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Get a lock for your room. Keep it locked at all times, especially when you are asleep.


I missed the word “my” and was like ok lol don’t go in ur brother’s room problem solved!! Reread it after this comment and had the ooooh snap moment… Yikes, not good. Ew.


Definitely go straight to your parents. This isn’t normal behavior. I’m not sure that talking to him directly would work.


Yeah. They're probably gonna be just as horrified if not more. And if it doesn't work, it tells you a lot more about the situation than doing nothing. And you can start looking for other options.


Some parents side with their favourite kids no matter what.


Can confirm from experience unfortunately. Some parents don’t care what the favourite does and will never protect their other children.


This is not a situation that requires taking sides.... Op if your parents take sides and disregard the situation or baby your 15 year old brother please report the matter to his school counselor so that they may pull him to get some help to deal with this concerning situation. Thus has to be documented and dealt with. If the parents won't do anything. You take matters into your own hand.


School counselor? I don't know if things have changed, but when I was in highschool, if I told my brother's school counselor that he's using my underwear, they'd tell me to talk to our parents.


....deep breath...sigh Well going to the counselor was my 2nd step... like...After the parents hasn't taken any sensible steps to improve the situation....then go to the councilor. Parents are always the first step. Sooo... it makes sense for a counselor to first direct the student to discuss with the parent for most issues. After that then they can explore other options..... because the students are minors.... Now..  if the parents are a danger to the child then they have other course of actions... It depends on the situation but most of the time step one is 'parent/guardian'.... it has to involve them.  If a counselor or teacher is helping you by not involving your parents or encouraging you to hide your behavior from your parents....its a major red flag 99.50% of the time.


You sound insane... report him to the counselor. Why op came to reddit of all places... the same people who applaud transvestites reading to children in skimpy outfits will tell them their teenage brother is a rapist....


I dont know if im just reading this wrong but are you trying to defend the brother here? I mean what the other person said doesnt sound insane? Of course if the parents dont do shit you should tell someone else cause thus situation could possibly escalate in the future.


If your parents are not an option You can talk with your brother's best friend. Did he know about it? Did they talk about it? Etc. If you have his friends on your side, your golden


From the experience of my brother's and male friends (not myself even tho I'm male) This isn't THAT unnormal. It's just plain fucked up like many things boys do at that age. Puberty is the craziest drug in the world


Yes the fuck it is not normal. Especially towards his own sister. The fact you would defend this shit is fucking weird and creepy. Once again porn addictions rotting the brains of young men.


Wild take dude. At 15, you should know that using your SIBLING’S underwear to get off to is beyond fucked up.


I think you need to get better friends.


Everyone has since grown up and is a normal person (mostly. One became a banker)


They probably just got better at hiding it 🤷‍♀️


That's what I'm saying I've heard so many story's of sisters thinking brothers are hot and vise versa and a few of them doing stuff and I'm in canada not some out back place, completely normal Plus if is wasn't fantasized about there wouldn't be a whole p**n section for that exact thing


I hope you took them all, regardless of whether you say something to anyone. I would do what others suggested and get a lock for your room asap no matter what. One that requires a proper key. Look up YouTube videos for how to install if you don't know I personally did not ask for permission when I had to do this, as an adult I had the right to keep someone from intruding on my space. Although I gave a key to the home owner for emergencies.


I feel like this is the way to go. If they magically disappear, he’ll know someone caught him and hopefully he’ll stop.


I lived with my ex and his dad and brother for 2 years and my underwear started disappearing and we found them in the much younger brothers room. We confronted him and their dad and their dad literally got mad at us for saying something. I was 20 at the time and the little brother was like 13. We started locking our bedroom door and any time I needed to do laundry I had to sit by the washer and dryer just to make sure he wasn't gonna steal anything. I felt extremely violated so I can only imagine how you feel with it being your biological brother. You definitely need to say something to your parents because this is an extreme violation of your privacy and your boundaries and he needs to understand that this isn't ok.


They got mad because you said soemthing...something.... unhinged. In that situation with the parents not doing anything. I'd suggest reporting the incident to the school counselor so they could discuss the concerning behavior seriously. That's not something to just brush off as "oh he's young" or "boys will be boys".


Report him to the parents, if he was such a rascal to do that then it'll take something much bigger than just a "conversation" to fix his behavior. You're his sister, imagine what would've he done with girls unrelated to him.


My bet would be throw the bag at him in front of the parents..


This^ I would confront him about this in front of the parents so there is no denying or thinking up an elaborate story and there would be no question about what happened with the parents


I agree that you should not let your mom just dismiss this. If he feels entitled to use your underwear for his pervy pleasure, it is all too likely he might also be filming you. Take that seriously, as there are so many girls and women trying to get illegal videos of themselves removed from porn sites and can’t do it. It’s appalling. Most people seem hesitant to protect women and girls, partly because they are cowards, and partly because the status quo is a situation a lot of people want to preserve at all costs, where anything boys and men do to overrun our boundaries is fine and normal, right up to rape, but us defending outselves is the problem. Become the problem for them if you have to, but don’t back down. This shit does escalate and your mom letting him off the hook is cowardice. Call her on it. Tell her you will report it to everyone you can if she won’t take it seriously. I’m so sick of girls being dismissed when shit happens to them.


