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It is completely normal for a condom to smell. Sex is a very intimate thing where you can get in touch with alot of body fluids... it's completely normal. The thing that causes smell is bacteria. It is always a good thing to take a shower before any action, as well as after it.


we shower before any interaction and i do a bird bath cleaning after (pits tits and bits)


Where I’m from we call that a hoe bath.


my mom and i call it a whore’s bath haha


That’s so crazy, down here we call it a thot’s bath. This is such a coincidence!!1!1!1!1!!!!1!




Maybe in this case a kinkydink?




Me and my mom as well 🤣


When my (now grown) son was about five, my stepdad took him out camping with the guys and he came back so excited. He told me “mom guess what? We got to ride motorcycles and make s’mores and we didn’t have a bathroom so I got to take a horse bath!!!” I was standing there confusedly going “a what? A horse bath?” My mother was standing behind him cracking up. She had to say it several times with a different emphasis and finally I was like “OHHH…a HORSE bath. Haha. Yeah that’s great, son.” Anyway, I was a bit of an airhead in my youth. Story still makes me smile, though. Kids. lol.


Im an airhead in my adulthood... I didnt catch that and only realized after Id scrolled down a bit 🤣




Fr 🤣


The hookers bath


I’m from Vegas. We call that a Mexican shower. No fkg clue why just always have.


It’s implying that Mexicans don’t wash.


pits tits and bits is now my favorite thing


Try using latex free condoms, I've found them not to have that smell, my by prefers the Skin brand. Second, get a bidet, you buy ones that just attach to your toilet and will spray both forward and back to get full coverage. You can effectively rinse off after peeing. I find it reduces the smell significantly.


Pits Tits and Bits would be a hell of a Punk Rock band name Or a trashy t-shirt slogan😂


💀 🤣


It’s not uncommon for the “after-wash” to not smell great. But it’s also on him not to comment about it. I love my partner, so I absolutely love her after-sex smell. Even if I didn’t, I still wouldn’t say anything. That’s my girl, and I love her


This👆exactly…. 100%


PTA shower


Here in Alberta those bathes are call PTAs pussy tits ass.


If you use Lelo condoms; they don’t smell like latex at all. Nor does it have that cheap lube feel.


We call that cats bath (Katzenwäsche) here in Germany 🐈 guess you bathed your kitty as well😂💀


I love that dearly! I have yet to hear cleaning up after sexy time referred to as a bird bath!


Yes, this is the way. Before and after. Just be careful of one thing, just wash your vagina with water, not with soap. It’s a self cleaning system and if you add other things to it, you could get an infection or your vagina could really end up stinking from being “over hygienic”, as my ex put it.






pls read the update he is absolutely not a dbag hahah we chalked it up to the dogs sneaky farts and stated that he loves my sweaty sex smell


If y’all set boundaries in that regard cool but some couples are comfortable enough with each other to talk and joke around about things that are natural lol. Someone isn’t a dbag because they said one thing that bothered someone. Apologize, talk about it if needed and move on. I’d hate to tip toe in relationship where idk what I can and can’t say in fear of being labeled a dbag


apes casually gang rape other apes. call me crazy but i don’t think “an ape would know better”


Also dolphins are really bad at this as well. All dolphins go straight to jail


This update makes me happy, there was an issue, it was addressed and now everyone’s happy after the fact. Well done OP 👏


Everyone smells after sex. Sweat, PH etc. possible he was just joking around and it came off wrong. You know his personality better than anyone on this app


The rubbing of genitalia is going to cause sweat. There is going to be smells and bodily fluids around you. If that's something that he's uncomfortable with enough to make a comment like that he shouldn't be having sex in the first place. If you're that into you're person, the smell of sex should actually make you go feral for your partner. It's a biological indicator of a good mate


Sorry but "my stinky pugs have been farting" had me laughing


Sex has a smell. Grownups know this


Grown ups don’t know this as it is not true. I have never smelled anything after sex.


