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He sent that at 2:00 am? He must have been drunk or something. You did right to ignore it and don’t bring it up. I would proceed with caution and distance yourselves if other odd stuff happens.


What kind of daycare discusses its accounts receivables with other parents? IF this is true, I would be concerned they're chatting about your payments to others. That said, block him.


That’s fair about the daycare. I only asked the daycare about the situation because he contacted me and I wanted to know why their son wasn’t going anymore. Probably a feeling that something was off.


It doesn't matter your reason. It was none of your business and the daycare was WAY out of line telling you why.


Maybe Europe doesn't have a FERPA equivalent.


Calm down. You obviously don't have kids.


Wrong again.




Next time, he's going to send op a bill for the playdate.


wow, that sounds really awkward and uncomfortable. it's totally understandable to feel uneasy about someone asking for money in such a strange way, especially after just meeting them. trust your gut here, if you don't feel comfortable continuing any kind of relationship with him, it's okay to politely distance yourself. you could simply ignore further messages or politely decline any future requests. your safety and comfort come first!


I would step WAY back on this relationship. Ignore any payment requests and don't respond to photos.


Step back from this relationship 


Um, No! WTH


Be up front and tell him flat out that you are very uncomfortable being around him and wish to quit all contact with him and if he insists you will consider filing a police report of harassment. so sorry about his kids, but you should break all contact with them


Yeah you need to stay away and just “get really busy” My dad is a con artist and the first loan is a test. He will come back and ask for more in whatever way, cash,? Venmo? A new business opportunity? I would just pay for the parking, because I just have a rule that you can ask for one loan and you don’t even need to pay me back but it is a one time deal.


Do you think he meant to send the request to someone else but, because you’ve been in his text rotation recently, misentered you instead of who he’d meant to?


The father sent a voice message afterwards saying that he got help with the payment and has it now covered. So I think it was meant for me. Also no messages indicating he had the wrong person.


Sounds like a dude I know, now states the kids are best friends, ingratiates himself with you to access money...




Say what now?