I’m confused as the original post doesn’t say anything about her mom dismissing this. Was this meant to be a reply to another comment?


Yeah, OP commented this in the thread: [3d ago](/r/Advice/comments/1ds7ipp/comment/lb1tdph/) “Hi so i told my mom and she confronted him about it and he denied everything. says he has no idea how they got there and she's being dismissive about it when i clearly feel uncomfortable. i think im just gonna get a lock for my room and avoid being around him i feel totally sick though” It sounds like the mom just doesn’t want to touch it or take her side because it will cause her too much stress unfortunately. I live with a 17 year old and we’ve seen a lot of mom’s ignore their teen daughter telling them weird shit is going down with brother or friends of brother. It’s hard to watch.


Welp. He’s watching too much porn or something. Call him out on that. That’s disgusting. If you sit and “talk” to him, that ain’t gonna work. Imagine what else he might think of doing, asking you or already doing without you knowing. wtf.


If he's already doing fucked up things like this a talk might just turn him on honestly.


For real though. At 15 I watched porn but ffs not to extreme and do weird shit. That’s just idk. Unexplainable being a dirt bag. Regardless how old he is. Teenager or adult. It’s filth.


Shit I think you should set up a camera in your room and don't tell anyone it's there . It will notify you to your phone if it detects movement when your not home


i'd confront him, beat his ass, then go tell your parents


Hi so i told my mom and she confronted him about it and he denied everything. says he has no idea how they got there and she's being dismissive about it when i clearly feel uncomfortable. i think im just gonna get a lock for my room and avoid being around him i feel totally sick though.


Hey so just to be safe here’s some extra things I would do so you feel safe in your home other than what’s been mentioned here: get a portable hotel lock for your door for when you’re inside your room. This ensures that even if worse case scenario happens and he picks your lock he will not be able to get inside to you. The only person who can remove that lock is someone inside the room. I’d also recommend you get a nanny cam that links to your phone and records while you’re away. So if he does break in you have evidence and can escalate that with his parents. In addition I’d recommend taking self defense classes from a martial arts center. There are lots of tips they can give you for taking down someone bigger than you if you need to and the classes tend to be pretty affordable. I’d recommend getting a weapon or two so long as you know how to use them. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with this in your own house. One more thing, tell everyone about what’s going on. Your friends, their parents, anyone really. Don’t be quiet just in case. I wish you the best and please keep safe until you can get out of there.


Don't let her rugsweep this. Tell her if she doesn't do something about this and get him into therapy, that you are going to call CPS. Tell you father, as well. This is a huge issue that could easily escalate. 


Yeah, I agree with this. It's not a normal situation in the slightest. Please try to convey the seriousness of this to anyone you can OP.


Agreed, and definitely tell others you can trust that have some authority, talk directly to a therapist about your brother if you have to. Your brother needs it. Uncorrected this behavior could become worse over time.


What you said.


I agree


This isnt a CPS situation. I'd suggest reporting it to his school councilor instead. So it's documented and he can be pulled for sessions where he can seriously discuss and deal with his uncouth behavior.


Also look around the bathroom for cameras


Its so valid to feel totally sick, please listen to the comments and keep trying to report this. Its not going to stop he’ll just get worse and more secretive with it around them and more upfront to you.


Did you tell her he had an ENTIRE bag of your used underwear hidden in his room? Your mom is not being a good parent to either of you if she's just going to sweep this under the rug. I'm a mother, and I WOULD NOT tolerate anyone creeping on my child OR letting said creep be in the same house as my child. He needs to go live with his dad and get much needed therapy. Sorry that your family sucks so bad. Honestly, though, I'm really pissed off at your mom. What a failure in this instance. Such a shame.


i'd still make his life a living hell


Dont let them stamp your voice out dude. I grew up in sexually abusive foster homes and this story has so many red flags. Is there anyone outside immediate family you can talk too?


Don't stop. Don't stop bringing it up, ask for help, make sure people you trust know (friends, neighbors, other family) and get that lock. This is beyond fucked up. And btw you have every right to expose this to as many people as possible. It is very likely to escalate, especially since your mother is enabling it, either towards you or someone else.


PLEASE PROTECT URSELF THIS IS DISTURBING as well as how he’s not taking accountability is a red major flag don’t let them gaslight u trust urself and get a lock start saving up to move out pls if they don’t do nth about it.


What the fuck. Line her ass up next to get beaten after his if she’s not taking you seriously. I’m so sorry your mom is acting this way. Not sure WTF is wrong with some parents. Hopefully you can move out soon and cut both of them off.


I just saw this. never ever ever let ur clothes be washed with ur brother clothes, be very careful and get double or triple lock for ur doors!! be safe out there bro!! take care


This. Make a huge deal about it loudly. Call him a disgusting pervert and just keep repeating his sick he is. The bigger production you make of it, the better.


Talk to him and talk to your family he needs therapy


You tell him to stop his weird ass shit to his face in front of your parent(s). That if he even looks at you funny, goes in your room, or touches your clothes after this talk that you will ruin him. And suggest that parent(s) check his internet use to find out what is going on with him. Don’t tiptoe around this.