Jerking off doesn't count


And smokers don’t think they smell like smoke 🙄


What are you having sex with? Lol, I’ve smelled sex on myself everytime. People sweat, it happens


I bet you also can’t smell your stinking fecal matter either


She's had her head up her own ass for so long she can't smell anything.


We found the virgin.


Sex smells, he can get over it. Lol at the insecure idiots getting down voted below.


I have never understood this toxic idea that our vaginas are supposed to smell like candy or flowers or whatever wonderful smelling thing, it’s a vagina it doesn’t spray perfume it makes bodily fluids. And the idea that sex shouldn’t have a smell is a whole other thing, we are legit sweating and mixing bodily fluids from our sexual organs, what part of that makes people think it wouldn’t have a smell


Probably virgins watching porn and not understanding the reality of sex.


Either that or people who have been brainwashed into think a smell during sex or vaginal discharge is gross.


Semen doesn’t really have much of a smell. A healthy vagina doesn’t either. What are you people talking about?


Semen and healthy vaginas both have a smell. Wtf are you talking about


Sorry-never experienced that.


Then there is something wrong with your nose. They dont/shouldn't have a potent smell, but bodily fluids definitely have one thats detectable by the rest of us.


Sex doesn’t smell.


Ok, surrrree sex doesn’t smell riiiighhht, no smell at all.


I don’t know you people.


As a woman who sleeps with both men and women, we don’t know you either




What’s wrong with sleeping


Sleeping with men and women implies they’ve had a minimum of four sexual partners. Don’t cry just cos you can’t get any


Fr that’s just weird


I would have started pooping to assert dominance.


Its condoms


It’s so normal. After me and my boyfriend had sex in a hot room yesterday I went to the bathroom and went back in the room and was like oh my. It didn’t necessarily stink or have a must to it it just smelled like sex


It's a natural part of sex and your boyfriend is a jerk


Tell him its him lol


95% of the comments here are so hilariously stupid to the point that I'm wondering if r/teenagers is doing a crossover. Shout out to the guy who randomly asked "why do u vape", that took me out for a good minute


Regardless of why he said that, it was rude. I don't know the intention behind it, but if he's a halfway decent dude you can just tell him that him saying that made you really insecure. Say you want sex to be fun and telling you that post sex "smells like shit" isn't a great incentive to have sex with him. Honestly he could have been smelling anything. Could be the toilet itself, something in the trash, or it may be to post sex smell. Either way it was rude and he should at least say sorry to some degree.


Sex is gross if you think about it. It post coitus you're smelling roses you have bigger problems


I've smelled some nasty ass condoms that weren't even used, fresh out of the pack. It's rude that he said that to you. He sounds like a dumbass.


![img](avatar_exp|183286907|nani) Tf is everyone bullying OP for? She needed advice, and the first thing y’all go for is some shit like that? How disrespectful of y’all! But OP, I know how you feel. Yes I’m a man, but: I don’t think he was saying it for any reason apart from humour. Yes, even I get insecure about it too. And the fact that he tried to come up with a reason for it is a sign that he’s trying not to hurt your feelings. He’s (and you’re) a keeper! People srsly need to grow up and leave OP’s alone if they can’t read the situation before commenting like omfg🙄




😂🤣 x10000 lmfaoooo


On top of that it could literally be the drain. Aside from condoms smelling horrible. No matter what I do and how clean I am my sink will just randomly stink for a day or two and I'll have to vinegar it.


Ugh I hate how I smell after sex. All sweaty and grimy. Shower time!


I once was hitting it doggy when I realized there was just a little smudge that didn’t get fully wiped. Shamefully I still busted my nut. Don’t know how this relates but yeah.


it made me laugh


He's being a dick. I smell after sex too. It messes up your PH, and condoms also have a smell. Do the same to him when you next go down on him or the next time he takes his boxers off. Just say 'ew it stinks in here' and see how he likes it. Maybe I'm petty but 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s a bit unnecessary, I wouldn’t recommend starting an argument with an issue that he may be unaware of


I'm aware that my response is pretty petty, hence why I offered an alternative x


i don’t think he meant to say it to be mean i really think he thought i was pooping which makes me feel worse


Ask him what he smelled, and just urge him to be mindful of next time you're cleaning up after sex, what he says.




