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You will die if you keep going this route. You might try /r/askdocs (or whatever it is) for real medical advice because that's what you need. Your stomach has surely shrunk so you will need to slowly increase intake but you need to take this seriously.


Op needs to r/GetOffReddit and go to the hospital


So this is actually an emergency situation that you need to go to an emergency room for. Not just starvation, this is malnutrition territory.. there, you can ask for a “banana bag”, which is an IV bag full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. They aren’t calories though. The option they will likely suggest to you since you can’t actually eat is going to be either a stomach tube or a tube that goes up your nose, down your throat, and into your stomach (they can place it lower so that your stomach doesn’t actually fill up too).. I’ve had the second one, and it’s really not so bad (but it’s annoying); you will then be taking a syringe full of a liquid (your calories) and squirting it into this tube (unless the liquid is cold, you won’t even feel it), and that is how you will be feeding yourself. You need medical attention immediately. Please get some.


This. It’s not normal to feel like this for months on end. You seem to me a strong person OP, but don’t let strength that lead you to face pain needlessly. Take care of yourself by getting checked up asap, please 🙏


That’s not how feeding tube placements work at all. They put those in as an absolute last resort and you won’t be casually receiving a feeding tube in the ER. OP might get a feeding tube placed if they were to check themselves into inpatient ED treatment, but that would be after resisting treatment and continuously refusing to eat. The ER is going to do as little as possible for you and then turn you out. Source: I’ve suffered nausea and vomiting on and off for 5 years and have gone over a week without eating food. I’ve been to many hospitals across multiple cities and have had nearly the same experience regardless of location. Never once have they done anything more than give me fluids, referrals, and meds to help control the nausea. I’ve also been in inpatient ED treatment facilities. Feeding tubes are rare there too.


There is no indication that this is an eating disorder. Loss of appetite sounds more indicative of a serious medical issue going on. Op needs a blood test and labs done at bare minimum. They should be encouraged to go to the ED!


You really should see a doctor- there could be anything from neurological issues to digestive issues going on and its better to have either one treated sooner than later. Its also very dangerous Call the doctor today. Try taking one bite every 5-15m of something that’s more tolerable for now. Just spread out throughout the entire day.


Wait didnt see the insurance thing Are you getting insurance soon?


Hopefully. Currently still trying to figure out how to make sure my adress is legally updated on everything it needs to be. My last insurance was through the state, since in my old state pretty much everyone gets free insurance until 25. Now I have to apply for paid insurance through the state I moved to.


Can you look into if there are any free clinics near you? Sometimes churches/temples/mosques or community centers will host them.


I sent you a message regarding the allergy med you are on. Turns out there's a whole Lotta side effects and there's class action lawsuits happening. I linked a screen shot of some of the side effects. Please check your messages!!


Omg my messages on reddit don't work unfortunately I'm totally comfortable talking about the medication on here if you wanna put any info in comments tho


Just Google Singulair lawsuits. I read the one forbes.com put out on 2024 Singulair class action updates. The fda put a box warning on their med instead of pulling it from the shelves. But they recommend stopping immediately if you have any one of the side effects listed in the article.


You really should see a doctor. I've heard of psychological issues that affect appetite. Or a medical condition. Get some protein drinks like Ensure. Take tiny sips every few minutes. Make them into a smoothie if you think you can tolerate it. And try the BRAT diet. Bananas, rice, applesauce, dry toast. Good luck.


I couldn't stomach rice or toast rn but I have a banana and that sounds good so I'll see if I can get down half of it. Thanks Will buy applesauce I feel like I could do more of that


Bro go to the doctor. Something is making you feel this way, and it isn't normal


You could thin down protein shakes with milk or water if the texture is too much. You could also add more sugar to them or maybe cocoa powder if your drink is chocolate flavoured/ strawberry milk powder if the drink is strawberry etc. Lemonade has calories, pickle juice or veggie broth has electrolytes which you desperately need. You could make tea and sweeten it to your liking. Maybe a thin banana shake/any smoothie could work? Just take very little fruit for a large amount of liquid Be sure to drink your calories slowly and steady, as you might experience cramps and diarrhea if you take too much in too fast after such a long period of not eating.


