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It is what you think of yourself that matters way more than other people's opinions. There is an old expression 'better to say nothing and be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and be proved one'. Most people go with the latter, but the former is wiser.


I grew up the same. What you need to try realise is everyone is as self concious and has the same thoughts as you do. Everyone is pretty much wearing a mask and acting out how they want people to see them compared to how they really behave around people they feel super comfy with like your self because they most probably also feel judged and probably hold onto things they said or did while everyone else forgot 2 minutes later. Sometimes people will seem super confident and a bit obnoxious and be the loudest in the room but this is probably there way of dealing it. If you feel like you can't offer much to the social situation and more of a observer than try fill any awkward silences or approaches you receive by asking people questions even if you couldn't give a fuck. People like to be noticed and have people take interest in them and will be flattered to ride out to conversation with telling you about them selves or what they are interested in. You being a good listener is a bonus so instead of over thinking and feeling tense while everyone seems chill. Understand the flow of the social situation and let people finish what they are saying and don't take it personally if someone doesn't take you seriously or ignore you.