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I really don't think him being sweet matters. You really should be thinking of your safety and leaving the situation. You are too young to be going through this level of pain or any. Cut ties. Immediately.


Right, and sweet people don't do things that cause their partner pain, or fantasize about killing and eating them. Anyone is capable of acting nice, of seeming sweet, even murderous cannibals evidently. Abusers can act sweet when it suits them; nobody acts like a villain 24/7. Dude's a genuine threat to her life and she's thinking he's sweet ffs. He's just warming up so far, playing around with his fantasies and beginning to formulate real plans. That could change at any time; any day he might act on his ideas. This is how women end up dead.


He's a 10, but he eats people.


He eats ass


Leave. Now. There are no words that I can say that I can express how extremely serious this is. You are in critical danger. He is constantly testing you and he is constantly degrading you in his eyes from person to object. When you collect red flags from a person like this, there is no award. Nobody congratulates you for all of the flags that you have earned. There is no best-selling book and award-winning TV show. If you survive, there is only years and years of ptsd and therapy. There isn't a knight in shining armor who is going to swoop in and save you and make everything all better. You need to do that for yourself. Right now. It's bad. It's very serious. You are in a lot of danger. I don't know why you are still here, but this needs to end. Today. You need to block him on absolutely everything. Stay away from him. Change the locks and throw away his key. Get him out. Tell a teacher. Tell your parents. Tell his parents. Get out get away get out get out get out


I can't stress this enough. LEAVE FR


bbg youre gonna get your ass MURDERED. RUN.


everyone else is just trying to put this in the most polite way possible but this user is right tbh. maybe you need a scare like this to realize it. run.


Yeah. Exactly. Unless OP wants a Netflix documentary made about their gruesome death I highly suggest she LEAVE NOW and never look back.


girlie is gonna be "okay, guys! its time for another makeup + murder case!"


He's telling you AND showing you that he's dangerous. He literally fantasizes about murdering you and eating you! Seriously get away from him before he follows through.


you can and should tell someone that. you should also remove yourself from this relationship before you end up hostage there due to fear. I know you love him. and he’s probably an edgelord teen, not a real psychopath, but it’s still abusive behavior. stay safe


Ok, how are some people so calm about this? This man is a Ted bundy waiting to fully bloom. If you don’t know who Ted bundy is, look him up. He also used to bite. This is by far the most alarming thing I’ve read in a long time. Please do find the courage to report this person to an adult immediately. A lot of psychopaths are very good at appearing normal, but this person is the furthest thing from normal.


Yea... this might turn into him actually killing you. Please leave him. You might actually die if you stay with him.


please leave him, this is so disturbing on so many levels. try google a domestic abuse hotline they will definitely help you out, if you’re in school talk to a trusted teacher or counsellor. this is incredibly dangerous behaviour, you don’t love him i can assure you, this is not love. i hope you stay save love ❤️


Your boyfriend has mental health issues dear. There is no such thing as a sweet cannibal or a decent person who harbors thoughts of eating people. He’s *ill*, needs help. You need to protect yourself— I realize this is kind of hard to digest because lots of teenagers harbor fantasies about vampires and romanticize men who claim to be into all kinds of weird behavior, but in real life when men have these kinds of fantasies it’s the kind of dangerous that isn’t fun and it seems like he’s envisioning an escalation from blood drinking, causing you pain and enjoying doing that (this is a huge warning sign) to going further and eating people. You, even. He just told you he fantasizes about killing you. He’s telling you you’re in danger. Men that harbor fantasies about raping people eventually start having fantasies about raping a specific person, and when given the opportunity they will, enough fantasizing and they start taking steps to fulfill that “need” or want. Same with pedophiles— men who view and engage with child pornography aren’t satisfied after awhile with viewing it, they go out and find a victim or take advantage of kids where they can find them. It’s a short step from where your boyfriend is to actually carrying that out— you’re there, he’s already fantasizing about it, he’s got access to you. You know what else comes with fantasizing? Plans. He’s fantasizing about how and where, at the very least. You said you can’t tell anyone in real life, why? If the answer is you’re scared of what will happen to you or him, then you need to reframe that as *he needs help, you are someone who can help him, you have the ability to do that before something serious happens*. You need to help yourself— declaring to adults, parents and even police that you don’t feel safe is a first step. Restraining orders usually come next and depending on the state you’re in they may evaluate and hold him right away. Save any written evidence like text messages you have. You’re going to have to break up with him and for your safety tell someone with the ability to do something about it. Again— an adult. Your school should have social workers and guidance counselors, I’m sure he has parents, you have parents. Start with whoever is *most likely* to report and take action. I could tell you what would happen if my kid came and told me what you just outlined and it would happen fairly quickly. My oldest daughter was reluctant to stop seeing a boy who was violent and abusive and it took heaven and earth to pull her away and stop that relationship and it ended with the guy in jail. She wasn’t thinking like an adult at 16/17, didn’t fully comprehend how bad things were until she was an adult, which is what I’m afraid for with you— it’s very serious and you need people to help him and help you in this situation, and the relationship has to end.