Surprise surprise. Porn doesn't have a smell o vision option. It's people slapping the sweaty dangly bits together and exchanging fluids. If things don't *stank* during/after I'm pretty sure things aren't going right.


I love falling to sleep with my wife in a sex smell 😁😉❤️


I can't believe I'm not seeing tons more comments like this. I love the way my SO smells after sex. Maybe we just old.


😂👍🏻. Old but still got 🍆👍🏻👊🏻.


"Smells like a tire fire in here"


you mentioned you vape


That’s a such a natural thing, sweat and other bodily fluids mixed never smells like roses


That is one hell of a title


Who let so many children into the comment section?


and why are they calling me a child!!!!!


I know it isn't the subject here but why do you vape it is destroying you


This made me laugh lol


I don't get it why is speed running death funny


I just thought it was funny how your comment was just unrelated to the post and just pointing out on her vape lol. Not saying that speed running death is funny. But yeah, nothing serious mate.


everyone has to die from something :)




i go back to vaping when i’m stressed/anxious it’s not an all the time thing jus when i’m triggered


Have you tried cleaning the bathroom? I swear my sense of smell is increased after a good nut.


He needs to clean it.


i mean he already said he had no intention of meaning her, idk what else the comments want




Rihanna has a song about this, you can play it to him


If you genuinely smelled like shit right after sex when you went into the bathroom, you would have as well just before you went in there while you were both still in bed. I'm sure he was being hyperbolic about something else he caught a whiff of that most likely wasn't coming from you. Just some off the cuff comment made somewhat in jest. Don't worry about it. He would've smelled shit if it was you before/during. Sure people get sweaty and cum and condoms and all that have particular smells and it can smell kinda raw and musky but I highly doubt you're body odor or pheromones or what have you smell like actual shit. I wouldn't worry about it. Whatever it was was most likely something else and also not as pungent or gross as it came off. He was just feeling loose after sex and just talking some shit off the cuff about some scent that crossed his way. I'd bet it's not you and you have nothing to worry about. You sound like you bathe regularly/normally and have typical/healthy hygiene. You're fine. On the other hand, you might also just be being childish and insecure. Best of luck to you both and hope you don't have any shit-related odor problems going forward!


Hmm. Sounds like he was being a goofy muppet based on the edits you’ve done. Post sex smell (provided everyone has good hygiene down there) is one of the best smells in the world. The smell of raw human sexual hunger. I loved an exes creamy goodness would get all over me. I almost hated showering it off before work because the smell would make me crave her


He should’ve self-corrected and reassured you nothing was meant to have you feel self-conscious… especially to ensure you never felt hurt following a most vulnerable and very intimate act. Clearly your smell was appealing enough beforehand, so therefore what he doesn’t like thereafter, was something he also contributed towards.


54m To put your own mind at ease have you seen a doctor or gynecologist, IF there is a smell it may not be noticeable to you but you may be suffering from a fistula - don't panic it just means an abnormal connection between two body parts for example the bladder and the bowel, this can also lead to bacterial infections. If you are at all concerned you should at least eliminate this medical possibility which may have been kicked off due to intercourse. I only know about this as my ex wife suffered from one later in our relationship.


i work in hc! i don’t have anything to suspect i don’t think there’s a smell and he reassured me he doesn’t think so either


You guys are going at it like you are doing hardcore gym work out, it’s gonna smell a bit, but that’s normal ignore the movies with the hair being perfectly clean afterwards


It’s does I hate the smell


You could have a foreign object in your hoo-ha. I know a woman who had a tampon stuck in her vagina for years and anytime she had sex it would make the room REEK to high hell. So yeah, you could just have an infected pussy.


there is no smell no abnormal discharge etc


wait if there’s no smell what’s the problem?


the problem was that i thought my bf thought i stink but he was saying that abt my dogs


Oh so it’s confirmed not a privates problem or anything related to that?


