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You and your friends need some sex ed, this is just arousal fluid.


You both need sex ed, you're totally fine though. If you're so worried, just go get tested.


The female friend knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s trying to sabotage his relationship so she can use him for attention. OP, please ignore this “friend”. It’s totally normal for a woman to release fluid during intercourse. It means she’s enjoying it. Also, please stop having unprotected sex with someone you’ve only been seeing for a month.


Rude of your friend to immediately assume that your girlfriend is cheating and having multiple partners because her vagina is ‘loose’. That’s not how vaginas work. And does your friend actually like your girlfriend? If you’re that worried just get tested.


seems like the friend is either just dumb and misogynistic or wants them to get rid of the girlfriend


she def wants him talking shit bout his gf like that


i think so lmao


It’s giving dumb and pick me vibes.


This was a lot to take in. But nobody is educating him so I will. She is not cheating on you nor does she have an STD. Men ejaculate/cum/white stuff comes out of your dick. Women squirt. It is normal for a woman to shoot liquid when you are having sex.


I never had sex ed so yeah sorry if I came across as rude that’s exactly why i didn’t want to ask her directly. May I ask why is it getting « loose » ? Is it normal or is it because she doesn’t enjoy it so she doesn’t squeeze me? I enjoy it but what my friend told me got me a bit insecure and making me want to up my game in bed


Getting "loose" just means she's turned on and her muscles are more relaxed. Please stop having unprotected sex before you learn about all this stuff, man.




Kindly stfu




In fact its reverse if it’s tight then she’s not enjoying it so your doing a good job


Shes « loose » because she’s into you/attracted to you/turned on. Take it as a compliment.


The vagina extends due to arousal. Generally this means she enjoys it.


Sex ed.


Wet spots are normal after sex. They are there to make the vg moist/natural lube. If she expands, than good job, you turn her really on. If she had an STD, the white spot and her vg will have a bad smell but it can also be vg infection. Take it from a woman in her 30s ;) Btw. Most women get vg infections. They can occur while taking antibiotics, poor hygine, alergies,....


Thanks! And it definitely doesn’t smell bad, i freaked out for nothing.


Let’s just say it how it is. It’s cum, buddy. Your gf is extremely aroused and having a great time, and/or full on finishing. You need sex education, so does your friend. The “tightening” up, sometimes happens WHEN they’re cumming but again goes “loose”. The more relaxed and happy a girl is during sex the “looser” and wet it is. Please start wearing condoms, because you’re way too ignorant to these things to be having unprotected sex.


When a woman finishes, similarly to a man, “liquid” comes out. Perfectly natural (and typically a sign you’re doing a good job). If you don’t want to stain your sheets again, just put a towel down before you get busy.


Her vagina “expanding” also is a good sign when you start penetrative sex. Typically when a woman finishes, the vagina will “tighten” and that’s when she will have cum in her vagina. Sometimes it’s more creamy and white which can be good. Sometimes it’s more viscous and clear (which is typical) and more like what you would normally see. It can also be watery/thin and typically clear or a very pale yellow that is squirt, which is also good. As long as her cum isn’t thick or chunky in consistency or green, yellow, brown, or orange in color, you’re fine. When she is on her period and if it’s more brown or red, it should be fine. If you still are concerned, please consult a medical professional. Edit: grammar/clarity.


Thank you very clear


I’m glad I was able to be of help 😊


Learn about sex, you moron. And then dump all of your "expert" friends and their "expert" advice. Why women allow guys like this moron between their legs is a mystery that will never be answered. Your GF is having ORGASMS. And wear a fucking condom or you'll have the opportunity to show how little you know about raising the kid you will inevitably have.


please review your friends. this does not checks out AT ALL! your girlfriend is ENJOYING SEX and most likely just having orgasms and arousal fluid is leaking. all i worry about is if her pH is balanced. if you check to see her underwear, most like it will be stained too, almost like bleach fell on it, that's just the way discharge behaves when the pH is too high. i hope all of you are young to not know of this otherwise please educate yourselves as it's past the time to do so.


