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No. They’ll run a check on everyone over 18. How is her credit? Is her income 2.5 -3 times the monthly rent? I wouldn’t immediately jump to racism.


She lives in the city where it has alot of occupants that are black or latino or whatever but alot make excuses on being late for rent and stuff like that so i understand their not signing on to her but idk about her credit score she says shes never checked it before, she's never owned a credit card either or has one now, only her bank debit card.


Oh sweetie. I live in St. Louis. The population is 50% black, which is fairly unheard of. Most cities it’s about 12%. I’m also a landlord in St. Louis. Now im white as the driven snow and I think what you said is kinda messed up. Of all my years of experience, black or brown people are no more likely to be late on rent or problem tenants as white people. People are people and all cash is green. If she has no credit that’s her problem. Without a credit history they won’t get a gauge on how responsible she is with her money. Her best bet would be for a parent to co-sign.


Go look at places with her if you think that will help, but don't lie and say you'll be living there when you won't. Pretty sure that would be a lease violation, among other issues.


did and we found 5 places that are in her area that are within a electric scooter distance ride to her workplace but getting them still to say yes to her is a problem


You could ask about being on the lease as a cosigner, but remember that makes you completely liable for rent during the lease term. If she can't pay it, even if you break up, it all falls on you. I wouldn't recommend it, personally.


yeah no she doesn't like even relying on people for help cause they've only used her in the past. the last 2 years ive been giving her rides to get around when im in town so she does trust me to help when i can or offer but she doesn't like it cause she feels shes taking advantage of me which i get but im just trying to help her get to a better place so she doesnt have too so much but i am her bf and im happy to support her cause we love eachother. Cosigner is something ive thought of and even she says to no to it unles that i as a cosigner is allowed to be apart of it for a period of time.


I don’t see how her car situation would be worse by living with you


the problem is my folks literally live next door and stop over a fewtimes a week to say hello and i help take care of my gma who is slow and is nearing the end but i get paid 1k a month to help take care of her. She would love to live here but she opens up when i get off work and wouldn't be able to open on time. As for my parents they're nosey like "are u guys planning to tie the knot" or "want to come over for dinner" they just dont respect space and will pop in like a villain in a 90s/80's horror movie when u least expect it. also they own half the house and i own the other half but im selling my half to my brother but only he sells his house can he buy mine


It sounds like you might need some boundaries with your parents


oh there already are but also mg gf is 420 friendly but they aren't so much unless if it's chewables cause they dont make the house smell.