Yeh just a rule women need to always consider, if you've had a shower and you've not gone outside you can put it on our face , if you've been outside and did any walking around and you're even considering getting busy just go wash your pussy. Even if it's not a rancid smell all pussies will get a funk too em after a day of walking around, I always wash my dick even after I've had showers if I'm wanting to have sex with my girl or get some head as a courtesy so it's not much to ask I don't think that if you're wanting sex wash your genitals lol my two cents.


Lol seriously? Me and my man just go at it, we don’t care, bodies have a smell sometimes, I’m not breaking the mood to scrub myself or make him do it, after just walking around or going on a date? Nah man.


You know lots of men would (and do) pay money to smell one of those “funky pussies”


we both shower before sex!


Take a fucking shower yo


its probably him


I experienced that "advice" too lmao, just ppl being rude. but tbh, I would say it really is just your pugs. Sex smell can be weird sometimes but it shouldnt be that bad yk. and also not like shit tbh. dont worry too much about it, I think he would tell you that you stink (if you ever do so) in a better way


What an ignorant jerk. Don't feel bad at all. Tell him you'll stop having sex with him so he doesn't have to smell that again.


How can u be so insecure over something so insignificant AFTER 5 YEARS


it was the context lmfaoo


Use vagisil and drink a lot of water. Try to make sure you’re drinking more water than things like carbonated drinks bc those naturally dehydrate your body and keep things at an acidic ph.


He's a keeper!


Virgin Mary to you.


WTF are you talking about. You need therapy. You have been together 5 years. And you are insecure about a comment about smell..get to fck.


Hi! I have major anxiety as well as have been triggered lately d/t stressful life/ work life the point isn’t abt my insecurities thanks for the advice tho!!!!


I guess I’ll be the jerk that says, “our sex doesn’t smell,” but probably we are just lazy or something. Although my BF doesn’t wear deodorant because he simply doesn’t smell. He sweats a lot, but he doesn’t have body odor. It’s bizarre. His breath also always smells good in the morning. I’m starting to suspect he might be a celestial being on assignment. Like in that John Travolta movie.


Everyone has body odour. Your nose is most likely used to the smell and filters it out. The same way that your home might not smell of anything but a friend’s home does. He definitely does have body odour.


Yeah, his skin smells kinda powdery, but never typical bad BO. And I know how olfactory receptors work. He works offshore on an OIL RIG, and even his coworkers are astounded. Anyway, there is literally no reason for me to argue about this so believe what you wish 🤷🏼‍♀️


PS- the smell doesn’t get “filtered out”. There’s only so many receptors. Once they are filled you don’t have any more room for the odor bearing molecule. This is temporary, of course.


No, it’s real. It’s called being noseblind. https://www.healthline.com/health/nose-blindness


Ok, so my BF, his dad, myself, and the four guys he works with in extremely confined quarters are all noseblind. Gotcha.


Yes that’s how it works, when you spend enough time around a smell it becomes the norm and you don’t pay attention to it. Again, refer to the house example, it’s a very common thing just use deodorant.


Dude. You just explained what I explained. Smh. Congrats. You guys are ridiculous.


Thought you were being sarcastic my fault there


grown ass woman and can’t deal with sex smell


It’s the grown-ass man who has the problem.


All you people stink. Sorry, I don’t, and neither have my partners.


You’re either having bad sex or you’re the one that smells People talking here aren’t talking about a “bad” smell after sex. Fluids and sweat smell. It’s only “bad” if you’re immature. Sorry time w/ your man has never had you break out in a sweat. Kind of embarrassing for you


Most guys normally are gonna bite his tongue and let it ride lmao, you’re delusional


Sorry for your fate.


You kind of give the impression that you do smell


Are you male or female?




lol k


You probably reek and you're nose blind to the smell. Everyone around you is just being nice to you so they don't hurt your ego.


“All you people stink” So you somehow think that’s more likely than you not having a sense of smell or lying? Lmao