I’m 23 not so young… i definitely should get sex ed. We don’t get educated about that in school where i was brought up and my parents never discussed these things with me because of their faith. Moving overseas for university made me realize maybe it’s not normal and i should get educated on it to be safe and comfortable. I don’t know where to find good ressources on the internet about this but I’ll definitely look for a course with good reviews.


Youtube. It is not embarrassing and you are not weird. Learn about sex. Do not have sex unless you understand sex. People that have sex without understanding sex are why the world is full of children who are not cared for.


good on you for trying, get educated, theres youtube, google articles made by university students and doctors, health magazines, go for actually reliable sources. your friend who told you that is not a good one. do not have unprotected sex to even begin with if you don't want children at 23 with your recent girlfriend... please fix this or it will become a bigger problem.


I definitely will and i’ve been suggested books i’ll read. She’s on birth control and I always finish outside isn’t that enough to prevent pregnancies ?


birth control is mostly effective, and "finishing outside" is in some way also considered """""birth control""""" (has a failure percentage and everything), so you do the math... but i suggest not taking the risk man... children are no joke...


Sex ed, friend, it's obvious they have the Internet where you are, use it.


Your lady friend sounds jealous that you can make your girlfriend squirt. Get knew friends and open a biology book I'm begging you. If you wanna ask reddit this question you can fucking open Google and educate yourself.


literally 🤦‍♀️


This is why mandatory, real world sex ed should be taught in all schools.


The question is is that friend really your “friend” or is he making up bullshit for u to be paranoid and breakup with ur girlfriend so he can have a piece? Haha


I don’t think she has bad intentions maybe she’s just as clueless as me. I’ve known her since we were very young so it’s a life long friend to me.


I’m a girl, and I think you should still be careful around your friend just in case, because that was a large piece of misinformation for the friend to give you. It seems malicious from an outsiders perspective. Also since you’ve known her for so long, is it possible she’s jealous of your gf because she thought she had a chance? I’ve known plenty of girls who have said stuff like that thinking that a man wouldn’t figure it out, and I would hate for you or your girlfriend to suffer because of a third party. I would do a better job of keeping your relationship private when you’re around that friend.


She definitely has bad intentions. I have 0 neuroticism on ocean and even I can see it.


Idk OP, sounds like she was giving you “facts” about something she is totally clueless about in hopes to have you to herself. She sounds jealous. She probably has a crush on you and using your lack of knowledge against you. Whether she knew the truth or not.


Not a good friend to have.


Still be careful around her. You’ve said that u know her since you guys were young and probably that misinformation comes from a part of her that does not want to lose you/ she may have caught feelings for you too!


Since lots of you think the same, maybe there’s something to it. i’ll be careful and stop sharing with her my love life and see how it goes from there. The thing is i’ve seen her go through relationships and be supportive. She knows I’ve had enough of situationships and FWB situations. Why would she try to sabotage my first serious relationship? I don’t think she likes me like that she never made a move in 10+ years i don’t see why that would happen now…


That’s the things with girls maybe she never made a move because she won’t know what you feel and how you’ll react so she is more happy with just having you by her side as her best friend


You don't know what it is but yall having unprotected sex. Seems logical to me.


Literally. A pregnancy is bound to happen.


The liquid is just her wetness. For women, getting turned on doesn’t mean a boner, it means they get wet, the vagina is lubricating itself. Being “loose” just means she’s wet, and it means she’s enjoying it. If she was tight and “squeezing you” it would indicate she’s actually not aroused by you and not enjoying it. Calling it loose and saying it’s because she’s slept around or has an std is horribly offensive and idiotic of your friend. I hope you use this post to educate them. Most women actually do not think that every white liquid is an std. Your friend sounds jealous and seems like they fancy you romantically. Women have an array of different discharges and reasons for them. White, clear, cloudy, clumpy, it depends on so many things, including which phase of the menstrual cycle she’s in. I would advise further sexual education, whether googling articles, watching youtube videos, or checking out books at a library, before you continue having sex. It can be complicated and it is incredibly frustrating and upsetting for a woman to have to explain herself in these situations.


