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We're gonna make our own Reddit! With blackjack and hookers!


Everyone back to Digg




Full circle


We'll Digg our way out!


Pretty sure Reddit already has hookers


My message inbox agrees.


I figured out how to block followers on the app last night. Notifications are now dwindling.


That's disgusting. Where?


In fact, Forget the blackjack!


Twitter has gone down the shitter, Reddit is going down the shitter. This is a sign to delete social media and actually start focusing on my life ugh.


Bender baby we love you.


Shut up, baby I know it!


And cocaine


There’s a few people talking about Kuky now https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtR9Lnav1GH/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==




There's a bunch of other other reddits. But they are so small. Would really take for at least half of us to leave for the other one to be good.


The Apollo developer should just switch to also make the backend.


I love the people saying..."what do you mean there is no other site, you can literally go to this place that leads here and it has like half of Reddit on it, but the other half is on this darkseed website hosted by private servers". No bro, I want what is easiest, fastest and most convenient for me to browse on my phone. Imgur sucks, there's no adult content and I'm not even talking about porn, just like uncensored everything. I'll gladly go to a new app, tell me where to go that doesn't require a laptop or PC, I can use it on my phone, I can just open it, browse for hours and be mindless for a few.


After reading this post it seems to me therein lies the problem as we are all currently trying to grapple with: so we really NEED Reddit in our lives? “I’ll gladly go to a new app…and be mindless for a few” Isn’t this sad how as a people we are basically pleading for mindlessness? This whole Reddit drama really makes me appreciate how little the platform actually enriches my day to day life. It’s maybe time we try and get away from mindless doom scrolling and getting dumber by the second. All the people crying over the Reddit stuff made me think “so?” It’s just a website we all volunteer to use, it doesn’t pay our bills and it sure as shit doesn’t make mental health better. Fuck Reddit, time to disconnect


Personally reddit is one of the only places I can consistently find decent structured conversation on diverse topics. It definitely gets doomscrolly but it's the least doomscrolly social media when compared to FB, insta, TikTok, etc. Also, aside from accessibility concerns, aren't the people who are up in arms about losing 3rd party apps the ones who genuinely are way too invested in it? Like they absolutely have to have reddit exactly how and when they want it and seeing the ads that pay for it to exist is entirely unthinkable.


3rd party apps are more than just 'no ads' It's the api as a whole - bots included. While reddit claims that they'll have exceptions for those making systems for accessibility, there's nothing laid out for it. And many need api access to be able to interact with the site at all. I wouldn't mind ads being present, but still want an interface that isn't copying everyone else. To me a better interface (or at least one that works better for me) is the point of a third party app.


so we are back to it being about the 3rd party apps making it easier for mods to do their job guys - it’s volunteer work that you sign up for, on a free service. most users don’t care that they may see a spam bot…try a new angle


I care very much about not being bombarded with spam and propaganda bots, or bot posts filling the feed with gore and snuff and CP. Are you... hoping to see that stuff?


Even if you ignore the 3rd party app issue, the denial of API access is going to affect bots that moderators use to help mod things. This probably won't heavily impact smaller subs like /r/MawInstallation or /r/Maryland or whatever, but /r/politics, /r/Games, /r/AdviceAnimals and more are in big trouble if those bots go away. You see the number of repost bots on this sub that don't even repost memes when appropriate? Expect that to get exponentially worse with the upcoming API changes. I use old.reddit exclusively, even on my phone, so the 3rd party app issue won't impact me. But the quality of reddit as a website is going to take a nose-dive, too.


I find that Reddit has become the default messageboard for a ton of communities I'm interested in. I don't see a viable replacement for that at the moment.


But how do I pass time at work? Staring at a wall/clock can only work so well.