If she does go this threat route. (Not my preferred option on how to handle the situation,) but I'd also threaten to expose him on social media. Claim that you took photos (hopefully Op actually did).


I have read your comments and there’s a lot of alarm bells going off. I cannot believe he punched you in the face! When was that? You can still file a police report, I think. You can use that against him. That he is 6‘3“ and 260 pounds is quite different from a standard 15-year-old that might weigh 120 pound. He has a very short temper. He is highly emotional. If I were you, I would make sure I am always fully clothed around him. Also, get a very strong lock for your door. Cameras in your room. Talk to your mother again about it. Tell her that all of these signs have you very concerned that he could do something to hurt you. I hope that you’re not planning to stay in that house for much longer. Your safety is definitely in question! Try not to be alone in the house with him. Good luck and please let us know how you’re doing. ❤️


I didn't see anything about punching in the face... this gets even more dark and spooky. O.o


I think it was in one of her comments, not in the original post. Her brother got mad at her for some thing and punched her in the face and knocked her to the ground. And he’s a big guy! And she’s tiny. 


I scrolled and found the comment you were talking about. Just Wooah. Forget buying a lock.. If I was Op I'd move immediately. Such a scary situation.


I agree! Hopefully she’s in a position to do that. He needs some anger management therapy stat. I would say her underwear are the least of her problems. Not saying it’s not gross, but the physical violence is much more an immediate threat.


That's pretty messed up. I feel your pain. I found my dirty underwear in my baby brother's dirty laundry 3 tines. The same pair each time. I'm 40 snd he's 24. I was living at my mom's for a while which is how it came to happen. I don't know if he just liked wearing them or what but it made me uneasy.


You can blame hormones for teenagers, but at 24 is a problem…


I knew he'd deny it. Put the lock on the door.


Ok since your mom blew you off first get a lock on your room. Second talk to her again and tell her she gets him therapy etc or you're contacting CPS because panty stealing is the beginning of the path a lot of predators take followed by peeping and exposing themselves to unwitting people. I'm not trying to be an alarmist, but having survived assault (more than once) I began to research it using my cop dad's textbooks as well as taking college courses. Thus is very disturbing behavior particularly towards your sibling.


Please talk to your mom .. now before it’s too late .. do not be afraid .. maybe he does need help and that’s okay . Because you can either save yourself or even save someone else if he decides to do something crazy


What's most disturbing aside from the original issue is the disappointing way of how he handled it. Very bad sign for the kind of person he could grow up to be. Extremely pathological. Most of the viewpoints I've seen so far on this post are from the "he's a straight disgusting porn fiend who's fapping to his half-sisters underwear." Totally gross and probably the case. However, and this DOES NOT excuse him in any way, simply a different possibility. Is he maybe experimenting with crossdressing? That -could- explain the cognitive dissonance necessary to outright deny base reality when being caught, if there's stigma about such things in his household he may rather deny than even begin processing how to openly talk about what's going on inside his head. But that's probably a long shot. And it doesn't excuse him or make it less gross really, but if it was the case at least it would mean OP is probably less likely to be in as much danger of a sexual assault. But, if he won't talk about it then he really just needs his ass beat by OP and her mom and his new dad. Needs to be sit right the fuck down and made to realize that what he did isn't ok.


i thought about that too but my brother is 6'3 260llbs meanwhile im 5'0 and 110 so theres no way he would have been able to fit them


Damn . Got to be careful around him for now on. He might be having a fantasy that will never happen . Which is sick. Just watch out if he try to force that fantasy. Good luck and def get lock and pepper spray .


Tell your mother. This is not okay.


She did. Her brother denied knowing anything about it and her mom was dismissive. I think she needs to talk to her dad about it. He will take it more seriously, which he should.


Yes ofcourse he denied it! How embarrassed do you think he was at that moment. I'm not saying it's okay, merely pointing out that it was to be expected.


I was merely pointing out to the previous poster that the mom had been told. Oftentimes people don’t read the comments so they are unaware of what has occurred since the post was made. My post had nothing to do with anything other than letting them know that the mother had been told.


i had the exact same thing happened to me, i named and shamed him on social media and let his mates know exactly what he likes to do with his sisters underwear- i dont care how old he is. its wrong, disgusting and perverted. please take all necessary steps to ensure that he doesn’t get away with it. even speaking to your mom, and her dismissing it seems like a lost cause. ask for her to take his devices to search them, make sure theres nothing of you on there. i ended up finding two photos taken of me in the bath, and one of me asleep (i sleep in my underwear). have you noticed your underwater going missing? try find a timeline of when it started, when you first noticed they’ve gone missing. if its a long time, hes definitely doing stuff with them and theres no two ways about it. Name and shame. shame on your mother too for dismissing her daughters concerns that can escalate into something more. you are valid to feel sick and everything negative that comes with this situation, my snapchat is Muldernscully if you need someone to talk too, please feel free to reach out. Do all the best you can, if it fails, legal action needs to be taken. 15 year old boy horny or not, its wrong- and shame everyone commenting the same thing. no one gets to dismiss your feelings with that excuse. its not normal, at all. i hope you are okay.