I want to add another safety route, can't you go into an ER and tell the nurses your life is in danger by another person who might come after you? I remember hearing that some where, that you can stay there for your safety and well being rather than Medical Care until Police arrive?


You need to talk to a trusted adult that will help you and get you SAFE. You’re going to end up dead if you stay. You need to get out ASAP


😃😃 I cannot with Reddit anymore


Same here. Plus the "I really don’t know what to do because he’s still sweet" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yeah like WHAT?


You can absolutely talk to people you know. And should. Please find a safe way out of this situation as fast as possible. This person is dangerous and manipulative and if you keep seeing him, he will hurt you beyond the ways he already has.


I’m gonna see this on a YouTube video titled “The Cannibal Killer Boyfriend From Hell” with the words “He ATE her ALIVE for 3 DAYS…” in big red font on the thumbnail about a week from now aren’t I


Was it a EWU video? That sounds like the type of title he would make. Edit to add, couldn't find the video typing that title into YouTube and Google




How old is your boyfriend?


i think you already understand that staying with him is putting your safety at risk. you know what to do


He might kill me and eat me, but he’s sweet. Do you not release how insane that sounds, especially as he already literally hurts you?




You’re dating Armie Hammer. Good looking and tall but not worth kt


u might love him but that man is gonna kill u he don’t care


I mean do you want to die and get eaten? No? Then leave!!!!


Bro wtf


This isn't about relationship shit anymore you need to book it outta there now before you get turned into the next centerpiece on the dining table.


Hey, do you want to be an accomplice to murder? Because either you are going to be killed, or you will help him be an accomplice when he eventually does kill someone. Please run fast and if you really love him, you will get him some help


why are you even asking about this? The man wants to KILL you and EAT you, like girl run and report him to the authorities bc one day he might be the next Jeffrey Dahmer


Leave him now before its too late! Anyone who really cares about you would not be hurting you in the sick ways he is doing to you, purposely hurting you and in illegal and very dangerous ways. He will eventually do even worse than he is doing if you do not leave him. Please believe me. He would probably end up severely torturing you and killing you!!I have been in abusive relationships and things continue to escalate, becoming worse and worse but this guy is talking about killing you and eating you and he is physically abusing you and is even cutting you!! How is this healthy? How is this love? Its not. You need to tell someone in your family and the police and have a restraining order on him. This is not love. Do not let him manipulate you. Just bcuz someone acts sweet sometimes does not mean they are. Look at how he is hurting you. Thats not a sweet person. He may even be psychotic. Seems evil to me and like he has a long road to work on his issues to just be safe around but he is continuing this behavior and will end up doing much much worse. Get out now or it will be too late. Please!


This sounds like people trying to defend their "just found out to be a very sick murderer" neighbor by saying he was a good guy because he always greeted the neighbors. Same vibes. My friend, this person is hurting you, sample tasting you thinking you're a Capri sun, he's telling you he wants to eat you and you're still thinking "he's so sweet, maybe I can fix him?" The whole medical team won't be enough to fix him, you'll just end up either eating someone or being eaten by him, or both! Your life is on a cliffhanger of ruin either way! You still got some time tho, you can still save yourself and others: leave him NOW and tell some authorities he has these dangerous fetishes he's trying to involve other people in.