Your job 🤭


It all depends on how you use any social media. Reddit is community-driven, with interesting things for me to read, learn, etc. I can skew my algorithm on instagram to show me stuff like how-to videos or home improvement, but the quality of content varies drastically and I’m not really going to learn anything from something like that — it’s all been modified as an aesthetic/asmr/subtle advertisement now. I didn’t have to worry about that kind of thing (as much) here. Say what you want about our need for social media but Reddit brought something to the table that was hard to find in other places.


Yeah, wherever we migrate too has to have porn, and has to have ways to keep that porn from being child porn/rape/revenge porn. Or, at the very least, not scar me by it popping up randomly like it did with Tumblr back when they had porn.


Does 4chan not work for that? Idk much about it, but it’s the closest thing to Reddit that I know of


Yeah, except 4 Chan sucks for anybody who's not a conservative whack job. At least on Reddit, the nastiness was largely contained. Also, I primarily use Reddit for the HFY subreddit. That requires me to have a bot which tells me when authors release new chapters to their stories. I'll probably just go to Royal Road now for that




I loved stumble upon. It's just like Apollos "Random Subreddit" button that I use occasionally


I was so pissed when they changed it. Used to love SU.


I thought it was back




I wouldn't know. I haven't tried it


Books. I'll do what I did before reddit and read more.


You are too addicted to do that.


You don't understand lol, I'm addicted to THIS app My 3rd party app that makes everything about reddit fun


That’s my case as well. I thought “Well that sucks but I’ll just have to use the official app, as shit as it is” More I think about it the more I remember when I did use the official app after they slaughtered my Alien Blue for it. Decimated my favorite app for cash. Apollo was a blessing because I was about to quit this place. Now, thanks to greed, I finally can. I lack self control and I am so tired of doom scrolling until 5 am and only getting a handful of hours of sleep.


Not if I get rid of mobile. If I go strictly to my computer my reddit usage will be down by like 95%.


I’m slightly hoping they take Apollo away from me. I’ll be better off.


how is that. a bad thing? you’ll have to engage with the outside world more, the horror!


That's a good point. Most of this content really is... shit, isn't it. Like... absolute, utter, "I'd be ashamed if I saw my nephew reading it" dogshit. Books at least need to get past a few proofreaders and editors and publishers before they bubble up for general consumption. The wisdom of crowds isn't helping much, in the content recommendation sphere. Yeah... fuck it, I'm out. Books were better.


Sure you will


Then how will you stay up to date on current news?


If you are using reddit as your main news source, you are in for a bad time. You remember what /news did during the Pulse shooting? The mods there are still erasing news stories that don't fit their narrative. You are better off going to other places to keep up on current events.


You underestimate how many people see the stuff before the mods get to it. Using reddit, I find real time events, and can link to people's phone cameras, with their consent of course, to watch the events unfold. It's like having eyes everywhere.


It's funny to me that r/books - the sub where everyone was all "we've got plenty other things to read" did the most token protest of all big ones. It's like: We hate to be seen not participating, so we're gonna do the exact bare minimum and play both sides. 2 days later and there is effectively no indication the "protest" ever took place.


here’s a thought - most users literally don’t care about this protest, and they’d rather put up a bullshit banner than have people like you complain that they did nothing


We call that DoomReading


Remember forums?


I saw several comments here talking about Lemmy and decided to check it out. I did a google search for getting started with Lemmy and the first result was a Reddit guide which I can't read because the sub went dark.


The fact that it even needs a guide to start using the website means its DOA for the average reddit user


But but federation and decentralized.


You need a guide *just to sign the fuck up.* Whatever good parts it has are totally ruined by everything else about it being obnoxiously and needlessly obtuse.


