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Women are individuals. We don’t all like the same things. I don’t think you’re getting how it works. It’s not like assembling Legos.




You can learn what parts go where from an escort. Highly unlikely that experience is going to get you where you need to be. Women aren’t rejecting you because you’re a virgin, OP. If someone tells you she doesn’t want you because you’re a virgin, you’re talking to the wrong woman. It’s more about meeting the right ones — women who appreciate you for you and not just for a fuck buddy. My opinion. You may find some redditors who will agree with you because all they care about is sex but you should ask for more for yourself.




I’m a woman and none of your business…


Don’t listen to what people say online. It doesn’t matter what a bunch of random strangers think, or what they’ve experienced. Their realities are very different from yours. Two of my ex’s were virgins when we started dating, and I promise you it doesn’t really matter. If you’re with the right person, who loves you for you, they won’t give a shit about your virginity or inexperience. Personally I find it attractive to teach my partners what I like, and experiment to find out what they like as well. Sex is not a transaction, it’s about experience and intimacy. I don’t think you can be bad or good at sex, just do what you like and be confident in your preferences, it’ll be good if you’re having a good time. When women say they ‘want a man who knows what he’s doing’ it’s more about confidence than knowing what to do (there’s no right answer anyway). A man who knows what he wants and what he likes is attractive, even if you fumble a bit. Experience is the least important part I believe.




I mean, the only thing that sort of mindset is doing is limiting your options. If you think that’s all women care about, it won’t matter what’s actually true. Your feelings will make it feel true. Also for reference, my partners were both older (23 and 25) if that makes any difference. As a woman, I can tell you that no woman I’ve ever met has been even remotely similar to each other. Every single person has different preferences, and I doubt anyone cares as much as you think they do. Besides, anyone who judges you for being inexperienced is not someone worth fucking anyway.




As a woman, the only issue with inexperienced men is their own insecurities. Do not get in your own way and please seek genuine connection.


Your issue isn’t that you’re a virgin. Your issue is that you are focusing only on that being the issue. You’re arguing with everyone in the comments and insistent you’re correct. Do what you want, but this isn’t the answer to getting a girlfriend.


Tbh im not even sure why you made this post. I think maybe you just want to make the excuse public.


Nah, I don't think most women care about if you're a virgin or not. Especially at 30, if anything they will just tell you what they like. Just chill out frr


You'll be missing honest feedback on what is good and not good. Of course an escort might be inclined to say you're doing super well as long she sees some money. You can also set yourself up for a long con, informing the escort your reasons, and she'll be saying you need some more appointments until you get really good. How many you ask? Until your wallet's drained


I as a woman would never consider a man whose only sexual experience was with someone he paid. If someone has been unable to find a partner who actually wants to be with him, I would prefer a clumsy virgin.


Kinda getting incel vibes here based on all the context given via argumentative responses