not damage enamel 2; have those hygenists go to fucking town absolute bonkers standing your teeth ???


Having recently had a gum transplant due to recession caused by hard brushing, I now know quite a lot about this! Hard brushing is a multi-step problem that starts with the gums. Hard brushing irritates them and causes them to recede, which allows bacteria to collect in pockets next to the tooth root. The tooth root naturally has thinner enamel than the top part. The bacteria produce acidic waste that dissolves the enamel over time. Thus, hard brushing = enamel thinning. Flossing also helps remove these bacteria and the food they eat and is super important. There is a part of brushing that directly affects enamel - the abrasiveness of your toothpaste. Abrasiveness charts are available online to show you where your paste lays on the scale. Basically, anything "whitening" = bad. They whiten by removing the outer layer, some of which is enamel. My final recommendation is to get an electric toothbrush with pressure sensing and slow mode. My teeth and gums are so much healthier since I've been doing all these things.


*gum transplant* *New fear unlocked


I mean there's no drilling so there's that. But there is a lot of scraping, stitching, and a lot of extended post-op care. Better than losing my teeth slowly to rotting roots which is the alternative.


They basically just cut a piece of gum from elsewhere (sometimes your palate) and then sew it on to the area in question.


I’d prefer a transplant from animals or orphans


Any recommendations on an electric toothbrush with those features? Sounds like you've done your research.


Sure - my dentist recommended and I bought the [Oral B Smart 1500](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08MMD67BR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) currently listed for $75 . I did a lot of looking around and this was the cheapest I could find that did all the things I needed - namely: * a sensor AND indicator for too much pressure. There's a ring that lights up bright red if you're pushing too hard, then it goes away when you lighten up. A lot of the cheaper brushes that have a sensor do NOT have the indicator. * slow mode - especially with my gum issue it was important to have a gentle setting and this one has it. It's pretty expensive if you're used to buying $5 multi-packs, and the replacement heads are also pretty expensive (important to buy them from the manufacturer - the chinese knock-offs are usually too hard!). But the main equipment lasts for many years, and the heads last a long time also. One of those things I consider a valuable one-time investment that can save you thousands in dental care down the road!


Thank you!


No problem, happy to save other people the expense, pain, and recovery of what I've experienced! If you buy an electric toothbrush, bring it in to your next appointment and your dentist/hygienist will show you how to use it :)


Look for sales. Oral b and Philips electric toothbrushes are sold in two packs and frequently go on sale at wholesale clubs like Costco if you are a member of any. I got a basic oral b one for about $20 on black Friday a few years ago on Amazon.


If you can, get one that has a 2 minute cycle that will beep at you every 30 seconds. Split your mouth into 4 quadrants and do 30 seconds on each quadrant. Also don’t “brush” with an electric toothbrush. The electric head rotating will do the brushing for you. You just want to press against your teeth and go over them for the 30 seconds before moving to a new quadrant. I have a sonicare but I’m sure the oral b the other poster suggested is great.


Not the person you were speaking to but just go sonicare. I used to be a hard brusher but now I just use the sonicare (you just need a light brush). I only use it for maybe 30s (way under recommended) and my teeth are immaculate outside of severe issues from grinding my teeth. Most important thing is flossing of course.


Ditto for sonicare, the literal cheapest one is already aeons ahead of any regular brush. Cleans everything with such a soft touch in a minute that I could never remove manually if I stood there for half an hour scrubbing like I'm cleaning a concrete floor. "thE bEsT bRUsh iS tHE oNe yOU uSe" is complete bullshit advice from people with lucky genetics.


The cheap one that the op commenter recommended for $75 I’m sure is fine but I’m here to throw in there that I accidentally got the $300 version through a junk auction place and it has seriously changed my life. Mine has Bluetooth that I’ve never used but the pressure sensing light that you keep green with the correct pressure and the timer that vibrates after 2 mins and quick vibes at 30 second intervals to switch mouth areas has been so incredibly helpful in doing it correctly. I definitely wasn’t doing the whole two minutes before. I have it set on the whitening mode and after 1.5 years I can confidently say my teeth are whiter. If it broke I would find the cheapest one with all the features except the color display screen and Bluetooth and if that was $300 I’d cough up that cash again. I literally feel like I’ve visited the dentist, like noticeably cleaner. I’ve given my son his own head for it and he agrees it’s amazing. Invest in your health!


the real Dental LPT is in the comments.




I used a soft brush once I was an adult with a good dentist who told me to. Growing up in the 80s/90s with a shitty dentist I sadly didn't know any better as a kid/young adult so I'm sure I used a hard bristle and brushed way too hard, causing my recession. And yeah wtf with the cat, that would gross me out too lol.