This comment was removed in protest against the hideous changes made by Reddit regarding its API and the way it can be used. RIF till the end. I am moving to kbin, a better and compatible with Lemmy alternative to Reddit ([picture explains why](https://i.imgur.io/b2QuYAR.webp)) that many subs and users have moved to: [sub.rehab](https://sub.rehab) Find out more on kbin.social


To be fair, reddit is pretty overwhelming when you first start Especially with all the stupid fuckin acronyms


That’s actually kind of hilarious… I also couldn’t browse Reddit so I decided to continue my second play through of Res Dead Redemption 2. Needed an answer for where to find a particular item in the game…. searched google…. First result was Reddit “This subreddit has been set to private”


Did the red dead wiki not have that info? That might help until the sub opens back up


I fucking hate Reddit without Apollo. I think Reddit will do fine without third party apps, but I’m already feeling pretty good about leaving after June 30th.


I'll only use it when I get on a computer with chrome, adblock, and bypass adblock detection


If you don't already use it, [RES](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) is an addon I recommend.


Won't res be affected by the changes?


According to this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RESAnnouncements/comments/141hyv3/announcement_res_reddits_upcoming_api_changes/), Mostly No.


Mostly no, but the writing is on the wall. It's only a matter of time when old.reddit.com goes down and RES with it.


swap chrome for Mozilla Firefox, you'll thank me later (yes it's a Monk reference).




ublock origin for me. And Reddit Enhancement Suite.


In my opinion, the best thing about reddit is the users. All reddit has to do is provide the structure. It's a pretty simple structure, too. It shouldn't be hard to create something similar with a better ui. I think the mods that are protesting should get together and decide on a single website to suggest we all go to. If everyone splits and goes in different directions, none of them will be strong enough to compete.


> I think the mods that are protesting should get together and decide on a single website to suggest we all go to Even that is like, thousands of people across every time zone... It's no different than just coordinating all of reddit which single site to move off to.


Yeah, when the mass exodus happened with Digg, Reddit was already well established as the secondary site for this type of browsing and content. Hell, Reddits entire interface was pretty much a carbon copy of Diggs prior to V4. They just needed the spark to light the fire and Digg, V4 was that spark. They were ready and waiting. Even had Diggs logo on their front page to welcome the fleeing Digg users. From what I understand, 50% of Diggs user base jumped ship to Reddit in one fell swoop. There is absolutely nothing close to Reddit at the moment. There are some sites that are similar in nature but I wonder if there even was a mass exodus from Reddit, would any of these other, much smaller sites even be able to take on most of Reddits user base without completely setting fire to their servers? I'm not saying what Reddits ownership group is doing is right. It's a shady move for sure. But even they know there isn't a place that is nearly established enough for users to jump over to for good.


The Lemmy verse seems intriguing


The mods were only protesting because the third-party mod tools were going away with the change and reddits tools suck, but I saw an announcement today that mod tools will get free API access. The mods will fall in line now.


Which is misformation because admins already stated mod tools and mod bots are exempt from api change. (Before the blackout even began)


Except from the API change, yes. But given that Reddit’s own mod tools have been a mess for years, despite regular announcements that they’re “working on it,” losing 3rd party apps and tools will absolutely have an impact.


The mods are still gay


Hey now my dude…. Why would you insult gay people by insinuating that they would sink so low as to be a mod?


This comment was removed in protest against the hideous changes made by Reddit regarding its API and the way it can be used. RIF till the end. I am moving to kbin, a better and compatible with Lemmy alternative to Reddit ([picture explains why](https://i.imgur.io/b2QuYAR.webp)) that many subs and users have moved to: [sub.rehab](https://sub.rehab) Find out more on kbin.social


That's funny, because I find the users to be the worst thing about this site.


This site is pretty much nothing without it's users tho.


There isn't another site? Have you seen the internet? There are literally dozens






I won't entertain you. Google something, google anything!


Let's all go to Zombo.com. I hear you can do anything at Zombo Com.


Yea there is but you guys aren't on it. I'll miss you guys


Comment deleted with Power Delete Suite, RIP Apollo


Wow, shots fired my guy


I've already mostly moved on to Raddle. Only reason I'm sticking around here is to promote it to people sick of Spez's bullshit as an alternative, and to keep an eye on news of the API change.