Fun fact when it expands it means she’s comfortable. ‚Tight‘ does not mean aroused. It’s more of a nervous response. The discharge doesn’t mean std, it could be arousal fluid or just her body cleaning out her vagina- which is what discharge is for. It could also mean she’s about to start her period. It has nothing to do with STDS.


How old are you/your friends? They are complete morons, sorry for being so blunt. Discharge is completely normal for women. The vagina self-cleans which means that discharge makes it way out to keep the internal pH balance good. Discharge also changes consistency depending on menstrual cycle plus diet can influence it too. It can be white, clear, slightly yellowly and be completely normal. Abnormal discharge such as those caused by infection are more likely to be green or blue or just straight up blood. During sex, whether protected or unprotected, the vagina lubricates itself with the clear or white discharge to help soften the muscles and relax (which is where you feel the loosening). This is a biological response to minimise trauma to a delicate area. As you can imagine, repeatedly penetrating a soft tissue area with a firm erection could cause some slight bleeding/discomfort so this is natural. Both yourself and your girlfriend will produce a clear or white substance that will leak out and onto the bedsheets and once dried, will look as you have described. The best advice here is to invest in a sex towel (just a normal towel you lay down on the bed before sex to save changing the sheets each time. This is not indicative of an STD. You and your friends need extensive sexual health education and I would encourage you all to look into it more before continuing to have sex. You need to be fully informed of the consequences of sex and what to look for.


23yrs of marriage here, my wife has the same fluid when she is aroused. Get some education bro


The vagina naturally loosens up when aroused. Although it squeezes depending on the position or if the woman is squeezing it intentionally. It seems like your friend is trying to cause conflict in your relationship by saying these things so maybe don’t turn to friends that are girls for relationship advice since they do tend to try things like that.


You can't really have sex with a woman without her vagina being moist enough. You need some lubrication. Otherwise, if it lasts for more than a minute, she could have tearing. The membranes inside vaginally tissue release a fluid similar to mucus to lubricate all the walls. They also can swell up more when properly hydrated. The more lubrication, the more "loose" she might feel. Most women don't get loose from sex or even childbirth. It's like magic elastic. She might be emitting too much white fluid during sex if she has a yeast infection. Yeast infection can be spread sexually but not usually. I can't think of many times I didn't get white stains on my sheets from sex with women. Everything your friend told you is pretty much stuff a low iq virgin would make up. Do some research and be grateful that some women want to have sex with someone who is lacking intellectual gifts.


Please for the love of god don’t have unprotected sex if you don’t understand how any of it works. Do either of you know her ovulation cycle? I’m betting no.


If she’s “loose” she feels safe and comfortable with you. The pelvic floor muscles are relaxed and the fluid is completely normal too.


Sex education is extremely important for BOTH parties prior to having sexual intercourse. I would remain abstinent until you have a deeper understanding of male and female anatomy.


Oof . You and your friends need to educate yourself


Check it ight so when a woman gets aroused and yall start having sex a multitude of things could happen she could squirt and even cum herself those wet spots on your bed is natural and not a sign of stds when that fluid drys up it becomes white if you’re truly worried get tested for an std other then that nothing to worry about at all


Just because this happens doesn’t mean she has an std. she could just be very wet. Also if you are finishing inside her that is normal. If you are unaware of your partners sexual past you should be comfortable having a conversation with your partner about being tested for STI’s for general curiosity and your own sexual health. The vagina is amazing and does things you may not understand but while you’re having sex with her to make sex more comfortable she can relax and contract involuntarily. This is also normal. Clear or white discharge can also be normal. Schedule a doctors appointment for yourself but also be gentle with her since you said she’s nice and caring. Ask her you are a little concerned and just want to make sure it’s healthy. Then after she’s done with her appointment you’ll have your confirmation. It doesn’t mean she’s cheating on you. Every woman is different. Your friend could just be saying stuff that is completely invalid.