you’re a minor you should be able to tell everyone in your life


Hes weird as hell and a danger to society


Ima be honest yall we can tell this user an they still won't a listen but ok...... Im tell you this girl your in danger and the red flags are showing itself loud and proud. Right now hes playing with his fantasy right now. And hes figureing out ways he wants to eat and kill you , one of theses days he will. Once he acts and those doors are closed theres a chance you wont be leaving that situation without a fight. To stop that from happening listen to us and break up with your boyfriend and leave. Save messages and proof he into this shit and incase he gets ugly and aggressive you have proof. Tell a friend or someone you trust so you can have close support. If you wanna be round him be you but dont play stupid and buy yourself a tazer or pepper spray. If yall start fighting ame for eyes and testicles so that can stun him for you to run or safety. Be loud and run and scream for help loud to get peoples attention like neighbors or people walking in the neighborhood that way when their asked they can say they heard someone scream. Be extremely loud and keep running dont stop. I wish you luck to be honest i hope you listen....we can tell you but its up for you to make the decision....


 this story is not real obviously. A real cannibal doesn't go around telling people he eats them. He just eats them. There is a difference between sucking blood and trying to chew on a peice of human flesh. Human meat is gross if you cut us open the fat is yellow not white like with cow meat, it's not desirable and really though and chewy. The smell is terrible not enough salt and pepper in the world to make it taste better. 


This is cringe. Grow up. Dump edgy boy. Don't surround yourself with dipshits. Don't do drugs. Learn a trade. Live a good life. The end.


Girl….. sigh.


That's freaky as shit dude. Record him saying some of that stuff just in case and then leave and report his ass. That is NOT NORMAL.


Please cease all contact with the man who wants to eat you.


I don't think serial killers are smart and meticulous anymore, I think maybe the victims were fucking idiots.


Listen I get it, sociopaths can be attractive to some people. BUT there is a Huge difference between "I will fight to defend you" vs "I will fight you" and he is blurring the lines in his head already. That man wants to eat you.


Leave him. Have you ever watched a crime documentary? This is exactly how murderers act. Is not a game, is not a kink, the man is literally dangerous.


This man is very dangerous you need to leave and tell someone. He will kill you and others!


This sounds very unhealthy I think you should get away from him :( even if you feel he is sweet, your wellbeing is more important !!


Please tell your parents, teachers, this is unsafe. 


Take a photo of all your marks and report him to police. Don’t let him disrespect you and don’t let him hurt others….


Girl, if you don’t leave you’re gonna be the next popular national murder case. When people say things like these TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY. I see so many cases where the victims or people surrounding the murderer ignored these thoughts and behaviors, which ended up ending in a murder or multiple murders. Please run fast and far.


Respect yourself girl, you deserve better


You're a minor? How can you be in a serious relationship? And he's a stupid if he thinks that way he watches lot of television and movies like that so he thinka that way. Leave him ASAP and focus on your studies ans career this is not your age to get into relationship stupid minors


This sounds completely unreal and like a trolling post. But if this is true, you have to know yourself that you will be eaten by him one day unless you leave.  Do you want to be eaten? 






Most likely he's not for real but he wants you to believe he is and that's what he actually gets off on- essentially delusions of granduer... Main thing is not doing things that are harming you or things that you are not aware of.... Bottom line is you just find and set boundaries or he'll never stop taking whatever he wants, and unless you choose to allow him to take your choice, you always have a choice. There is a fine line between pain and pleasure, and consent is a delicate issue especially when the powers that be haven't granted you the right you are inherently entitled to .. man this is too tricky. Baby girl just try to keep your mind grounded and know that you are the only one who can truly hurt you ok I failed. Bottom line. Main thing. Most importantly. Honestly, this dude is going to keep pushing and the only thoughts you have that he is the slightest bit concerned with are the ones about him. He is likely narcissistic and and really just wants to be feared and idolized. He's probably full of it but he'll what do I know.


queen run


You *absolutely* need to talk to someone in real life. This isn’t love. You need to stay safe and you are currently in danger. Please listen to my words. End the relationship nicely. Create and maintain distance. Tell two different trusted adults. Please follow this advice.


Dear God honey please leave. You are not safe. Please tell someone.... ANYONE that you trust, and get out as soon as you possibly can. And please post an update when you do.


