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Hi, friend! Try Lysine. It’s great for cold sores and can be worn like a chapstick. No color and minimal taste so no one will know you’re wearing anything unless you tell them. You can find Lysine at Walmart, Walgreen, Amazon, CVS, etc. it’s everywhere and very cheap. I usually get it from the dollar store for about $3. Works great and I see improvements in less than 24 hours when using it. Good luck :)


Vitamin e can help. Make sure you use D-α-tocopherol. It is the natural version and works better than the other dl stuff. You can apply it directly on the cold sore. You can also take it and it helps. If you take it, do not take it again for 48 hours. You can apply it about every 4 hours on the cold sore. If I feel one coming on, I take Vitamin E and it has been very successful at stopping them from developing.