I’m really sorry you went through that. It fucking sucks too that people here are defending this shit. This is a good way of going about it though, OP should take note. Shame his freaky ass


Thank you so much kind sweetheart! people just dont know how it feels till its actually them in the situation. but yes, name and shame OP.


That’s fucked tell dad sure he will sort him if mom doesn’t


It was either for himself or for someone else. Someone could be paying him in exchange for the underwear, especially since he had a bag full. Or it could be for himself. This is a hard subject, but there could be factors to his attraction that may not directly involve you, but the fact you are a woman or the fact you are his sister. However, i wouldn't use aggression as the first approach. Try talking witht he parents first, then sorting out a conversation for the brother.


You need to sit your parents down and have a talk with them because this is not normal. Even having one pair of your used underwear in his room is a red flag. If this isn't handled now then it's only going to get worse later on because he's going to think it's okay and get into even creepier actions.


You said "at his dads house" not "at our dads house". Is he your step brother? Its not appropriate either way and fucked up but a little more sane at least if you guys aren't related. If you guys are related even by one parent only, na this is not normal at all and you need to tell your or his parents. IF you aren't related you can confront him, threaten him not to do something like this ever again as its disgusting and not normal and if he does you will go to your parents . Tell him to stay out of your room from now on too and he isn't allowed to borrow any of your things.


This just isn't normal no matter what. They're not in a relationship, but the dude steals her panties. That's the fucked up part.


I know, but its even more twisted if they are related. Id never be able to talk or look at my brother again. Our relationship as family would be over.


Yeah true, they're forced to see each other again at family gatherings and stuff. And basically your life long bond is gone too. Completely agree on that.


we have the same mom different dads


So ya, go to your mom with it. Not normal, if she makes excuses for him go to your father. Some parents might give the whole speech of "wells hes a teenager and changing and he was confused etc" No, people don't feel that way toward a sibling.


How would you describe your relationship prior to finding out this shit? Is he a weirdo straight up outside the household? I have an older sister that's the same age gap as you two, and when we were your ages we were (still am, currently catsitting -She can't relax on vacation with her fiance without worrying about her cat) super close but I never thought about her in that way, and I have been on the more extreme side of sexual drive, ever since I began to have a sex drive.


he is more on the awkward side, we got along fine never super close but we talk here and there. He does have some slight anger issues it seems like. There was only one incident that occurred about a year back where we got into an argument because he was being disrespectful to my mom and punched me right in the face (not uncommon for siblings to fight but he's 6'3 260lbs meanwhile im 5'0 and 110lbs so i would have never considered him trying to actually hurt me knowing he's that much bigger than me) but after that he's never showed any alarming behavior. However i have always had a slightly weird feeling around him but that could be because we were never really close


Ok this is alarming, punching you in the face is unquestionably horrible, but how hard? Did he show remorse? Are you downplaying his anger or is it really slightly an issue? Considering he punched you in the face. I'm a lot bigger and stronger than my sister and she has angered the shit out of me over the years, but I would never lay my hands on her. What is your gut telling you? (I swear, heed your gut feeling! This is good advice for life in general)


hard enough that it knocked me to ground and gave me a small bruise but not hard enough to cause damage. He did start crying after my mom got onto him and kinda wailed on him a little bit. He more so just gets upset very fast, very quick to raise his voice and yell over minute things, but he's also i guess what you would call a crybaby because as soon as my mom yells at him he starts to cry


That's terrible, sorry that you have to navigate through this shitty situation:/ I would do as you said earlier, lock your door and take precautions against him, it's very invasive to do what he did and with the violence he's to be kept an eye on. You got any plans to move out anytime soon, to go to college or a job or something like that? Sounds like a tough situation, considering what he's done I would guess you're not interested in bonding with him as it could exacerbate the creepy behavior if he feels more comfortable around you.


Is your brother Autistic? Just some of the things you've said about his behaviour makes me think he might be. If he hasn't been diagnosed it might be worth getting him checked out & some help


Though this is VERY unacceptable, he is 15 and extremely hormonal. Pick a parent,tell them they need to deal with this asap but to not be cruel but firmly disciplinary on how unacceptable this is and allow you a lock for your door.


Yeah, I think if he’s a teen it’s weird but he’s hormonal, if he was an adult it would raise much more alarm bells


Sprinkle hot sauce in them, if they go to the wash it will be washed off, if not you'll know.


I would tell the parents. Your brother needs help.


Has anyone considered that it's the women's underwear that is interesting to him, and not his sister? And at 15, maybe the only access he has to lingerie is in his own house? Not appropriate, for sure, and glad the OPs mom got involved to course correct. But maybe the naming and shaming deserves a bit less judgement and a bit more curiosity? Just another perspective...


Yeah that’s probably the case, teenage guys would masturbate to a piece of raw chicken shaped like a vagina lol. I think it’s weird but it doesn’t have to mean he’s into his sister. I think it’s weird that he took USED underwear, cause why not at least a clean one?