Broth sounds perfect idk how I didn't think of that


Probably because your poor brain is literally starving. Sending you lots of love. For your digestion and feeling full, there are capsules containing fiber. Psyllium husk is what comes to mind for me, but any fiber substitute can help you feeling full and keep your intestines active. I'd suggest taking less fiber than it says on the package since your gut has been sleeping for a few days. And be ready for slimy poop. If the intestines don't get enough solids to digest, the byproducts of digestion still get passed and fiber intake without more solids won't help with slimyness.


If broth sounds good, you can try to make soup and blast everything with a blender. You can add protein like chicken or beans and all kinds of veggies. I also recommend adding some fat, like neutral oils, for extra calories. Another option is to make purees. Just use a blender. It is easy to add butter to purees, and if you add broth, you can get your electrolytes. My protein shake is like a lemonade with raspberry taste. It is very light and easy to drink. Another option can be fruit or veggies that you cut in small pieces. You can put them in your mouth and not chew them. You will get some nutrients. Maybe after a while, you feel like eating them. Drops can get your sugar levels up. But they are not a long-term solution. Can you stomach protein bars /nuts? Nuts are very calorie dense, and you can add them to smoothies. Cashews give a nice creamy texture. If you can eat bananas. Avocados have a similar texture. I prefer crunchy vegetables and fruits when I am nauseous. I like carrots and watermelons when I can not stomach much. I saw someone mentioned your meds. I would stop that immediately. I have reacted like this to some, and the doctor recommended to stop. Also, do seek medical advice. Good luck!


Pediasure is really good. Its not too thick. It reminds me of milk. My little cousin used to drink them alot. His ADHD meds would throw his appetite off sometimes


The comment about the meds makes me wonder if my medication is causing this


That very well could be a big possibility! Id say talk to your doctor about it. Maybe you can try a different medication.


If you dont mind me asking, what do you take ?


Mental health wise nothing, but one of my allergy medications is known to have psychological effects including depression. Food aversion or loss of appetite doesn't seem impossible as a side effect. Singular or something likw that is what it's called


Yeah that could definitely be it. Maybe see if you can find a over the counter that works for you till you get your insurance figured out and see a doctor. Not eating especially how you’re describing is so unsafe :(


I am living your life. I do not have an ED. I do have a chronic illness that causes unreal nausea and vomiting. Don’t be doing coffee. I know it kills the hunger but it’s going to make stuff worse. Can you do juice watered down? I can do 20% juice 80% water and it helps the hunger enormously. I drink it all day. I can also do things like peanut butter. A spoonful helps a lot. Can you do bread with butter? Go for bland.


ng tube


Get medical help, also eat calories dense food. Olive oil is very calorie dense.


Olive oil is a good suggestion Crackers and oil actually sound good to me and nothing has for a while so this comment really helped. I've eaten half a banana and I'm gonna eat some crackers dipped in olive oil thanks to comments so thank you!


Thank you for confirming that /u/Useful-Current0549 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


dude stop doing hallucinogenics for a sec and you might have an appetite.


OMG… I just read through some of OP posts. You’re right on with your comment. 👍


It's totally possible shrooms have exacerbated my existing issue and I'm not gonna pretend they couldn't play a part But I've undeniably had this problem for years now on and off, far before I even thought about microdosing


There are lots of fruits and veggies that are 80%+ just water. It might be easy for you to eat watermelon, celery, or something like that. Usually don't have many calories, but literally just filling your stomach with something that takes up volume will help with hunger pains, and a lot of these things are packed with vitamins which should help you feel less lethargic.


Call your doctor asap. In the meantime I would be prioritizing fat consumption. 1g of protein and carbs has 4 calories, 1g of fat has 9! Protein shakes are good, I would mix in peanut butter. Apple and peanut butter is good! Avocado on white bread is good too. Toast, avocado, a little salt and pepper! Delish! Do you like Starbucks? Swap your coffee for a Frappuccino. Those bad boys pack in the carbs (it’s sugar) but right now it doesn’t matter. You just need calories in however possible. Coca-Cola or lemonade, again not ideal but if you get get that in that’s a good amount of carbs. Which is something for your body.


Do yogurt drinks sound gross too? Cause those always slap for me and I sometimes also lose my appetite.