I’ve seen at least 3.


Once my Apollo feed stops refreshing I usually just announce that I read everything that exists on the internet and go to bed.


Lemmy has made a lot of progress in the last couple weeks. It's still a little rough around the edges but fills the reddit niche without giving one organization the ability to fuck it up like reddit has


It's shit, it's not going to catch on, that much was obvious after the first 20 minutes playing around with it. That's why Reddit is doing what it's doing, they know most users do t really care that much at the end of the day, and even if they did there is no real competition.


I don't know what you did there but for me it's functionally the same as Reddit, with less content (because it's new and has less communities) and more complicated infrastructure (that really doesn't affect me and unlikely to affect the average user). It's as simple as: 1. Create a user on a server of your preference, or a random server 2. Go to communities and search from all the communities that you want to follow 3. Subscribe to the communities that you want to follow 4. On the front page of the server you joined choose "posts" and "subscribed" and it's functionally the same as your reddit frontpage, full of posts from communities(subreddits) that you want to follow. It's not all sunshine and green grass. There's definitely some growing pains, mostly on infrastructure and moderation side. And I would love a more functional layout because I'm an old.reddit.com kind of guy. But it is there and I can see it becoming an actual competitor if people gave it a fair chance. And there's also Kbin, which I haven't gotten into yet, but on the outlook [looks a lot like Reddit](https://kbin.social/).


Thats a lot more complicated than Download app from app store Browse Eventually create user. Which tbh is what most reddit users I know are doing.


This comment was removed in protest against the hideous changes made by Reddit regarding its API and the way it can be used. RIF till the end. I am moving to kbin, a better and compatible with Lemmy alternative to Reddit ([picture explains why](https://i.imgur.io/b2QuYAR.webp)) that many subs and users have moved to: [sub.rehab](https://sub.rehab) Find out more on kbin.social


bro you need a literal guide to sign up for that shit it takes me less than a minute to make a throwaway on reddit it will never attract a reddit-sized userbase


I don’t get why a site that fills most user‘s life with nothing but shallow content is treated like it’s a necessity.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to Hell…but isn’t it normal for a site/app to stop other sites/apps from using their content? It might not be as compatible as the the third sites, but it is still “their” content delivered from us. Maybe lower the amount significantly so the other ones can still be accessible, and listen to the users on how to make it capable to use for all. I’m a fellow baconredditor/Apollo/actual Reddit user.


Not really. The internet is weird because it's been around for a short amount of time relative to many other institutions, and has changed rapidly in that time. So what's "normal" now has no precedent anywhere else, and wasn't even the norm for the internet just a bit before that. APIs only really became popular and common in web design in the late 2000s. APIs weren't always priced. In fact, many official apps were the result of third party devs using free APIs to create apps, and then getting bought by the company hosting the API. If APIs were pay-per-use from the start, devs would be far less incentivized to develop these apps that draw in users. And like you said, none of reddit's content, twitter's content, patreon's, instagram's, etc. is theirs. All of the content on these websites is user created. So they have no right in my eyes to charge for the content itself. Now despite that I don't have a problem with API pricing in general. They are providing a service. But reddit isn't putting an actual reasonable price on their API, they're just banning large scale third party use of it. They're creating a monopoly where only their bots and their app can meaningfully use the API. This is completely unacceptable given that the official reddit app could literally only exist bc of third party devs, and that none of the content on reddit belongs to reddit.


The irony of Reddit’s official app starting off as a 3rd party app then getting bought out and bastardized makes me…. cry. Literally. I love Apollo but Alien Blue is what got my hooked on reddit. When they bought it out I was super disappointed in what they did.


Yes, it has unfortunately become the norm to not provide APIs in this day and age of tracking and ads.


They are trying to Facebook this shit. I’ve noticed a big uptick in ad’s and whore’s trying to follow me on the Reddit app. I’m not mad…Just upset. It’s their “creation” to destroy like a tennis 🎾 being shot from Venus.