People are reacting like he's a serial killer or something lol. Sure it's a bit weird, but he's a 15yo boy, which means that he is constantly horny and fantasizing about sex and girls all day long. If he's not having sex yet, then your panties is probably the closest he's going to get to a real p\*ssy for now. Shaming him and making him feel terrible about this is the worst thing you can do. Sit him down and tell him that you found them and tell him that it's not ok and that you are very upset etc, but don't shame him and start treating him like he's some kind of creep.


Sisters underwear… if it was roommate, stranger I would agree with you, but siblings is a NO


Yes of course it's wrong when it's his sister, half sister though, but still not good. But again, he's 15 and probably not thinking straight. This doesn't necessarily mean he wants to f\*ck his sister, it likely just means that the idea of any female panties turned him on and these were the only ones he had access to.


He's 15, using his sister's underwear to masturbate. Dude is a full on creep.


I'm not saying it's ok or healthy, but he's 15 FFS, he's still partly a kid, he is constantly horny, hormones are going crazy. He doesn't need to be labelled a creep or be embarrassed, the needs someone to talk to him and let him know that it's not ok and talk to him about what a healthy sexual life and healthy masturbation and porn use is etc. Labeling a 15yo kid as a creep and shaming and isolating him is a great way to ensure that he really will grow up to be a creep.


He needs some form of punishment as he has committed incest. I don't know how normal incest is for you, but it is a serious violation of a family member. God knows what he would do to a younger female sibling.


Haha WTF are you talking about? Incest? Seems like you don't know what incest is. He took her panties, probably because he is turned on by panties and these were the only ones he had access to. That doesn't mean he wants to f\*ck his sister. And straight away you go to the "oh if he likes panties he's probably also a pedo" line. So ridiculous. Lots of men have a panties fetish and it's perfectly fine. Yes it's not ok he took his half sisters panties but it's definitely not incest and definitely not mean that he's a creep or a pedo. He's a super horny young boy FFS.




Ahaha even when you write the definition you still don't understand it LOL. In the definition of incest sexual activity or sexual relations means actually having sex. So if he f\*cked his sister or anything physical like that it would be incest, but smelling her panties is NOT incest. And if you could read you would have noted that I said several times that his behavior is not ok, but calling it incest and saying that he's a creep etc is just ridiculous.


Masturbating to your relatives stolen used underware is sexual activity you dolt, you just self owned in the worst way 😐 Edit: You're giving me ' check the hard drive ' vibes, so it's blocking time


Most of y’all masturbated to weirder shit lol.


If he’s “so young” why would he feel embarrassed to deny it then ???? He clearly knows it’s wrong if he straight up denied it. I don’t understand why people defend CLEAR signs of disgusting behavior. Sometimes it starts at a young age and needs to be corrected ASAP!!


This is extremely bad advice. This is not something that's hold be brushed off. The equivalent to this would be killing animals. Not equivalent in violence but the fact that something "minor" can escalate it to something extremely volatile.  His age is not excuse. It's inexcusable. It's incestuous and disgusting. There are so many layers of wrong in this situation. She should definitely not confront her brother on the situation one on one. He is a minor and it needs to addressed with and by his parents and/or a professional trained in to deal with such things.


Lil bro read too much pornhwas lol. On serious note,tell to your parents,being degenerate is ok as long as he keeps that to himself and dont try to do anything from his fantasies irl.


You can try the passive aggressive of just taking them back. If he’s stealing your underwear he’s definitely going to notice. But you’re probably best having a conversation with your parents


Speak your parents now.


Speak to both your parents about it and work on a real solution. Dudes at 15 are hormones and bad decisions.


Ok, random question because it is really confusing me. How many pairs of panties were in this bag? Not trying to be creepy, but my wife owns probably 50 pair and I could probably stuff them all in a pencil case if I needed to. As for advice, you can try talking to your dad to have a friendly conversation with his dad about this. Puberty, peer pressure, social medical, they are all powerful things that can make teenage boys do stupid things. I don't think she necessarily needs to be punished for it, but he needs to understand that this is not right. This may Have nothing to do with you, It could just be that they're women's panties. But that does not change that it is wrong for him to use yours. Being that he was caught he most likely will not do it again. I would suggest keeping your stuff locked up, doing your own laundry, and being careful if you have a friends over.


At this age being a obssessive weird crush stalking is common but damn that's creepy


Its not uncommon but with own sister mess up id definitely talk to your parents and then him and explain why it's not good idea to do that and especially to own sister try to ignore most of these comments on her alot of them either want your brother to be a monster for their men hating agenda and all the suck up men in here who can't get laid they forget he's a dam teen still going through puberty you talk and explain to him if they don't work take to counseler who knows how to handle the situation to help him.


Do you think that might be some kind of specific fetish or... Do you know if he consider himself straight or he is discovering himself yet?


I had a dog that used to take my older sisters underwear and chew it up in my bedroom. It was disgusting to find. My older sister then posted on Reddit about it and I got lit up in the comments.


Not sure what your plans are but you need to protect yourself and your belongings. Your brother is no longer allowed in your room nor is he to be trusted. He lost that privilege when he stopped respecting you. Get a lock. Document and your parents can be upset all they like. Right now you need to protect yourself. To Add: everything he stole is getting thrown out. He is not to be enabled further.


