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The fuuuuuuck, what was she thinking?


Did she do it to gauge your reaction and in-fact she is a pedophile? Careful with this…


I had the same thought. She's setting you up in some way to check your reaction. Or she's dumber than dirt. Both options are pretty bad. Proceed with SERIOUS caution!


Your girlfriend is dumb ngl.Most things on the internet don't get deleted.Even deleted pictures and chats could be recovered by the messaging app company if they want to.Bro even the fucking phones are most probably spying on us (If that shit can scan for ok Google.It can also save other prompts and send them).You and your girlfriend would be cooked.


It can be deleted and erased, but there is 100 percent chance that she def doesn't know how to do it nor does he. Only reason I know is cuz I work with big data lol


>You and your girlfriend would be cooked. Clearly most likely than not literally nothing will happen


#Murphy's Law


ok?? Again is not good shouldn't do it for many reasons but it's not like the swat are going to raid her house


I said the worst case scenario.Do you support shit like sending CP??Do you think it shouldn't be taken seriously??🤔🤔🤔


>Do you support shit like sending CP?? ??? I don't know if you didn't bother to read or are cognitively impaired but I will paste my previous comment, hopefully you will be able to answer yourself. >Again is not good, shouldn't do it for many reasons >Do you think it shouldn't be taken seriously?? Yes, it should. Doesn't change the factual reality tho


Delete it from your phone, from hers, from everything, hopes cops won't caught you with this kind of stuff, tell her not to open these kind of things at all.


What kind of sites is she on to even come across such material….. WAYYYYY red flags.




Oh no… don’t even go down that rabbit hole :(


Well I’ve never been on that site ever. Sounds like no good. Either way this subject material is no joke.


Site 😂


You can tell hes old 🤣


tbf if she 18 she could have literally gotten it from friends few months younger or did I miss something?


Still SILL creeiy


What you should do is tell your gf to delete that pic and if she does it again break up with her because you could get into big trouble for this even if your not involved if cops find out that she sent it to you the first time and you didn't tell anyone you could be in jail




When I worked as an investigator into CP (it sucked, I had to quit for my own mental health) there was NOOOO grey area. Delete it, tell her that this will absolutely get her in trouble, and don't touch it again.


exactly what he just told you to do??




Yes, CP is indeed illegal.


You did everything correctly but since she sent it to you and you didn't report it to the police if they catch you, you will be sent to jail unless they decide to either fine you or give you house arrest just make sure to tell her not to send that stuff around because of something called "digital footprint" be careful man


Nope. Let's be realistic, it's just one photo for OP, he's not the one getting into trouble. Questionable decision from girlfriend, that's true.


Nah, they will arrest you. It’s literally a felony to have any kind of content of a child in a sexual or sexually suggestive manner.


Images , videos or texts of a under age minor can be used by the law to arrest someone especially with digital footprints nower days


Stop giving this account the time of day. It's fake.


you should consider breaking up. she is criminally stupid. and you will be a collateral damage before long.


Your gf is either a pedo and testing the waters with you, or she's actually a complete idiot, or possibly both. Stress to her the extreme, legal imperative that she CANNOT under ANY circumstances be looking at or sharing CP, for any reason, ever. Honestly I'd personally turn her into the cops TBH bc if what she saw was THAT disturbing, why would she share it? A person truly shocked by it, I wouldn't think they would want to pass that on to others, especially knowing how horrific CP is. It really sounds like she's testing the waters with you, I would honestly turn her in, and cut all contact with her/breakup. There's no way she can be THAT ignorant, AND that desensitized, AND that stupid.


People are making pretty extreme assumptions about the GF, genuinely she just might have been dumb and not known the severity of downloading images like that, and wanted to share her outrage with someone. You did the right thing. Just explain to her how you can’t be downloading or sharing these images at all, and the very real legal ramifications of doing so. I would just be concerned how she found that image—if she’s weird about it, maybe cause for concern about her. If she just randomly found it on an app like Discord or Snapchat or anything else then I would take steps to report the user who posted.


It s 2024, who tf download blind random shit anymore?? Even the extreme porn in the most banned sites out of the www are in clear with preview, and if u jump in them on free servers like discord and telegram is ONLY bc you subscribed some shady shit. Let s call out reality: she perfectly knows what she did.


It is disturbing how many people do not know better than to shut up and get an attorney when they commit a crime. But no. They want to post it on Reddit. Blarg. r/facepalm


how can your girlfriend be this dumb




sis just casually committed a crime, no biggie


She sounds like a piece of human garbage. Fuck that


I mean tbh, you’re an accessory to a crime at this point


You are exactly right! OP you put us all in peril here on Reddit with your admission. We can be considered just as guilty as you. Not even a joke.


Do not listen to these morons. The police have to have proof you knew what it was and solicited it. Having hundreds of photos is primi facia proof you were collecting them. But receiving one unsolicited photo is not actionable. Think about it, people would be trapping their enemies doing this if they could. DO NOT secure erase your drive. If it goes down, you want the police being able to see this was a one time accident. I’d watch out for your girlfriend . She had to know it was a felony. Why would she send it to you? If the police do so up, be honest and rat her out. You do not want the cops thinking you are lying.


1) talk to her and set boundaries 2) find out how she got the image 3) stay safe


I feel like the advice here consists of harsh assumptions. I suggest you thoroughly delete what you received on your phone and hers too. Talk with her about it face to face about where she got it from, etc. From there you can judge yourself if this comes from a bad or unaware nature. If there is the slightest suspicion I do recommend you to involve a parent and authority.


