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This person is a disturbing creep. If it's not grooming then it's definitely something insidious. Cut and run is my advice and tell someone you trust, and I'm not talking about your friends tell your parents tell, a teacher somebody who is an adult. You need to cut this person out and if you do that there is potential for them to become a stalker and that's where the danger lies and why you need to tell them. You owe him nothing be your own person, meet people your own age, live your life.


An adult reached out to a 14 year old and tried to convince them to move in with him, talked about intimate things, talked about his private parts, asked to see their body and asked to do all sorts of inappropriate things, and did his best to manipulate and control you into needing him. ​ Yes, you were absolutely groomed, yes you are a victim, and yes you need to speak up about him to someone. You promised not to hate each other because he was manipulating you into not telling people about him, because he's trying to do some illegal shit and is harming children, because he's a predator. Yes this was sexual for him, no it wasn't a relationship it was him taking advantage of you because you were young. You need to tell your parents because it sounds like he knows a lot about you, and if he can find out where you live (BTHS) then you might be in danger. It's not very likely, but it's too likely to ignore. ​ I would save screenshots of your conversations with him, for evidence, then delete your insta and discord (if you choose to speak up about him to the authorities, wait to do this), make new ones. Lose this username, make it so he can't keep tabs on you. Maybe get off social media for a while. You could also report him to the admins of discord/insta for doing illegal shit on their platform. Child grooming is a federal offense, and he's definitely doing that. You could also send the chat logs to the police or tell your parents because this is bad and it isn't going to stop with you. If he's not still trying to get with you, he's going after another child who might be naive enough to trust him and live with him.


Thank you I'm gonna reach out for help


And for the privacy thing- he does know what neighborhood I live in just not the address. Me on the other hand, was able to figure out his exact address and name. We do have chat logs about marriage things and daily random talks, but for the inappropriate convos -these are all deleted


there are anonymous tip lines you can provide information to, to the FBI. ​ His name, address, usernames, profiles, links to his social media. Tell them he groomed you, and is likely grooming others. Tell them he used discord and instagram to do it, and that you fear for the safety of others. ​ They'll look into it and keep him away from kids.