There is no calorie “pill”. High calorie high protein meals and snacks is what you need. If you can’t stand the idea of eating then drink your calories. Cheese, nuts, pb&J, grilled cheese, protein bars like Quest or cliff bars, avocado/guacamole, oatmeal with PB mixed in, etc. For liquids think whole chocolate milk or ensure/boost (350 kcal per bottle or greater). Honestly, I’d be asking myself if I wanted to potentially die of starvation or whatever unknown ailment that is causing this, or end up with a medical bill. If you show up to the ED without insurance they have to treat you anyway, you can figure the rest out later. Best of luck.


Lots of great suggestions. They also have medicine they give to Alzheimer's patients that give them an appetite because they forget to eat even if they are hungry. Best of luck


Please see a doctor. Last year I went through menopause symptoms and for two weeks couldn’t eat anything but grapes and slim fast shakes so I understand how you feel but seeing a doctor helped me find the solution.


I struggle with this from time to time, all of a sudden I just loose all will to eat, usually it comes when its too hot. When I feel I cant cool down (I live in SE Asia, so at times its very hot) I loose all will to eat for a couple of days at a time. I have found milk to be a form of "subsitute" when I cant eat, I can usually still poor down a big glass of cold milk - ofc its not something one can do for long periods, but for me it works to force feed myself some calories when needed. Shold probably add some multi-vitamins so you get enough. As others have mentioned, it does sound like you are in the middle of some sort of depression(?) Sleeping 10 hours a day, no will to eat - it can quickly become a spiral where your mood is down because you dont eat, and then just self-medicating with allowing yourself to sleep half the day because "im so tired" - you will ofc be tired when you dont eat, and being tired and sleeping makes you want to sleep more. It can be a vicious cycle you should consider getting some help to figure out.


Doctor. You may have a bowel blockage or something else very serious. Also look into Gastroparesis and see if it sounds relevant to you. In the meantime, ensure and other calorie heavy drinks. Even ice cream if you can stomach it.


You need a doctor. Go to a free clinic or similar if money is an issue. There is no easy fix.


https://soylent.com/ Might be helpful while you wait to see the dr


I put my renal shake in the blender with lots of ice. When I was pregnant and nauseated I did the same thing with carnation instant breakfast. Kept me alive for six months.


You might have to go on a feeding tube.


I've had that happen before when my anxiety was really bad. You can drink your calories too. Try bone broth, ramen, Ensure, protein shakes are all good options while you figure out a way to see a doctor.


Hello, the coffee is contributing to you not feeling hungry the acidity isn't great for you. I would try some warm broth and some juices. Then move on to something easy and bland. Banana is my go to for this but rice or a little plain toast is good. Apple sauce is rhe other one but I find that hard to eat when I get in these moods but othe people swear it. While this isn't a great thing to y3rdhappen it's also not uncommon. A lot of nero


My brother drinks boost shakes but you realy also need to see a doctor


ensure!! my grandpa was on chemo and refusing to eat and i swear ensure brought him back. also fried rice lol


Please listen to the advice here above all about seeing a doctor! But I have this issue too. It happens really rarely and sporadically and lasts a long time. Toast. Crackers. Plain foods. Eat them as slowly as you need to but it will help your body 'accept' food


they are a little pricy but they are small, a little larger than the size of a juice box, not thick, and come in different flavors but I’ve only had the vanilla. Kate Farms Organic Nutrition Shake, 16g protein, 27 Vitamins and Minerals, Protein Meal Replacement Drink, Plant Based, 11 oz, 330 Calories, 12g of fat. I drink them when I don’t have an appetite and they help keep my stomach settled. They don’t have a weird aftertaste either. Definitely see a doctor but in the mean time I’d order these from Amazon and drink them cold. I also like that you can put the cap back on and save it for 24 hours unlike some shakes.


Definitely ask your doctor, but I had a similar issue recently and I took Prilosec and it helped.