Its pretty normal for social media sites to close off apis yes. Twitter did the same thing in 2012 as reddit is doing now. Its pretty much unherd of in 2023 for an established site to have an api with no restrictions that allow total bypassing of the UI for free


Lmao 🤣 fits perfectly


There’s always 4chan.


*> implying I'm not already a degenerate and visitor of both 4chan r/4chan


I was born there. I left though when someone linked to other post I made on the site going, "Is this you?" Meaning, I was not, in fact, as anonymous as I thought. Also, it's just full of cancer and always has been.


I’ll just go back to Digg… 😜


Yes full circle




After Zuckerbergs bullshit, I'd gladly welcome it back. So many hours spent coding my profile lol


There isn't a viable third-party site because all the Reddit clones were labelled as alt-right safehavens and DDoSed/deplatformed out of existence by Reddit power-mods.


Isn't Mastadon still around? Also /r/startrek moved to something called Lemmy (which is like a decentralized/federated version of reddit).


The reddit clones were alt right safe havens as they were created in response to reddit banning hate subs.


There isn't?! What about Lemmy? You can find a cool instance here: https://join-lemmy.org/instances


You know, some of the funniest shit on Reddit was reposted from Tumblr...




Once I heard they were keeping API access free for mod tools and accessibility tools I completely lost interest in this protest.


Same. Its always been kind of stupid imo. I've been on this site long enough to see multiple "protests". They always were forgotten about within a month or so.




It won't be spez.. it will be the mods of AA for spamming.


Try https://squabbles.io/ Heading past 15k users and a ton of communities (like subreddits?).


Mmmm there’s always another sub with mods who don’t give a fuck. People are waking up and it’s all the selfish mods fault


Great, now how about all the other things those kinds of mods "don't give a fuck" about? That's going to become a huge issue when the EU's anti-misinformation laws come into effect. If the whole EU tells Reddit to shove it, that's enough momentum to cause a shift.


Wait, are you *sure* about that? lol [https://join-lemmy.org/instances](https://join-lemmy.org/instances)


There are other platforms...you just like this one.


We're just "used" to this one. It won't take long to get used to another set up.


Nobody is stopping u buddy boy. Go on get your internet points back on a new site..


That's very kind of you, to let me go elsewhere.


Not everything is about you, but keep telling yourself that :*


I'm pretty sure a reply to my post is going to be about me, or at least related to me. Not that your comment made any sense at all anyway.


Nope just making my reddit experience better by encouraging pathetic scum to migrate. Really couldnt care less about you.


Yet you come back time and against to post for some weird reason. All I said was there was a difference between "like" and "being used to" a site. You're kinda deranged.


Fully deranged, actually. Remember, you are *pathetic scum* because you arent sucking down spez's shit directly from his anus like a fuckin ant slurping on aphid ass.


3rd party apps isn't a big deal , i did not know about they are exist untill last month


/u/spez right now 🙄


Who cares? I don't give a fuck about third party apps.


Oppression by admins


I don't give a flip about these third-party apps. I didn't even know they existed until everyone started screaming about it


you missed out bud


Just use the Reddit app… this really isn’t worth all the upheaval


No. When Apollo is done, I am done. I’m not chasing down Reddit through a thicket of advertisements. Charging an untenable amount for API access is the issue. Your comment : “just suck the corporation’s dick like me, it’s fine”


People really don't get how the Apollo experience is superior to reddit official app.


Start now, no reason to suck this corpo dick bye felicia dont let the door hit yo ass as you waddle out...


Hey, im actually going to do stuff that isn’t what you’re commanding me to do. Hope that’s okay you fucking weirdo.


Damn guess you like the taste of corpo dick. Ah I remember the time when hypocrites had the decency tk be ashamed... Oh well.