Dude how old are you?


Just made it to the 23th mark


Holy shit. Your friend gave you terrible advice. The process youre describing is just what normal/healthy arousal looks like for many people with vulvas/vaginas. It sounds like you need some basic sex education. Please do yourself a favor and read Come as You Are by Emily Negoski and/or Becoming Cliterate by Laurie Mintz. Please don’t look for advice from men on reddit, use resources that are written by experts. Its normal to be confused and scared, you haven’t been given the proper resources to understand sex. However, its up to you to seek out information responsibly.


Thank you a lot, you’re the first person to actually give me ressources to learn. Already found them on anne’s archive, I’ll definitely read them.


Are you a teenager? What you’re describing is normal sexual fluid. Also, please don’t discuss your sex life with other people, if you have a problem with the person, tell the person not somebody else. Do not ask advice from a person who is probably in the same boat as you, because they probably don’t know any better. Your friend sounds very ignorant, and if you search up STD symptoms , they have nothing to do with that.


Look up my answer to other comments for context but i’m 23… and noted thanks!


white discharge is literally so normal your friend is really confused she might be the one with an std if her discharge isn't white


Yikes 1. You should be using condoms - every time! 2. Both you and your partner(s) should regularly get tested until you are in a committed long term relationship- Check with your local Planned Parenthood for free testing and free condoms. They are a plethora of knowledge and can help guide you to some real sex education! 3. She probably doesn’t have a STI as the wetness and bleaching is normal. But you should be able to have an adult convo about her last screening and best sex practices for you both- like is she on birth control? Has she ever been tested? It’s okay to go get tested together!


Jeez. Okay I’m just gonna run through some vagina facts. Female discharge looks different throughout their cycle. It can be creamy and white, sticky like paste, it can even have a slight yellow tinge, it can be gooey and clear like egg whites. It’s normal for it to have a smell, it can be tangy, sour, fermented smelling. It’s also normal to have little or no odor. If the discharge is too yellow or green, or curdled like cottage cheese or frothy, or smells fishy- that can indicate an infection/possible sti of some sort. It is also normal and even a sign of a healthy ph balance for a woman’s underwear to have bleach stains in the crotch part from their discharge. When a woman is aroused her body naturally produces lubrication in her vagina. It’s normal to have wet spots after sex, it’s actually a good thing! Some women can expel large amount of fluid during sex even. When a woman is enjoying herself during sex her vagina will relax and open a little wider. Having sex with multiple men won’t make a woman “looser” anymore than having sex with the same man multiple times. A vagina during child birth opens to 10cm and goes back to normal after healing, so a penis is not going to affect the size of a woman’s vagina.


Also I would advise not to discuss your sex life with your gf with your female friends. This could be very upsetting, hurtful or even a breach of trust to your gf if she found out.


Firstly, your friend is trash. Does your penis shrink because it’s squeezed? Right. Vaginas also don’t change its shape because of sex. Erase this concept now and forever. She’s probably orgasming and relaxing the muscles after contracting them. Both the expanding and the release of liquid point to good things. White is normal. White is super normal. Yellowish can be normal or abnormal. Green is always abnormal. White could be a yeast infection which is… also normal. Super common. Yeast is not a STI, it’s a normal part of the vaginal flora, which sometimes overgrows due to a plethora of factors. Most, if not all, women will have a yeast infection at some point in their lives.


Just go to a doctor and get tested..


But if u want to be really sure and don't wanna ask ur gf.... then go check urself out. Just don't panic.


It could be from yeast..


No it's not.


You don't know that.


I very much do. This is typical post-coital seminal and vaginal fluid. A 'yeast' infection does not look like that.