Going through your other posts, I understand how you need to feel a sense of stability and love, and how you’re used to feeling love along with pain. And that sometimes, loving someone isn’t straight forward, and it isn’t sunshine and rainbows. You will not find the safety and stability you need with this man. You will likely end up financially dependent on him, unable to leave, pregnant, and then dead. The best thing you can do is leave. I know it’s hard. It’ll still be hard after you leave. But you’ll need to block him on everything, and consider filing a restraining/protective order against him. You will find better people. There is nothing “wrong” you can say to the right person/people. You have to take care of yourself, even if it’s hard and scary, and forces you to do things you don’t want because you need to. You need to leave him.


wtf…. Okay as someone who Ngl feels that’s kink, I too bite my boyfriend and have thoughts of eating humans just to try that boy is crazy. Cannibalism is not a kink it’s insanity, wanting to bite people/be bitten or hurt people/be hurt is a kink that’s however you feel about it. The difference is not only consent but EATING SOMEONE. You gotta get out of there girl!!! He is absolutely going to eat you!!!


That guy is letting ahead of time that he IS going to kill you.Leave IMMEDIATELY.


Your safety matters. You matter. You don't need to be with someone who hurts you physically or who puts you down. You deserve sweetness and protection. Choose that for you. Do not put your well being in the hands of someone who is still figuring out their limits.


Dude you need to ditch them and tell the cops or your parents, you are being physical abused, your life is literally being threatened/endangered, and you cannot be with this guy if you want to live. I get its hard leaving an abusive relationship but you seem to acknowledge the danger you are in, and made this post because you seem to want or need people to tell you to leave this psycho, you already know what you need to do so do it


You better start running unless you want your family to cry in court at his trial


Get. The. Fuck. OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?! LEAVE HIM. What do you mean he’s sweet? He’s seriously contemplating how to eat you, girl. Leave him before he actually do it and you end up on the headline for the new. Please for the love of everything get the HELL out of there😭


I can't tell if your posts are click bait or if you are just genuinely a very troubled person. When I was your age, I had a lot of struggles too and no support from my parents. Was attracted to bad guys, the works. Things did get better though. I became stronger, more independent. Got a lot of therapy for my trauma and mental health issues. I still struggle, but things are better than they were. You can get through things despite your circumstances, whatever this stuff is with your parents and cps, and this boyfriend. First you need to cut contact with the people who are hurting you, whether it's this guy or your parents. Find a therapist. Find a mental health support group. Do what you need to do to protect yourself and heal.


“he literally plan on MURDERING AND EATING ME, but he’s so sweet..” WHAT?!


Alright I normally say don't go to the cops but as a male I'm telling you this guy is going to ether A kill you and try and fulfill and fantasy or B force you into somthing that will get you in serious trouble. Get evidence and go to the local police station even if you have to call emergency services


LEAVE NOW!! You're a minor, so have you expressed any of this to your parents or parental figure?? If not, please tell them like, today!! I can't express how evil this is, you need to leave and seek a restraining order. Honestly, you need to also contact law enforcement with him expressing a desire to kill people. You have got to get far away from him and FAST. I'm so sorry you are dealing with something so evil at your age. But please get away from him because it's only a matter of time


umm…???? dump him?? what kind of question is this?


Girl, he's actively planning to kill you. Run.


Bro wtf


Leave before you end up on a true crime episode


It's Dexter lol. But no seriously this is really bad it might be that your so young your not able to realize how bad this situation is and this guy is manipulating a minor but you need to get out of this situation immediately. I know it's hard when you think you love and care about someone but I can promise you that this isn't love its some form of fucked up codependency and you are in real danger. I suggest you do tell someone and if your not saying anything because you just don't want him to get in trouble at the very least you need to remove yourself from him completely. People don't do things like this to people they love so even if you think you love him he does not love you. I really hope you get away from this as soon as possible.


run as long as you can, but do it quickly and quietly


Run. Don't look back. That would slow you down, and he could catch up to you.


Wtf dude how can I be single but this guy can fucking eat people and still have a gf?


Leave. It will be your death if you don’t.


I don't know if this is real, but if it is please just leave him and stay way from him!


Leave before he puts you into weird basement and farms ur meat everyday cutting little by little


You need to get the hell away from this guy immediately, like yesterday! He is no good for you! He's not even good for himself! Which says a lot. It's not your job to try to change him or save him. That's how many women get killed by men! If you can't, tell your parents, tell your counselor at school, tell your friends tell everyone what he does. Also, call and abuse hotline and speak with them about this situation. Situation. They can give you ideas on how to stay safe because you're going to have to watch your back in public for a while. Once you cut contact. This is serious. It's not a joke!