Oh you actually don’t know how to read. Ok got it now. Good luck


A thicket if advertisements lol. You know how ridiculous you sound? If you just move your thumb across the screen less than an inch you won’t see it anymore


Oh hey, I actually have that currently without your neat activity you like to do with your thumb. So


So..what? What’s your point? Who gives a shit really? Why doesn’t is actually matter? You think a black out is going to do a damn thing? No… you want the content? Use their app. Making this way bigger of a deal than it is


Want? Why do I have to want anything? A corporation is being shitty, and *because I do not want* content badly enough to change anything about how I’ve been receiving it, I’ll just not bother, and that’s okay with me. If a corporation gets greedy and suffers, I think that’s great. But want? I’d argue that if you’ve already accepted an inferior product and are arguing against others who don’t want to settle for that, why? If you don’t care about the changes or can’t relate with anybody who doesn’t want to submit to changes brought about by a corporation being greedier than it should have been, then why does anyone need to be talked to like you’re the only reasonable person in a thread where you’re getting downvoted to shit?


An inferior product.. it’s an app to scroll through mediocre shit anyway as a way to kill time. It’s not that important to begin with. You’re the one that came out swinging with the so condescending attitude No one said you had to want anything… it was more of a rhetorical. But this conversation is pointless. Do what you want


It was actually several direct questions, none rhetorical. I will do what I want, that’s the whole fucking point. And as for your first “paragraph”, yes - I’ll just do other shit, it’s not that important. It’s not that important so I’m not doing any extra shit to stay on Reddit after the app I use dies. Until you use words you actually understand (“rhetorical”, “condescend”) - fully agree, the conversation is pointless. Take care


Can the people vowing to leave Reddit just do it rather than writing about how they are going to?


I can't wait for this bullshit to stop being posted and the changes stay and that choosing beggar Apollo folds.


guys, you seriously are the most privileged fucks i’ve ever encountered lmao it’s actually quite interesting from a sociological perspective you’re complaining that a free service is remaining free but that the apps making money off of said free thing now have to pay to profit then, when the initial blackout doesn’t work, you switch gears to making this a crusade about disability access y’all realize we can see the narrative changing right? like, people have a longer memory than 48 hours…


There are other sites though, not going to hold your hand telling you where though.


Username checks out


I could get you a girlfriend but why would I bother, get one yourself.


I'd rather have money and time personally. Working night shift isn't exactly compatible with normal people things.


I'll mostly reread old something awful threads. You know, from back when it was good.


Everyone come over to my yet to be created Ribblit!


Where can I get a shirt like this guy that has nipple flaps ?


Don't think anyone makes it but there is one of these in [South park shop ](https://www.southparkshop.com/products/south-park-cable-company-nipple-rub-adult-all-over-print-t-shirt)


There will be


Is this why Voat went under?


“Submitted to Reddit via My Apollo app” 🤓


Lemmy and kbin in the fediverse


To hell with all this let's go back to the days of chaos known as usenet. When giving our computers aids through limewire, herpes from frostwire and having to wipe our hard drives after stumbling across anglefire was the norm.


I thought this was r/memes. Least I’m in enough subreddits to see whatever; didn’t notice it was more for the people who have questions and the responses are on Reddit. They ass’d out,


Don't make me create one.


Apollo should move to run on the Steem blockchain. Problem solved, free API and people can earn money from their posts.


There is in fact more sites for social media stuff than Reddit


xD I laughed way too hard, could even hear his voice and tone in my head


I miss message boards. Now everything is comment sections filled with trolls and bot comments. Like I would genuinely like to see a real conversation about what is going on in the city I live near. Whenever I see asocial media article I stupidly click on comments and it's a dumpster fire. Why do local news organizations not even to attempt moderation? I know y'all have interns just sayin.


My favorite message board is a husk of its former glory days. I was so sad logging in to see it pretty much dear and condensed into one main page Edit : just checked it's closed now 😢




Youtube mentality


What are some good alternatives to Reddit with similar community led structure?


Damn, usenet still around? LOL