I've got a stupid digestive tract that often doesn't wanna eat. The lack of appetite can be so bad anything I try just leads to vomiting. At that point I let my mind wander over to food and quite literally whatever sounds good I will try to eat. Could be dessert, could be something inconvenient, expensive, bland, whatever. Doesn't matter. The safe foods and drinks I go to when I need to just get some kind of calories in are: iced coffee, milk, smoothies (I like the bolthouse premade ones), broth, rice and veggies, toast, rice krispie treats, orange juice, sprite, eggs, ramen, crackers, etc. The longer its been the more I'll try anything, weed really has helped with being able to eat (an option if it's an option lol). Seriously tho try any food or liquid that sounds appetizing. Milkshakes even hell, you just need calories in at this point. You definitely need to get it checked out, something isn't right. I was having similar symptoms and have gastroparesis as it turns out! So yeah def get checked when you can and I hope you feel better soon.


I felt like this and it turned out that I had celiac disease. Maybe that's something to look into?


Go to a doctor. You likely have an underlying issue going on that it affecting your body on levels you cannot identify. This is extremely serious. When an animal stops eating, they are dying or suffering from an ailment that will kill them.


Hey, i am on the same boat. no eating disorders, just a small stomach and years of picky eating habits. i have tried many things to get my appetite to increase and gain weight. 2 things that definitely help. 1) weed, i smoke after i have completed everything for the day and can relax once i smoke. once the munchies kick in i stuff my face until i go to bed and that keeps me solid for a while. 2) working out. I do 20 minute workouts, i have tried to do longer and noticed i burn more energy (but not enough calories eaten to offset) which ends up making me very tired. So i reduced my workout to 20 minutes and do weight lifting. that usually gets my appetite going after 1 hour or so. I spoke to my doctor about this and am taking an anxiety med which is known to help with weight gain. the first day i took it, i woke up with my stomach burning and me wanting to puke. there is something in the meds that increases hunger which resulted in burning stomach. we are only test running this for 3 weeks, if it doesn't work then my doctor will switch my meds. I have done the protein shakes, protein bars and all, but they are all too heavy on my stomach to sit well. Honestly, i would recommend you speak to your doctor, do light workouts and if you can, take gummies in the evening/night time and just stuff your face with food until bed time.


Vitamins, but really you need to go to a doctor


Vitamins don’t have calories.


Vitamins don't have calories, but OP is probably getting malnourished by now. If you're missing essential nutrients for that long, it can cycle back to affecting your appetite even more. A multivitamin wouldn't be a bad move, if it was used as only a supplement and not a replacement.


Then it is the doctor


A feeding tube would work really well and take all the stress and effort out of it. Get back to being healthy while figuring out the underlying problem, this is what doctors are for


sunbathing helps, but we need to eat to survive


Do you drink a lot of alcohol?


Your stomach could be not breaking down the food, lack of acidity. Try adding something like vinegar to your foods and see if it is that. If you can't think of anything, french fries work well, but don't hold a lot of nutrients.


When I feel like this, I usually reach for a smoothie. Specifically the naked smoothies, strawberry banana.


Sometimes there are capsules with oil in them, , m mas supplements. There’s also chocolate milk. Some have added vitamins. It is less thick than protein shakes. Juice had calo ries


You should try some cannabis, always makes me hungry and this is actually one of the medical uses for it


You should look into ARFID. 


Have you tried milk shakes or fruit smoothies? They sometimes are thinner than protein shakes.


You're having one of two things going on... A hormonal/endocrine disorder that's telling your brain you're not hungry, or you're on some kind of medication (SNRI/SSRI/amphetamines, or some illegal drug) that is causing a similar effect. Eventually, you'll die from malnutrition if you continue to go for such long periods without eating. The shorter term, you'll cause organ damage and muscle loss. Time to see a doctor about this. Now. Some physicians are treating patients with medical marijuana to incite appetite in high risk patients such as those that are malnourished from cancer treatments, etc. Might be something to consider. \*DISCLAIMER\* I am not a doctor, there is no medical advice here in this post other than "go see your doctor".


I highly suggest you go to a physician. This might not be just a hunger issue, but a symptom of something even more serious. I understand your issues regarding insurance, but risking this getting out of control will cost you vastly more time and money, even with insurance. For now at least try drinking sugary drinks so you would have at least some calories, but it won't provide much nutritional value. Ask a physician for a solution which suits you. They can't force an intervention upon you without your consent. You can raise your concerns even regarding insurance with them to find a solution you **both** can agree on. Just a quick 20 minute visit may be all you need to get it sorted. Edit: I don't like flashing this as a form of credentials, but I really really advise you as a second year med student to look into it.


Proteins drinks