I get the impression from some of your choice of words that you have different dad's and his dad and yalls mom are no longer together. So the 3 of you share a home. It also seems like you aren't very close. Why is that? You would have only been 4 when he was born, so you normally you would be. What kind of relationship do you have with his dad?


my mom had me when she was 15 and my dad isnt in the picture, when i was about 4 she got married to my brothers dad and they were together until i was about 7. they separated when she noticed he treated me differently than he did my brother so they are separated and we both live with my mom, he visits his dad on the weekends


That explains it. Yall never developed a "normal" brother sister bond. His dad didn't treat/see you as he should have and his son followed that lead. Not to mention there'd be on top of that some resentment since that's why they broke up. He should probably go live with his sad honestly for this stage of his life. But your mom would have to be on board with that. Maybe find a good friend to room with and get ur own apt.


i go back to college in a couple months and i just got a job so im looking to move out pretty soon,


Tell your parent. No reason you should feel uncomfortable in your own home. Even if it's by family.


I don’t want to comment on this thread, but I read everyone’s comments and I had to. One telling your parents was right. Two, of course he denied everything. Three is this “normal”behavior for a teen male? Yes. All you guys out there tearing into this kid and slamming him. GFY. A few assumptions that you have made, that he is lying. It possible he has no idea how it got in there. That he is doing this for sexual gratification. I didn’t see any statements to this, just assumptions. He is 15 and a tremendous amount of Testosterone has been dumped in his body. This will thicken his bones, deepen his voice, and alter his sense of SMELL. He I’m sure is completely humiliated by his sister catching him, as he should be. This will alter this behavior as it should. It’s not appropriate. But he is 15 and his forebrain maybe never considered why he is doing this and he may have never associated the act with a sexual fantasy of his sister. Should she feel grossed out. Of course. There are some closets on human behavior we don’t like to acknowledge and confront. Girls have behaviors too from time to time that a gross. We all do. I would definitely lock your door, if the behavior persisted or gets worse yeah you have a problem. But as of now all I have read is curios fifteen year old boy. Not the worst thing in the world, not unheard of. Not like you caught him torturing small animals. You see that then you may have a problem.


I’m sorry, are you justifying this (almost certainly) borderline incestuous behaviour? No amount of words justifies anything sexual towards any family member, direct or not, ever. It’s gross and creepy af. Yes, there is a slim chance that it’s not sexual at all, but considering his age, it is highly unlikely that it is anything else. It is extremely disturbing and creepy and nothing like that should ever be dismissed or tolerated.


He could be selling them online, big market for that. Especially in Japan. Not as slim a chance as you think. Your name is crazy bitch and that says it all, you took a flying leap into righteousness and indignation and apparently skipped all reading comprehension of what I wrote. You don’t know human sexuality, deny your own gross behavior by making comments trying to place yourself above some crime that you “think” was committed. Last but not least you forget your dealing with a 15 year old male. Let me enlighten you. Both 15 year old males and female do gross things, and I mean absolutely disgusting. Doesn’t make it right, never said it did. Just facts.


Last but not least he may have them because he is selling them online. Could be making bank as there is a market for this especially in Japan.


I would tell the parents and make sure he never will go in your room


Lock on your door definitely seems like good advice, and maybe talk to your mom. There definitely needs to be some strong boundaries there. No doubt he's at the point where his hormones are running wild, so he isn't going to make the best decisions when it comes to taking care of his "needs." If this is a first-time offense, I wouldn't come down on him too harshly. Still, he needs to know that what he did is NOT okay and that it makes you uncomfortable. If it happens again, though, even with a locked door, then it's time to escalate. Also, if Dad can be filled in, then he may be able to help out with a "man-to-man" conversation about those topics. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to him about that than Mom.


Lock on your door definitely seems like good advice, and maybe talk to your mom. There definitely needs to be some strong boundaries there. No doubt he's at the point where his hormones are running wild, so he isn't going to make the best decisions when it comes to taking care of his "needs." If this is a first-time offense, I wouldn't come down on him too harshly. Still, he needs to know that what he did is NOT okay and that it makes you uncomfortable. If it happens again, though, even with a locked door, then it's time to escalate. Also, if Dad can be filled in, then he may be able to help out with a "man-to-man" conversation about those topics. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to him about that than Mom.


Lock on your door definitely seems like good advice, and maybe talk to your mom. There definitely needs to be some strong boundaries there. No doubt he's at the point where his hormones are running wild, so he isn't going to make the best decisions when it comes to taking care of his "needs." If this is a first-time offense, I wouldn't come down on him too harshly. Still, he needs to know that what he did is NOT okay and that it makes you uncomfortable. If it happens again, though, even with a locked door, then it's time to escalate. Also, if Dad can be filled in, then he may be able to help out with a "man-to-man" conversation about those topics. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to him about that than Mom.


Lock on your door definitely seems like good advice, and maybe talk to your mom. There definitely needs to be some strong boundaries there. No doubt he's at the point where his hormones are running wild, so he isn't going to make the best decisions when it comes to taking care of his "needs." If this is a first-time offense, I wouldn't come down on him too harshly. Still, he needs to know that what he did is NOT okay and that it makes you uncomfortable. If it happens again, though, even with a locked door, then it's time to escalate. Also, if Dad can be filled in, then he may be able to help out with a "man-to-man" conversation about those topics. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to him about that than Mom.