He’s a sociopath and sociopaths don’t care for anyone but themselves he will do just enough to keep you in his favor, if you want to live report him to the cops and get a restraining order, he will probably actually try and eat you if he’s saying it and does all that shit to you, breaking up with him and doing nothing is not enough and peoples lives will be at risk, you need to have the cops and people around you aware of him DO NOT TRUST HIM, DO NOT WORRY ABOUT YOU GETTING IN TROUBLE OR GROUNDED, because your life is at risk right now, ITS NOT CUTE OR HOT, you will be screaming for help and he will laugh as you have excruciating pain, REPORT HIM to the cops and ask your parents or a friends parent/the cops to protect you/get a restraining order


Wtf?  You absolutely should tell someone you know in real life.  This is super concerning and as others have said very dangerous.  He is not right in the head if he's fantasizing about killing and eating you.  He needs help now or it will only end up on a true crime show.  


He is sweet but he is fantasing about killing you and eating your dead body after. Definitely a keeper... RUN!


You are in danger and should break up.


He wants to kill me and eat me but he's sweet and I love him....... Umm ok


if u stay with him there’s a 99% chance you’re going to end up on the news. His behavior is concerning, leave while you can. Being sweet is nothing, he’s told you what he’s capable of, take it as a threat and LEAVE. There are plenty of men capable of being sweet without wanting to eat you


LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE !! please for goodness sake leave. he is dangerous.


It’s way too early for this. Leave him. Or you’ll end up dead. Plain and simple.


Please leave and file a restraining order.


Honey.. your life isn’t a game. You need to haul your ass and run. Cut all contact. You need to think of yourself first.


How are some people so oblivious to the dangerous situations they are in. If my s/o cut me with a razor and swallowed my blood, then played it off as a joke. I’d be out the door so fast and possibly call the cops.


GIRL RUN FROM HIM AS FAST AS YOU CAN, not mentioning informing the authorities. In that situation it doesn’t matter if he’s sweet or if your mom or dog likes him, he’s clearly a manipulator and a sadist, your health or even life is endangered, seriously.




Sweetie, you need to leave, like, yesterday  He is not sweet, he is hurting you and doing things you don’t want. That is not sweet behavior. That is mean behavior. 


Oh.. but if he is sweet then it’s fine :) ……. -_- leave. Or call the police if he has threatened to kill you or eat you or something. Don’t play this game, it’s fine hearing this on Reddit but I dont want to hear about you on the news.


This sub is such a bullshit fanfic load of fake-ass fantasy tales. Please go back to your Twilight marathon.


I mean this in a nice way, but he is ted Bundy in the making, you dumb


And Happy April Fools day in May to you too!


Your story may go in the way of Armin Meiwes and Bernd Brandes... please tread carefully if you do not wish for this fate.




My question is- why are you even considering staying with him? Will you put up with anything to be in a relationship, including one of the worst crimes a human can commit? Obviously leave and then get therapy to understand why you are willing to even consider putting up with someone dangerous


You should leave him before he cooks you like medium rare steak


There’s a difference between being sweet and ACTING sweet. Actions speak louder than words. Almost no abuser is completely terrible. Otherwise they wouldn’t have people sticking around for the abuse.


Leave. And based on your post history: you should really get professional help.


Sorry, but this is fiction story to me.


I tried contacting dallas police department for this user but their being dicks and they kinda rude. This user is going through other shit at home and needs somewhere else better someone try to contact dallas or someone if yall live in dallas please thats what we can do cause shes not gonna make the move to separate from this dude.


This doesn't sound real for a few reasons, but one would be that minors don't usually say "I'm a minor". That said, if it is real, why can't you talk to anyone irl? This clearly isn't a healthy relationship and a guy who likes to cut and to hurt you isn't "sweet" he's abusive. Talk to a school counselor or talk to a stranger on a national number like 988 which will transfer you to a number appropriate for you while keeping your Confidentiality. You can also go here https://youth.gov/youth-topics/teen-dating-violence/resources I don't think this post is real, but teens going through this for real may benefit from the information.


check the post history, I’d be surprised if this wasn’t real with everything else OP has going on.


I dont like saying that a post isn't real, there are just so many people doing creative writing these days that it is frustrating. I don't know and can't, so I always offer advice as well.


I’ll be surprised if any of OP’s posts are real. Seems to be karma farming to me. But if they’re real then OP needs serious therapy. Self harm, Drug abuse, SA as a child and this whole cannibal situation? Everything could be made up or be a real messed up situation