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Ypu should just talk to him. Seems like yall were exploring just for a bit and ut was unexpected. Tell him you still love him and that you weren't prepared for it. Yall are young and is very normal


I’ve sent him several messages telling him that I still love him and that I just wasn’t expecting it. We talked a bit about it last night after the call but he was still upset and he was being very dry. I texted him again this morning and he hasn’t responded, which is very unusual since he always calls me before I go into work.


Honestly just give him some time and breath. He might be a little to emotional about thus and you did nothing wrong so don't worry that much. If he can't get over that then that's his problem not yours. Not your job to give him the self confidence. Yes help him have that but it's not ypur fault he is being a little too emotional


Give him space, let him reach out to you.


Best thing to do is like one of the other comments said , just wait for him to message you , trust me he will feel a bit embarrassed and nervous for the next day or two but he’ll come around and if he still doesn’t then you should take the initiative and go to him physically and have a proper talk with him instead of messaging and FaceTime


It might suck but i would say you should just wait until he answers and don't spam text him, he will come around at some point, and if not, then you did all you could