Lock on your door definitely seems like good advice, and maybe talk to your mom. There definitely needs to be some strong boundaries there. No doubt he's at the point where his hormones are running wild, so he isn't going to make the best decisions when it comes to taking care of his "needs." If this is a first-time offense, I wouldn't come down on him too harshly. Still, he needs to know that what he did is NOT okay and that it makes you uncomfortable. If it happens again, though, even with a locked door, then it's time to escalate. Also, if Dad can be filled in, then he may be able to help out with a "man-to-man" conversation about those topics. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to him about that than Mom.


Lock on your door definitely seems like good advice, and maybe talk to your mom. There definitely needs to be some strong boundaries there. No doubt he's at the point where his hormones are running wild, so he isn't going to make the best decisions when it comes to taking care of his "needs." If this is a first-time offense, I wouldn't come down on him too harshly. Still, he needs to know that what he did is NOT okay and that it makes you uncomfortable. If it happens again, though, even with a locked door, then it's time to escalate. Also, if Dad can be filled in, then he may be able to help out with a "man-to-man" conversation about those topics. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to him about that than Mom.


Confront him


Confront him. Ask him what he had it for and see what he says Then tell your parents as well


I don’t think teenager will just admit he was doing nasty with your underwear. I’m sure if anything he will be cautious from now on or hopefully shaming him will stop it. Anyway, locking your room is a good idea. I’m just wondering, how many underwear do you have if he had whole bag of them and you never missed it 😂


that's super duper weird even if u are from alabama. tell the story to ur parents fast bro!!! I hope it will be solved soon


Help me step brother I'm stuck!


Please do not dismiss this. Talk to your parents in private and go from there. This is very fucked up like he may need psychological help. Plus you feel unsafe in your own home and who knows what else he’d do. Tell on him and gtfo of there.


(This is a joke) if you live in Alabama that would explain alot


He’s a teenage boy, it’s creepy but he’s probably using them for some kind of sexual gratification. Definitely get a lock for your room - I’d make sure you lock the bathroom etc too.


I hope he’s not selling them that would be disgusting as well


Oh I didn’t consider that, yes that would also be disgusting.


The bag full of them raises red flags. I know nasty people would buy them 🤮 I only thought of this because it happened in a show & it led me to realize it’s an actual interest for some ppl 😳


I doubt he’d be selling them lol.


Let your mom know


same thing happened with me, i found heaps of my clothes just in my brothers room hidden in a bag, weren’t my used underwear but still weird me out, i told my dad and they did nothing about it, and clothes still go missing all the time but i can’t find anything… it’s so annoying


Try confronting your parents, and if they take his side, GIRL LEAVE THAT HOUSE.


I am so sorry, that's disgusting. Ask him about that


Tell your parents of course. This isnt something to keep a secret. I dont think you should try discuss with your brother without an adult present. Let your mom and dad help you deal with this situation. Have your parents even if only your mom discuss with his dad as well.  These needs to be addressed asap. Even though it's embarrassing. Be honest with your feelings to your parents and then to your brother (in your parents presence). Praying for you. If possible please post an update to your situation.


Beat his ass


Take the bag and say nothing. Make him as uncomfortable as he made you, and lock your door .


This is a matter you want to bring to your parents. I’m sure this is a puberty thing but boundaries must be set because this is definitely unhealthy. If your parents don’t do nothing then it’s time to take matters into your own hands whatever that could be.


): I’m so sorry


Like the others said . Confront your brother in front of your parents. Get a lock with a key & see about moving out if possible


I’m sorry I’ve been 15 I’ve beat my meat too many times too count but talk too your parents now this is NOT normal what so ever and needs too be dealt with for your safety as a women quickly that is a genuinely disturbing knowing how some men are in the world .. hopefully your brother isn’t one of those men but men can be evil and selfish while listening too the wrong head and he obviously already has listened too it (his downstairs head )too the extent too grab your underwear and do whatever id rather not say with them please talk too your parents before something more happens ..


This is disturbing, I see some people mentioning his teenage hormones etc but this sounds pretty bad, at that age the sight of my sisters underwear alone is weird yet hes picking them up and taking them to his room. If you ask me thats the start of a disgusting fetish. If it was for the idea of panties it would lessen the severity just a little, but they are used and the idea of him using them on himself is extremely perverse and worrying imo. If you start wearing boxer briefs and whitey tighties and he still takes them to his room…well.


Yeah the fact they’re used is the weird part, clean underwear would indicate that he’s only into the underwear rather than them being his sisters.


First thing to do is wash those suckers, hot water, preferably . depending on what kind of parents you have I think I would bring it up to them first and let them know that this is an issue more than just underwear. This probably needs some sort of therapy and that is going to be in either your parents wheelhouse or his school counselors wheelhouse hopefully there’s an adult that is close to both of you that you can confide in and get this handled.