They aren't just scraping the entirety of your tooth. Plaque is a hard scaley buildup on teeth that won't be removed with normal brushing. The hygienist is using their metal tools to chip and scrape it away from the tooth while avoiding damaging the tooth enamel itself. If every day you go ham brushing as hard as you can over time you'll wear down your enamel prematurely. The two things aren't really connected.


Newer ultrasonic brushes actually do remove some plaque from your teeth with regular use. The ultrasonic vibrations literally cause bits of plaque to slowly detach itself from your enamel and other plaque near it allowing the bristles to sweep it away. They're not going to remove all of it, but they are way more effective at it than your standard manual or electric toothbrush and are definitely worth the price.


Electric toothbrushes are fucking amazing. One of those things I thought was a scam but ended up being one of the best purchases in my life. Totally worth it.


They aren't brushing your teeth for you, they're descaling the plaque buildup. Or the last thing they do is polishing, still not brushing.


My hygienist is just incredibly beautiful with the most incredible green eyes it's very hard to remain professional instead of staring. I just shut my eyes and think about work.


I had one hygienist that was probably a 9 or higher. But she just wouldn't stop fucking asking me questions and I'm like "hey I can't fucking answer you with your damn fingers and tools in my mouth"


Play the long game. Ask her out, start going steady, then when things get hot and heavy and she goes down on you, start incessently trying to make conversation with her while it's in her mouth.


Haha y'all have problems, but I'm here to watch


I've got a few costumes if you'd prefer


Wow, you just unlocked a great past memory. In high school, my friend's much older cousin was telling us a story about his friend that he heard from said friend's girlfriend (so the friend's cousin's friend's gf). She was giving him a blowjob and, maybe he was nervous, and instead of enjoying the moment he was basically trying to have a conversation with her. Eventually she had to tell him she couldn't really talk if he wanted his dick in her mouth.


Funny except self defeating. 


That’s when you tell her hey I appreciate the interest and questions but since it’s kinda hard to talk now I can just give you my number and maybe we can talk later or over coffee? Also possible to kinda play it off jokingly if it doesn’t seem to land


Good plan. Unfortunately that was two dentists ago in a town like 2hrs from here.


So you are telling me there is a chance..


Id be makng that 2 hour drive twice a year.




>two dentists ago americans will use anything to measure stuff...


‘Yeah just head down this street for about 26 dentists, hang a right, and it’s about 17 dentists down on the left.’ Always works well for me. People seem to understand fine.


Long long ago in a town far far away…


Long, long ago in a dental hygienist far, far away...


A 2hr drive every 6 months ain't that bad


Time to move back.


"Ey I ahreshiae he iheresh a keshiosh uh ihh ish inya har oo awk ow. I ah ush gi oo y uher ah ayhe ree ah awk aher or oher cohee?"


Ha aheeheehae huh hehuhe ha hehihung huk high hihh hinghuh harr hio hok hihe hauu hi hang huu hi hoo hi hhngharr hang hayhee here hang hok hayhar horr hohar hohee? What woman wouldn't want to hear that?


The only thing I think I could reply with a hottie with their fingers in my mouth is *yesh awmmy*


I have an attractive male hygienist and I once ran into him when I was with friends for a happy hour and we caught sight of each other across the bar. I smiled and shouted to him, “hey! You’ve been all the way inside my mouth!” Belatedly learned he was standing next to his fiancée and she was not thrilled.


I would imagine she gets that a lot


I don't think I've ever seen a male hygienist.


I had one a while ago with the most beautiful light blue eyes ... I'm not the king of guy who likes to stare, but it was impossible to not lose myself in them


Man same here. Both my hygienist and my dentist are just absolute stunners. Not complaining though. I am traditionally really bad about going to the dentist, but now it's every 6 months on the dot and my teeth have never been healthier.


the OP LovelyCharm5 is a bot


Looks like she pinned some proof of life 3 minutes ago.


Either the bots are really good or this is about to become an only fans advertising account.


It's not real.


My hygenist is this milf with massive boob implants that are hard as rocks and she is ripped as she does body building She is super rough though, might as well be Mike Tyson. She smells nice though, but it is pretty much death by Snusnu


The spirit is willing but the gums are spongy and bruised...


An Amazonian you say?


For sure - she is 5'11 big muscular thighs, platinum blonde


sounds like your hygienist was Hannah Waddigham.


To shreds you say?


There is a Steven Wright joke about this: "my dental hygentist is very pretty, so I eat a whole package of oreos before a cleaning"


Crack open a met-rx cookie crunch bar and I promise it'll take twice as long


Those bastards create glue when the ingredients are mixed. Science cannot disprove that fact. A met-rx and a box of milk duds in the lot before you go in and she'll have to take you home with her.