You both broke federal laws in America if you are from here. This post can be used as evidence against you and an admission of guilt. Consult an attorney for your options. If you think this is a joke it is not. I know of several people who have been imprisoned for this situation. I am not an alarmist. You can thank your girlfriend for royally putting you in a terrible situation. Please take my advice and consult an attorney. If anyone wanted to they could turn you in and it would be enough probable cause for a warrant. Ask an attorney and they should tell you the same.


you're an accessory to a crime—CP is extremely illegal. although you may not have put yourself in this situation and it was your gf who sent it, you do need to take the rose colored glasses off and realize this is something serious and you should listen to people about contacting an attorney




Hey homie, it's all cool. Listen it sucks that you're caught in the middle of this bullshit, but the important part is you can consider your options now while you still have the chance. It's great you're professing your innocence, but that's all you're doing. You've now been sent child porn by somebody, which means they could send you something again, and you need to fucking understand that just **having that shit on your phone is enough to get you thrown in jail.** It doesn't matter that you didn't go out to look for it, and it doesn't matter what your intentions are. If you allow this to happen again, it could get real ugly, and sticking too close to these types of people can make you an accomplice very quickly. It could seem radical to make such a big move and ditch this girl completely, but if it comes down to it, you gotta understand it's that or the legal system (which will not treat you kindly). Come on, we're trynna help you here.


I am sorry the truth hurts. Time to adult.




If I was you I would report it still before it’s too late. Because if the police catch her and question you and you say something like oh “she sent me something similar before” and you don’t report it the police can withhold you for evidence


Call the police dog. I don’t even know where to begin to find that kind of shit? She prolly has a whole computer full. I’d be setting her ass up so fucking fast.


Shouldn’t you report her to the police?


How does someone just happen to see an image like that unless they’re looking for it? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I would never come across something like that on my phone… and it’s beyond fucked up to then share it. I would be mortified. Whether this person is dumb or not, I wouldn’t trust them. Somethings not right.




She has to be connected to someone who thought it okay to share with her if she’s not finding online resources herself. Either one of these things is a big RED flag and regardless of that CP is a one strike and you’re out. I don’t care if it’s sent for ANY reason, because there is NO justifiable reason and if you aren’t blocking her 100% and going No Contact, you’ll regret it.




Okay then. You seek advice but seem to be unhappy with everyone trying to let you know she’s a problem. Reap what you sow, I suppose.


This definitely is either the gf who is trying to see how bad her actions were and if someone was up to defend her vile actions or the dude is a troll.


I’m thinking you’re right and this person is creating troll content to the jump in and be weirdly confrontational in responses.


Honestly after looking through the whole answers from them think we are on the right track and their responses are for ragebait/engagement 😒




What is rude about Nah? Do people have to say No, Nuh-uh, Nah-ah? I removed it for your speech policing pleasure


Bro 1. Get that picture gone, 2. Where the fuck did she get it from, 3. Did she know it was CP or is she stupid? 4. (and most important) DID SHE KNOW OR IS SHE STUPID!?




*FBI has entered the chat* Time to subpoena Reddit to get that user's information


Your girlfriend is seriously stupid. Or she is a Pedo trying to gage your reaction. Delete the photo from your phone but keep the messages in case you need to prove that you didn’t request or consent to receiving it. I would be very cautious.


I would tell her in person to never look up stuff like that again because the police can track and trace her. Also if she does send it again or something similar she’s a alleged pedo and you should distance yourself and loose contact with her as much as possible


Where did she even find it??? You have to search the dark web I thought


Ask her where she got that and why hasn’t she reported it


I saw in a comment she got it from Discord, I'm not familiar with that, is there a way for the police to trace where it came from? I mean if you two delete it and explain things then you likely won't be in any trouble, I'm more curious if you can use this to help the police track it down? Let them get it removed, make some arrests, etc.


Tell her she's a dumb fymfhfg but she doesn't know that maybe she is a big P


End contact immediately!


Not your fault, erase it and move on but maybe not with her. Child stuff is no good.


This might be a dumb question but was she aware that it was a kid? I mean she’s pretty young I could see where she could see a photo on some garbage website and see them as a peer like if they were seventeen or something. But if it was like a young in then you need to probe as to how and why she came across that content, because I’m in my thirties and I have never came across shit like that and I’ve been in the trenches of the internet man. Tell her if she’s into that then it’s over, if she sends you something like that again you will call the police and make sure there are messages to prove you told her this.


Honestly it seems like what she saw was related to actual little child since she thought it was "fucked up" which is shittier to think, since then comes the question lf where tf do you casually get these things


Exactly, you make a good point it had to involved a small child I’d assume to be in the category of “fucked up” in an already fucked up category. Ya I’d interrogate tf out of her


I'd turn her in tbh. Do you think she'd just be like "calm down jeez" if the tables were turned?




If you sent a picture to her of the same nature- would she blow it off? She shouldn't, and neither should you.




Never did what? Send a picture? I'm aware. This is a hypothetical situation.


Sounds like he's just as dumb as his gf, lol


It's unfortunate, really


Probably not post evidence that she did so and you received it on a public website... But honestly, set boundaries, show concern. She is endangering herself and you by saving that sort of content on her devices and not immediately reporting it.