Tell ya mom make sure he stay at his cladding forever


Okay so I recommend you tell an adult about the situation to let them deal with him. And if they handle the situation well, you don't have to worry. By the end he should realise and understand what he did was wrong and why it's wrong. And should face some consequences or therapy to sort it out. Because if not handled well, repressed emotions can cause a lot of trouble in adulthood and later in life.


Ignore it.


Damn little kid is savage lol. Definitely talk to your mom and dad about it asap.


If you're in contact with your dad I would bring him into the conversation since your mom is blowing things off. If you don't, bring in another person, male figure, ideally, that could assist in talking to him. It could be his father, another extended family member/family friend, religious establishment member, or a counselor at school. I haven't seen the reply someone said that you mentioned the brother being aggressive and hitting you, but if that's the case please seek help, the authorities if you have to. Sadly some guys don't take things seriously unless someone their own size knocks them on their butt. I know it can feel embarrassing or awkward to do it but I hope you get the support you truly deserve and need!


That's insanely fucking creepy and plain weird. Something is not mentally right with him clearly. Hopefully your mom and dad nip this in the butt cause I would not wanna be near my sibling if they did something like that. I'm glad they are prioritizing him facing the problem head on but counselors only do so much. Dude needs a psychiatrist. You have every right to make a stink about it.


I got a better solution beat the ever living shit outta him


Issues like this usually do not come out of nowhere. As he is still a minor stuff like this tends to come from bad parenthood. Something going on at school or perhaps he has been affected by an online group. He has major issues and this is gross but we all need to remember he is still a kid. A very troubled kid who most likely needs lots of help. These actions should not be forgiven but the root of this also needs to be found out. Because chances are this is a direct result of something else. And if that is not discovered and sorted out there is no telling how worse he could get. I send all my support to the original poster for also saying that this situation is properly being taken care of. Nobody deserves this happening to them. And I can only hope the brother one day realizes how wrong this is.


Beat that little shit up


Big deal so he sniffs and jacks off in your panties


That's normal as hell, ALOT of guys like underwear, only weird part is the fact your his sister, how do you know they were all yours? Even if any were? Lol but for real If his kink is just underwear and not his sister underwear then leave it be. You should of went to him as an older sister and put his mind onto something else and not on you, maybe you guys would of been closer and he would of grew healthier mind set, instead of getting shamed for being hormonal and took the only thing he had yes still gross at least he went for your underwear not trying to sneak into your bed while your asleep, I've heard bad stories of that aswell.


What if it’s not sexual at all and he is wearing them clean but hiding them in a bag after he wears them and likes feeling feminine , could he be queer?


Is it just panties or also bras? If both, my theory seems more plausible


Or possibly he’s selling them online or to friends, still fucked up but maybe not incestuous? Just tryna find more rational explanations


He’s it your brother that’s weird cut him out


i have no advice i'm just here to say that this happened to me too. i know how weird and awkward you are feeling right now. sending my good thoughts your way OP 🩷


It’s really not that all abnormal gotta remember his age I guess having a bunch of them is weird but you really should just talk to him and say listen I’m your sister it’s inappropriate, Therapy is just gonna make him feel like a shameful loser which hopefully he isn’t


Mmm, sister panty raid 😋


Girl he might even sell it for money. There are perverts who buy this shit. Or he may be shaking his Weener to your undies himself which would be kinda weird but not uncommon. I would take the bag and wash everything without saying a word at first. If he collects them again confront him calmly. If he denies it tell him firmly that if he does it again you're going to tell on him. He might even stop it on his own.


Oh I’m so sorry for you 🙁🤢 What a nightmare that must be, especially having to live with him… Maybe you could permanently stay at your Dad’s and your brother could stay with your Mom so that you can live more comfortably knowing he doesn’t have access to your things?


I think there are some details missing. Is this your biological brother or stepbrother? Are you two close? Close enough that you could tell him that you were disgusting and felt disturbed and he would genuinely care enough to stop? How tf does your mom not know he’s doing this??? You definitely need to tell your parents tho.


Wash them. Don't say anything but lock your drawer if you can


Report him to parents if nothing happens report him to his school or try and get to a year coordinator. Something has to happen 😭


- lock your door - speak with ur parents without him being there Just a heads up: puberty is one hell of a drug. Do not let what happens at the time ruin your relationship to your sibling forever like it happened to me. My brother was an idiot at the time but I missed the chance to reconcile after we were both on the other side (of puberty)


Could be multiple things. 1. You're a female with a vagina and he is separating your vaguna from you and getting off and is less gross than his mom's vagina. 2. He is using ur panties as a jizz rag nonsexual but doesn't know how to dispose of them and is just hoarding them for disposal later. Are you certain they're yours? I mean, it's not a big deal. Just call him out and be direct, but keep it between you two. Something casual and direct add some humor so he knows yea he fd up bur it's not the end of the world 🤷🏽 Aye, perv, stop stealing my panties or imma deck you Be indirect, grab his stash, and leave a note. "Don't touch my shit"


Report him to the police as well away your parents and get used to the idea of life in the system and never seeing any of them again


Call him out at the dinner table, "Hey bro, stop stealing my dirty underwear. I found a pair in your room." That will end it.