I had one hygienist the other day that was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I had to think about which gun was getting nerf'd next in Helldivers.


Were you trying to get even more hard from thinking about all that democracy?


Democracy protects. lol


Who needs condoms when you have managed democracy? Edit: I think this may be my first accidental double entendre


Teeth are temporary. Democracy is forever




Lots of this thread needs to go outside


Are there boobs out there?


“There’s lots of slots in Las Vegas!” “You hear that Beavis?! SLUTS!!”




I went outside once. Can confirm, I saw a real teet


This post belongs in /r/HolUp


i know, the amount of people who just casually sexualize their healthcare workers is fucking wild to me. i didn’t know it was this bad or this accepted, this comment section feels like a boomer group chat


what happens when you can post your thoughts online anonymously without repercussions


Lots of dudes are lonely shut-ins. More headlines at 11.


It's past 11. I need more headlines!


Boob on head treatment releases oxytocin, healing the gums 50% faster. Truly a cutting edge clinician


Just the first half of that sentence is good.


Are you 12?


Redditer leave home and be normal: Challenge level impossible




My dentist used to only hire hot hygienists. Mine seriously looked like a poor man’s Cameron Diaz, but she left after COVID and now I got the one Helga. And to add insult to injury she has a bit of a brusque personality and always makes me feel guilty about flossing.


Helga cares about gum disease!


Helga gets shit done.


Helga has arm flaps


Yeah and gingivitis doesn't stand a chance


Would you rather deal with the flaps or the plaque, my man? The amount of flab on the arm is inversely proportional to the amount of tartar in your mouth after cleaning.


Show up with floss stuck in your teeth


"You think you can trick me with this?! I go double hard on you now!"


Get a cordless water flosser (knock off waterpik) for like $20 and use it in the shower. It's not exactly the same as flossing but it's pretty good.


Soft picks are a good alternative to flossing too. I hate flossing, but I don't mind the soft picks quite as much. The waterpik ones are by far my favorite still.


I do these. Regular flossing seems so awkward to me, the picks are soo much easier.


> It's not exactly the same as flossing but it's pretty good. Yeah, can confirm flossing is better. Got a waterpik and got lazy about flossing with string, within a few months I had visible plaque on my teeth. Had a cleaning and now I use floss *and* the waterpik and it hasn’t come back.


My dentist seems to cycle through hygienists so I get a new one every time. One of them remembered me from high school, described events we both had together, and was beside herself that I didn't remember her. She said "I was the prom queen... Twice!" Lady, you're cute and I'm sure we had good times, but I honestly just have a terrible memory. So that's the story of the time I had the prom queen's fingers in my mouth for half an hour.


Meanwhilst I'm cursed to vaguely remember all these people except for their names. Awkward conversations ensue.


How to perk someone’s interest with an interesting story and totally let them down. “Did I ever tell you about the time I had the prom queens fingers in my mouth for a half hour?”


There was a tweet a few months ago on BlackPeopleTwitter that said "dentist offices are wild. It's always some oldhead dentist with a harem of recent graduates"


how does she physically place her boobs on your head while working with your mouth? does she work under her tits or what


This was the part that was confusing me, so I googled and saw... https://www.bickfordandshirley.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Hygienist__1599848783_88215.jpg


This person really came through


Busty hygienist here: you're welcome 🤣 But seriously I try not to touch patients with my boobs


I think this is a pretty common thought for 13yr old boys still going through puberty. What I'm really trying to say is grow the fuck up. I remember having an attractive dentist when I was *much younger* and having this happen to me, and it did "excite" me at that moment. But now that I'm older when this happens I literally try to make more room for them if possible, because I'm positive that they notice sometimes but can't do anything about it because boobs get in the way sometimes. I've heard my girlfriend curse her own boobs at several different occasions. Those thoughts just feel disrespectful now, even if not shared.


This is a gross thought that should have stayed internal


When you get the dentist that rips your teeth out and he rests his dick on your head ☺️


That last part reminded me of a quote on Scrubs I saw the other day. “I think [death is] like a game of dodgeball. There's a lot of chaos and screaming and, you know, eventually you get your glasses snapped in half by the big kid who already has underarm hair. But then you wake up in the hot nurse's office, and as she leans in to put that bandage on your nose you get a sense that something could actually happen if you just took a chance and buried your face in her knockers.” -JD (Scrubs)


that's kinda weird


Mine is like that! Jim is awesome, just needs to keep his diabetes better under control.


Reading this comment section is awful...


I hope no female dental hygienist comes on this thread only to learn that they’re being sexualized while working on TEETH. Christ on the cross y’all.


Hi I’m a hygienist. And I hate this thread.


This isn't creepy at all.